Only $1.00 Per Year In Advance A. F. JOHNSON, Editor und Manager. ^HE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. Times An Advertising Median That Brings Results. SUBSCRIPTION ?1.00 PER YEAR. XLV. v ? LOUISBUEO, N. 0., FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1915. NUMBER 12. V . f - ^ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEET IX REGULAR SESSION MON DAY. List Takers Take Oath?List Takers for Special School District Ap pointed?Routine Business. The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday with all members present. After reading and approving the minutes gf the previous meeting the following business was disposed of: . ' C. C. Winston, who was appointed County Assessor, appeared before the Board and was duly sworn in. TJie Jo-llowing list takers were given the oath of offlve; W. D, Upchurch, M. Perry, J. D. Speed, M. L. Fowler. Jno. E. Williams. J. M. Stallings, G. C. Parrish, S. H. Boone. N. A. Black, was relieved of poll tax in Frankllnton Graded school / dis trict. H. T . May was relieved of taxes trn $1500.00 worth of property in Frankllnton township for 1914. It was ordered that the Board ap propriate the sum of $3.00 each to be used for railroad fare for all old sol diers in the county, who wish to at tend the reunion at Richmond. T. S. Collie was appointed committee to look after same. J. Lynn was relieved of poll tax in | Youngsville township for 1916. Jennie Cooke was placed on outside | pauper list at $1.00 per month. Henry Person was placed on outside | pauper list at $1.00 per month. The report of the committee on the Depository was received and ordered filed. The committee was retained and instructed to do the best they could in disposing of the whiskey. The following were appointed list I takers for the special school districts | named: Bunn and Pilot and Pine Ridge?J. | M. Sellings; New Hope?J. B. King; Justice?G. S. Earp; Cedar Rock?T. | W. Stokes; Mapleville?A. W. Perry, Sr.; Moulton?J. B. Smith; Ingleslde? I G. W. Brown; White Level-^E. D. Par- | 6rish. ? Report of Dr. J. E. Malone, Superln- I Cfendent of Health, was received and | filed. Gilbert Dldcens was placed on out- | side"pauper list at $1.00 per month. It was ordered that the Commis sioners would not hold themselves re-"* sponsible for the pay of any bridge built by any one who had not first re ceived the authority of the Board or. its committee. The report of J. W. Winston and J. H. Cooke on K. J. Perry's horse was received. They recommended the payment of $65 to Mr. Perry as damages to his horsed Report of E. NT. Willlagis, Superin tendent of County Home, was received I and ordered filed. He reports 11 | white and 17 colored inmates. It was ordered that Macon Bridges be exempt from poll tax from now | on. It was ordered that W. H. Ruffln take up the matter of K. J. Perry's horse, damages with the Commi'sison ers of Vance county. A petition for a special school tax | was granted in Mountain Grove dis trict. After allowing a numbfcp of ac-1 counts the Board adjournea^to^mect 1 again on May 10th, 1915. Missionary Meeting. The regular business meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society met on Monday afternoon in the ladles parlor of the Methodist church. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. R. Z. Egerton. The after noon'b subject was "Gui dance" and Mrs. Glen Crowell and Mrs*, J. A. Turner read a beautiful scrrfcture lesson bearing on the sub ject. The roll was called and dues col- | lected, then Mrs. Turner read a let tef from one of our council officers | asking for help for a needy minister. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved and several items of business were attended to. The books for the next course of study were given out, and a lesson for the nextStudy Circle assigned. Mrs. TK T. Smlthwlck then olosed I the meeting with prayer. Small Boys Play Ball. ? _ .. A most amusing, and Interesting to the players, game ^red by the Chapter's president Mrs. Roh-^Davts and be responded to In behalf otUie convention by the State president Mc^. Little. Mrs. C. M. Cbolje and Mrs. Rob Davis will then give ms^oricai papers of much worth and the^j^ose of the exercises a reception v.-ill top tendered the convention in the College^parlors. No Cause to Justify Removal. In the leaving of the case of State vs. Ellington, before Judge F\ A. Daniels In Raleigh Monday afternoon, where counsel for defense sought to have the case removed to another county for trial, the Judge held that he could see no cause to justify the removal. This was the case wherein Ellington was being tried for cutting Mr. D. F. McKlnne last fall. It was i tried in January, but resulted in a mistrial. T^he Judge .set the. case for ' trla> on Friday May 14th, 1916, for tfre benefit of the counsel for the defense. (iocs to Cohwibln, N.f. The tnany friends of Mr. C. D. Eger ton will regret t olearn that he has taken a postltion at Columbia, S. C and left yesterday to make that city his home. Mr. Egerton will be Supervisor of agents under Mr. Marion Rich, who Is the General agent for the Missouri State Life Insurance Co., for North and South Carolina. Tills Is quite a promotion for Mr. Egerton and we all rejoice