Let the Franklin Times be a Regular Visitor to your Home. ??i . v" * -J TME BEST N ME IN EASTERN CAROLINA A. t. JOHH80?, KDITOB AMD KUfAGEB. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. - ? subscription sum peb ^ ' 1 ? ,y." ? ' VOL. XLTV. LOUI8BUBQ, N. O., TBSDA1, SEBTEMHER 11, tflj. . ; TOBACO MARKET OPENS Hie SALES AND SPLENDID PRICES Nearly Sixty Thousand Pounds Sold ?Both Break aad Prices Much ?ore Than Expected. The opening sales of the tobacco Warehouses In Loulbburg yesterday wore the center ot much ' Inter est as many- people, both grow er* and buyers from other coun ties and markets, were present to watch the beginning of the Louis burg, market. As nearly as could be estima ted there was nearly sixty thousand pounds on the floors of the two Ware houses and when the sale started at the Riverside, which had the; first sale, much Interest was manifested by *11? the crowds balng so danse that It wis Sd to get a passage through.' The Ing was lfotly.?nd a most promls lag feature ot the sale was the wflltng *e?8 of all the buyers to take a part ' of the weed. The prices were consi dered to be especially good by a large -aumber of splendid judges and as they expressed It "better than they expect ed to see." There was possibly a dif ference In the prices paid this year as compared with last year, but there la also a difference In the quality ot the tobacco and in the minds of many the difference fa quality fully offsets the difference In prices. However an In crease oinlhg counties. The sale was a great success In the face of the conditions that have been so much discussed, and brought back to our people the familiar scenes of fall life. ' f s ? The Louisburg market will always do full Justice to its patrons as its Warehouses are 1& the hands of com petent and experienced men whose ambition it Is to?et all thsre Is for the grower. Coming to Loulsbnrg. The well kaiown Qeorge Wazo showB, which was advertised to per form in Loirtebnrg under canvass a week during the past summer and _t which cancelled Its date on ac count ot a protracted meeting that was being held at the Baptist church will arrive in Loulsburg on next Mon day and give several performances during the week. Look up their ad vertisement in another column for other detailed information. This ebew bears a splendid reputation for giving a clean, up-to-date performan ce. Touiffsvllle Tobacco Market. We call 'yoor attaatfon to'.Ure q,uar er page advertisement on another page of the TOimgsvUle tobacco mar ket, which glvea you much informal tlon as to their opening and other' features interesting to you. Look it up. The Warehouses there will be run by tha same man you have known for many years and who are familiar with all the conditions to make It satisfactory^ you. . *: ' i ? Womb's jflhlrtMty Society . On MaWay afUrpoon Mrs. R W. Hudson e^^Japtist Worn afrkfVT TM* to be held tha last of the month. * A taw other items of Wines? .were brought bator* U? Mn*? and settled. Ik. Mrs. W. E. Ussell asked tha society to 'imaet with * J * w" ??aiirle idlpurned t? ihwk? trtir?' " V r War Summary of lut Dar*? De . Telopments For The Fast Week. Sept. 8. Capital of France tempor arily removed to Bordeaux Russians enter Leihberg, the stronghold of Galtcla, after one of the most notable fights In history. The battle line ex tended 300 miles and. 1,600,000 men were engaged In fight. Allies forced to give back before Jerman advanced on Paris. Japan lands troops In Chinese territory'.; Sept. 4. Enemies of France nearlng Paris, only thirty-two miles off. Presi dent Polncare moves to Bordeaux with his cabEnet. Aeroplanes of -Allies over Paris watching tor bomb throw ers. Turkey mobilises her troops, and prepares to enlist with Germany. Sept. 6. Russian General Staff re ports capture of Lemberg after pgtgrchlng battle of 147 miles and that the second Austrian "Army Is com pletely crushed. English recruits near half million mark and Asqulth pleads for more. The Englteh Prem ier tells how children of the empire are rallying toward the common mother. War cloud has now envelop -ed all of Western Asia, and Japan Is ready to send fleet and troops there to attend