Let the Franhltli Tifla?s be a " Regular Visitor SUBSCRIPTION' (1.IMI pfcjj T**fc 'wm ill MASON'C DISTRICT MEETING WBTH LOUISBUBG LODGE 50. 413 A. F. & A, M. District Well Represented?Fine Ex ? explication of Work?Fine Ex A General Good Time. ?rile Masonic spirit prevailed la Loulsburg Wednesday at. Ufa District meeting of the nineteenth Masonic District of North Carolina, where the sessions were held with Loulsburg, ledge No. 413. A. F. & A. M. The first communication was called to brder at 11:00 d'cfock by Grand, Matter John T. Alderman of Hender soB, assisted by Grand Sword Bearer, J. Bailey Owen, of Henderson, and District Deputy Grand Master J. Ed ward Allen, of Warrenton. After the owning ceremonies. Mayor, James A. Tdrntjr, very gracefully introduced T. W. Blckett Attorney General of North Carolina, who welcomed the v IB tors on behalf of the town. His address was ime of beauty and hap piness and threw wide open the gates, of thte town an d hospitality of all Its people to the) visitors within our midst. Bellowing Mr. Blckett's ad-: dres?. Mr. 8. P. Boddle, worshipful Master of the ? Loulsburg Lodge In troduced In a few pretty and well chosen words, Hon. Benjamine T. Hoi- I den, who delivered the address of ...welcome on behalf of Louls burg Lodge. Filled with the happy (spirit , of the occasion, Mr. Holden's speech was a gem and was greatly admired by all. In these two addressesof wel come the opportunity was well made use of and no word1 was left unsaid that could have possible made guests feel any more at home and that the pleasure of being the hosts of such an occasion could have been - more appreciated any where. Grand Master John T.' Alderman, of Henderson, responded to the addresses of welcome. His address was one long ,to be remembered by the Urge number present. He dissected jraBonry and its principles In all its ? highest forms and pointed to Instances of which he ha<^ painted such beautiful word pictures, to show the great pleasure It was to himself and the other visiting Mas- i ons to be present on this occasion. | His address was one that makes the higher instinct of man assert itself and from it and the beautiful illustra tions and uloglee of Masonary by the i twS former speakers the truest kind. of Masonic fellowship prevailed. , , The roll call of Lodges was then had , and many splendid reports were made j wh!6h gave a broader idea of the work i that 1? being done by the sister Lodges j of Oils noble fraternity. "The Masonic Drama" an address on the degree work of the order by District Deputy Grand Master J. Ed ward Allen, was of especial Interest to till and was especially timely. It will bo th emeans ot more perfect work of the order that .will wield a strong influence In lis future rapid growth. This ended the morning session and tbe Lodge then went from labor to re freshments. At 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon labor was resumed and the Franklin ton Lodge No. 113 ' exemplified the work In th6 first decree. This was very interesting as the officers In charge were well up on this work and everything passed 08 like a charm. The following officer? presided: B. F. Bullock, W. M. 8. C. Ford, a IT. S J| Cheatham, JWI* Dan4els Trees. D. F. Cheatham, Secy. O. R. Moye, 3. D. C. W. Brown. J. D. A. C swart. 8. 8. R. P. Collins. J< S. O. R. Crews. TOef - The Lodge was again called from t,!*? to retfeehtoeoU aad the spent the erento* to social enjoy At 6:30 a dotch smoker ead w .erred to the Lodge woman??ar ? ..?it attended. Smalt oofil* MM nM were presented t? tbe !IT awSiw HI tjl Oncoming German Mass Bea^English and French Back To Their Line of Defenses I At the evening communication the I presentation of Past Master's Jewels ; by Loulsburg Lodge to Past Masters J. J. Barrow, Ivejr Allen, H. A. New I ell, and J. R. Jones was a part of the erclses. The presentation speech I was made by Mr. W. H. Yarborough, I Jr., who thoroughly thrilled his hoax ars In his manybemuiful eulogies of the soble fraternity and the work of Its Masters. His address was suclk that could' only inspire a neble life and a noble opin ion ?f and respect for the teaching of so gran<| an order as that of Masonry. Mr. J. J. Barrow in behalf of himself and the' other Past Master's made a very pretty speech of acceptance. At this meeting also was given the f the first and third degrees a stereoplcon. These were Interesting, snd instructjve. es In this district are as swell, No. 10 Franklin Sandy Greek No. 185, Hendersoi, bio. 229, Cedar Rock, No. 286, Ionic N4. 