nr-rv.-^ AS BABY Down Unable to Work, Bar. Va.?Mi*. Ann P?Ug ,tm?X^^^Bplace, says: "I ?ul lertd lor an awful pain in ?T right ^^^^Kjsed from womanly ' - ? ? , tor itf ^ wWl. ,. ? so very much, 11 mi|d, and as help less as a bab^^Ki lnlthe wont kind o< shape. jl do any work. I began tald^^Kf J g* woman's tonic, and the very first dote.* By (be ^^Hfed taken 13 Jot tles, my nenh^^^^Kpletely restored. good as T didX^^^^K iQ^' ~,u',eel " Cardui certairil^^^K me from losing my mind, and 1 duty to speak In Its favor. > w'^Hd some power over poor, sufferi^^^Hien and could make them knowy^^^Kd it would do If you suffer Voti^^^RKthe ailments liar to worien, Vrtainly be If T< ? peculiar to women, lertainly be worth your wMIe to^^?car<\i a trial. H has been Uelpin^^Hk wduien for more than SO years, will h So you, loo. fl Try Cardui. Your^Mgist sells Writ* u: Chattanooo^^HdsM Oo.. Advisory Dept.. Chattano^^Vrenn., (or S ft huhmt?Unt onyour case M p&ti book. Ho* Treatment for women." inwrapper. N.C. 12 Old 'King cotton making desper ate effort to rejpliflBils time honored (VAV&. v K.' Velir Hm Been Dniflkernus In Loniiu Do the right thing A the right time. Act quickly In time y>' danger. \ In time of kidney (danger Doan's Kidney Pills are most \eftctlve. Plenty of evidence of their worth. Mrs. W. C. Jones 221v N. Bloodworth St, Raleigh, N. C.,-say?: "My back ached constantly and ofucn I had pains across my loins. SomeVtlmes I was In such bad shape that 11 could hardly get up after sitting awllile. 1 did not get my proper rest at nlight and I suf fered! n tensely-froto headaches. The doctor's medicine brougmt me no re lief. Doan's Kidney Pllis drove away the aches and pains and\ restored me to better health than I hao enjoyed for, years." (Statement givenv January 30, 1908). \ Over two years, Mrs. (Jones said. "My back or kidneys h&ven't trou bled me much since I iuscmI Doan's Kidney Pills." Price 50c. all dealers. T%n't simply ; ask for kidney remedy?cl Doan's | Kidney Pills?the same lhat . Mrs. Jones had. Foster-Mlll*r?" Co.. ] Props., Buffalo, N_. y. "Here is the Answehjii ? Webster V New International The Merrjam Webs tek Every da7 in your talk and reading, at home, on tbo street car. In the office, shop and school you likely question the mean UiEiPt?ol?c ncw wor?* A friend asks: vv hat makes mortar harden?" You seek tuelocaUonof LoeAJrafrfa^orthopronun clation of JuJutsu. What is uhitm coal? This New Creation answers all kindfl of questions in Lunirn aire, Hf story, Diorraph y, Fiction, Foreign Words, Trades, *rts and Sciences, uith Anal authority. 400,000 Words. 6000 Illustration*. Cost *400.000. 3700 PagBB. The only ilirtinuiirywlth uio new die i d r<; par?*.?chnr actcrijtfd tu "A Stroko of Genius." India Paper EtfRTorr On thin, opnoue, strong!, India paper. What * utia ftction to own tl;e Jfrrrioaa wetwter in n form so lic h t and ?o-convenient to use I One half the tliicknc? and! weight of Regular s On ? 14% lb?. SlMliHzB fi inches. &IC - COL SprfagfMd, Mim? THE HOME CIRCLE COLUMN / / Pleasant Evening Reveries?A Column Dedicated to Tired Mothers as They Join the Home Circle at Evening Tide. ORUJU. THOUGHTS FROM THE EDITORIAL PEN Talki to Mothers on the Boj Problem. MIbs Maty Harrington, a teacher In an Iowa City School, recently Kave an address at a Mother's and Teach er'* Institute that every mother should read. Miss Harrington'* address, was one of special merit In that It was prac tical and logical and the Idea beauti fully expressed. Questions Mothers Caa Answer "Some of the neighborhood ques tions which might be controlled by ?the co-operation Jbf the mothors are: "Why Is Jhere a different standard of action and Ideas for the boys than for the girls T "Can the night street corner boys be kept at home? "Why was home good enough until he was ten, eleven or twelve years old when he answered the call of the street? "Why do the girls consider It their place to be at home? "Will' this double standard of ac tion for the girls and boys ever con flict? . - : \ Chiefly Boy Problem. "I BfeWeve the neighborhood prob lem Is chit-fly a boy problem. The boy'? life Is aMded Into three periods, Infancy from birth to six years of age childhood from six to twelve, and the lescent period from twolve years to manhood. The trying time In the government of a boy Is In the kdplea -thlrd of all the popular