A WARNING TO MANY Sons Interesting Facts About Kidney Troubles. Wmw people realise to what extent * their health depend* upon the condl- I Uod of the kidneys. The physician In nearly all cases of ssrloua Illness, makee a chemical | analyala of the patient's urine. He j know? that unless the kidneys are do- i lac their work properly, the other ! srgans cannot readily he brought back, i Is health and atrength. When the kidneys are neglected or , abused In any way. serious results are j ?ure to follow. According to health j statistics. Bright'* d it-ease which Is "really an advanced form of kidney ( trouble, caused nearly ten thousand ! deaths In 1913. in the state of New Tork alone. Therefore, It behooves us [ te pay mors attention to the headth of these most Important organs. An Ideal herbal compound that has fead-remarkable success as a kidney remedy is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the -great Kidney. Liver and Bladder ftamedy. The mild and healing Influence of this prepsration. In most cases. Is soon realized, according to sworn statements and verified testimony of those who have used the remedy. If you feel that your kidneys require attention, and wish a sample bottle, write to I>f. Kilmer A C, 50c, or $1.00. * VNUINE HAS r?(3 TRADE HdAKK VSponyB" VKKSSSKa SALVE I Trustees' Sale. By virtue of the power of sale con J. M. Wilder to Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee, talned in that deed of trust made by dated December 11th. 1913, and re corded in the Registry of Franklin County In Book 199, page 119, default having been made in payment of the debt thereby secured and the power of sale having thereby become absolute, and demand for foreclosure, having been made on the scid trustee by the holder of the said indebtodness the un dersigned ? will, on Saturday. March 13th. 1915, at about the hour of noon, at the Court House door in Louisburg*, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, that certain lot of land in said deed conveyed a?d more particularly defined as fol lows: Lot No. 154 according to the plot and survey of the town of Wood N. (X, which la of record in said registry in Book 192, pa*e 596, reference to which la hereby made. Terms of sale. Cash. This Feb. 12th, 1915. 2-12-51. Wm. H. Ruffin. Trustee. DrBrantly Henderson Henderson, N. C. In Louisburg every first and third Mondays, at the office of Dr. H. A- NewelL . :tfce limited to tbe >e? of the Eye, Ear and Throat and the of the Eyes Deatk of Kruk Helllngsworth ? Last Sunday morning about 9 o'clock Qod saw fit to take from his happy home circle Frank Hollinga worth. Prank was born October 8, 1896, and died February 6, 1915. He was taken seriously 111 with pneum onia on Sunday and In spite of all that his family, physicians, and many friends' could do to relieve his In tense suffering, the death angel came like a thief In the night and bore his soul away to him that gave It. From the flower garden of time an angel lias plucked one of earth's fairest, brightest, rarest powers, but the Mas ter saw It and wanted It to adorn Heaven. The mission of his life seems shorj, but the music which his presence called forwi in the heart of his loved ones will never cease. His father died when he was only 10 years of age, and his mother died when he was 16. He has been a dutiful boy from childhoed days. He was a member of Peach Tree Church, and also a metaber of the Baraea Class at Justice Sunday School. The Baraea burled him. The pall bearers were: Messrs. Wil son Gay, Elijah Wheless, David Moye, Joe Wheless, Walter S tailings, Ernest Wheles8. He was laid to rest In the family burying ground. Rev. C. C. Wil liams conducted the services. Frank was a bright, faithful pupil In Justice school. Now his desk is vacant. Wc sadly mts3 his bright, cheerful face. We wish so often for the touch o! a vanished hand, and to hear a word from a heart so stnccre. We long to hear the music which now is still. But while we miss him so much we believe that the Lord knows best, and sc we pray that he will help us to be submissive to his will. "Tis hard to break the tender chord When love haa-boucd our hearts. Tis hard, so hard to speak the words "We must forever part." Dearest loved one. we must lay thee In the peaceful grave's cmbrc.cc. But. thy memory shall be cherished "nil we see thy heavenly face. But we shall still bei joined in heart and hope to meet again. Vivian Wheless & NoSnlc Stalling?." Doable Series of Sermons, You, are invited to attend the fol lowing double series of sermons by Rev. A. D. Wilcox, pastor of the Lous bur* Methodist Church. The morning series, entitled "The Religions of the Modern Mind." deals with the fundamentals of faith and the certainties of religion. The evening series is an interpretion of the last five commandments. The morning series will be hold at 11 o'clock and the evening series at 7:30 o'clock. . The subjects for the series are as follows: Sunday morning. Feb. 14th?"The place, of faith and reason in the Christian Life.