337, Henry F. Grainger, No. ?2, YoJhgsvtlle, No. 377. Louls ' urr. No. 419 Evening Star, No. 588, Vaughan, No. n04i J. H. Mills, TJ. D. This was a Weat day for Masonry and a great da? for Louisburg Lodge, who will await a return of the oc casion with much enthusiasm and a warmer if possible, welcome. The Teacher's Institute. Loulsburg has with It as guests of i the town about sixty of the county's teachers this week, a teachers' Insti tute is being held, and enthusiastically [ attended in spite of the fierce heat and dust. Prof. W. R. Mills is conducting the work fn the Intermediate Depart ments, and is at hts best. Work or real vital need and helpfulness is being done, and the teachers will go to their school rooms strengthened, and en thused from the efforts Mr. Mills is j putting forth In their behalf, and the | hearty co-operation they are giving ' him. Mrs. Blalock ot Raleigh is doing the work in the primary grade, and a good time they are having. Theory does not enter very largely Into this work, but real work of the i school room is being accomplished, and many problems are working out into a well organized plan for future work. The people ot the town are , glad to have this body of teachers with them, and have been very liberal with the hospitality, and forms of amusement and entertainment. The Beasley-Alston Drug Co., very kindly sent <Jown complimentary tick ets to their cold drinks, and the Mana ger of "The Movie?" very liberally en tertained them at a complimentary exhibition on Monday afternoon, Supt. A L. Best had to be absent from the session on Tuesday. His presence was missed, and everyone was ^lad to have him back on Wednesday. Installs New Electric Appliances. Dr. E. M. Perry received the past week one of the Joseph B. Fay's im proved Physicians perfect electric Snt flts m d hps installec It In his offlce <|P Market street. With this machine he K prepared to treat with electri city ail diaoasee responding to it It is als* equipped wit)) an Xray de vice which will be of wonderful aa slftapce In the diagnosis? of broken bdttes. dislocation, fractures, etc. The new machine is quite an ad dltloiuto the Medical advantages of Loulsburg. Rev. John Hewett wttl preach at 8t^ Paul's Eplsoopal church on next Sun day night at 8:00 o'clock. This Is his MOond visit to Loulsburg and those wtbMs pleasuhre It was to hear him fesitore will reoall that he U a speaker ot rare ability. The public is cordially I to attend this service. f' Arm. '?% John the little aoa ot Mr. aad Mrs. It N. Williamson, had the ***** letting his left arm broken at the * at a ball game FrJdW, by fall off the ?eats m MM, 1 '-T* NAMUR AND FIVE FORTS ARE FALLEN SATS BERLIN French Army at Muelhausen Quickly Transfered to the Mease to Try and Dam Up the Flood of Teutons Pouring In With Paris As Their Goal?Lord Kitchener. Warns England That the JTtmost Sacrifice Will Be Necessary If England Is to Survive?The Russians Make Progress on Eastern Frontier and Cossack Cavalry Does Execution?Japan Expects to Declare War dn Austria Next. The French commander has withdrawn his forces from the territory recently occupied and is massing them along with their British .allies, in a strong line between Maubeuge, on the north, and Donon, on the south, a distance of about 200 miles. The allies; having abandoned the offensive, according to offi cial announcement will assume a purely defensive attitude, in the hope of checking the advance of the masses of German troops endeavoring to break through the line. A combined French and British force is holding the front Givet, along the river Meuse, about thirty miles below Nam ur, while French troops command tlio roads out of the great forest of Ardennes. Upon tWe ability of the allies to hold the Geminns. the French war office admits, depends the fate of Franc?. Announcement is made that British casualties in the recent fighting number 2.000, Field Marshall Sir John French, com mander of the British forces on the continent, reports tl">t tl"> withdrawal of lYs troops to a position was successfully ef fected. 'English Army Enlarged. Earl Kitchener, Secretary of State for war. announces that the 100,000 men as\ed for in the instance have joined the colors, apd declared %hat reinforcements to the British arni will steadily and surav increase, until there will be a British armv in the field, whiwi "in number will be not less tlmti in quality and number unworthy of the power and responsibility of the British empire. r-1' Benorts from The Hague say that the Germans who have been massed in large numbers along the Dutch frontier have disapneared and that the mobilization of- the Dutch army has ceased. Muelhausen again has been executed by the French. Namur and Forts Taken. Berlin Aug. 25.?Bv wi'-ele^ to tl><> Associated Press hv way of Nauen, Germany and Saville, L T.. Aug. 25.?An official an nouncement made public here savn that the city Namur and five of its forts have been captured by the Germans. The bombardment of the four other forts continues and their fall seems imminent. - ?