"?FRANKLIN TIMES t f,- JMKOH. EAter ud Kua^r ?M Tear, ........ ?LM tke cost of neutrality rana | high. \ Chiiia lUndi a po s the brink of chop I under-a bushel. Hare neither light | nor buaheL The tombstone Industry will be | looked %p soon. Sage Advice. Do your Christmas | ?hoping, before Christmas. .. One mure means of stirring up | trouble la to tell the truth. 8erioualy, we hare not the slightest | objection to the return of prosperity. China's neutrality doeant prevent Japan's lopping off an occasional | ?lice. Business is on the rebound, but a I few longer leaps would be quite ac- | ceptable. Another shock! We'll need a ne dictionary In order to define "inter- | national law." The conflict In Europe shows signs j . of becoming quite as serious as martlmooial war. That foot and mouth disease Is a bad one, but the hand to mouth d 1b- | ease still-has the call. "We feel'Just a little peered at the government for overlooking us in its | Income tax assessment Indiana has produced a freak of a man whoTiaa never asked for s feder al Job. Head of the class! One European grave is six feet wide, six miles long and contains 40,0001 eorpsee. And the dance goes on! European belligerents say they doot want gray horses. And the | horses retaliate by saying it's mutual. In Switzerland a woman miner digs for wealth in the ground. Over here she digs Into hor husband's pockets. Situation In Mexico at the minute at going-to press: ?!-(b:,!_;)*-:!!! -:,*.;-?!!. (Subject to change without notice.) The United States may be deficient In armament, but when it's time for eannon to roar jre can at least trot out Uncle Joe. Now that the federal reserve banks are open we are expecting a tremen dous upward movement In the sub scription market. ,? -v" The Queen of Belgium is reported tn be quite a, dog fancier. And yet the dogs are/ there are said to have all been eaten up long ago. That dollar you are carrying around in. your pocket would buy 62 Issues 3f tbfc paper, and those 51 Issues would contain about J100 worth of bralu balm. Wis* up! George Fred Williams says he eama ?ear being King of Albania. Too mild, Georgia! We came near to be ing King of our own household, tart.. .. ..!!!!! Some people never hide their llghta A long eared contemporary says ''man's mission In life is to pay for what women want" In which man is signally honored, yon old duffer! "General prosperity Is at hand." say the wise mms in Washington. The old boy wil^ receive a wild and wooly welcome In these parts, whether he be General Prosperity, Colonel Prosperi ty, or JtoOMgjMd Pros. * Committee met lathe a "a rooms Tuesdhy nts tor the meet f In Loot sbnrg on Saturday, Decei b# Ith. The programme on this | consist of three flne speech of tke States best spe of whs? ?nd Utair] annoonOaA^jh ?? The meeting jriH to? called I at 1:00 o'clock and preparations will btvMi for u naMMiicro? 1 ?i- ????*? 1 to Invited snd you an ? - * : Atlanta. O*-, JtoTWuber 17,?"If yom complete a hnmf, bol U -It *OWi" MOTS The A&nta Journal "Don't pat It off for business to get bettter. Times will get better ? but not imwiirlly for building." Tke Jounajt'?hea qaotee u follow* from "KiMn*, ? building authority: ? "Right now every contractor 70a meet to In position to give yon a fl.15 return for yonr money tor mry dol lar forested and for two masons. Be can buy material comparatively cheaply and pat good workmen on your Job far the same naey that In rush times goes to the incapable man. furnishing fifty percent efficiency. Good lire times are ahead and a? a word to the wise that they be fore headed and build now for a $5.000 house today in lees than a year will cost ?6,000. "Even if higher rates of Interest hare to be paid for money now," Keith's comments, "A ?5,000 house on 7 percent money for a time to much better than the same house coat ing $1,000 more next year at a lower interest rate." { "It to now in the matter of building indeed a case of come early and nal. "For the rush la certainly on the avoid the rash." concludes The Jour way and will be here as toon as the war depresssion has lifted and It to already clearing rapidly. The man who builds now will not only make money for himself but will help the general situation by putting money in circulation and providing work for men who are now idle. WDson fib) Weds