at his 8uccega_ftlthough we regret to give him up as a citizen. Special Communication We are requested to state that there will bo a special communication of Sandy Creek Lodge No. 185, A. F. & A. M? on Saturday May 15th, at 2:00 o'clock. There will be work In the Fellocrafts and Master Masons de gree. All members are 'requested to be present. ? Pond Posted. This Is to notify the public that our pond Is posted against seines and nets, and that all trespassers will b? prosecuted. W. R. Clifton, R. T. Olifton. May 3rd, 1915. OLD VETS TO RICHMOND COUNTY TO PAY RAILROAD FARRs But All Who Wish to Go Must Make It Known Before the Day to Leave. Acting in accordance with a petition bearing something like three hundred names of citizens of Franklin county, the County Commissioners on Monday appropriated funds to the Old Con federate Veterans to pay their railroad fare to Richmond to attend the re union to be he^d there in June. Capt. T. S. Collie, chairman to the Board, and who is an Old Veteran, was made a committee of one to purchase the tickets. There is a provision attached to this donation however that makes It compulsory on the part of every Old soWfter. who wishes to go t6 make his desire known in writing to Mr. J. B. Yarborough, Register of Deeds, and Clerk to the Board of Commis sioners at once, and* that the appli cant must be a bona-fide resident of Franklin county and also fe, veteran of the civil war. I( you want to avail yourself of the county's generosity, write Mr. Yarborough at once as the proper provision cannot be made Ju3t a day or two before time to leave. The following letter to Mr. A. S. Strother will be of interest to all who wish to attend: ^ Richmond, Va., May 1st, 1915.. MrfrA. S. Strother, Loufeburg, N. c. My dear Comrade: Your letter, of April 30th received and contents noted. Kindly fill in the inclosed reply with the names of the Veterans who expect to attend the Re union. The men will be quartered at Camp Henry Stuart in houses on cots and every Veteran Is requested to bring his blanket. Kindly state what route and at what tftae you expect to arrive in Richmond. I will have them met at the station and escorted to their quarters. Inform all Veterans to come and have the time of their lives. I am Sincerely your Comrade. D. A. Bl*own, Jr. Chairman ^Teteran Reunion Entertainment Com. -Town Commissioners Meet. The Board of town Commissioners met in regular session on Friday night with all members present except Allen and Newell. After reading and ap proving the minutes of the previous meeting the following business was transacted: Report of A. W. Alston. Clerk for light and water, was received and or dered filed. He reports co41ectlng for lights $659.81; water $304.91; making a total of $964.72. Report of J. C. Tucker, Chief cf Police was received and orderd filed.1 He reports collecting costs $27.20: fines $5.00, license on pool room | $15.00; license on pressing clubs $12.50; license on selling fish $10.00; I making a total of $69.70. A motion prevailed that a committee I of two be appointed to look after land I around power house and to rent It or cultivate "It* as they think best The , Mayor appointed Commissioners.1 Hicks and Williamson. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to meet again on Thursday. May 6th, 1915. Honor Rolls. Honor Rolls for the fourth and fifth grades of Louisburg Graded schools for week ending May. 1st 1915, Miss Eliza Moore, teacher. Fourth?Virginia Perry, Eleanor Perry, Effle Taylor, Y/ebb Loy, Harris* Turner, Ruffin Stamps, Ellis Parham. Mourice Clifton. Russell Wilson. Fifth?Louise Jones, Catherine Bob bitt, Elizabeth Furgurson, Armour Wilcox, Henry Ruffin. Honor Roll for fifth and sixth grades, Mfss Louiia Jarman teacher. ssMth?Kenneth Collier, Paul Beas ley>Mmiiam Moorman, Clara Hudson. KatheritrePlesants, Davis Egerton, Lucy Allen^G^orge Houck. Sixth'? MamtosHayes, Garnet Myers. Ellie Bailey, Gerkid Allen, Maggie Taylor, Jesse Clay, Gfcs^Reavis, Jim Allen Hill. Annie WllliafeKWaddell, Clyde White, Noma Holllngswortb. ** Spire Gives Bond. In getting up our last week's editorial we overlooked the fact that we had not made ;mention of tj^e habeas corpus proceeding befo?e Judge, Cooke where it It was sought to reduce the -bond placed upon i. Spire in the several whiskey cases. After going into the hearing. Judge Cooke reduced tho bond to $500.00, which Spire gave and was released. He was also required to givo n bond In the sum of $100.00 for his appear ance in other casos, wfilch he also gave. LouJnbnrgr Klfles Capt. S. P. Boddle. of Company I). Louisburg Rifles Informs us. he_liaa_ received five new reurultH to the com pany during the past few days and all the equipment for the company has been received, and that there will be a regular drill on next Tuesday night at which time the boys will be fitted out. All members are expected to attend this drill. Move Pom t office by May 15th. Supt. Hanna, who has charge of the building of t heNow Hotel for G. W. Ffrrd, informed the Times man the past week that they would have the room for the postofflce completed and the postofflce moved back to its old quarters by May 15th. This will no doubt be good news to many of our people. BOAltl> OF