Only $1.00 Per Year In Advance The Franklin Times An Advertising Medtam That Brings Results. A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PEB YEAR. XLV. s? LOUISBURG, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1915. ' NUMBER 14. FRANKLIN SU PERIOR COURT J. B. ELLINGTON CONVICTED OF ASSAULT WITH ?BADLY . WEAPON. And Given Four Months In Jail? Otherwise Only Minor Cases Taken l!p Since Last Report. Tlie regular May term of Franklin Superior court for criminal and civil cases came to a close on Saturday afternoon, when the case of State vs. J. B. Ellington was completed. The jury in tills case waf out only a short while and returned a verdict of guilty of assault with deadly weapon and the Judge imposed a sentence of four months in Jail. Other cases were dis posed of as follows: State vs. J. C. Rogers false pre tense, Judgment suspended upon pay ment of costs and {20 to Hill Live, Stock Co. State vs. Tom Watkins, false pre tense, nol pros igith leave. State vs. John Credup a. dr w.. guilty Judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs. Henderson Mitchell, false State vs. Norman Green, c. c. w., pleads guilty, fined $10 and costs. State vs. Baldy Davis 1. and r? con tinued. State vs. Tom Davis and Carrie Hazelwood affray, Davis pleads guilty. Hazelwood found not guilty. Davis fined $25 and costs and required to give bond for appearance at court for two years to show good behavior. State vs. Ralph High and Sebastian Satterwhlte, forcible trespass and 1. and r? not guilty. State vs. Amos Egerton, a. d. w., continued. State vs. Tom Massenburg, appeal, larceny, c. c. w? continued upon giving bond of $250. , State vs. Ailbert Rogers/false pre tense continued. . i ?" State vs. H. P. Wendle, false pre tense, continued. ' State vs. Clara Bridges a. d. w? con . tinued. State vs. Hackney Pe&rce, disposing of mortgaged property, nol pros. State vs. Willie Lou Harris a. d. w.. jail sentence suspended if cost' in case is paid. State vs. M. W. 'Will Young, c. c. w? continued. State vs. Jesse Anderson and Mark Malone, retailing, Anderson required, -?to give $250 bond, Malone to renew bond. ""Stale vs. Walter Journigan and James Perry, 1. e., Perry called?and failed, judgment nisi scl fa, capias and continued. State vs. Jim Spivey, appeal capias and continued. State vs. Geo. S. Earp, cruelty to animals, capias and continued. State vs. Ben Cooke and J. T. Hol den. discharged upon payment of costs of sci fa. State vs. James H. Ooodson, retail ing. capias and continued. State vs. Early Dunce c. c. w.) judg ment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs. Prank Green 1. and r? judg ment 12 months on roads. State vs. J. B. Ellington, Secret assault, guilty of assault .with deadly weapon, 4 months in jail. The grand jury completed their work Thursday afternoon and were discharged with the thanks of the court. They made the following re port: The Solicitor before leaving filed the following report with tjie court: Solicitors Report, To the Hon. F. A. Daniels, Judge Presiding: The undersigned Solicitor of tho Sixth District respectfully reports to the court that he lias examined at this term of said court into the con dition of the office of J. J. Barrow, the Clerk of the Superior court of said county, that he finds said office well admlniHterfed in all respects, that said Clerk keeps In his office all the books required by law, property in dexed for speedy and convenient re ference. Respectfully submitted, ' H. E. Norri8, Solicitor Sixth Judicial District. Approved F. A. Daniels, Judge. Report of and that the United States should act without obligation and in its own way in Its corre spondence with Great Britain or other belligerent^. Official Reports. The following are a number of offi cial reports from the scvoral coun tries now at war: ficrmauy. Berlin, May 18.?(Via London, May 12.)?German army headquarters today gave out the following report: "In the Western theatre: "Quiet reigned yesterday, north' of Ypres on the canal- near Steen .straete and Het Sas. Southeast of Bossinghe, on the eastern bank ct/ the canp.l, lighting developed at som?? points and continues todny South of Ncuve Clirpelle yesterday and again today British troopo were repulsed with heavy losses to the enemy. "Renewed French attacks on the Heights of Lorette, near Ablain ana west of Souchcz failed. One hundred and fifty prisoners remained in our hands. "Near Ally the fighting of the In fantry came to a standstill, and a French advance broke down, under our flanking fire. "On the Duysta river in the vicinity of Ejargola a strong enemy attack again was repulsed. "Germany forces have been sent to attack Russian forces brought up south of the river Niemen, and fight ing is in progress in the general direction of Gryaykabuza, Syntowtz and Acyaki. Yesterday 1700 Russians were made prisoners. "At a point north of Wyseka our cavalry threw back the Russian at tacks on Mariampol. "In the Southeastern Theatre: . "North of Przemysl, from south of Jarolau to the point where the Wis loka river joins the San, German and Austro-Hungarian troops have been fighting for passage over the San. "The enemy is fleeing further towards the east and the, northeast," between the Pllica and the Upper Vistula. "Near