50 Ladies Ready h These and huudreds of Childrens Ready-made School Dressess are now ready for you at oar } store with prices made low, in view of low cotton ' ? m . ? ? ? V ? ' r v r U4i J# F?M Millinery ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SEPT. 24AND25, .Ttft.' . . ,'j ? v,. *? ^..000 people In one ce^ty against typhoid in about three month? la a toe record. That la Just what Dr. fi. E. Washburn, whole time county health offloer In .Nash county, reports. During the month of Au gust he Immunised 1,531 people. The people of Nash county as well aa their health officer seem to realide more than ever the real value of a health officer In sarin g lives and preventing . sickness. The results of only a few months of thia kind of work are be- ' gluing to show In /he decrease in tin typhoid fever season, there were ty. On August SI. at the height of th? ytphoid fever season, there were oaly sixteen cases la the entire com munity. This is said to be much leas the special work againat typhoiA, the Nash County Health offi cer during the last month vaccinated lty- igLv people aplist smallpox and treated twelve for hook tmlned four apecl Mkt of sputum for tuberculosis, gave eleven lectures on health subjects, be sides doing the usual work formerly done by the county- physician, namely, visiting the Jail and county home and making commitment examinations for the State Hospital. The story of the progress of health work is best told In '.he closing para graph of the August report of the Health Officer, whore he says: "C1H sena In all parts of Nash County are liertoailng Interested in public health war*, aa is shown by the large atten danoe at the diapenaartes.. The health officer is constantly called up on to gl'ae advice on problems relating to the betterment of sanitary condi tions about the honiee and places of work, and the demand for literature on health topics Is also increasing. Theee things .show that Nash County to the point where the the aia*. Dow mm. gggmS&vt ? p?-?h? COLORED BETTER BABIES I Big Health Ceatest at State Fair First of its Klad. A colored Better Babies Contest! Think of It t Hundreds of little col bred babies of all alxee, kinds and descriptlonsat the Colored Stat? Fair the last week of October. Hardly had the first, day of the white Better Ba bies Contest passed last year before several* of the enterprising colored people began to aak how they might hare a colored Better Babies Contest, bnt the time wss too short for such a thing then, and It bad to be pat off Un til this year. -?? The colored people mean to have a sure enough Contest this year. They have already arranged with the State Board of Health to leave all the para phernalia and equipment from the' white Better Babies Contest over for the use of the colored babies. They have arranged with the Womvn's Home Companion to award gold and bronze medals and diplomas to all prtse-winnlng babies, and certificates of award to all babies entering. As in the ease of the white Better Babies Contest, there wfll be none of the old time fancy dress, pretty lace or beauty show about the Contest. The hundreds of colored babies will be weighed, measured and examlnedT point by point, by colored doctors and trained nurse?, to see how they cor respond with standard weights and measures of bsblss for that i These weights and measurements and all other points will he carefully re corded on score cards, and each baby wlU. receive ^ score, mark or grade. Where any physical defect of any kind is found, it will be pointed out to the parent and the mesna of rent ed jfln g It explained. Only bathes between the agea of six and forty eight montha may be enter ed. No charge whatever will be made for entering. All that isHecsssary Is addresaMaggle L Oapehart, *10 Bast Davie Street. Ralelg, stating the name and aq of the baby and the date at which it la expeeted to attenflM Mr. Upon receipt of this Informs ear* wtB be 1? wlll admit (ha baby to the Contest Short Tu I?. Loans aa Favorable Tama Apply to J. N. C. \ Tobacco Board of Trade Reorganizes. The Loutaburg Tobacco Board ol Trade met on Thursday afternoon of last week and re-organized tor the coming tobacco season. Mr. H. A. Carlton was elected President, and Mr. 8. T. Wilder, Secretary. Mr. E. W. Glass was elected Supervisor of sales with Mr. T. W. Webb as his as sistant. and Messrs. E. S. Ford, J. B. Thomas and S. T. Wilder were made an arbitration committee. It was de cided to hare the sales start each day at 10 o'clock and sell on all days through the week except Saturday and Sunday. The publication of a lot of sales cards was ordered and have been distributed. Wiwii The first application of Sloan's TJnlment goes right to the painful part ?It Jisistratoa without rubbing?It ?top* the Rheumatic Pains around the loteta aad (tna relief and comfort D?*t suffer. Get a bottle to-day! It is a medicine tor all pains, hurts, bruises cuts, sore throat, neuralgia and cheat pains. Ti m*a*s latrtlM Mr. Chaa. H. Wentwortk, California, writes:? It did wonders for my Rheumatism, pain ts gone as soon as I apply It. I recommended It to ?ty rieads as the bast rialaicat I erer used." Gaar antecd. 