PRANKLIN TIMES k F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager Oh Yt?r, . ?L00 81? Months, .. .. .. .. M Three Month*. Ji May It be a merry Christmas In fact a well as in name. Even the merriest Christmas may be marred by a chronic (roach. Just wish yourself a merry Christ mas, and then make the wish daddy to the fact "Dead men tell no tales," they say. But we know a few live ones who are past masters of the art. "Half the world is afire," says the president. New method of reducing the winter's coal blU, yon know. We Just knew something would turn up to put scrimp In our Christmas Joy. Congress is back on the old Job again. King Pete of Serria, has been to the theatre of war. But like his brother monarch?, he was careful to keep off the stage. The wise and the foolish are again rubbing elbows in the halls of Con gress. And It's hard to tell which from the other. King Nicholas of Montenegro an nounces the loss of one-third of1 his army. Buck up, Nic. You still hare sixty-seven left If wishes produced tangible results we would fill every house in this whole community a million fold with Christmas cheer. The modern conception of "Inter' national law" Is an agreement between nations to which. nations are not expected to adhere. Here's to the little tots! May your Joy be supreme, your every wish gratified, and your juvenile hearts aflutter with the glory of It all. The president has ottered a mortal afford to Mexico's martial spirit. He neglected to even mention that coun try in his message to Congress. If the war continues for another year or two Europe may be offering inducements for turning the tide of immigration in the opposite direction. . Happy thought! Let's pass the hat and take up a collection for a fund to be devoted to the Installation of horse sense into the crowned pates of Europe. Don't waste any salt on Zapata's assertion that he would not accept thi presidency if it was offered to him. No one ever thinks of believing a Mexican general, anyway. "Work hard and you will forget hunger," advises a pili dispenser who talks much and thinks little. Some ?^people are so hopeless even the bughouse is Solomonistic in compari son. Having exhausted all other sources of exerciseing his mathematical pro clivities, an expert arises to inform a suffering population that there are more rats In the country than there are people, and each rodent costs a dollar a year .for his keep. Rats! A University of Chicago professor who pines to see his name In prtnt says he fasted live days "just to see how It felt." And if lack of the wherewithal required ^hat notoriety seeking Prof, to fast for half the time his wall would drown a fat man's snore. If more of the grand Juries were to follow the example of the Wake county grand jury In giving ont of what Is usually termed out of the gram Jury's duty, and criticising public In stitutions where needed there Is no doubt that the public would fie greatly benefited to many Instances. 't A recent Wske'county gratvd Jury showed a most commendable appro t elation Of tbe^ responsibility when It rueoqpbefded tb{ jj Investigation of some men holding two public offices. It may be true that In this particular cue Wake county will be the loser. Bad Itmight be said that in this pah eular incident that the occupant w is not to blame, but the tact remains K?lHearly that it U one of those I* that should not be allowed. jnHlliii of the benefit It might call .iritt It Thla grand Jwr wttTracetve "the anamandatlon of all rfcht think In? men for th? manhood to ataod out olaarty for whirthey consider Aetr (kri?tax AJJ Year. A spirit or generously penrades the Yule tide atmosphere. It 1? known and practiced at no other season .of the year but Christmas. It la felt iJ every city, in every town, in every Tillage, in the entire country. People are prone to be more thought ful Men manifest desires to spread good cheer; women weave little acts ot love, kindness and devotton Into Christmas good will; children cher ish their companions and fortunes. Persons unconsciously instill into each ether a desire to distribute hap piness everywhere. It all comes on the wings ot that indefinable thing understood by tew, bat referred to by pi any as the Christmas spirit. It la invisible, bat can be seen; it is not materija, bat can be felt It comes every Christmas, but top often leaves to retain perhaps next year, when the real holiday spirit again is felt Why does this fellowship of love and good will depart from the souls of so many persons on the wings ot time? Why does not the same spir it remain in the atmosphere after men again assume their routine ot work and women become normal af ter_ their Christmas cares and wor ries? ? Would it not be