Let the Franklin Times j be a Regular VUitor to your Home ' THE BEST IN EASTERN CAROLINA A. V. JOHNSON, EDITOB AMI) MAN ACER. - ? - SUBSCRIPTION ?1.00 PEK YIAB THE OOTJHT?, THE STATE, THE UNIOK. ; . ;i,? , Tf. O. TBIDA^DECEMBER. 4 1914. NUMBER 42 KESITLTjOI 8TBUGGLE IN BUS SIAN POIAXD 8TILL HANGING IN THE BALANCE. Hn( It In Learned that Gefnan General Ha? "Saved Hi? Army" Which Was Encircled by the Enemy) Heavy Losses Reported on Both Side?; Developments Elsewhere. London, 1:66 p. tq., Dec. 2.?In a dis patch from Sofia, Bulgaria, the cor respondent of Router's Telegram Com pany says reports reached there that the situation In Setvlals critical. The Servian army, it Is declared, has been withdrawn from Belgrade and telegra phic communication betweeh Belgrade and Nlsh, the present location of the capital, has been Interrupted. London, Dec.' 2.?Russian Poland la still the center of Interest In the war situation, so far as military opera tions are concerned. Reports from the rival headquarters indicate that any decisive result on either side Is still In the balance, although on the face of tho known facts the conviction Is growing that the German General Mackensen has done at Lodz what Haxalne In the Franco-Prussian war failed to do at Metz, saved his army after It waa encircled t>y the' qnemy. But It Is equally clear that th? Ger man tatlcal plan for the taking of| Warsaw again has failed, according to the prevailing opinion in England. Whether a counter Invasion of Silesia has been rendered Impossible for tho present remains, to be seen. Little activity along the Austrian front is reported, An exception Is tile assertion from Vienna of an Aus trian victory with the. capture of quantities of prisoners and muni. ^ tlons of war along the southern line, but there is nothing to indicate that Russia has given way In her evi dent Intention of Invading the rich German provinces by way of Cracow. Later official reports from Vienna point out that the fighting continued in the Carpathians. t Servla eyes are turned hopefully in the direction of these mountains; in the exception soon of seeing a Russian force under the walls of Budnost. This would relieve the pressure being exerted against Ser-, via by half a million Austrian troops who have forced the Servians back Into strong defensive positions within their own borders. HeaTy Losses lieported. Army quarters in Berlin re ports a desperate three days' battle tn Poland, accompanied by a suc cessful effort on the part of the Ger mans to break through tire Russian ring. The German report admits heavy losses but say there is the consolation of having Inflicted se^ vere punishment on the enemy. According to dispatches reaching here from Petrograd, Lowloz and Lodz still are critical points in the fighting in northern Poland, > where the final decision,when it does come, bids fair to be the most momentlous of the whole war. Petrograd puts especial emphasis on .the capture of German ammunition barges on tho Vistula, river near* Plock as indicat ing the cutting off of a convenient peanB of communication with the German armies In Poland. Meeting of Reichstag. In the political field today's meet ing of the German reichs^ag is at tracting much attention. Many mem bers of the rtrtcbstag a large number of them In uniform, already have gathered In Berlin In anticipation Of this Important session which, Tt is expected will approve a new war loan. A Quiet prevails along tho western front, but alarming news has been received In the form of a report of a serious epidemic ofetyphold fever In the Belgian army. Box Party. "We are requested to state that a box [ .party will be given at Seven Paths i Academy on Friday night, December) ,11th. The proceeds Will, be for the) benefit of the sehdol. H* everybody *o out .and assist in till* rfi^vement. Fine Display. The display of canned vegetabl >1>1.N and fruits at the Scoggln-Egerton Drug Co., by the Franklin County To /mato Club girls Is a fine exhibit, and does great credit to their effort?. It is the same display that took the prls? at the recent State Fair. Book Club. On Tuesday afternoon M.