Our Furniture That is a fact--a fact easily proven-the most widely known self evident fact that we have ever stated in these columns. This is the season of year when you are wanting something in the line of furniture, and we ask you to see ours. No Matter What You Want, We Will Make You a Price That Will Appeal to You on Sight, For Goods and Price Will Tell the Story. HOWELL - BHNN - HUDSON, INC Main Street " LOUISBURG'S WIDE-AWAKE FURNITURE STORE Louisburg, N. C. ' ! db. w. b. Morton Eye Specialist Louiaburg, North-esiwHna Office over First National Bank. 8. ATWOOD NEWELL. Attomey-At-Law. Office with Or. A. H. Newell General Practice and Settlements of Estates; Practice in all Courts DB. ABTHCB HYNES FLEMING Surgeon Dentist. Louisburg, North Carolina Office over P. S. & K. K. Allen's Store. DB. S. P. BURT. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Louisburg, Norm Carolina Office 111 Burt Building Main Street E. M. Perry, M. I). H. G. Perry, SL D. PEBBY & PEBBY. PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Louisburg, North Carolina Office Next Door to Aycock Drug Co. Phone Connections 287. DB. JOEL D. WHITAKEB Specialist. Raleigh, N. C. Practice limited to eye, ear, throat and nose. Will be in Louisburg the first Monday In each month at Dr. Yar borough's office. DB. J. E. MAL0NE. / Louisburg, North Carolina/ Office in Aycock Drug Store. Market Street, Office Practice Surgery and consultation. DB. D. T. SMITH WICK. Dentist. Loolsbbrg, N. C. ~i Office in th^Hill Live Stock <%., Building on Nash Street. W. M. PEBSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Louisburg, North Carolina Practice in all courts. Office on Main Street. M. F. HOUCK. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Louisburg, North Carolina -Trading agents for all kinds of building supplies, artistic Mantles and Tiles, Architectural designs sub . puttea. 1 DR. E. B. YANDEBGBIFT. Veterinarian. Louisburg, North Carolina, at Ful ler's Stables. Phone No. 56, night Phone No. 68. Treats all domestic animals. Free examination of mouth. A. 0. DICKENS. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Louisburg, N. C. Office over Hill Live Stock Co's Store - js Nash Street. T.W. Bickett, R.B. White, E.H. Maloue BICKETT, WHITE & MALONE ? LAWYERS Louisburg, North Carolina General practice, settlement of es tates funds Invested. One member of the firm always In the office. JAMES W. HOLLINGSWOBTH. - Lawyer. General Practice ? Loans Placed Notary Public Collections. Prompt Attention Win. HAYWOOD BCFFIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Louisburg, North Carolina Will practice In the courts of Frank lin and adjoining counties, also In the Supreme court and Circuit court Of fice over the First National Bank. Balelgh, North Carolina Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Will be in Louisburg the first Mon day of each month at office of Dr. E. M. Perry from 9 to 12:80, apd. at the office of Dri. Harris and Henderson at Franklin ton, N. C., from 1:80 to 5 p. m. Will also be in Louisburg at office ef Dr. Br M Perry the entire day of the third Saturday In each month. Franklin County Demonstration Work J . Things That Should be Done and Those That Should Not be Done. Contributed by JNO. A. BOONE, Ctiunty Farm Demonstrator j It is yet too. early lo lay by the corn crop. It now looks like July will be dry, and if it is a dry month the corn that is laid by early will likely be cut off from twenty-five to fifty percent. "Do not forget that Ihe corn must be cultivated very shallow, and especially is this true after the' corn reaches somf size. One deep Cultivation while the corn is small will not do any harm and might be worth much to the corn especialy whpfe the land had not bee? well prepared. , Where^it is needed, the early corn shouja now have an application of nitpttte of soda. Ordinarily the soda should be applied when the corn "rrom three to five feet high. Where two applications are used the first one might be applied earlier. Do not put the soda around the hills of corn, but distribute it broadcast between the rows. We hope that all the Corn Club boys have kept their corn in a grow ing condition. Be sure to keep the surface cultivated after every rain as nearly as possible. We find that some of the boys are not adhering strictly to the rules in working their corn. All the work must be