a good thing if this same Christmas spirit could continue throughout the twelve months of the year? Would it not be an excellent thing for mankind if all stopped to think of others as they do daring the Yaletide. season. It all en deavored to fill the lives ot their friends, acquaintances and the less fortunate with good cheer and hap piness throughout winter and sum mer, spring and autumn? Try this for next year. Make it one of yoar resolutions, and It one resolves to do all In his power to make others happy throughout the entire twelve months no other reso lutions will be necessary to assure one of happiness. After all Is said and done the only real happiness is derived from making others happy. For a Better Town. We the members of the various Missionary Societies of Loulsbarg, X. C. ask every Christian and every person who would like to see a better town and county to Join us in offering at least one prayer each day that God in His wisdom and power may stop the sale and use ot Intoxicating liquors in our town and county. We at the same time offer our ser vices to accomplish this end, if In anv way he shall see fit to use us. ? This prayer League is'to continue through the year, beginning with the publication of this request Every-one Is invited to join in this petition irrespective of denomina tion and color. We know our beloved physicians have taken the first .step in this work, and they surely have a right to expect that the Christian people all over the county will support them. Believing that this will meet with the approbation of all, we the under signed?present this to the thinking public. ' Mrs. R. Z. Egerton. Pres M. E. Missionary Society. Mrs. Geo. Cralle. Pres. Woman's Auxiliary. Mrs. F. M. Underbill. Pres. Baptist Missionary Society. An Interesting Opeuinc. Saturday was the day set apart (or the opening of the big sale at _ tho Hill Live Stock Co's big store, and by nine o'clock .large crowds were pres ent to rush in and get the first bar gains and the prizes. The all star band or the Atlantic Coast Realty Co., was present and furnished music all through the day. Mr. W. E. Burke who has charge of this sale ia fully on to the )ob and keeps something lively going all along. During the past week he has scattered whistles every where. and amused numbers with the launching of many airships, balloons, etc. The sale Is proving a big suc cess and Interest is increasing. Look up their advertisement in , another column and see what they say. W1U Observe Chrlstn ^ We are requested to state that the banks In Loufsburg will observe Christmas holidays by closing on boto Friday and Saturday, Christmas day and the day after. Those, having business with these institutions will . bear this in mind. Allen's Sale. The Mg sale of seasonable dry goods etc., at P. 8. It K. K. Allen's Is meeting witty, much f?Tor and the success of tli? sale has Quite a large county's people^ t k t?silver of the offered. burg. IN IiEKDEK.NO*. of Heademea I'ltlsens Are Always hlmiUii to Oar Mm To and of our reader? the streets of Henderson arc almost as familiar as those of our own town, and we aro naturally Interested to read of hap penings there. _ The following .report from a well-knova, and respective resident will be helpful to members of men and womea here In Louls?< burg. A. S. Renn, 321 Montgomery St. Henderson, N. C., says: "For,a lon^ ttnje my back troubled me and t wai so'lame and sore In my loins that 1 could hardly straighten after stoop, ing. My kidneys did not d? their work as they should and the kidney secretions were highly colored. After I had tried several medicines without finding relief, I begun using Doan's Kidney Pills. In a short time they re moved the lameness and pains In my back and corrected the trouble with my kidneys." Price 50c, at all dealers . Don't Simply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mr. Renn had. Foeter-Mllburn Co.. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. The Big Laid Sale.' * 'The sale of the old Joe Fuller tract of land' near town on last Baturda? by the Atlantic Coast Realty Co.. proved to be very satisfactory, and many tracts changed hands. The original farm was cut up into eleven small farms. There was a good number present and the bidding was lively and in teresting and the prices ranged from ?6& to $100.00 per acre. This sale was made for the Eastern Realty and Trust Co., and was under the Supervis ion of Mr. T. A. Vick, who Has shown to our people his ability to. handle the work leading up to a successful sale. Candler-Crowell Co. The big clearance sale at Candltr Crowell Co's has been attracting mucu, attention the past week, and the num ber of visitors has been great. Mr Florie of Raleigh, who has charge of this sale Is proving himself an ex pert In', the art of attracting people and inducing them to purchase in the many pretty and interesting displays of nice fabrics and attractive prices Look up their advertisement in this issue and call on them. Tobacco Pack-House Burned News was received here Tuesday to the effect that Mr. C. L. Moss, of Castalia. lost his tobacco pack-house and a big lot of tobacco by fire on Monday night. The tobacco was In sured. The cause of the'fire is un known. * Lost. On Thursday morning, I lost between my home and Louisburg $89 in paper money. The finder will be rewarded by re-1 lurning same to me, or IX F. McKinne ! 