to the bloody Turk. Pro vince of Klao Chow has been isolated for days and no news comes, of con flict there. Sept. 6, Allies pledge themeslves not to make peace separately and to light the war out to the bitter end or until Germany is humbled. Russians surround Austrians' at Lublin. Ger man aid to their ally arrives too late in Russia Poland and Austria Star of hope Is glimmering. Onslaught upon Mallnes, Belgium, checked by opening of the dykes. Sept. 7. The British light cruiser Pathfinder struck a mine In the North Sea and was blown up. The Allies claim to have driven the right of the Kaiser's force to a point on the River Ourcq, sixty-seven miles from Parts. It is announced by the German Gen eral Staff that Emperor William is directing the attack on the fortifica tions at Nancy. England has sent her fifth army across the channel to re inforce the French. A great squad ron of aeroplanes Is being rushed to the Continent to assist fn the defense of Paris. t Sept 8. A news dispatch from Berlin says a battle- Is being fought on the French center from Rethel to Verdun with the opposing forces on almost equal terms. Reports from other sources, while falling to reveal the purpose of the German strategy in moving a great force to the Southeast of Paris, indicate a determination to deal the Alllep a crushing blow before the complete investment of the French capital 1? attempted. German pres sure on the left wing ofthe Allies has been withdrawn a and apparently the main strength of the invaders has been thrown against the enemy's cen ter and right. The Italian socialist reform party has formally declared for Itallhn neutrality. Candler-Crowell Big Sale. The big sale that has been going on at Candler-Crowell's big department Store (or the paet two weeks and which Is now In progress l's meeting with much success. They have offer ed the' people many wonderful bar gain*, "Which hare been appreciated aa shown *by the big sales each day. The sale Is being conducted by Mr. W. A. Wilson, of Spartanburg, B. C. who is jtn artist In his > profession. Ste ptana of introducing special feature* meets the popular MWvrtrnt\t the pablVvwho gather tn great untnwra. Your attention la again directed to the advertisement of thie progressive firm wh?ra you wfll Had that there stQI re mains a few more days for yon to eall and take advantage of the great op portunity they are offering. Inla's Lover." "Lucia's Lover," a most lntemtlng and miHh provoking farce in three will be presented it the Ofara LMlabarg, N. C. on next night at 8:00 o'clock by at* ft Loulsburg's young ladles. The ad ? be SO cent* fqr fSSerTe dar^JS^Sng rtalnmant lh?t all It tiraa'entsrtaiaaenVj enjcIf and a 1 ante Wwd' Is pit+ Jfaett? at bandelTs Cikj*T. 'The mdattag, which was poatpox weeks sgo on account of the busy ?* win be?* th?+j tfrwm o'clock. Preaching each night duringthe week. Germans Evidently Losing Ground MANX DAYS YET BETORE THE BATTLE IS DECIDED. Silence Reigns Over Death Grapple of Russia And Austria, In East Prussia the Russian Advance Has Stopped to Await Result of Other Great Battle?German Emperor Sends Per sonal Message to President Wilson, Declaring Allies Use Dumdum Bullets and Defending the Burning of Lauvain. London, Sept. 9.-9:40 p. m.?Ttye allied armies continue to have the advantage, according to French official reports in what only can be the preliminaries of a great battle extending from Meaux, northeast of Paris, to the fortress of* Yerdon, about 200 miles farther east. . The Germans, who have thought up reinforcements, are strik ing at the allies' left and cenjtef betWeen Montmirial and Vitry Le-Francois, a front of from fifty to Bixty miles, but each time they have been driven back. Germans Attack Like Ram. . This is not surprising elieved some of the edga has borih takftn off the German de fensive, it is not all probable that# has been removed General Joffre, the French commander in chief, however, has won some points. He has gained the time he required, is in bet ter positions, and has completed his concentration, so that he is believed to Ijave a fair chance against the invaders who have hewed their way from Mons to the gates