done by* the Corn Club boys. We hope the boys will follow the rules so that none of them will be thrown out of the contest. If all the boys have not done so, we hope they will fill out, sign and return the card -^hich Mr. T. E. Browne sent them some time Red Bud Items. The farmers are busy laying by corn this week. Mrs. John May has been visiting her daughter who has been sick (or some time. Mr. M. B. Smith and son, of the Dortch section have* been visiting friends and realatlves the past week. G. B. Gupton and D. A. Gupton went over to Woods last Sunday to attend Children's Day. Last 'Saturday night a large crowd gathered at the home of Mr. J. J. Lan caster and were ushered Into the par lor where the Misses Peel entertained them for a while with excellent music. Cream and cake were then served In the yard, which was beautiful with swlngintfTanterns. While the young people were busy playing games, Mr. Lancaster ushered the older ones Into his room where they jyere enter tained for at least three hours with string musio made by Mr. Sam Coley and others. O. B. S. r Constipation Causes Host Ills. Accummulated waste In your thirty feet of bowels causes absorption of poisons, tends .to produce fevers, up sets digestion. You belch gas, feel stuffy, irrltabjle, almost cranky. It Isn't you ? It's your condition. Elimi nate this poisonous waste by taking one or two Dr. King's New Life Pills to-night. Enjoy a full, free bowel movement In the morning ? you feel so grateful. Get an original bottle, containing 36 pills, from your Drug gist to-day for 25c. From Chapel Hill. (Arnold A. McKay.) Cbapel Hill, July 6.? The Summer school students of the University have succeeded In spending a safe, sane and patriotic fourth . The day was celebrated here Saturday by various ago. One of the questions on this card -was "Are you going to the short course August 17-20? As we have said before this will be a most pleas ant as well as profitable trip to the boys, and we trust that all that pos sibly can will attend. A number of boys from other counties have writ ten Mr. L-rowne that they expect to be on hand, and we would be glad to see Franklin county represented. A number of farmers are expecting I to put in some grass this fall, and to those whom we have not talked to in regard to the preparation of the land for grass we would like to say that right now, if they have not already done so, is the time to prepare the land. It is just as necessary to pre pare land for these crops as it is for any other crop which you grow. If those who have had no experience in growing grass will see me we can give them some ideas in regard to the best method of preparation and will be glad to do so. We hope that those who are growing crops to exhibit at the County Fair this fall will spare no pains to pro duce the best crops that can be grown. Right now is the timeKo get in the lead^. Do not wait until next fall to plan the exhibits. The committee appointed to. incor porate and sell stock hopes to be able to mqke a favorable report on next Saturday. stunts, pageants and events which gave new color to the meaning of our nations birthday. Every year this event attracts a large crowd of visi tors from all parts of the State, and this year's attendance was larger than ever before. The procession of stu dents formed in front of Alumni building at 9:30 a.'m.. led by Miss Myrtle Nicholson as Columbia and J. A. Holmes as Uncle Sam. Following them came thirteen girls appropriate ly dressed to represent the thirteen original States. The exercises around the flag-pole, te singing of patriotic airs, and. the. 'original stunts by the delegations from different colleges brought the exercises to a close. Music was furnished by the Third Regiment Band, of Raleigh. In the afternoon baseball game between the Summer and law school furnished amusemenc for the crowd, and at night the time was spent In social enjoyment. This week Is rural life week of the school and prominent educators are here to discuss matters dealing with life In the country. In Its effort to be of service to the State, the University realizes the need of better rural con ditions and Is making every effort to study rural problems and to Improve rural condltong. Among those who will discuss this Important subject are: Dr. W. A. McKeever, of the Unlversty of Kansas; President E. K. .Graham ; T. E. Browne, director of the Boys' Corn Clubs; Dr. H. Q. Alexander, president, of the Farmers' Union; Prof. E. C. Branson, and many others whose names Iiave not been announced. This Is the third annual meetng of the conference and every year finds the work larger, more in teresting and more helpful. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Day* Your d rti gvli t will rcfand money if PAZO OINTMENT talla to cura mt c?m oi itching. Mind, llMdlu or Protruding Pile# In 6 t?l4 da y*. Tk? Ant application |lm Kaat sad Rnt 50c. Is Sickness a Sin! ? , It not, it's wicked to neglect illness and mean 3 of relief. It'c wicked to en dure Liver Ills, Headache, Indiges tion. Constipation, when one dose of Po-Do-Lax gives relief. Do-Do-Lax is Podophyllin (May Apple , without the gripe. It arouses the Liver, Increases the flow of bile ? Nature's antlceptlc in the Bowels. Your Constipation and other ills disappear over-night be cause Po-Do-Lax has helped Nature to remove the cause. Get a bottle from your Druggist to-day. Get rid of your Constipation overnight. "The Golden Rule is our highest standard o fconduct," says a writer of note. True, quite true, and it is high most of us are unable to reach it. Report of Condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Louisburg in the State of North 1 Carolina, at the close of business Jun? | 23rd, 11*15. RESOURCES. Loans and dispounts (notes held in bank)... $218,623.09 Overdrafts', secured 1,137.30 Overdrafts Unsecured .... 2,961.79 V. S. Bonds deposited to secure circulation (par . value) 50,000.00 | Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve Bank 3,600.00 Less amt. unpaid 1,800.00 1,800.00 Banking Houses .. 12,230.33 Furniture and Fixtures.. 4,310.38 Due from Federal re ?serve Bank 893.18 Due from approved re ^ serve agents in New York, Chicago and St. , Louis ? 215.4fi| Due from approved re serve agents in other , reserve cities . . ? 282.87 I Due from banks and ban kers (other than lnclud- . ed in 8 or 9) .. .. .. .. 6,847.11 1 Checksum banks in same cjky or town as report ^TflTbank .. 137.13 Outside checks and other cash items 3,065.57 Fractional currency, nick els and cents. . 1,100.90 Notes of other notional banks 2,560.00 Federal Reserve notes . 10.00" Total coin and certificates 4,561.50 Legal-tender notes 465.00 Total Resources $311,221.63 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in . . . . $50,000.00 Surplus fund . . . . 10,000.00 Undivided profits 6,094.55 Less current ex penses, interest, and taxes paid 2.784ret 3,309.91 Circulating notes 55,000.00 Due to approved reserve agents in other cities. . .. 196.58 Individual deposits sub ject to check 46,409.67 Cashier's checks out standing .. 90.68 Deposits requiring notice of less than 30 t^ays . . . . 46,500.35 Certificates of deposit due on or after 30 days ...... 29,361.54 Deposits subject to 30 or more day's notice 54, 126,59 Rediscounts with Federal Reserve Bank 32,727.63 Notes and bills redlscoun ted ..? r... 35,000.00 Total Liabilities . . $311,221.63 State of North Carolina, county oT Franklin as: I, F. B. McKINNE, Cashier of the above-named bank do solemnly swear thflt ?he above ?Tit?|pent Ir true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. B. McKINNE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th, day of July. 1915. S. B. NASH, Notary Public. CORRECT? ATTEST : F. W. Justice, H. A. Newell, D. F. McKlnoa.- ? DIRECT0R8. | I It's passing strange how poverty stricken we all bccome when the tax assessors Is abroad. A knocker knocks everyone but himself, and he Is the one who deser ves the knocks. "Now- Serving 2.000.000 Homes* LOOK FOR THIS NEW PERFECTION GIRL You'll see her in the windows and on the counters of hardware, furniture and department stores everywhere. She stands for the NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE ? the simplest, most efficient^ Oil Cookstove made. Already it has made cooking easier and kitchens cleaner for over 2,000,000 housewives. Made in 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes; also NEW PERFECTION stoves with fireless cooking oven attached. Use Aladdin Security Oil , or Diamond White Oil to obtain the best remit* in oil Stoves, Heaters and Lamps. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C. (New Jermay) CharloWa, N. C. Norfolk, Va. " (BALTIMORE) OiHMtoc, W.Va. Richmond, Va. CharWoo, 5. C.