Letth?Frai<otimM ? I 'be a Regular Visitor to your Home * - .. 1 ? ' (. p. johhson, editor aid kahacbb. -k 1 THE COUNTY, THE ST^TE, THE UNION. THE BEST AOVE MEDIUM IN EASTERN CAROLINA SUBSCRIPTION I LOO R1 TUA VOL. XLIV. . N, THE FRANKLIN TIMES, 7BIDAY, OCT. 9,1914. ? NUMBER Si V ?????A??? i ?? i i ..i - SUSPiaOUS MOVEMENT OF GERMANS Causes Much Alarm Among the Allied Forces on the front ?EJUEAK .aimhip. OYEB. IRS _LAJfD EMTLNEHT.. .. Tke Investor '.?( .Z**UI*. Wa*?U# Fnahtt Emperor William to P? tem tke -threat Week" IMA ke Expect? of HtB?flliliklat to ClMt Esreleplag Flu irUeh ku Stretch ?d too far ob left Win??Big Smip Ing Engagemeat Between Artillery London, Oct. 7.?The most Import ant development qt the fighting In Prance Is the reported movement of & German Army, said to be 20,004 strong, southward through Belgium fcr way of Temple Nauve and Tournai la the direction ot the French border. Berlin military critics predicted re cently that the allies would meet dis aster il they stretched their line on the left wing too far and it is be ttered here that the Germans are aow seeking" to crash the enveloping Moveqjent which has been closing around General Von Kluck, the com mander of the right Wing. With the exception of the' left wing of the allied army where there is reason to believe lively actions are being fought, the great battle front In the western arena of war may today be described as a gigantic "sniping" engagement in which rifle men have been replaced by heavy ar ,tillery masked along the heights of the Alsne and the Mueee. These des ultory artillery duels seem to have suc ceeded the desperate infantry charges during the early stages of the bat tle. ? One result of Che present stage of operations has been a very apprecia ble diminution in the casualties. Ob servers recently at the fro^t de clared the allies are well content to play this waiting game; they now outnumber the Germans and for that reason can give their ^roope rest while the Invaders most keep their men constantly In the trenches. The latest official Puis communi cation declares that the situation in this locality remains the sama bnt admits that the fighting along the left wing north oC the Olse Is becom ing more M4 .more violent. Cahn prevails In the center with the alliea gaining a little. ground In the north ern part of the heights of the Muesse. Count Zeppelin is at Wllhemshaven on the North Sea, where tils staff is wotklng day and night preparing a great German air fleet, presumably for a raid on England. "?* Following England's lead in the North Sea, where she felt compelled to imitate the German procedure of mine laying. Prance has announced a similar course In the Adriatic where several trading ships have been blown up recently by mlneq^ Tokio, Qc^,7'.?pelief was expressed at the war office today that the Ger man cruiser Connor an and two other German gttnboats had besn sunk la RtaoThow Hay. Tbe Japan ese amy has occupied the Shaa Ttfnf! railroad as far west at CI.In "Kan:-"' London, Oct 1.?(8.18 p. m.)?In a dispatch from The Hague the cor responded of tSI Daily Express says German newspapers reaching there Indicate that Count Zeppelin is now at Wtlhelmhaven,on the North Bea, with his staff. Wtthelmshaven is the point from which the great alrahp rsld on the British Isles Is expected to start. One of these papers publishes an Interview with the Count tn which he is quoted as saying that he had not forgotten England and wouM prove It very soon. It Is also reported, the Express oof respondent continues, that Count Zep pelin wss summoned recently by tar. peror William to Mains. His Majesty said to the Count that he railed on tilm for great work and offered to 1uUU htm commander In chief of the .Ger man air fleet The Count smilingly refussd. but said he wotifl accept the title when he returns# from Eng land. __'The Zeppelin staffs are working day and Alght at Wllhelmshavsn and J another station ' 1? being established at Bmdea for other types of airships. French VTlaged This Oae. Pasta, Oct 7.?A dispatch from Troy?#, France, to the Havas Agency states that an announcement cornea from Retail ly-Sur-Selna, a town S3 northweet of Troyes, (hat the brougkt down a Oerman aero plane while it waa flying over that city. Official silence maintained (or the past IS hours over the Allies' opera tions sin Northwestern France ba broken today by the official set forth that the left wing of the Allied army was extending more and more widely; that strong forces of Oerman cavalry had appeared In the vicinity of Lille, In the department of Nord;' that between the Somme and the Otse thejre had been alternate advances and wtthdralals and that a Oer man attack near Lasslngly had failed. North uf Polssouu the Allies have ad vanced. Thexjremalnder of the front shows no change . The disclosure that the operajtlons on the western end ort^e great bat tle line have reached the vicinity ot Lille, places the Germans In strength at a point eaaly Within 10 miles of the Belgium frontier. Taking Lass ingly as the elbow of the French bat tle line, it now extends roughly for 80 miles due north and for consider ably over lOO.miles from Lassingly to the eastward. In spite of the fact that the French yesterday were compelled to yield ground before German attack on their left wing, confidence In the ultimate success ot this flanking movement In favor of the Allies Is described In French military clnlese critics refuse to attack any importance to the set back announced In Paris yesterday. Great Britain also is described as op timistic concerning the nature ot tUe revelations when the curtain ot sec recy drawn aside. No confirmation baa come from an; German source of the reported rem oval by Emperor William of Field Marshal Von Moltke from the poet of chief of the German genMal staff and the succession by Major General Von Veights-Rhetz. This story was received In London last night from Amsterdam. General Von Veights Rhetz, according to an official an nouncement from Berlin last Satur day, was recently appointed quarter master general of the German army tn place of General Von Stein, who had been given command of an army corps. The Japanese navy department, in explaining the occupation of the Ger man island of Jalult, one of the Mar shal group in the South Pacific, de clare? the move was made tor military purposes and not for permanent oc cupation. . I w. , ' "? f The day so tar haa brought no news from operation? in the eastern are?] of the war, although the Ger battle of . vaster proportions than- the one in Northwestern] Prance la said to be about to begin. Emperor Nichols is at the Russian front and the impending combat mar become at supreme Importance. Twenty-four American nurse# and six doctors, members ot the Red Cross units assigned to Russia, are at Stock holm, Sweden, on thel/ way to Pet dro grad. Aforce of 90 French architect? and 3*000 workmen stand ready in Paris to go forth tisdo the war sone to re pair damage' done by shell and flame. f - J /.JI?**; V. t- ?:0 ? tg French troops are well established In 41?' v