** Sunday evening, Feb. 14th. "Murder. Sunday morning, Feb. 21st?"The Old and New Conceptions of the Scriptures." Sunday evening. Feb. 21st. "Adultery." Sunday morn of, Feb. 28th?"The Deity of Jesus." Sunday evening, Feb. 28th?"Theft," Sunday morning, March 7th?"Mira cle." Sunday evening March 7th? "False witness." Sunday morning, March 14th?"Sin ; Its forgiveness and punishment" Sunday evening, March 14th?"Covet ousnesa." B. Y. P. r. listitvte liro HRI CoUeff. The B, Y. P. U. Institute held here the past week by Miss Beulah B. Bow den met with great success. The one hundred and fifty-three students who attended the Institute are expecting to receive certificates, except the seven teen who have already received certi ficates grom a former Institute. The lectures by the following each day on different subjects were very interest ing and proved very instructive. Monday?Rev. J. R. Owens, "Rela tloir of the B. Y. P. U. to the church." Tuesday?Prof. R. I> Moore. "Spring Motto Wednesday?Prof. J. B. Hnff, "Training In B. Y. P. C.?Mr. W. L. Price. "Called by God to B. Y. P. U." Thursday?W. H. Whltmore. "Social ProM?," tS. Friday?J."H. Holman. "The True Union." The Institute at this particular school will mean lots to the State of North Carolina because there are students here from almo3t every coun ty In the State and from six other States. On their return home they will be prepared to take up the B. Y. P.,D. work in their community. The students of this College feel rery much Indebted to Miss Beulah Bow den for ben~e^ort8 and zeal In this Institute. . Reg. Cor. ?aplrille Book Club. The MaploTllle Book Club was rery delightfully entertained at the Acad emy fast Monday afternoon by Mrs. J. H. Unle. ? An Interesting and InstructfVe paper on "St. Valentine's Day- waa read by Mrs. J. B. Yarborough. A piano solo was rendered by Miss G'.adys Brown. A paprfV heart with m beautiful bird painted on the first pages waa given to each person present. On (He second page a flower contest waa. given. Each question bad U be anawared with the name of a flower. The con test waa very Interesting and resulted In Rer. O M Duke'c getting the bou quet. The nice fruit cake, plcklea. and fruit ?erred by the hoetese were quit? welcome after ha Ting such ? lovslj guessing contest The club was well attended, Mlsaea Helen Bdwarda. Elecaor and Camilla Yarborough being the Invited i Illinois cTa'ma a town In whtet crime is unknown. Bat then It's pro bably sailing un.ier an alia*. "Co?? in and look oat.- said tin Trust?*?' Sak. By rlrtue of the power of ude contained in that certain deed of trust made byJno Foster and wife to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, dated .March 19th. 1914, and recorder in the Registry of Franklin County in Book 198, page 131, default having been made in, the payment of the debts thereby secured and the right of sale having.thereby become absolute, and demand for for closure having been made oq said trustee by the holder of said indebted ness, the undersigned wtll, on Satur day March 13th., 1915, at' about the hour of noon at t tie Court Hons? door. In Loulsburg. N. C . ottvtr Cor sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, that certain tract of land hi. said deed conveyed and described as fol lows". First tract: That trapt designa ted as lot No. 3 in the partition of the lands of Geo. M. Macon as same appears of record in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Frank lin. County in Book No. 2 of orders and decrees, pages 530 et seq, and thfcre dlseribed as follows: Beginning at a stake the dower cprner In Dr. Green's line; thence NT 78 poles 9 links to a stake and pointers, corner of No 2; thence S. 81 poles 10 links to a stake and pointers corner of No. 2 thence South 81 poles 15 links to a stake corner of No. 4 in Mrs. Gill's line; thence N. SS E. 81 poles 16 links to the beginning, containing 40 acres. Now bounded by adjoining owners as follows: on the N. by S. Y. Macon, on the East by S. Y. Macon, on the South by R. S. Foster, and J. O. Beasley. and on the West by W. H. Macon. Second tract: Being the tract of land bought by Jas. Stokes of J. O. Davis and wife Ellen Davis, said to contain about 16 acres, bounded follows: Beginning at a rock. Jas. Stoke's corner in S. Y. Macon's Wne thence South 3-4 West 78 pottes 8 links to a rock pile, the old dower corner in R. Sc Foster's line; thence North 87 East 32 poles 18 links to a rock in R. S. Foster's line: thence North 3-4 blast 76 poles to a willow. S. Y_ Macon's corner; thenfce North 89 1-4 West 32 poles IS links to the begin ning, it being the interest of said Ellen Davis in her mother's share. But from these tracts aggregating 56 acres more or less there was- cut off the West side and conveyed to Willie Foster by deed dated Oct. 13th, 1914, 12 acres, bounded and described by said deed which i? of record in said Registry as follows: Beginning* nt> -a stone, the old Jas. Stokes corner in S. Y. Macon's ifne, thence South- 1 3-4. West 19 chains to a stone in J. Clf Beasley's line: thence along J. O. Beasley's line South 88 East 26 chains to, a stone; thence North 7 3-4'Bast 19.Q6 chains to a stone in S. Y. Macon's line: thence North 86 3-4 West 7.30 chains to the beginning, containing 12 acres, more or le3s. and leaving in 8aid tract to be sold 44 acres, more or less. Terms of sale Cash. This Feb. 12th, 1915. 2-12-5C Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee. Mortgage Sale Lire Stock. By virtue of the power of salo con tained In that certain Lten~Boad and Chattel Mortgage made by Jota Foster to McKlnne Bros. Company. T nr. dated March 19th, 1914, and recorded 18 (he Registry of Franklin comrtyln took 200, page 374, default having ?'been made In the payment of said I debt thereby secured and the right of sale having become absolute, the undersig ned Will on Saturday. March 13th. 1915, at about the hour of noon, at the Court House door In Loulaburg, N. C., offer for sal* at public auction to the highest bidder, the crops and lire stock In said Lien Bond and mortgage convejwd. namely cotton, tobacco, corn, fodder etc., and one dark brown mare, one reddish brown cow 3 years old, one whits and brown steer 7 years old, one black sow and Increase. Terms of sale?Cash. This Feb. 12th, 1915 McKlnne Bros. Inc. Wm H. Ruffln. Atty. 2-12-5L Mortgagee. Trustees' Sale. ?1 By virtue .of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by R. C. Gupton to Wm. H. Ruflln Trustee, dated December 11th, 1913, and recorded In the Registry of Franklin County In Book 199, pags 68. default having been made In the pay ment of the debt thereby secured and the power of sale having thereby be come absolute and demand for fore closure having been made on said trustee by the bolder of said indebted ness. the undersigned will, on Satur day, March 13th, 1915., at about the hour of noon, at the Court House door, in Loulsburg., offer tor sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, that certain lot of land In said deed con veyed and morfc particularly deOned as follows: Lot No. 1 according to the plot and survey of the town of Wood. N. C , which Is of record in the Registry of Franklin County In Book 191. page 59? reference to which I* hereby made. Terma of sale, Caah. This Feb. 12th. 1915. 2-12-6L ? - Wm. H. Ruffln. Trustee ^ "?<**?* Safe-f w By virtue of the power of sale con tained tn that deed at trust made by1 J. K Thome to Wm. H. Ruffln. trustee dated Dae. 11th. 1918, and recorded in the Registry at Franklin County tn Book 199, page lit. default hatrliilr been mad* to the payment of the debt thereby secured and the power.of sale having thereby become absolute, aad demand for Araclosars having been madaoa said trustee by the holder of said Indebtedness, the undersigned wjffl. on 8aturf the town of Wood, N. C., which is of record in said regis; tr yin Book 192, page 596 reference to which is hereby made. Terms of sale Cash. This Feb. 12th, ?015. 