> French Deny Report. London, Aug. 25.?9:16 t>. m.?A disnatcli to the Exchange J Telegraph Company from Paris sayst it is denied at the French capital that the Belgian city of Namur has been taken by the Germans. ' -- ? All French Army to MSuse. Paris, Aug. 25.?12:10 a. m.?The war office has issuer! the following official announcement: "The commander in chief, requiring all-available forces on the Mense, has ordered the progressive abandonment of oc eupied territory. Muelhausen again has beea evacnatpd.''? . - Fate of French in Balanoe. "A new battle is in progress h<rttoeen Manbfcugo and Donon. On it hangs the fate of France. Operations in Alsace alnn<r the Rhine would take away troops on which might depend victory. It iS necessary that they all Withdraw from Alsace temporarily, to assure its final deliverance. It !6 a matter of hard necessity. Position of Troops. "West of the Meuse, as a result of orders issued Sunday by the commanding chief, the troops which are to remain on the covering line, to take up the defensive, are Inassed as follows: ''The French and British' troOpB occupy a front near Givet, which they gained by hard fightfffg. They are holding their adversaries and sharply checking their attacks. "East of the Meuse our troops have regained their orisrinal positions commanding the roads qflt of-the_gre*t forests rcn-j nes. "To 4he right we assumed t.h<5 Offensive, driving back thp enemy by ?"vigorous onslaught, But General Joffre stopped pursuit, to re-establish his front along the line decided 04 Sun day. In this attadK otQ- troops B&CQMft admirable dash. The sixth corps,, notably inflicted punKhmem bn the enemy tlose to Virton. ' ? ^ Combined Attack Begun. "In Lorraine the two armies have begun a combined attack, one starting ftpm Grand Couronne de Nancy, and the other from sonth of Lnneville at the tim^of writing. The sound of cannonading is rtot heard at Nancy as was yesterday." -V Germans Driven Back. v 1 London, Aug, 25.-^10^58 p. m.*?An Antwerp dispatch teathe Reuter Telegraph Gtaapany -says that early today 2,000 (Jer mana bombarded Malines, 14 iniles southeast of Antwerp. TV? hundred houses weTte partly destroyed. The Belgians made Iri energetic connter attack and drove the Germans hack as far n Vilvorade. Losses on both sides were considerable. V Germans Resuming Offensive. London, A trg. 25.?11:07 p. m.?Germans in the north appear to be resuming the offensive, according to an official sent fWPfcrls by th^Bentar <yAfepandent. The adds, however that thi ?-movement was stopped by the French ction with the British. troops, making a "surprise sortie from Antwerp, tO th^BeuterT Continued on page Wgmui'H Missionary Society. The study circle ot -the Woman's Missionary Society met on Monday afternoon at the Loulsburg College, with Mrs. Ivey Allen. IThe meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. R. Z. Egertori. A new book, :"The church of the open country," has been taken up for study, and its first chapter was discussed, much Interest was manifested and the meeting|fvaa a very Interesting one. Several items of business were brought forward and settled, after which cream and cake were served. The next meeting will be held three weeks later with Mrs. L. P. Hicks. Afternoon Club. On the beautiful lawn. surrounding i her home, Mrs. L. L. Joyner, on iast Thursday afternoon very charmingly | entertained the members of the Tues ! day afternoon Bridge Club. A Delightful game was played, after which the hostess served a dainty i salad course. 1 Those present were the hostess Mrs. L. L. Joyner, Mrs. S. P. Boddle, Mrs. Felix Allen, Mrs. Jno. King, Mrs. Maurice Clifton, Mrs. S. S. Parham, Mrs. James Allen, Mrs. Bennett Per ry; Mrs. Garland Ricks and Miss Elea nor Cooke. Picnic at YannN Farm. At Vann's farm, near town on Fri day night, the young men of the town 'gave a most charming moon-llght i picnic to the visiting ladies of the ; town. I The guests went over by automo biles, leaving town about '7:00 p. m. A more beautiful place could not have been selected, an'elegant supper 1 was served, picnic fashion down by the beautiful spring house and the guests then did what seemed to them | most pleasant, rovHng on the lake, making an excursion over to an Island In its midst and rambling along its margin being some of the favorite pastimes. Everyone enjoyed the evening to the. fullest extent and reluctantly turned homeward about 11:00 n'ciock. I I SOUTH CAROLINA VOTERS I REPUDIATE BLEASISM. Fire Eating GoTernor Defeated by *~ Senator Smith by Majority of From Eighteen to Twenty Thousand In Primary Tuesday. Columbia, S. C.t Aug 26 ?Ellison Durant Smith was renominated for ' United States Senate from South Car olina over Gor. Cole Blease In Tuesday's democratic primary by a majority