jToidkre i ftwbiMitiiMfckeb; H t* ffcfc io Uood-fuid; k aaparu iba^tfitotlw (rairtioM ?od ?cp |ifie< the ?"try oil-food dut ifct-j ?xic cnadhrAi j}inn Bcal. Scotf s Emultloa bi cOBSdctf vtcn acta matdict ftiVd. H rut tnb k*M mlmlKiflr com t? f?r tor t ?fell*, at >ut Tut all tluu. U*r* 1? m rrnoa rtr Ikt >aua ?iO. wrmJ loa? ouic rttru ? ter ?rtnt* rt?M kr .o a military,color, but in a new brick shade. In foe frig useda great deal, whll?.- the national colors of Bel glum?red, yellow snd black?are be ing combined ag&in and again Into of Ursa plaid. i whit? faille distinctly i Large bats arc slowly < view, and will no tabt bt pie for summer. iepr?1?l' time shape triaacd with relTet ribbon Children Hate Oil Calomel and Pills. "( sllforaia Sjrnp of F%." be-t Ur Under tUmmek, birr beweb . / Look back at yoar child:,tcUlly ads wed to sdnljft who cannot Uke.ordinary QniniAe. Does aJf nsnteate nor un??Mnou?neM *or ringimpiffi the besd. Try k tbfe next time yon\iiil jmintne lor sny par pose. A?k lor 2-ounce origins! package. The asm? K is blow a in bottle. 23 cents. Better Light and More of It JTEROSENE light is best for young iMoUcvcitfikc. JZoyfa LAMPS jwc ^n-brococ light at its best ? a dxady, pmiwg gk?w that rcachcs every ooraer c? ti?c room. The Rj/TO dots mat inil, i or smell. It is msde of It ? cur to figbt, easy to At