Ilza and Lagow and in the vicinity of Stry, in Eastern Gallcia, a big battle has been going on since yesterday." Turkey. Constantinople. Turkey, May 18.? (Via London)?The following official statement was issued here today: All the Dardanelles front near Avl Burnu there have been very small artillery and, i/ifantry engagements but no important action. Some small fcrtmnporig ?hipa have been damaged by our shells. "Our troops on the right wing have taken a height 200 metres from our positions." France. Paris, May 18.?The officials state ment given out this evening by the Frenofr Wftr department says: rtConttlluous rains since Monday night and & thick mist making it im possible to see- for a distance of 100 meters (about 300 feet) have rendered operations impossible. "There have been no engagements on the entire front. Even the cannon adlng has been very weak." Austria. Vienna, via London, May 18.? To night's official communication issued by the war office says: "The troops of the Teutonic allies, after furious fighting have forced a passage of the San river at several points and secured a foothold on the eastern bank. Russian counter-attacks were everywhere decisively repulsed and the enemy thrown back in an easterly direction. - "On the Upper Dniester, vigorous fighting is proceedtag. .1 "On the Pruih Line., no particular revent has been reported. "Isolated Ruslan attacks north, of Kolomea have been repulsed. "The total number of prisoners brought in during the past half of May WaH 174,000. We have captured 128 guns and 368 machine guns. Tar Rlrer Pastor's Conference. The following is a programme of the Tar River Pastor's Conference to be hold at Castalla May 28-30, 1915: Friday Afternoon. 2:30,?Sermon Mack Stamps 3:30,?Pastor's Conference Led by O. M. Duke. 8:00,?Conditions In China ....W. B. Crocker. Saturday Morning. 9:30,?Devotional Meeting, G. M. nuke, 10:00,?A Statistical Stucy of the Tar River Association, ..W. B. Morton. 10:30,?Can conditions be Improved, and How? .. .*. T. J. Taylor. 11:00,?How to Organize a Church to take Care of its Finances... .W. M. Gilmore. 11:00,?Spirituality Basal to Missions, G. M. Duke. Saturday Afternoon. 2:00,?Address, by W. E. Crocker, of China. 3:00, ? Pastors' Conference, led by ? Wallace Hartsell. 8:00,?Sermon, by E. R. Nelson. Sunday. 9:30, A. M.?Sunday school Mass Meet ing, led by Oscar Creech. 11:00, A. M.?Sermon by ....~.W, E. Crocker. 2:00, P. M.?Sermon, by T. J. Taylor. 8:00, P. M.?Sermon, by . .S. L Morgan? In connection with the above pro gram the ladles missionary union of the as8ocatlon will hold meetings in the Academy at Castalia Saturday morning and afternoon. The following programme has beet* arranged by Miss Lillle May Aycock, who te the leader of this organization in the Franklin union: "Personal Service" ? Miss Lessie Foster. "How to Organize'and Maintain a Missionary Society" in a Country church?Miss Eugenia Boone. "How to Interest the Women in Systematic Giving"?Mrs. J. H. Weath ers. "How to raise the average atten dance"?Mrs. W. E. Strange. Miss Sue Kelley.'who has been en gaged in special work among the mis sionary societies in this section for the past two months, will be in charge of the meeting, and will speak. Mayor*h Court, Mayor Pro Tem. B. N. Williamson proceeded to administer the strong, arm of justice to wrong doors on Mon day morning when he disposed of cases as follows: Norman Champion, drunk and dis orderly, fined $5.00 and costs. James Williams, Osmond Johnson and Walter Hawkins were brought in on a charge of gambling, but after hearing the evidence the Mayor changed the warant to disorderly con duct and required the defendants to pay a fine of $5.00 each and costs. Wins Harvard Scholarship. The many friends of Mr. W. Ray mond Taylor, who finished his studies ?t the University of North Carolina this year, will be delighted to know that he has been successful in winning a scholarship to Harvard Universit$-at Cambridge, Mass. This scholarship is given by the' University for certain high grade marks in the completion of certain courses, which Mr. Taylor did with much-credit to himself. . Hall Reported. Several reports have been received in Louisburg this week of hail storms in the county Monday night. It seems that one of much magnitude occurred in Gold Mine township, but no dam age was done. One above Franklin ton was reported to have done con siderable damage to crop**. A small amount of hall fell in Louisburg that, night - In the sudden change of the weather is much evidence that hail a plenty was near at hand. Loulsbnrg Baptist Church. There will be no preaching services at the Baptist church Sunday morning or evening, in view of the special col lege commencement sermons at the Mehodist church. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., and the B. Y. P. U. Mon day 8 p. m. The paator will fill his regular appointment at Randell's Chapel Sunday 3 p: nlr *" ? To Teach Shorthand. Mr. Geo. Walker left the past week ? for Mebane, where he has taken a position as professor of stenography and typewriting. Mr. Walker 1* a young man of fine attainments and will make g6od in new field, where his many frMts .here regret to lose his companionship, they extend congratulations in. his advancement. #