of between 18,000 and 20, 000, according to partially complete' returns received here tonight. With | a total vote of more than 123,000 re ported, Senator Smith received 67, 634 against 52,387 for Governor Blease. L.' D. Jennings pojled 2,282 and W. P. Pollock 1262. With from 5,000 to 10.000 votes still to be heard from. It is not ex pected that Senator Smith's lead can be reduced to that point ..where a second primary will be necessary. Richard I. Manning, Robert A. Cooper, and John CL Richards are leading tg tha'OcHMSytfcrtha gubor natoral nomination, although the of ficial tabulation probably will be ne cessary to determine which two of the candidates will enter the second pri mary September 8th.. Late returns tonight idlcate that all of the representatives in Congress from this state were renominated. Loal8bar& Baptist Charch. Public worship Sunday H;00 a. m, conducted by the pastor. The- night service will be In charge of the B. Y; IP. U? and the following program will nbe carried out: 1 Scripture lesson. V Introduction .. . .Lillle May Ayeoold fc'Why 1? need to buHd ohrfreh j^duses on l?ralgn fields.. lake May. Why we mtyt have schools on oaf *?'sion fields .. .. i? M* at the Printing - MUM*.. - -Ianl^l Utttl anrt tha aa helper* In LOUISBURG MARK LOUISIJURG <TOBACCO IRKET WILL OPEN OX TH F.JfBKB, Klverslde and Farmer? Warehon wm Open on Sept lftth, and Hart's War?jhou?e on the 16th. As will be seen from the several f** nouncementa In this Issue of the severt al Warehouses the tobacco market ilt Loulsburg will formally open for tli? sale of leaf ? tobacco on Thursday; September 10th. A full crops of buy ers will be on hand as announced b our last Issue and It Is the opinion of some who should know that the -weed Is going to sell for fairly good prices. The managers are exerting especial efforts to give every attention and ac j comodatlon possible to those who pat ronize this market and the town as a whole Is heartily in accord wit a them This will result In many advantages to those who come to Loulsburg this fall with their tobacco and other pro ducts. The Riverside Warehouse will be run this year by Messrs E. S. Ford & B. N. Williamson, who all thlough their experiences In years has been short they have proven themselves worthy of the large paronage they have enjoyed. They announce that th?>y will have a full corps of em ployees who will see that every ac commpdation possible is given thoso who attend the sales. The Farmers Warehouse has been incorporated as the Farmer's Ware house Co., and will be run th}s year with Messrs. S. S. Meadows and J. N. Harris as Managers. These gentle men. who have been engaged in the tobacco business together in Louls burg for the past twenty years or more, need no introduction to you. Their knowledge of tobacco and the way in which to handle It is of the best and their efforts in the past has been crowned with ^appreciations from many patrons. They will have with them this season' Mr. Charlie Johnson, an auctioneer whose ability Is well known by every patron of this market, and Mr. G rover C. Harris, whose work on this market has been a credit to his ability, w(U have charge of. the hooks. The Harts Warehouse will be run this season by the Fanner's Union of Franklin county, and will have Its op ening sale on Tuesday. September 15th. This house will be in charge of experienced and accomodating gen tlemen, who will look to the closest Interest of the farmers. Mr. W. H. Jenkins, of Henderson, who has bean long' In the tobacco business wjll liave charge of the house j?Wle Messrs H. E. Hlght and W^D. Fuller, two LoulS burg's most popular and experienced young men, will have charge of the books. As auctioneer they have se cured Mr. E. H. Boone, of Lexington. Ky., whose reputation in this line la that of an expert. This will be a new firm for this season and they feel very c much encouraged over the outlook for the fall business. As a whole the Loulsburg market is better prepared this year t? handle the tobacco than before In- many years. Besides having an additional ware house open to the convenience of the puMlc there will be additional buyers, buyers will have many orders and It la expected that the market will be quite lively this fall. Look up the advertisements of the From what we can learn $ach of the several warehouses In tW? las?? and re?i_wh?t they have to eey. The Plerelag Arrow"Kale. The Piercing Arrow sale at' Cand ler-Crow?U department store opened yesterday. For the put several days they havatwen busy makjBf the many display* ait various dreaa. fabric*, mll lffiery etc. and aa a raault hare a itdre faaiitlfgDy J From their two pa?* la this U?ne you will reduced prices on many : wfll ba-yonr InUreat 1HWf w MM

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