tlon of this city Is In the adolescent age and so you see we are dealing with one-third of all the people. "Why should parents^ relax the reins of guidance for the boy. In his teens, when he Is In' the mogt "critical stage?the street gang' stage. This relaxation Is not Intentional on the part of the parents, It Is only that the boy himself feels the call of the street and the gang and the parent falls to go with him. In a way the gang spir it Is legimate, but the father should in spite go with thtf boy and the mother and the home should receive the gang. Recall In memory the plea sures of your young days when you went with a crowd and have sympathy with our child In that same enjoy ment. Boy's Club Meets nt Home. "The best type of boy', club is th>? | world meets in the home kitchen of in the living room. The evening lamp | is the home's light house and the j hour after sunset Is the Sabbath of the day. The evening hour and the home ought to be made so that the ; children will love It. The parents should provide books and papers and mxfeazines and games for school day j evenings. On Friday and Saturday evenings extra social affairs may be held, an occasional party and a meet ing of the crowd or the gang in some home under careful supervision. The boys and girls ought to meet togeth er in these evenings and there should be an understanding and a nelghbor Jiood standard for going home in time. So every mother would know just when the children would be . at home. "Dp you know your boy's frlendsT Do you ever take time to take an ex tra loaf of raisin bread or an^ extra pan of ginger bread so your boy can share with his friends, who will by that tojfen know that mother' 1b also their friend?" ' Mothers, Will It Pny t We are forcibly struck the other day by the truth of a remark made by a-man who at the time was under serious difficulty over the crop that had sprung up from the wild oats he had sown when a boy. A little friend of his was putting over some chastise ment, when he gently remarked, '''Take aH your corrections kindly and be thankful to any one who cares enough for you to tell you of your mistakes or ?|rn you when you first begin to go astray. For," he contin ued sadly, "the more corrections you receive and profit by when young, the less you will reeelve from the world when older." | A truer statement was never ut tered. What a responsibility, then, upon parents. Will It pay. to cloae our eyes to the fact? All our cor rections should be made with an eye to the future as well as the present. There should be a principle Involved. Let our children see that It Is our duty to punish them sometimes, never a pleasure. In our desire that their young lives be full of joy and? glad ness, will'it be wise to retrain from Imparting to them a knowledge of, the sterner realities "at life? Will it pay to allow them to go untaught? We must teach them so Judiciously the difference between the trend up ward and the trend downward, that of their oton accoiM they will eschew those pleasures of a doubtful nature. We cannot guard our boys and girls too closely. Many a fair flower lan guishes and dies before It is time. It will- not pay to close our eyes to the signs around us, thinking our boys and girls proof against these Influen ces. Above all things, teach the. girls to ^e natural. Do not allow them to ^et into these simpering, giggling, foolish ways that so many misses ap pear to think smart, and yet do not cause them to feel tha^ you desire to put "old heads on young shoulders." Par from it Let young people be young people Btlll, but the while not forgetting thit there is fgr more real happiness in bdTng pure and true than can be found along any other line. DISORDERS COME FROM THE LITER Are Yon Odds With Yourself! Do You Relrulate Living? <""\re>Sjr6u sometimes at odds with yoursel\ and with the world.? Do you wonller what ails you?True you may "be eating regularly and sleeplnR well. Yetsomethlng is the matter! Constipation, Headache. Nervousness and Bilious Spella^mdjcate a sluggish Liver. The tried remedV is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Only \sc. at your Druggist. Bucklon's Arnica Salve for Sores Bucklen's Arnica Salve for SkHS^Er uptlons Pope's Items* Everyone is invited to come out to Pope's next Sunday as the choir from Wake Union will sing on that clay, February 