-s. R. C. Beck at her beautiful home on ohurch street entertained the Tues day afternoon Book Club. The parlors were artistically decoro ted with ferns and chrysanthemums, the prevailing colors being green and fellow. The meeting was opened by roll Will, efcch member responding with some current event?. . Mrs.6. J. Parham read an excellent paper on German life, Mrs. S. P. Bod die a paper on Geothe and Mrs. Uzzell gave synopsis of the life of Mendeis Bohn. After this very interesting program a five course luncheon was served. Those present were ihe hostess Mrs. R. C. Beck, Mrs. A. H. Fleming, Mrs. S. P. Boddle, Mrs. S. J. Parham. Mrs. Weyland WatBon, Mrs. W. E. Uzzell, Mrs. W. E. White, Mrs. J. L. Palmer, Mrs. B. G. Hicks, Miss June Furgnr son, and Miss Salll'e Wijllama.' - The Club also had with them as. gnests, Mrs. George Cralle, Mrs. A. J. Cooke, Mrs. Malcolm McKinne and Mrs. Reginald Reith of Richmond, V*. Marriage Licenses. The folowing couples received mar riage licenses from Register of Deeds Yarborough during ' the month of November: _ White?H. P. Leopard and Ella Vaughan, E. A. Rogers and Alma Hlghtj Elmos King and Florence Roe Spurgeon Ray and Ella Harris, Tom Jeans and Zelma Champion, Arthur A. Plnnell and SwaMnie B. Edwards, N. S. Tomllnson and Eva Allen, N. F. Winston and Minnie Lee Alley, Robert Moore and Cora Weaver, H. M. Cham pion and Salll? V. Williams, Frank Gay and Rosa Pearce, Richard B. Gill and Viola L. Mitchiner, Major Gupton and Nannie Gupton, J. D. Teaguc and Burla Shearln, Luther Johnson and LUlle I'earce, Geo,, W. Allison and Mrs. Ida Downey. " f Colored?Ernest' Allen and Berta Hartsfield. Dorsey Blbby and Ito Fogj', Arthur Kearney and Mattle Tabom, Dick Egerton and Mary Lou Davis, Jim Yarborough and Lucy Lawerence, Reul Brown and Susie Wright, C. T. Cooke and Bethenla Mitchell, WlUio Clemmons and Gertrude Neal, Joe Webb and. Mariah Davis, Sandy Jones and Alice Green, Garland Jeffrey's and Carrie' Gill, Daniel Hazelwood and Ella Sledge. John Williamson and Lizzie Dent. ? < . Debate at Bunn. We take pleasure In announcing the debate between Loulsburg and Bunn High school to be held at Bunn In the school Auditorium on next Saturday night. The query will be resolve "that prizes should not be offered in schools."- Loulsburg will debate the affirmative side while Bunn will take the negative. The debatora for Bunn will be Messrs Tolniadge Moses and Clyde Moody, and for Loulsburg; Fuller Cooke and William Collie. This will be a most Interesting evening as the class from Bunn has an enviable reputation for its ex cellence In debating and Loulsburg has a team that will do honor to Itself and Its school. Play at Seven Paths. The play, "Stick to your Word Gal" will be given at Seven Paths Academy on Friday night, December 8th. Ad mission 25 and 15 cents. / . .. After the play refreshments will be sold. The proceeds of the play will be used to buy desks for the Oak Ridge school. That of refreshments for Seven Paths Bchool. Lucy E. Wlggs end Pauline Smith, teachcrs. Vocal I'nlon. A most enjoyable occasion was had at Newhope church on Sunday, when the Vocal^Unlon was the order of the day. Quite a large number were pres ent and the singing was grand. Din ner was served on the grounds and everybody thoroughly enjoyed the day. Woman's Missionary Speictj.^ On Monday afternoon the study circle of the Woman's Missionary Socicty met' with Mrs. K. P. Hill For several months fhe Society has been studying the book "The Church Sf tl>eg>pen country" This book was conlpleted at this meeting and a genera^review and debate will be hail at the ne**meeting. A new bo&k for the next quarter's study was agreed upon and money 'tollMtM for uuuiow _ Ae details of the Bazaar to be held on Wednesday and Thursday were discussed and'planned. Retfeshmen's were served and the circle to met t*o woeka later with Hfcs, W. E. White. V COUNTY PKlKiUEHM DAT To Be Held oil Saturday In v. Court House. The County Committee on Com munity Service week have ar ranged the following program for County Progress Day, Satur day, December 5th: ? Program. Meeting called to order at 11:80 in the Court House by Chairman T. J. Harris. " Prayer. Song?Carolina, by the audience Preliminary organization. Re ported'Supt. Best on school work^f the ?ounty Three ' minute discussion on all subjects- pertaining to the prSfcress 6f the County, by all who wish to Join the dlscuslon. Address?Stronger organization of Farmers and Town Interests, with closer co operation," Mr. W. H. Yarborough, Jr. Address?"A County Farm Life School," by Mr. C. E. Mcintosh, of the State Department of' Education. Adoption of motions and resolutions. Appolntmqpt of Committees. Adjournment ? Baptist Missionary Society. The Study Circle ot the Baptist Woman's Missionary Society was en tertained, on Mondal afternoon by Mr*. Jno. Howell Jr., and Mrs. James Col lier, at the home of Mrs. Howell ,on Kenmore Ave. A lesson from, "The Child in the Midst" was recited by the Society, and* the afternoon's special subject was "The Home" Some Interesting, and helpful discussions ensued and Miss Edna Allen as class leader proved herself one of much ability. At the close of the lesson Tuti Frulties was served, and the Circle adjourned to meet next Monday with Miss Onnlo Tucker. Those present were the hostess and Misses Edna Allen, Sallie Williams. Onnle Tucker and Georgte Joyner, Mesdames. Stovall, Uzzell, Fleming Fuller Hudson, Bobbltt, Gilmore, Un derbill, Cooper, Ida Hale," Sfdney Hale, and Hunter Hale. Basket-Hall. Quite an interesting game of basket ball was played in the FarnferV Union Tobacco Warehouse here on last Saturday afternoon. The boys did good playing on both sides and the game resulted in a score of 8 to 6 in favor of Maplevllle. The line up was as follaws: Ingleslde Position Mapleville I a* ft Field Joe Hays .. Clyde Harris ^, Right Field . Dallas Dement .. .... . G. M. Beam i Center F. B. Scruggs .... ... .Willie Fuller ^ Left Guard Paul Edwards .Alex Wilson Right Guard Dave Ellington Hugh Perry Umpire?W. Beasley. - Family Gathering. Quite an interesting and attractive family reunion was held by Mrs. M. E. Foster at her home on Thanksgiving day. Members trop*" each branch of her Immediate family were present. A geriuine'old timely Thanksgiving dluJ ner was served and enjoyed in a very hearty manner. The year had brought a number of changes to the family and several vacant places, especially that of a dearly loved sister brought its Heart ache a^d sadness, but all were thank ful to be yet spared.,their life's?work and filling their places in the fiearta of the loved ones present. ? The day was one of much pleasure and all trust Mrs. Foster may see many more Thanksgivings and be able to iiave her family with her for many more years. . , Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cooke of Wilmington, Mr. Eugene Cooke and Miss Mary Llnnie Foster of Ingleslde antf Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Cooke and Miss- Loulia Jarrnan of | Louisburg. Thanksgiving Party. , An occaaipn matked by its congen iality and much enjoyment of those present was one which began on Wed nesday preceding Thanksgiving, aod. closing tho succeeding Monday at the home oT JSt. and, Mrs. W. J. Macon a few Mies N'orth of this city. Really It w?? a repctltloii'of the house party, 'which was held'durlng the past sum mer. This time, being given in honor of their sons. Willie and Wilson Macon, In absence of their daughter, 'bailie Louise, Misses Lonnle and Susie Meadows acted as hostess. Those present, never lacked for en tertainment as' there had been ar ranged a program of continual amuse ment, Thursday and Friday were rays of muoh liveliness. The former wa^ celebrated in the usual manner, the turkey, of course being the center Attraction, for the young ladles. Frl 'day was. featured by a rabbit hunt, and according to reports of those In the party,It was * thoroughly enjoyed. The party attended a basket-ball game on Saturday and returned home pre par?LJgr the delicious O'possum supper for them. After supper they were entertained by "amalc, Those taking part In the music were:'~"Ml8a Sallle Young Davis, Messrs Marvin Ellington, Joe and Jessie Mitchell. The young people In the party were ^not selfish with their good times aa |wa? proved by the number that came ? to take part in the week-end enter tainment on Saturday night. There were no less than fifty whef came to enjoy the hospitalities of the Macon bouse. . " The attractive young ladles in regular attendance were: Misses Lo nle and Susie Meadows, Mattle Allen, .Mamie Hicks, of Loulsburg; Jennie boutherland, Henderson; Myrtle Allen As tell. The youna/men present were: Alex Wilson,Mrfpleville, P. Bobo Scruggs, RiiUteffordton ? Willie and Wilson Macon. Methodist Bazaar. On Wednesday morning a large en thusiastic throng of ladles and gentle men were seen swarming Into the offices of Mr. J. A. Turner when the Methodist were holding their annual iwiQ^r. The number variety and beauty of the articles on exhibition were simp ly bewildering but the sales were quick and thrilling. By noon only a few of the hundred articles remained and the candy booth had brfen emptied and refilled a number of times. Thfcre was Do Impression here of "War Times" and seven ccnt cotton, but tkere w?a on exhibition what the people wanted and they got It. Among the crowd were seen members from every chnrcli in town, all giving their support and help to a cause in which all alike are Interested. Two hundred dollars were realized from the bazaar and on Wednesday night a supper was served In the sam? rooms and on Thursday a dinner was