Only $1.00 Per Year hi Advance' 1 " . > . ????? rJA.. - II?illl'lll I i rimes i. F. JOHKSOff, editor ahd *AHA?b?T XHE COUNTY, THEfSTATE, THE UN01^ ^ subscription $uw pkr iear. ? '? . " 1 , ? ? " "?3. ' ''? " ' - 1 " 1 ?' 4'^' 1 1 "'? 1 XLTV. ' LOUISBURG, N. 0. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5,1#15 \ irrrarRTTt 51 MAGISTRATES MEET IN COURT HOUSE ON SATURDAY AT NOON. Mak* OrguUatloB That Bm Proa ' Im of Bright Future?NI?e Town ships BtpmrateL Pursuant to a call Issued by one of their number the Magistrate? of Franklin county gathered In the Court House on last Saturday at 12 o'clock to form an organization for the betterment of the County. . The meeting was called to order by S. P. Boddle and a roll call was had which resulted In the following yeas: Dunns?J. M. Stalllngs, Z. L. Cheves W. H. Williams (by letter.) Harris?V. W. Justice. YoungsTille?J. R. Tharrlngtoa. Frankllnton?J. E. Nicholson. Hayesvill??R. L. Stokes (by letter). Sandy Creek?J. J. Cooper, E. N. Williams, W. H. Bledsoe, 11. C. Qup ton. Cedar Rock?T. W. Stokes, E. D.' Parrlsh, J. P. Davis, G. 8. Earp. Gold Mine?not represented. Cypresa Creek?J. A. Boone, J. M Sykes. Loulsburg?A. W. Alston, J. L. Pal mer, S. P. Boddle. To form a temporary organization was the next business and Mr. S. P. Boddle, Chairman and Mr. J. E. Nich olson, Secretary ? and Treasury were unanimously elected. After the object of the meeting had been stated by, ^he Chairman a recess of flTe minutes was taken for the purpose of selecting permanent officers. After getting back to business the temporary organisa tion was made permanent by a unani mous Tote. A motion prevailed that the Chair man appoint a committee of three to Be known as a by-law committee. The Chairman appointed B.- N. Williams, Chairman, A. W. Alston, G. S. Earp. Mr. J. L. Palmer was called to the chair and Mr. S. P. Boddle introduced a resolution, which was unanimously adopted, providing that In all cases """where conviction .was had In criminal actlfons in the Superior Court and when the defendant served sentence ox^ the roads, in jail or peniteOtiory, then the Magistrate and other officers art to receive full fees. The Secretary was instructed to send copies of the resolutions to Franklin's representatives In Ral eigh. Upon motion the Chairman ap pointed Messrs. J. L. Palmer, T. W. Stokes, J. E. Nicholson as a legisla tive committee, to act nntll the ad journment of the present legislature. All Magistrates having In mind mat ters to be brought before the legisla ture will present them to the com mittee. The committee has been -called to meet In Loulsburg on Mon day, February 8th. A call meeting for this organiza tion for the first Monday In March at 12 o'clock at the Court House, for the purpose of adopting the by-laws was ordered. The Chairman was Instructed to in vite Mr. B. T. Holden to addresB the meeting on the first Monday In March relative to the Jurisdiction of Magis trates In criminal law. No other business com'ng before the meeting It adjourned, closing one of the most congenial gatherings had In some time. No Fiddler's Convention Sunday, By mistake the Maplevlllfe reporter announced that the Fiddlers' Con ven- j Uon would be Sunday March the 28th This Is a mistake, the Convention will not take place on Sunday but on Fri day nlg&riuareb the 26th. The roads and weather will both be good by this time and the largest crowd that has ever attended a Fid-1 diets' Convention Is expected to b*-?t Mapievlllo Academy on March 26th. /liew Moving Picture 8?iew Messrs It. 8. ft K. K.Allen inform ns that they wlH In tke near future open ? new moving ptctnre theatre In the ' boUdfng now occupied by the Beasley AltOon f)rug Co., wtiloh was purchased the.vast week by Mr. Allen. Thla will |iv* Loulsburg two shows of thla klfcd which will place It oo an equal with any town its sIm la the Stat? In wholeao&e amusements. Favor Intle-Thw Health Officer. 1 Tb$ Bioard of Health purrasnt to ? i the office of Mr. J. A. Tur sday morning w'.th\. all i present, tor the purpose at 1. considering an all-time health oBear tor Franklin county. An tnTit&tton had been sent to all towns in the coun ty and the Boards of Education and County Commissioners to send a rep resentative to meet with them on this oecaalon. Chairman A. W. Perry, of the Board of Education was present After some discussion a vote was takes and It was the unanimous opin ion that Franklin county should have such an ofllcer. Mr. J. A. Turner offered the following resolutions, whlek was unanimously adopted. "That a tpm^ntttee of two be ap pointed to ask the towns of Frdnk llntoa to appropriate $200.00, Louis burg (300.00, Youngsville $160.00. and Bunn $60.00, also the Board of Educa tion $500.00 and the