12-18-lt. W. S. Bowden ! Stop That Cough?Now. When you catch Cold, or begin to Cough, the first thing to do is tq take Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honcy.' It penetrates the liftings of the Throat and Lungs and fights the Germs of the Disease, giving quick . relief and natural healing. "Our whole fajntiy depends on Pine-Tar-Honey ? for Coughs and Colds." writes Mr. E. Wil liams, Hamliton, Ohio.,It always helps No. that "Rockerfeller relief" doesn't mean that there has been a re duction in the price of oil.?Boston Transcript. We shall continue to preserve strict neutrality and friendship for ali parties until Old 'Santa has unloaded his sleigh at our door. WISHED SHE COULD DIE Aai Be Fm From Her Tremble?, tat Fads Better Way. Columbia, Tetm.?"Many a flmf, says Mrs. Jessie Sharp, of t Ml plae< "I wished I would die and be refieye o( my Buffering, from womanly troubles. I Could not get up, without pulling al ?uniitMUg to help me, and stayed in tje<: mo?t of the ttm& I could not .do ihy housework. ?^ t' T The least amount of work tired me out. My head would swim, and I would Ireartrfe tor an how or more. Finally. I look Cardui the woman's took, and I am not bothered with pains any more, and I don't tiave to go to bed. In fact, I am aouad and well of all my trouble*. Cardui goes to all the weak spots juid helps to make them strong. It Mi With nature?not iflM lier. It is for the tired, nervouiTfilhtofe women, who feel as if everything were wrong, and Med something to quiet their nerves Bad strengthen the worn-(jut system. ?. i It you a#? a woman, suffering from lay * ? . ? / . ' ! v*:. The Farmers National Bank '"V 1 ? . v. ? . , ? ? ? t . ? . Louisburg, North Carolina : ?<". >?" *??. *.? 1 (Capital Stock Paid -in $50,000.00 Surplus $10,000.00 Total Resources 260,000.00 r t , All business given us will receive our best attention. We invite checking accounts, whether small or large, and all are given the same attention. i--'- 1 s. " . *7*." We Pay Interest on Savings Accounts At The Rate of 4 Per Cent Per Annum. / We issue Certificates of deposit, all payable on demand. We appreciate the business given us by our friends, and We Are Especially Gratified to Re-, ceive So Many Hew Accounts From Our Farmer Frieuds. The Farmers National Bank Louisburg - North Carolina Under Supervision of the United States Government. ? Popes Items. We are sorry to state the sad acci dent that occurred in our section Fri day night u^ar Mr. S. C. Vann's farm. As five young men from Franklinto.i were on their way home in an auto mobile, the machine got unmanage able and turned over and Walter Woodlief, about 17 years of age, got seriously hurt, which resulted in hi i death Saturday 5:00 p. m. He wan the son of Mr. ?ud Woodlief. He was a very intelligent young man and was liked by all. Iie'was holding a posi - icn with the Home Telephone Co. He. was burried in Popes Cemetery Sun c'ay afternoon and the services were conducted by R6v. Mr. Buffaloe of Franklinton. * We have some good O'possum hunters up here about Popes. We hear of one that was caught th-.t weighed 18 pounds. Wasn't that a whopper. * Mr. Bert Conyers, o I Mitchiners, was one of the many visitors to Popes Sunday. We are arranging to have an old Fiddlers Convention at Popes early after Christmas so get ready your violins. Several of our neighbors are moving to town. Mr. Fred Cook anil Mr. Mallie Ransdell will move in Franklin ton. Talk about long faces. IX you want to see sour looking peoplo come up to l'opcs Mr. R. L- Conyers and W. A. Fuller haven't smiled since cotton went down to 7 ccnti. . - O. P. Seeded raisins, currents, almons, English walnuts, niggw toes and pecans. Jno. W. King. ia, Stovewood, ready cut, for sale. M. F. Houck. Florida oranges, apples, bananas, by the barrel, box and bunch at? Jno. W. Kirfgfp Stovewood, ready cut, for sttle. M. F. Hbuck. Got your money ready and meet us Tuesday December : 22nd. < ?*M*; I. J. DEITZ COMPANY , * Outfitter* For The Whole Family LOUISBURG, North" *? i. ortH-'-ntr. bitjk ifrn. .fiOJH > "1