EDUCATION MEET? Petition to Change Oak Level School Denied. The Board of Education met in their ontcc on Monday in regular session with all members present. After reading and approving the minutes of the previous meeting the following business was disposed of. The list takers for the several spec ial school tax districts Were recom mended to the Board of .County Com misloncrs. (This llbt will be found in the report of the County ^ommis sioners.i R?PQft?ot^., W. Perry, Sr.. special committee received and filed. He nK commends the building of a school house at Walnut Grove. The Board aske'd the County Com missioners to call an election in the MapleVille school district for a sup plemental tax, and also in the Moun tain school district for a special tax. A petition from the Oak Level school district asking the Board to change the location of the school house was presented, as also one op posed. The Board decided to let the school remain as it is. A number of accounts were allowed and the Board adjourned to its next regular meeting. Little Girl Dies. Lucile, the seven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Southall, died a few minutes past 4 o'clock Monday afternoon at the family residence on Church street, after an illness of four months. Some weeks ago she was carried to Rex Hospital, Raleigh, but after some time, her condition being unimproved, she was brought back home. Pneumonia set in a few- hours before J her death and was the immediate caiisc of her death. She has always been a sweet qul*t child, a special favorite in her home, and loved by all who knew her. Bes ides her father and mother, three brdthers and one sister survive her.. The funeral service was held at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in the Baptist church, of which she was a member of the Sunday^sctitfol, In the presence of a large company of sor rowing loved ones and friends. In hi3 lemarks the pastor. W. M. Gilmore. used the striking appropriate and beautiful text, "My beloved is gorio down into the garden to gather lilies." Song of Solomon 6:2. The casket was covered with beautiful lilies and the pulpit platform displayed a great wealth bt. sweet flowers, fitting em blem? of the little life that had winged its way back to its Creator. W eekly Weather Forecast. Issued by the U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, n. for the week beginning Wednesday -Way .V, 1915. For Sooth Atlantic and East Gulf States: The weather will be fair the greater portion of The time with somewhat lower temperatures for a day or two over the interior districts. There is some prospect of showers in a day or so over the East Gulf States. ?Ur. J. C. Conway Doing WelL The many friends of Mr. J. C. Gqn way, who had the misfortune of failing from the top of tfie residence of Mr. R. C. Perry on Kenmore Avenue, while doing some painting for him and breaking his thigh and otherwise be in* -bruised up, and who was taken to the Rex Hospital in Raleigh that-af ternoon will be glad to know that he is doing nicely. It seems that the ac cident was caused by the slipping of the ladder arrangement he had devised with which to get to his work. Town Election. The town ejection for Louisburg to elect a Maypr and six Commissioners was held on Tuesday. It was possibly the quietest we have had and about the lightest vote. The total vote cast ^Mit of a registration of 285 was only SZNnMf. James A. Turner received SO. whileW^ssrs. G. W. Ford, J. M. Allen and B. G. Hicks received 81 each, and Messrs. B. N. Williamson, H. A. Newell and F. W. Wheless received the full vote of 82. \ Stall ingS'Borkey. We learn that on Wednesday of Vast week at the home of the bride's p arg ents at Atlee, Va., Mr. W. A. Stallings, of this county and Miss Annie Louise Borkey were happily married in the presence of a number of friends and relatfves. Immediately after the mar riage the bride and groom left for the home of the groom's father, Mr. W. I. Stallings. in this county, where they will make their fnture home. Works Reads. We have received information to the effect that the people in Harris town ship along the road from Harris Cross Roads to J. J. Youngs, have worked this road in the latest appro ved method. This Is commendable and everybody who took part is to be congratulated. We feel that in only a short While they will see that it pays to work the roads In thfs way. Germs are abroad and scientists are warning us against the awful effects of kissing. Hang the scientists?and on with the kiss! MORE SCHOOLS CLOSE BIB SPEECHES, BMi DINNERS, HHi CROWDS. Academy, Maplevllle and Moulton Close Successful Terms - wir"Mranki,nt- ?" v?n?Rs. the'"(^o^1 commencements' i^our'lasT ot^rsmore l,ave been he'5 ?nd ^ Inifleslde. endlnUirrnf^0,hla8t Week marked the slon nf ,1r,most successful sea sjon of this well known school, under Prof^F8 R auc?"0"a> matter.: enthusl-a tlc ZXihl1 aayd address for the day * e C'i?8? for 1,18 Ume. "Tomor row, which proved to be an intcnselv iueYteionnLrtODe'h, "e dlseussed the question and problems, that the bova and girls of today will have to' solve tomorrow?the bread and butter ques ongovernmenta. questions, public other questionsmml8r!lt'0n wh^JTr" the 01811 ?f tomorrow, :h?: