Only $1.00 Per Year o In Advance * An Advertising Medium That Brings Results. Ji '* ' .'V ' ? ' - A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager. ' ? THE COUNJY, THE STATE, THE UN ON. SUBSCRIPTION 11.00 PER YEAH. XLV. LOUISBUEG, N. 0., FEIDAY, APRIL 23, 1915. ? NUMBER 10. - ? . ' > J.*1 '-V - / 1 PAST RECORD ENDORSED MAYOK AJiI? OLD BOARD BE NOMINATED. CapL Joyner Withdraws from Mayor alt) Race?Much Interest and the Best of Keellngs. What was possibly the most Inter esting city primary held here In many years with such good feelings pre vailing was pulled oft Tuesday. There was a registration of 285 and a vote of 269 was polled, being one of the largest percentages of registered votes ever polled here In a primary. A clean bill of health was given the old administration as the entire num ber were _ reelected. ' Capt. L. L. Joyner, who was opposing Mr. J. A. TOirner and Mr. A. O. Dickens for Mayor withdrew from the race Monday night and Mayor "Turner was nomin ated over his opponent, Mr. Dickens, in a vote of 195 against 70. Tho with drawal of Joyner from the Mayoralty race relieved what appeared to be pos sibly the strongest fight. The next feature around which the Interest centered was that of tho vote for Commissioners. In this box a great deal of scratching was in evidence all MAYOR JAMES A. TURNER. Who was nominated to succeed him self as Major of Louisburg Tues day. I through the day which was possibly increased by the use of the ticket con taining tiie names of all nine Can didates; and the presence of so many folded tickets, due to the fact that all the Candidates were good men and no one wanted to scratch any particular man, made it impossible for any one to forecast the result. Even when the count was more" than half over there was nothing certain, as to what the final result Would be. However the vote stood as follows: Hottge A. Newell 205, Benjamin N. Williamson 198, Brantley G. Hicks 192, . George W. Ford 190, Prank W. Wheless 189, James tf, Allen 187, Malcolm McKinne 161, T. Way land Watson MO, Arthur Hynes Flem ing 100. . It will be noticed that Dr. 0. A. NeWell lead the ticket for Com missioners with Williamson a close second. The three last named were the new Candidates and each made a splendid run and even the result might have been different if the - Mayoralty fight had been pursued. -*? - The old administration has been doing a good work for (he town and is composed of men who will continue t tie same or better. However the new ones seeking a position on the Board would have made splendid officials and would have looked after the town's affairs in a business like manner, as they were among our most popular and leading citizens. . . ON THE DIAMOND To Play Wakelon High ffehool Monday. Quite a little interest is being mani fested in baseball in Loulsburg, ah d the local fanB may feel sure that they wtll be well paid for the time they spend in encouraging the boys as they are Improving with every game and lyill no doubt develop into a team that Vill fear none and play any In a short while, as the greatest need at present is team work. The game on last Thursday eydrfng between Louisburg and Waj?' Forest was a splendid one and .up until the seventh inning was eqaii to a profes sional Rame, as until this time there had been onlyjhree Bcores made by the visitors ami-two by the local team. At this tiro?, however, our boys became (iiscoaraged at several costly errors, due entirely to lack of such practice as would cause the boys to play together, and the gatne weht to pieces: The score at the wind-up "stood 15 to 3 in favor of the visitors. Herndon arid Taylor for the visitors did some good work and received splendid sup port .from the entire team, while Allen and Weaver for the home team did splendid work, but owing to the lack of team practice failed to get the necessary support. Itwaseasll^seen that If oor toys ttd been ta good team practloe they would have been frilly equal, If not more so, to their oppon ents and would have made them play for the game or not gotten It With Frankllnton. M6nday afternoon the local baseball, team won against Frankllnton by a score of 9 to ?. Since the game with Wake Forest tHe player? hare been working hard, and as a result did some splendid work In the field and at the bat Mr. James Malone and Mr. C. C. Julian were In the game for the first time and showed up well. The game only lasted five Innings on account of the delay of getting started, but the result would probably have been the same had the full nine innings been played. This makes the third game with Prankllnton this season, and Louisburg has won two of ttie three. In thi? game Alley could not stand the pressure of our boys ?and he was replaced by Speed, while Cooke held the post behind the bat for the visitors. Julian and Weaver did good work for the locals and showed indications of developing Into a strong battery. The game was an enjoyable one and we hope to see many more between our neighbors and ourselves and that each of us may develop teams equal to the support of our townspeople. /The Louisburg boys went over to New Hope for a game Wednesday. It is hoped that we will be able to secure a return , game with New" Hope today. j A great deal of interest is already centering around the engagement for a game to take place on the local dia mond on Monday between Wakelon High school and the local team. The Wakelon boys have a reputation that is especially flattering to their skill in the game and our boys are determined to redeem. themselves against teams of such reputations. Therefore the lovers of baseball may expect to see a pitch battle on the -local diamond Monday. Oo out. The new baseball suits have arrived and will be seen at the next game. This together with the good playing done lately by the team should create more enthusiasm among the local fajis for the rest of the season. Louisburg expects to have the best amateur team in the State and will if everybody gives it the support that it has had in the past. A Pleanaht Trip. Supt. W. R. Mills, Misse3 -^Onnie Tucker, Beulali Cyrus, Lillie Mae Aycock and Messrs. Edward Webb and Will Collie left by automobile on April 8th for Chapel Hill, where Misses Aycock and Cyrus, and Messrs^ Collie' and Webb, were to enter the annual debating contest for the Aycock Memorial Cup. On, arriving in Cliapel Hill Miss Tucker went t<5 the home of Pres. Edward K. Graham, Misses Aycock and Cyrus to the home of Dr. W. D. Toy where they were charmingly en tertained during their str.y at the University. Messrs. Collie and Webb, spent the time very pleasantly with Mr. Graham Egerton, their townsman, who^s _a_ student at the University. 4 Supt. W. R. Mills went to the hotel where he and dozens of others Super intendents "talk shop" and communed with kindred spirits. the first round of preliminaries the contest jpas narrowed down to twelve teams, six on the affirmative, and six on the negative. It was a great compliment to Misses Aycock and Cyrus that they were chosen from such large numbers to be among the winning six. This gave them the right to the second preliminary and tiiey upheld the ajllrmatlve of the query, "Resolved that the United States should adopt the policy of subsidizing Its Merchant Marine engaged In foreign trade." ? - In this preliminary the Louisburg debaters were pitted against the sec ond of HUlsboro, Lincolnton, Lowell, Falling Creek, Almound and Jelferson. Louisburg and Lincolnton were selected as the best teams from their section and Misses Aycock and Cyrus were again chosen to represent their school In the final preliminary. This was an honor far .these young ladies, and for the-Fchool and town that they ably Represented. One of the striking features of this debate was the numbers of girls* among the debaters. Of the forty-eight debaters qualify' ing for the second preliminary, tjwrfvo were girls, Louisburg, . Ltaeolnton, Mantoo and Wilson all being represen ted by girls. Louisburg Is proudof the part her girls played onWris occasion and fully appreclat^s^trelr efforts , Inteligence and ?blll#V v Grouch Proof. ^ In Chicago a man has just left a hospital whose Inner works are all topsy turvy, and yet the world Is ex ceeding bright to him and his good natura radiates sunshine whenever he go??. i His heart Is on the right side; his Uver Is on the left, when It should be on the right side; his spleen Is on the right, when It should be the opposite, and.his stomach Is farther over to the right than It should be. He has excellent digestion, Is happy 43 years old, and has never been In love. He Is grouch proof. Lonlsbarg Baptist Church. Public worship will be co'aducted ' Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the i pastor. "Two Burning Questions" will be the theme ol the morning ser mon, and "Obedience" will be the sub ject Sunday nfght. The ordinance of baptism will be administered Sunday i night. 1 Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., Ivey j Allen Superintendent. B. Y. P. U: g p. m? A. 0. Dickens, president | Pastor Qllmore will fill his regular appointment at Ransdtll's Chapel I Sunday 3 p. m. s -?