served. The returns of the supper and din ner have not yet come In but the ladies feel very grateful for their large patronage and fully repaid for their many efforts to make these "(fays a succcess financially aB well as a time of much pleasure. Episcopal Bazaar. On Tuesday of this week the ladles of the Episcopal church held a most attractive bazaar, so many articles or beauty exquisite daintiness, usefulness and value are seldom seen at one time, t"*"' A large crowd filled the rooms throughout tho day and the articles sold readily. ?.' The question, "Which church is folding this bazaar?" was heard a ..P.UPUtesr of times during the day and really (t was a question easily^ asked, as Episcopalians, Baptists* and Methodists vied with each other tn ) making the occasion a successful one, [ as Indeed It was.. One hundred and ten dollars were taken In andL will be used for the benefit of the Episcopal church.. It was a day long to be remembered by the lovers of beauty and fancy work. The ladles appreciate the liberal patronage received and will look back upon the day with distinct pleasure. Auction Bridge. T>n Wednesday afternon Mrs. R. C. Bock dntcrtained . the Wednesday af ternoon Bridge Club for "Mrs. Jolm YarborouRh. An excellent game was played, after which a dainty salad course was served. -Those present vyere the liostessoa Mrs. R. C. Beck -and Mrs. John Yarborough, and Miss An ,nle Allen. Miss Eleanor Cooke, -Mrs. J. 11 Palmer, Miss Annie Qreon, Mrs. Olem CrQwell.' Mrs. Ben nett Perry, Mrs. S. P. Boddle, Mrs. Garland Ricks and Mrs. Joe Mann. The Invited guests were Mrs. Georp? Cralle and Mrs. A. J. Cooke. TOBACCO MARKET ' Prte?* Have Taken u Decided Ad ranee the Last Few Days. Prices on the local tobacco mar ket has taken a deSlded advance the past few days and havp been the cause of much better sales. Right much of the wced?has been sold and the plan ters express much satisfaction with theft* results. Several of the head buyers of the Tobacco Companies were on the sale? here Wednesday and added much strength the market. Let Loulsburg sell your next load. Mrs. Joyner Entertains. Franki in ton, N. C. Dec. l._On Fri day night, Nov 27th. the home of MK and Mrs. A1 s. Joyner was the scene .ofa very merry Thanksgiving party. chjirming hostess entertained many of her mends, and relatives at a most enjoyable progressive KooK party. The halls ana parlors were very beautifully decorated with Chry santhemums, palms, fefns, and other growing planu. ~Sllss Lucy McGhee sister of the hostess and Mr. E. J. Cheatham presided at the punch bowl.-4 Promptly at 11:00 o'clock refresh ments were served abundantly and In a most tasteful manner. All present enjoyed the evening *o the fullest extent, and returned to their home In the wee hours of the morning."*. Mr. W. J. Ballard who was the suc cessful winner for the first prize was presented with a roasted turkey filled with chocolates, and Mr. Dallas Mc Ghee won the booby prize?a danctn? brownie. The out-of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Harrison of Weldon and Miss Myra Vann of Edenton. Building Good Road?. ^Ve learn that Road Oversser, E. M. Syke8, of Cedar Rock township having a section of the road from near Cedar Rock to the county line, together many of his more progressive citizens o#t4lis road are putting in a system of road building during their allotted time for road work. This is a great deal better than Just fooMng away time In patching here and there and If property pursued will In a short while result in as good a road as can be found. In addition to this Mr. Sykes and Messrs. R. I. Stalllngs, B. F. Gardner. S. R. Boone and J. T. Inscoe have built up first class roads across their plantations. This is a splendid system and should be commended" by every Individual. It is certainly the cheapest and most substantial way of getting good roads. A Domestic Science Demonstration Fair For Community Service Week. What are the ladies of your com munity doing to make Community Service Week a great big success? Why not go to work at once and ar range a domestic science exhibit? In every community there is always some women wTio makes the very best biscuits who excels in bread-making, another who is famous for the .fine muffins she makes or for her neat clean, and tidy kitchen, and there is still another who knows how to "fry" meat, when frying is necessary, with out sending the food to the table "smimmtng in a flood of grease." These women are domestic slencc experts and they ought to "get togeth er" and give to eacli. other ?f(nd the general public a demonstration of that in which each excels so that all may be benefitted. The ladies of the Community Club in a little North Carolina village arran^. ged to give a domestic demonstration "Fair," as the^, called It, and adv*r tlsed that an expert instructor would be present to lecture and to give ?radical demonstration In domestic silence. tfc tkeir great consternation a few day?~BCforo the appointed time, the lecturer sent word that she could not cortie. XW necessity they turned to themselves for help and at once re. solved that oach would demonstrate at the "Fair" that which she could do best at home. . The following Is the .program which- was successfully carried out to the very great delffclit and benefit of large crowd of visitors: Bread making witlf patent mixed, Patty cases, Cold Slaw, Coffee making, Cake making, Tomatoe s?najng, Tea making, Cooking?oil stoVes flreless cookers, and chafing disheiL Thero waa also a display of labor saving devices such M mop wrlngets, meat choppers, clothes pin AyrOns, dish drain, a kitchen cabinet, carpet sweeper, washing machines, oil atoTea and many other useful articles, all of I which were loaned by merchants In I the village or by the lady owners themselves. The demonstration was continued through the entire day and was Toted a most helpful and Instructive affair. Why cannot your community do something like this for Community Sorvlce Week and add plan and fancy sewing and any other feature that may occur to those In charge.?. The Fair costs nothing and Is worth much. It can be quickly arranged, try it.?The University of North Carolina, School of Education, Letter Secretaries No. 3. PERSONALS ? ??? Mr. P. B. Griffin spent Friday in Raleigh. ^ SUpt. E. L. Best spent TJanday-la. Raleigh. Mr. P. J. Brown paid Raleigh a business visit Monday. _ Mr. Q. R. Scoggln was a visitor to Louisburg the past week. Mr. B. T. Holden attended Federal Court In Raleigh Friday. Mr. W. M. Person attended Federal Court at Raleigh Friday. Mr. Elsie Yow, of Henderson, was a visitor to Louisburg this week. Guy Wlnstead of Roxboro, was a visitor to Louisburg Saturday. John Neal came home from Wash ington and spent Thanksgiving. Mr. E. B. Hart, of Mt Olive, was a visitor to Louisburg the past week. Mr. F. D. Honeycutt, of Raleigh, was a visitor to Louisburg Wednesr day. v Mr. J. P. Winston, of Eagle Rock, -was a visitor to Louisburg the pa.st week. Messrs. E. H. Boone and?.?. White, ? spent Thanksgiving at - Winston Salem. Mr. J. M. Ring, of Raleigh, was a visitor to his old home near Louisburg Sunday. , Mrj' W. Sam Daniel, bf Granville county, was a visitor to Louisburg the past week. a Mr. S. W. Wheeler, of Raleigh, spent Thankaglvlhg with Jils people In this County. Mrs. S. G. Boddle and little son'of Rocky Mount, Is visltlngjier people )n Louisburg this week. ?' Prof. G. M. Beam, of Mapleville Academy, and Mr. H. L, Candler visited Raleigh Sunday, -- _ - ?? Rev. fi. P. Jerome, of Currituck." visited his daughter, Miss Gladys, At the College the past week. Mr. B. G. Hicks left Friday for Bal timore where he will undergo an op eration at John Hopkins hospital. ? Messrs. Thomas Joyner and Ezma Griffin, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday In Louisburg as guests of Mr. B. A. Summer. . Messrs. Charles Cooke, from A. & M. Thomas "RUIBfl and Raymond Taylor from University, and Wtlllam Bailey from Horners, spent Thanksgiving at home. Operetta. ] w._ "Princess. Chrysanthemum" in Japanese Operetta will be presented at the Opera-House on Monday night by the vocal and Expression Depart ment of the Louisburg Female College This will be one of the best plays thff local talent has presented hero in some time, and gives promise of a most enjoyable evening. G|t your seats early. . I t T.oiiishiirir Baptist Cliureh. 1 ? "Heaven on earth" will be tke Thriiif- ut-tbe morning sermon, Sundk^ in connection with the public worsEfo. "The Power of the Truth" will be the subject of the sermon at 7.15. Sunday school 9:45; B. Y. P. U. Monday 7:15 p. m? The steam fitMrs who are putting In the new heating plant assure us of plenty of heat ' Sunday. ,_?*. U. D. C. ? The Joseph J. Davis Chapter U. D. C. will meet with Mrs. D. G. Pel - Mrs. A. F. Johnson's on next '?_? day afternoon, Decembor lOth* Mi 3:00 o'clock. All members UtML to-be present. ? Mrs. R. H. Davis, I Mrs. J. W. Mann, 8ecy. > ^ . ?: 'li ?Re&d the adverfcoment ?don D. Egerton and George behalf of Mr! B. O. Hlcka, wL_. hospital In Baltimore, where] had a serloua opem^lon M and will be atj??nt for several

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