2-12-0t Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee. Trustees' SaJ?. By virtae of the power o( sale con tained in those two certain deeds of trOSts made by* J. S. Shearin to Wm. H. Ruffln, trustee, the one ? dated December 11th, 1913. and recorded in the Registry of Franklin County in Book 199, page S9, and the other dated December 30th, 1913. and reebrded in said Registry in Book 19J, page 120, default having been made in the pay ment of the debts by said deeds se cured and the' power of sale haying thereby become absolute, and demand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of said in debtedness. the undersigned will on Saturday March 13th, 1915, at about the hour of noon, at the Court House door, in Louisburg, N. C., oiler for sale at public auction to the highest bid der, those certain lots of land in said deeds of trust conveyed and more particularly defined aa follows: Lots A umbered 47 and 48 and ?01 and 129 according to the plot and survey, <*f the town of Woo?. N. C., which la of record in said registry in Book lit, page SM. reference to which la hereby made. Terma of sale. Cash. This Feb. 12th 1915. MM Wm. H. Ruffln. Trustee. j virtue of the power of sale con ed In that deed of trust made by W. L Collie and wife to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, dated December 30th, 1913, and recorded in the Registry of Frank lin County, Book 199. pace 127, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and the pow er of sale having become absolute, and demand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned will, on Saturday March 13th, 1915, at about the hour of noon, at the Court Bouse door, in Loulsburg, N. C., offer tor tal? at public a action. to tha highest bidder, those oertaln lota of land In Mid deed conveyed, and more particularly defined ea tollowa. Lota No. 1ST and 18S according to plot and aurvey of the town of Wood. N. G.. which la of record In said Registry In Book 191. pace 58?, reference to which la hereby made. Terma of mue, Cash. This Feb. 12th, 1816. *-l?-5t Wm. H. RuBn^JTruatee. \ Trust??'? Sale, By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that deed of trast made by O. R. Strickland and wife to Wm. FTr RulDn. trustee, dated December 30th, 1913, and recorded In the Registry ot Franklin County. Book 199, page 119-, default having been made hi the. pay ment of the debt thereby socured and the power of sale having become ab solute, and demand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of said Indebtedness, the undesigned will., on Saturday March, at about tho hour of noon, at the Court House door, In Loulsburg, N. C.. oiler for salo to the highest bld ber, at public auction, those lota of land In said deed convoyod and more particularly defined as follows: Lots No. 183 and 185 according to the plot j&fid survey of tho town of Wdod N. C., which is of record In sold registry in Book 192, page 596, reference, to which is hereby made. Terms of sale. Cash. This Feb. 12th, 1915. 2-12-5t. Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee. Trustee's Sale. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that deed of trust made by J. H. Radford to Wm. R. Kuffln. trustee, dated December 11th, 1913, and recorded in tho Registry of Frank lin County in Book 199, page 116 de fault having been mado In the pay ment of the debt thereby secured and the power of sale having thereby bo come absolute, and demand for fore closure having been made on said trustee by the holder of Bald Indebted ness, the undersigned will, on Satur ^dav March 13th. 1916, at about the hW of noon, at the Court House door, in Daulshurg, N. C-. offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, those certain lots of land In said deed conveyed and more particularly de fined as follow^: Lots No. 56 and 57 according to th> plot and survey of the tpwn of Wood; N C? which Is of record In said Reg&try In. Book 192, page, 596 reference to wliich Is hereby made. Terms of sale. M^Rsh. This Feb. 12th. 1915. \ 2?2-5t. Wm. H. Rutlln.jKnistee. Trustee's. Sale. \ By virtue of the.power of sale con tained in that deed of trust made by Zollie Pfcrrlsh to Wm. H. RufSn, -trustee, dated March 7th, 1914, and recorded in tbc Registry of Franklin County in Book "184, page. 61, default h arink been made in tbe payment of i the debt thereby secured and the pow er of sale having become absolute, and demshd for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned Will, on Saturday March IStb, 1915, at about the hour of noon, at the Court House door. In Lonisburg. N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder those certain ' lots of land in said deed con veyed and more particularly de fined as follows: Lots 11 and IS ac cording to the plot and survey of the town of Wood, N. C., which to of re cord in said Registry in Book Itt, page EM reference to which is her by mmde. Terms of. sale. Cash. This Feb. 12th, 1*15. S-lS-Kt. Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee. The Last Change. On account of the debates which will be condncte^over the State on Friday night Marotf the 26th, the Old Fiddlers' Convention, which was to to have taken place on that date will take place at Maplevllle on the Wed nesday night before. This Is - the fixed date and there will be no -more change?March 24th. * Haw H?pe The Mhners arc banning I beds this week. Mas Futrell, ono o( our _? , la detained at home on &im!rat ?> aickneai. * Rev. Wolf will All his jjfcw;iar ap pointment Sunday aftornq(K5R' The Junior Order ME}'recently Initialed tWo more new <*H(?'late?. Mr. OlUe Haywood uMftioved to bis now home on Main st^HF * There will be an Old V" Con vention at the .aohool Friday night, February 19th. E3^H>>?dy 1? invited to come out ua^J ir the music. Suitable prizes ded to the successful w^^rs. mission 15 and 26. cents. respondent List of ] The following Is a ilaVf letters re maining In the postofllcS.t Louluburg, N. C. not called for fbruary 12th, 1916. O. T Ayscue, Edle?3ulIock, Mia* Nora Cash, Mrs. J. m. Harper, Rev J. A. Laughton, Miss nana I.oyed, Mr. J. T. Tharrlngton, Mr.*!. T. Tharring ton, David R West, Jfr. Tom Wlggin. Miss Leacy Wllllamj Any pne calling far the tibove let ters will please stalje that they them advertised. R. H. DAvls, P. M. Far sale: 1100 p/mnd mule, buggy, weeder, riding cultivator and one rov plow for cash or on timo. Apply to W. D. Weathers; Exncutor, Loulsburg, N. C., R. F. D. I. nean Four Bridges. , Trustee's Sale of I.aud and Saw MI1L By virtue of the poVvct of sale con tained in tliat certabA deed of trust tnadjs by Jessie ft. Airillin and wife, W. R. Griffin, Mrs./Cornellla Guptoa and others to Wm. tl Ruffln. Trustee, dated Sept. 11th., 1913, and recorded in the Registry of /Franklin county 1b Book 192, page 4(86, default having been made Jn tile payment of the debt thereby secured and the power of sale having thereby become ab solute, and demnnd for forclosurc having been madjfe on said trustee by the holder of said indebtedness, t h? undersigned Willi on Saturday Marck 13th. 1915, at abiiut the hour of noon, at the Court Houke door in Loulsburg, N. C? offer for sfi'.e at public auction, to the highest pldder, the following articled of personal property and lands In said d^ed of trust conveyed nalnety: One 30 H. PI boiler, one Hoe Cir cular saw and ?ne saw mill complete and the following described real es \ULJSe rlghi. title and Interest of Jessie H. GrilWn in and to that tract of I a lift ?11 u si 11" 1 in the County of Franklin end fetate aforesaid, adjoin ing the lands! of B. F. Griffin, J. H. Griffin and others, and bounded aa fol lows: On thf North by Sandy Creek, on the East/by the -ands of J. H. Griffin, on tlje SoutV by the lands of Ruffln Grtfflq. and on the West by B. P. Griffin, containing 22 1-2 acres, more or less. Also one nther tact of land owned by Jessie H. Griffin, W. R Griffin, Mrs. Cornelia Gupton and otheV^ ad joining the aforesaid tract of land < described as follows: Beginning i Hickory, Pearce's corner; thence 88d. East 88 poles to a stake, J. H. Griffin's corner; thence North 2 3-4d. West 17 poles to a postoak stump; thence North 3 l-2d. East 71 poles to a rock, J. H. Griffin's corner; thence N. 72d W. 39 poles 8 links to a rock. B. P. Griffin's comer; thenoe West 20 poles 23 links to a Gum. B. F. Griffin's corner; thenco 8. 7 1-id. West 70 poles to n poplar and pins; thence West 29 poles 7 links to a rock B. F. Griffin's corner in Raney's line; thence South 1 l-2d. West 27 poles ta a Gum stump. Raney's corner on a branch; thence South 78d. Blast M poles 8 links to the beginning, con taining 44 acres, more or less. Terms of sale. Cash. This Feb. 12th 1915. I S-ll-5t Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee. A Few More.Bargains We have a few more genuine bargains left which we want to close out without delay, and we are cutting the price right down in order to effect quick sales. A big saving is made on everyone of them, and you simply cannot afferdjp pass them by. We haven't the time to go into details, but just ask that you come in and look them over yourself. You may find just the thing you have been looking for among them, and at a greatly re duced price. We mention only a few here. Here ar? a few of the articles we are offering and everyone is of gilt edge value: Mens and Boys Shoes, Dry Goods, Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear, Men's and Boys Clothing, Gents Furnishings. I. J DETTZ COMPANY Outfitter* For The Whole Fapiily LOUISBURG, North Carolina