County $600.00, making a total salary for a whole-time health officer $1800.00." Chairman Collie appointed on this committee Mayor J. A. Turner and Supt E. L. Best. They were Instructed to ascer-. tain If possible If this arrangement could be so arranged to start April 1, and to make a report to another meet ing of the Board of Health to be held the Brst Monday In March. This completing the business of the day the Board adjourned. V Tewa Commissioners XeeL The Board of town Commissioners met la regular session on Friday night In the Mayors office with all members except Allen and Newell present The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved and business disposed of as follows: It was moved and carried that Messrs. Faulkner and Alford be mid $5.26 each for work done upon Dr. Malone's order, for the town. It was ordered that the street com mittee investigate the opening of Per ry street and report to the Board. The claim of Mr. F. W. Wheless was referred to a committee composed of Messrs. Williamson, Allen and Newell, they to investigate and report to the Board. Report of J. C. Tucker, Chief of Police was received and filed. He re ports collecting pool room licenses $15.00., licenses for selling . books, $3.00,_costs $16.20, fines $15.00. The report of A W. Alston, Clerk, for water an<^ lights for December was received and he reports collec tions as follows: Light rents $863.03; water rents $302.80; light rents, arrear, $62.24; water rents arrear, $46.60. After allowing a number of ac counts the Board adjourned to its next regular meeting. New OlBeers.of B. T. P. V. At the regular meeting last Sunday night the following officers -of the Baptist Young Peoples Union of this place were elected: President, Mr. A O. Dickens, Vice President, Miss Iantha Plttmon, Secre tary, Miss Marlon HolUngsworth, Treasurer, Mr. Ellas Beasley, Organist Miss Bertha Fulghum. Group captains and various com mlttees will be appointed at the earliest practicable moment, and the Union will enter upon a new era of prosperity, It Is hoped. This organiza tion furnishes a fine opportunity for young Christians to be trained for service. The new president makes a call for every Baptist young man and young woman In town to be present In the Sunday school department pf the Baptist Church Sunday night promptly at 6:45 o'clock. Tbe Loulaburg Baptist Church "The call of the Church" will be tho theme used In connection with the worship Sunday morning. The pastor has a special message (or his Church and urges upon eT?ry member to be present At the erpnlng service 7:20, be will discuss the question In > th* booh- of Job, "If a man die, shall he' Ure-'again?" This Is ? question of Tltej'Importance to all, and the Church tor extend to alt-? most cor vltatlon to worship with them occasion. ay school at 9:45 a. m , B.,Y. P. :<8 p. m. IP??le?sry Society. i*s Missionary Society of tbe Baptist church .met on Monday aRtenoon with Mrs. E. C. Allen. The ebltJecH for the afternoon was "Tbe Cltypd'at Worship," led by Mrs. Walter M. 'OllmoVe. An open dl3Cueelon of tW subject was held, led. moet lntsr estlngty by Mrs. Ollm'ore.' A few matter? of business were at tended'to, and the society adjourned to meet again next Monday. Just a Minute Before Drawing the Lucky Number Saturday ... -ly-l-.- 1-. IIUI. The above picture was taken by a Times reporter just an instance before the drawing of the lucky number that gave to Mr. W. J. Strickland, of near town his choice between *500 in told or a Ford touring car, and also marked the closing period of McKinne Brother rr?)addy Rabbit Sale, one of the biggest of its kind ever held in Franklin County. This sale was under the supervision of Mr. J. D. Ray, of Raleigh. The crow? was estimated at 3000 or above and every body>eemed to be es pecially well pleased at the fairnels which prevailed. Little V-iss Hassie Downey drew the ticket from the box and the contest was lecided from the first draw made. , MBS. PHIL ?. ALSTON. Louisbnrg Mourns Passing of Most Estimable .Woman. Great sorrow has again come to this city on account of the death ot Mrs. Phil G. Alston, in the forty-ninth year of her age, which occurred Friday night at 10 o'clock at the family rea dence on Main sti eet in this city, after an illness of about two weeks ot pneu monia. ? Mrs. Alston's maiden name to Miss Tempie Lou King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. King, bf Nash ville, and sister of Mr. Gray King, of Nashville, a member of the present Legislature, and Mrs. Herbert Boone of Cedar Rock, all of whom survive her, as docs her husband also. She was reared and lived in the eastern part of this county, near Bel ford church, which is on the Nasi county line, till her marriage to Capt Phil