14th. Miss Maud Puller, of Raleigh, spent Monday with her people here, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fuller. Miss Zelma Holmes spent last week in Henderson with friends. Mr. Vannie Williams was one of the many visitors to Pope's Sifnday. He is one of tht one arm. New York.?Moses Woo'er celebra ted his 100th birthday with a party at wbtcli he made encouraging efforts to learn, the tango. Wooler Is posttve he will live to be 140, and It's his great est ambition. He smokes 6 to "10 clears every day, besides a pipe and consume 5 a beaker of imported beer with each meal. "Tobacco and ale have kept me-healthy" he told a World intervi^v.f v "an'' I'm better than lots of men at 60. "He walks .daily with out a cane, reads the papers wftliout gla^se? and never has been seriously Falmouth, Mass.?Miss Martha Palmef^dtsappeared si* weeks ago and when shelxjjppeared she said she had been wandejfb&in the woods eating acorns and bcrriiSSvShe made the ex periment for her heSHh and says she never felt better- than she does now. Healburg. Cal.?A remarUaMe fall from the heavens of meteoric floss took place here recently. The ranged In s'! ? from tiny t peeks to sheets 20 feet square. Try This For Neuralgia Thousands dl people keep on suffer ing with Neuralgia because thoy do not know what to "do for It. Neural Iq a naln in the nerves. What you want to 3bvIs to soothe the nerves Itself. ApplyL Sloan's Liniment to the ^urfacc over the painful' part?do not rub it In. Srean's Liniment pene trates very quifckjy to the sore, irrl* tated nerve and atl^vs the. inflam mation. Get a bottle oCSloanVj Lini ment for'25 cents of ai}y aru&?fet and have it in the house?against \)olds and Swollen Joints, Lumbago. Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if-not satisfied, but it does almost in jtant relief. A New l'ord Story. Here is a new Ford story we saw somewhere, but have for gotten Ju3t where. A man in California writes to the Ford Company and tells them they should feel very much exalted for the re&aon that the Ford is the only car mentioned in the Bible and to prove it cites them to passage in \ isaah which says "He went up into Heaven on high" and ask what other car but a Ford could do that? RUB-nriY-TISM Will cure youi Burns, Old Sores Etc. Antiseptic Rheumatism Neuralgia, Hei laches, Cramps^ Colic, Sprains,' ] raises, Cuts and Stings of Insects Vnodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c Everybody Wants to Do It What ? ^ X Cuss When His Car Gets Balky . / ' ? V ' ' Just keep in touch "with us and you won't want to cuss?won't have any occasion to cuss-for we will ^eep your automobile in prime working condition at very slightest cost, much less than your bill will be if you let it "run too long" Louisburg Machine Works Incorporated Phone 43 . -= Louisburg, N. C. February is a Month When You Want - ? r ? Good Eats This is a Store Where You Get Good Eats. What More Need We Say. E. JONES MRGOH. Main Street* Ltuisburg, N. C. Wish You Happy and Prosperous New Year And extend to you our many thanks nnd apt>ffciatio rs patronage you have extended us in the past. Bfcmnt, m*-rit your future patronage by carrying ihe bentp^y the most reasonable prices. ,1 am Your t:ulv^s?v>-. FRED A. RIFF^ Jeweler and Optometrist Louisburg, Nortto Carolina Prepare For Better Weather. And have all your old Automobile Tubes and Casings repaired before the spring arrives. Then you will be ready for any ernergency. We use only the best of ma terials and expert workmanship. Our prices are right for the best of work. ? We also do sewing machine and bicycle repair work. .Come to see us. E. B. Griffin I . a -. ~ ? Less Smoke And More Heat. t ? ? it what our Coal offer* job. Oar Coal la clean, dry, carefully screened, fall weight. When you boy a ton of It youqet a ton of lattefectloa. Order yonr next ton from a* Tonil tet JnM Um coal you're looking for, delivered promptly t>y careful, polito driver*. We' Must Ask Cash Upon Delivery for 1 - ? r ' ? , ' _j_ Coal, Wood, Etc Bought From Us. Send Your Laundry to th? L0UISBCJB6 8TEAM LACN DRY. We rnaraatoe satisfaction or refund your money. Our cleaning and pressing department will saye you money. Bay a Coupon Book or Salt Card and mtc the discount. If oar work pleases yoa toll your friends, If aot toll at. > Phone go. 7 LOUISBURG COAL & ICE CO. PhoneM 7