of Paris. XT Russians Make Progress. The Austrians and Russians are still battling in Galicia, and although Russian official circles are silent, reports from Boni? which generally have been ace urate, coming as they do through German or Roumanian sources, indicate that the Russians are making progress against' General Auffenberg's army, which is being supported by Gentians. ' ? ' ? Some doubt is now expressed as>io-whether the Russian en veloping from the south of Lemberg can be developed quiekly enough to cut off the Austriamrshould they be defeated by the Russians advancing from the north. But should the Austrians be defeated, as Rome says, this second army is likely to hasten General Auffenberg's retirement. Pause in East Prussia. There is still a pause in tlie operations in East Prussia, doubt less due to a paucity of troops on the part of Russia, which al ways has had difficulty in transporting troops westward. Be sides, the defeat they suffered in the fighting betweeen August 21 and August 27th, may temporarily have taken the sting out of their attacks. English Pouring In. ' - India alone is sending 70,000 troops, "Kitchener's pets," as they have been called since Field Marshall Kitchener reorgani zed the Indian army. They include the army of occupation and the native forces,- The later a?e to be oomman?Jed-by their princes and chiefs. k Besides-this, India is to pay the ccet of transportation of her troops to Earope, and the Indian princes are sending rich gifts to the war fnnds being" raised, in their own country and Eng land., The dominions and the colonies have placed their ships, men and money at the disposal of the home government so that tie whole forces of the Empire have been recruited against the enemy- ~ " ? -7? ? - 5 The report that a,great Russian fore** had gone to join the allies in France, seems tO have arisen from the fact th^t Rus sian reservists from England, the Raited StateB and other I countries wfio coh^fnoFget to th?ir own country, joined the French army. 1^ the United Kingdom, recruiting continues, ^fen are join ing the colors by thoueaiods. ^nd it is expected tha^ Lord K|t chene's half million men will have been obtained by the end of theweek. r i which England is faowtis.lhat of caris^/or the thousands of .refuses driven out of SmtapL A splendid organization, however, has the-matifr in hand, and as the gees come in th?y are sent quiokly to different parts of the coun try, where hospitality awaits thenj. One: baiftt brought 'J. ,000 from Ostend today. M?ny of these refugees landed with all . their worldly pos sessions in bags or paper parcels. A s t ri king f eat u n ? of the ar rivals was the nwnW of widows and little children. . Graded School Open?. The Loulsburg Graded school ex perienced the most successful opening last week In the history ot the Insti tution. y Nearly three hundred students were enrolled, and the work began with unusual zest and Interest. Prof. Scott, of Slloam, N. C. suc ceeds Mr. Edward Best as principal of the High School and has already proved himself a leader and teacher of ability. ? Hiss Eliza Moore, of Greensboro, takes charge of the fourth grade for the first time and Mtf Onnle Tucker 1 of Loutsburgjias charge of the higher first. These new teachers made quite an addition to tha faeullty ot school and are gladly welcomed by the school and community. The town at large is rejoicing In the fact that Miss Georgia Joyner has returned to her home again, add will take charge of the tiny tots of the first grade. ... . Mr. W. R. Mills, always the most zealous of Superintendents, seejms to have entered Into this new term with renewed zeal. The teachers haye caught the spirit of his enthusiasm and an excellent school year is ex pected. Hale-Snead. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Manning on Cemetery street in Spring Hope on Wednesday morning at 10:15 o'clock. Miss Jesse Snead of that place and Mr./Emmltt Hunter Hale, of Loulsburg, were happily united in matrimony by Rev. Walter M. Gilmore, pastor of the Loulsburg Baptist church. The spacious parlors had been beau tiful decorated and arranged^ and at the appointed time the bride entered upon the arm of Mrs. David Manning, being followed by the groom accom paned by Mr. J. R. Bunn, of Loulsburg. They met in thecenter of the room and took their position in front ot an inprovised altar amid a number ot friends who had gathered to witness the cerettjcroy, where Mr. Gilmore, In a' rfltratitaprfce, were happily united fa. wedlock by Rer. W. M. GUniora.' Only the Im mediate relatives and a few friend* Were present. ? .v Cggt Adjenra?. ,.v, Tb? of rrankjte S\* periorCoart t+top to a cloee on Wed n?^?* moral**. aft*. dlpDo?lnr^?f; praetleanj eyery eaae oCKthe docket. of any to the people as being a moet ablejartot and it* ?fy aerrloe to Fr&nUth County.as w- \f|| practically cleaned tke docket, a con dition that has not presented Itself to M^ tnaome tftae before. BIG BARBECUE DINNER DEDICATE SCHOOL BdLDDTO A" Seve, P*fc. Friday Fine Speeches by Snt *"* ?d Ber. W. M. Gflmore. It was a real pleasure ta be amoag number 'ttt Seven Path, Academy ?n Iaat Friday when an ad ?""?n to the alreadyv J?n quipped Academy was dedicated 1*. order on aUch ? ^ been thrown aside and? Z ?*??! took on informal features, whluTZ ded greatly to the plewure 07 "d the crowd who lid Z wltnea, the occaalon was tavit* ? ?Ide the large and roomy -audltirto where the exercises began. ?"ter some splendid iaatriUMntei music, the committee ??! Messrs J. m. Sykee, B, B. Moore'aart . J' ,?Tk6a' ,r- Presented 8upt Jfac with the additional building WhofeL ceired it in behalf of the Boa^W ,m"Ca ?n' 3nt>t' Be?t In accepting the Improvements made use of the oanor "nity to pay a most fitting tribute to this splendid community and In traj,^?'nt,6d ?ut a very strlkftig con trast between the educational con ditions of the present and ten years Before"'8 "f"""*158 was much enjoyed. Before concluding he Introduced Rer Naslon ?h'6 ^ 1,16 8Peaker ?f the occasion, who came forward and for an hour held the closest attention oj hearers in a most Interesting and Instructive speed, ?e strong appeal for higher education In a most understandable and effect ive delivery that will necessarily bear food fruits. He decrared that " large per cent of great men in all 'ere once "sons farm . ? Came general'y from the Sa Jd 8UCh 8eCtl0ns " 8we? Paths and supports hfe argument with facts so positive and that no doubu could remain. He completed bwe ?o7h8 W'th a ***** ? l*5e..to People of Seven Path, neighborhood in h?ii7 tog they had erectSTfKlI^ln^?,^" of their children. - *-# ?*?WB At the conclusion ct Mr. Ollmore'? T n*"' hy request announ thf ? f*ner WOn,d 66 ">"<*? on the grounds; that all present were to o, s: spread. Therefore the throng, po?. ciwl, Z60 hQndred 8tt?n?- were ea corted to the rear of the building where . committee of cltisens had tera'ly loaded a huge table with an the best kinds of the most appetl? ng edibles, lncloding the always ^corned barbecued pig. Xt ,m! Possible for one yho partook of thla bountiful repast to do it Justice in words, as his Inner man was so well satisfied that nothing but personal reelings could understand his an preclatlons for so a great treat There was plenty tto spare and we *" ?"V ftreat ??ebt of gratitude to the good people of Seven Paths for at least one square meal. '' ' The dinner concluded the of the day and all went home glad that It was his or her ptauSre to be there on this occasion. ,. Tbel 80,1001 building ?s,ln a moe* ideal location, belng^ptaoed m>on th* top a beauUful mound and 2S.' S historic Seven Paths, being about fl? hundred yards from the act^l^! tag of the roads, from whence ft taken lte name. It now has three larger class rooms, and well furnished and equipped. It also has the cloalc rooms, and the two larger rooms?, so arranged that they can be thrown into one large auditorium U u ? credit to the district and a m^ZZnt to rural education. nt Catah Hotel nU v Uf. IL^Tftbori. who hu been oa the looKoofrvtoc the theft or th^afM tIclen *t the Hotel ample room Intc the pwt few month* succeeded in reooTer^ic to the "Mati toy- I Si 4aK arrested with trtme of ?rttelee on and a search ot *1*1 by officer Hudson brooch t oot ?erar the vartioolmr cm? *u i>f MTWl tha itaadiar I ! '. ^???j