G. Alston, of this place, about seven years ago, she being his second wife. In this marriage, two of the finest families in the State were unit ed. The universal ver$ct of all who knew Mrs. AUton was that she was one of the best and most loved wo men in th|s section. She was an ac tive member of the Methodist church of this city, and was closely identified with all of its work and Interests. For many years Bhe has had charge of the primary department in the Sunday-school, and has been promi nently connected with all the ladies organizations in the church. From the citizens of this fair town that she loved so well, day after day weft up the silent prayer: "Not here. O Death, not here, Is there no other flower for thee to take? ' All tbo world is thine, and its sake Oh! come not here." But alas, "Death loves a shining mark"?and so it came. In the death of Mrs. Alston we fully and keenly realist) our loss. She was a true friend, and her devotion to those she loved would make a bright chapter in any life. Nothing but the thought of the loving hand that has removed hpr can reconcile us to her absence. While she has gone from the scenes, the conflict,'-the sorrows and pleasure of lite, ?he will still live In the hearts of those who knew her best. Her retiring nature led her to hide ben best qualities from public gaze, J>ut they war? revealed to^'those who eu Joyed her acquaintance yet It was in tier horns that her true - worth w.ur, radflt consplclous. She was a kind, lovfng wife and her devotion to tfcw family circle had no. limit v Her breath went out like the exhala tion of a sweet fragrant minion of the woodland end In her stead waa: left only a holy and beautiful mem ory?e tnemory that will lest and sanctify as long as pares tal existeneee "God touched her with His Angers, and Bho slept," the poet wrote. So may we say of this tear life?:"God touched her with His angers, and she slept," but not until a beautiful life Tas as lived, a noble example of patience, fidelity to truth and faith were given. Not until visions of a heavenly life, in Christ Jesus, had cheered and illumi ned the valley of the shadow. And now, that she sleeps, memory takes up the harp of life, and smiting the strings, finds that her virtues melt ihto music. So it ever is, when a life is nobly and divinely lived. Life will never be quite the same to those who knew her, while those who 'w?re nearest to her will long for her with unutterable longings?long for a mother's counscl and advice, aud a wife's gentle and loving sympathy. She was a woman of strong Christian character; patient, loving and self sacrificing. ??7 The funeral services were held 'Sunday afternoon in the Methodist 2hurch of this place amid a wealth Df beautiful floral designs, and in the presence of a large audience of sym pathetic friends and relatives from far and near. Rev. A. D. Wicox her pastor, in conducting the service paid a most beautiful tribute to her memory The.Interment-Was in Oak.Lawn ceme .tery. County Commissioner* The Board of County Commissioners | met In regular session on Monday.,) with all members present After ' reading and approving the minutes o( the previous meetings the following business was disposed of: Helen Gupton was placed on out side pauper list, at $1.00 per month. It was also ordered that a put?]it bridge be allowed near J. R. Bunn's j on Wild Cat branch In Cedar Rock township. JThe allo wance of Celia Allen as outside pauper was Increased from one to two dollars per month. It was ordered that R. H. Hicks, of Frankllnton township, be relieved of poll tax for 1914.' * N It was ordered that S. A. and B. B. Alford be relieved of special school tar In Pilot school district?not be ing In said district. P. E. Dean was appointed Constable of Cedar Rock township to succeed Mft B. 8. Fulghum resigned. W. aid by W. _C. JWes ter. The above concluded- the business for Monday and Tuesday business as follows was before the Board: Report of F. R. Pleasant, Manager cf the Medical Depository was re ceived. He reports sales amounting to $662.00. Report of E. N. Williams, Superin tendent of County Home, was received and filed. He reports 7 white and 6 colored. E. N. Williams was ordered to get wood for County Home with hands he already has. It was ordered that the Clerk of the Board- notify all persons that have not listed their taxes for 1914 to come forward and list the same and pay their taxes and If not done by the first . Monday in March 1915, there will be warrants issued against them and they will be charged 25 per cent on same. It was ordered that Hence Hazel woffd be elected janitor of the Court house for 1915. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to its next meet ing. ?.? Death of Mrs. Gonther. P After a week's Illness ot acute bronchitis and other troubles, Mrs. Alexander Gonther died Thursday morning at 11 o'clock in the 42nd year ot h?sr age. The deceased was a native ot Nirth Bridgport, Maine, where she lived till IE years ago, when she came to this State as bride ot Mr. Ounther, who was then living at Vass. They moved to this city several years ago, and have won many friends, who deep ly sympathise with the bereaved rela tive?. Her husband, one son. Otto P., and two brothers, F. B. Frisble, of Ndrth Bridgport, Me., and E. 8. FrisMe, Mrs. Gonther was a devout member of the St. Paul's Episcopal Church of this city, and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. "rfie Itinera! service was bald at the family resi dence. Rev. Walter M. Ollmore officia ting, Friday afternoon at 2:30, and the entermept was made at Oak Lawn Cemetery. Just outside the city limits. Dongbten of Confederacy. " The United Daughters of the Con federacy met on TnesAay afternoon wltl) Mrs. J. E. Malone. , TkH afternoon was spent in making plana tor helping the soldier? Home In Ratalgh, and will oonoentrate its effort? for come time In obtaining stone? to mark th* aoldlars' grav?? In Oak Lawn MMtmr? - .? ? e ..... v.- I THE BOOSTERS FESTIVAL AJi JiVKNT IN LOUISBUB? THK PAST WEEK. Largely illraded *n a number at years, was the Booster's Kesttral that gave two performances dally in the Opera-House her* oa Thursday, Friday and Saturday at last week. These attractions vere secured through the RadcliS agency by a cclfiihlttee of local young men at quit* a considerable coat, but (hey ara glad to announce that the patronage was most pleasing. Tha attendance increased from the beginning and the house was crowded the last night which was quite & compliment to the Jilgh class entertainments these Com panies were giving and also showed a strong and growing endorsment of the people of Loulsburg tor this bet ter class of attractions. Our people were so much pleased with this series that upon the re peated endorsement of the audience that they would be glad to hare it repeated. A committee was formed and another contract signed for a return engagement some time this spring, the exact date to be announced later. ' Bach and every feature on the several programmes was of the high est order, clean and highly entertain - ing. * ^ Board of Education. The Bokr^of Education met In regu lar session on last Monday with, all members present except Harris. After reading and approvingthe minutes of previous meetings the following mat ters were disposed of: R. B. White reported that he had seen the Superintendent in Vance county and that the deed for the Ep som school would be sent here. The Board ordered that the Flat Rock school site remain as was de cided in October. C. P. Hunt, of Wake county was be fore the Board In the interest of his County relatfve-to the collection of a spcial school tax from Franklin. He was advtaed to have his tax collector, collect for this at the same time, others were collected. The Board appointed A. W. Perry, B. L. Best and R. B. White a committee to confer with a similar committee from the County Commissioners to formulate some plan of alleviating the financial embarrassment o.f the County school fund. This committee is to re port the first Monday In Marcli. Mr. West Roberts was appointed a school committeeman for Youngsvllla township. E. L. Best and A. W. Perry were appointed a committee to meet with the Commissioners to discuss the ad visability of employing a whole-time health officer. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to its next regu lar meeting. . Thursday Afternoon Book Club The Thursday Afternoon Book Clnk was charmingly entertained on Thurs day afternoon by Mrs. Ben Holden. Spain was the subject for the after noon, and was rendered in a very capable manner. The meeting was opened with the roll call, and each member present answered with some Interesting event of Spanish history or life. Mrs. Garland Ricks read a thrilling account of a Spanish Bull Fight. Mrs. W. W. Boddie read a synopsis on.the AutoblograpTi of the "Infanta Eg Also a paper on the result of thi between Spain and the Unitetf 1 Was read. At the dupptotton of this ; Joyable program, a salad course,? and mints'war* served. The ?oeiety was pleased to with 'it as (Mata. lit?. Bob Da' the Misses Staler and Mildred ~ AtJwda*. On Friday evoning, *VibnHrfr',lj|k tWre will be a recital and a debat* given In tke school bonding. A ?mall fee will be Chare?! at the Aqot lor the' benefit of the Eureka and the PMUjtli my societies. Afterwarde th* Beiter ment Association will serve oY*ter* ' We cordially invite the public. * ?Cotton sold her* yesterday for ( centa ?er pound. ? 4." -i~v '