25c. at your Druggist. Alaiaat Serious. What came ndiar being a most seri ous accident on last Saturday morn ing while Mr. K. J. Perry was cross ing the Charts bridge on his Kay to Henderson was only averted by the calm action of the horse, when the horse stepped through the flooring of the bridge with a hind and front foot at the same time. The horse re mained perfectly still until Mr. Perry could get out and unhitch him and summon assistance.- The horse man aged to get out by himself and re ceived only a few scratches, but Is very badly bruised. Chamberlain's Llahaent. L If you are ever troubled with aches, pata? or soreness of the muscfes, yo? will appreciate the good qualities at Chsmbwiifat JJntmt. Man/ suf ferers from rheumatism and solatioa have uaed It with the beat results. It Is especially valuable tor lumbago and back. Por Sals by All Dealers. On* OH "MOMO QUININES" PILES *, REPORT OF The Bonn Banking Company. At Bunn In the State of North Caro lina, at the close of business Sept. 12th, 1914. Resources. Loans and discounts .. .. 119,503.62 Oyerdrafts . .-".T...... 206:33 Banking Houses, Furniture and Fixtures .. 1,017.20 Due from Banks and Bank ers 1,500.73 Cash Items .. .. .. .. .. 241.85 Gold coin 202.50 SllTer coin. Including all minor coin currency .. .. 93.66 National bank notes and ... . other D. S. notes V 154.00 Loss and gain .. . 7.80 Total $22,933.59 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In .. .: $10,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid .. 242.95 Notes and bills redlecotin ted .. 2,500.00 Time Certificates* of De posit .. .......... 702.72 Deposits subject to check 9,444.91 Cashier's Checks outstand ing .. .. ... .. 43.01 Total 122,933.59 State of North Carolina, County of Franklin, so: I, B. B. Sykes, Cashier of the above named bank, do solmnly swear that tba aborve statemei t lc true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. B. B. Sykes, CASHIER. Correct-Attest. J. M. White, D. T. Hollingswcrth, J. H. Weather*, ? * Directors. Subscribed and sworn before me, this Hth day of Sept 1914. I- - ; .' : ~ C. H. Hallwi. Notary Public. My Commission Expires March 4th, 191*. TW aiMtMrw, WattCTotbewIe? SlMll by the wonderful, old MiUbl* Dr. takfl Antlxptlc Hctlloi OIL It Mlirrtt rilaail 1?r ^1 'm Ot.ttt.PM ColypticBarber Shop Our fsar barber* are an anuta, we give 7?i what yed wast aid shave aader pleasant NiAUai, electric faat, day mmt Oar bath n torffa?. Ia wkise tke frie k heap to altow yea to ? iflwa. Tea are ant Wtlktns i Sicgall REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF I ' The Bank of Yoongsvllle. j At Youngs vllle In the State ol North. Carolina, at the close of business Sept. 12th, 1914. Besoarees. Loans and discounts .. $72,676.(2 Overdrafts secured .. 86.00 Overdrafts Unsecured .. .. ? . 193.71 Banking Houses 1,758.00 Furniture and Fixtures .... 1,210.00 2,968.00 Demand loans .?*?',610.00 Due from Banka and Bankers 6,498.50 Gold coin .. .->? 420.00 Silver coin, Including all minor coin currency., .. 216.19 National bank notea and.. other D. S. Notea 1,458.00 Total - 984,125.82 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In .... *5,000.00 Surplus fund 6,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid 5,000.00 Dividends unpaid 395.00 Bills payable 5,000.00 Time Certificates of Deposit 31.440.8S Deposits subject to check.. 30.910.9fi. Cashier's Checks outstand ing .... ." 1,207.11 Total. ? . m.ijnttfc Stats of North Carolina, County of Franklin, ss; L J. A. Will lame. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the abbv* statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. A. Williams, CASHIER. Correct- Attest: \ F. A. Cheatham, I. W. Mitchell, - I. C. Medlln. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 17th day of Sept. 1914. Geo. N. Stell. ** Notary Public.. My Commission Expiree January 7th, 1915. Nsttee. _ Having Qualified aifr BXbustor of th* estate of LowDavtt, deeeased, lata of Franklin county, this Is- to notify all parsons holding claims against sama to present them to the undersigned on. or before the 2nd. "Sky of September 1915, or this notice win be plead In bar of their r soever/. All persons owfag said estate will oome forward and make Immediate settlement This September 2nd^l^4. Stokes, Bxtr. SURVEYING 1 Kindt, Leveling, PI and Estimates B. B. Egertou CHOICE Cut Flowers FOR ALL OCCASIONS Roses, Carnations, .Violets >and Vallles tbe leaders. Our try in wedding arrangements are of the latest touch. Nothing finer in floral offerings to be had. Blooming pot plants, Acahas, Hyacinths, Palms, Ferns. Norfolk pines and many other nice pot plants Rose bushes, Evergreen?. Shrubberies, fledge plants and Shade Trees. Hail. T legraph and Telephone orders promptly executed by J. L. O'Quinn & Co. - JRaleigh, N. C. Store phone 42 Greenhouse phones 141 TH* WEDDING PHE8ENT ... MOM M3UI2 v Bentntaff An*. 15th, I tkat I will do a cut bail MW#. 8? pletM