In New York City. Wilson. . Nor. 23.?Messages re ceived her Saturday tell of the mar riage tn New York City last Wed nesday of Miss Lola Wells, of Wilson, to Mr. Fred Choate, of Los Angles, Cal. The marriage came as a sur prise. Miss Wells went to New York on a shopping trip, accompanying her sister, Mrs. W. R. Mills, of Louis burg. The groom, to well known here, baring visited friend' on several oc casions. He to an attorney of ability and it iwiia' eapetleit tint during the coming winter the lyuTiage would take place, although no announce ment had been made. It seems that Mr. Choate was in Philadelphia and when he learned of the presence of Miss Wells tn New York, he tele graphed her and met, arranged for an immediate maiptege, and tbe ceremony was performed at the Broadway Tabernacle Congregational i church. . ...... Hiss Wells has s large connection throughout this section and Till be greatly missed in social circles Id Wilson. She was president of the Daughters of he Confederacy last year and deeply interested In relig ions and eharlt^-sMr&t Without returns* to Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Choate nl go to Los Ange les. , List of Letters. The following is a U*? of letters re maining Ita the Poet-Office at Louis burg, N. C. not called for Not. 27tli. 1*14. Miss Moriler Coley, Mr. Ham Deton, Miss Florence Green, Mr. J. M Hag wood, Mr. P. W. Peck, Miss Alberta Rnsle, John Sweapp, Miss Hazel Wilder. Parties calling for <he above let ters will please state that they saw them advertised. R. H DAVIS. P. M. Honor BgU The following Is an honor roll of the seventh grade of the Louisburg Graded school for the week ending, November 21st, 1914. / Misses Mamie Perry, Mildred Spen cer, Eva Clay, Sarah Young, Lacy An drews, Esther Andrews, Francis Bar row, Kathleen Fnlghum, Messrs Nap ier Williams, Hill Yarborough. Usles We are requested to state that there will be a meeting of the Franklin county Farmers' Union In Lonlsbttrg on Thursday,. November 3rd, 1914. All locals are requested to sand represen. tatives as officers for the ensnlng year will be elected on that 'date. T. J. Harris, Pres.* J. C. Jones, Secy. I hereby give notice that ny land -adjoining the lands of Dr. Jacksor. and C. 9. Karris are posted Sfcnlnst hunting by day or night with dog, or gun. Anyone violating this notice will be dett with aeeordlng to UW. T, M ' T -a; Putting ta K team Best. The Members of the Loulsburg Baptist' churtfh til* squlpptng ths? be pst la pl?ie? wfUd* (he next tow 1114, the people t munlty ' them Rev. Xsaae Rldgeorest, N. C*, Secretary of th?j People? "Union a) Ollmore, of the Uxli church, who 1* .on* of t dents of the State B..T. Uwi In organ lming^ ? Baptlst|Young, People's Union. ... i . Bin. Ollmore mado a Terr latcrc-ot ln( talk on work after whMh Mr. lloor*. who la a Tory able an<>lnter eating speaker, exptaned wfcy we should have a B. T, tew to have one. * ' " There was so much Interest aroused anions the youngpeople that thty pro ceeded at onee'to organise with twen ty-two members. The following offi cers were elected: r- ' Mr. T. H. Sledge?President;Mr L T. Bartholmew? Vice-President: Miss Daisy Dean?Secretary; Mrs. E. S. Fulghum, Corresponding Secretary Mr.- Alford Dean?Treasurer; Mrs. T. H. Sledge?Organist; Miss Mary R. Stalling??Librarian. There are several reasons why ft community should have a B. Y. P. U. 1. Beacause It grows out of a necessity realised by leaders of the church of God. It Is not simply by young people but for young people. It Is the leaders in a church doing what needs to be done for the young people 2. Because It is educational. S. Because It is spiritual. 4. Because it is social. 5. Because it keep? youns people from drifting. Why do youngchurch members drift. Because the church offers them nothlhg of activity or in terest, provides nothing to counteract worldly temptations. The world bidi and offers them attractions that satis fy and hold. 6. Because young people are the only material out of which old people are made. 7. Because it goes down deep en ough to get the Juniors. 8. It Is practically. It works! It does what the church needs dono? equips members for service. It is the church doing, church work of the highest type. Corresponding Sec. J antic** Items. Our farmers are quite busy hous ing their cotton and corn and working np tobacco. It snowed just enough here Friday to remind us winter isnt tar off. Quite an Interesting entertainment was given at the Academy Friday af ternoon by the first, second, third fourth, and fifth gradea^/^the c^Qfe Miss Nola J. Wright, our ntasic teach er recite! fn her beantm^ ai^d Impres sive way "Mud Pie)|," .adn>Jsslori teo Ave cents. The collepfinri will go tQ pay for black boardj. " f Mr. Bob Harris tM got his new automobile. -/ ^ Miss Anna While la-vistting' Mrs. Charlie Whelesa. 3? '* . Miss Bailie Haytp sprat the week end with Miss SteD?* Hayes. A party of our young people took a trip to Naahrille Thursday afternoon. We are glad to say llams, who waa stricken Sown so sud denly two weeks sgo, seems to be tn) proTing. We have been having splendid crowds at boh ojy^tojj|jrt **<?1 and prayer meetings. We are glad to see it and hope It will continue to be so. Sunday school every Sundfcy at 10 a. m? Prayer meeting 7^0 every second and 4th Sunday nights. ' The Justice Sunday school has or ganized the Baraca and PhHatha? classes. We Invite all who will come and join. Misses Bettle and Annie Wilder took a trip to Mr. Troy Wilder's near Wll der's Friday afternoon. Miss Bettle Wilder attended the Champion-Williams marriage Sun day. Miss Maggfo Alfprd, of Seven Paths, and Miss Minnie Wilder of Wilder'?,' were guest of Miss Annie Wilder 8unday. Blue Eyes. Vapor Treatments for Cold Troubles Are bow used is' all hospitals. Tka ?spor* carry the medication to the Iiumb aad air passage witksut disturbing tha Visit's "Vap-O RoW* Croup and ovtr the throat ?of Menthol, 1 phor, and Plaa ?eat, of Oe U la flfl 2ZS 'WR'SttJSV, __ WKMsstmd ?>.: Mai' > j; i um: h* ? l'U . *?? ?i)TWJ i* -*? <k*-< AV t j, ,>vw; iiv iv... C ' f.. -. i if t? . ?.v.vrtifciv.l UIJ 1 ? ,?a..vS?w*4.J . ,-?*? - ? ?;.+.' >' .. ft>y ? We Appreciate The Bustaessffflyen Us Our Many Patrofis . - ? ' ' ? 'y iv,-. . :, . ' " ? ' y Daring the last few weeks an unusually large number of customers have come to us, whit h shows that the people know where to find the strongest bank. There is a very large property responsibility behind this bank, the kind of property that yon can see every day and know where it is. As one merchant recently remarked, >4so many people are patronizing the Farmers National and calling for checks on 'that bank, that we hardly need any others." If 7 . 'z..,.-'"'-' ' ' . * Our Business is Growing Every Day, and We Are Giving Our Best Atten tionJuojMakef,This[Bankfof the Great est Service to the Public. The Farmers National Bank Louisburg - North Carolina wov iv A Few Facts r ?. .? ** . ? ** vi? ?ar*! 7$ f^r FACT Iff Women buy their dreu (roods at this store becaMgjilie* kwbw they get reliable goods? '? *" j ? -*-*?- -*- 1 * Vl? ?-"-""Stwear and wash?because __ . , . u?g Just as good?because y B? most for tneir money?because they tne?J. Utfcir frienO* here?because they simplr lile to trade here.*- k T- ? T S5S." ' ? / FACT Jr loa know that when we sell you'a'suit ?I clothes or an overcoat, or anything in the men's lilmitMst line, it has eo?t you lets money for the sama article than you would have to pav any where else in this cbmmanity. That is why so many people buy them, from us?sinrply a case of aare FACT 3: Both men and women and vonnger ones, because they know tbey can rely upon ever; pair we sell?because tbey know We back up every pair we sell?be cause tbey knew there is not a better shoe tor the money to be found any where?because they like onr shoes ami they like our prices. yr FACT# And everybody knows that there are many?a very great many?articles of all descrip tion! to be obtained her? at the minimum of ooat?articles gw* are needed every day in the year and on which von can alwava save a little by buying them here. And these few faeta tell the story of the popularity of o?r store and of onr success In tbe mercan tile field. And we don't know ot any better advertisement. . - ? . ? "i-:- I ' I. J. Dietz Company Outfitters For The.Whole Family LOUISBURG, North Carolina Keep m Touch With the 5 and 10 Cent ; Store for Xmas and Holiday Presents ? ? Mb warjpricea, and yon can get the things you want to please all the tonfily. ' YOU-ARE' CORDIALLY INVITED TO'Sfiife 'tiMfctoU

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