Try "BETS-IT," H> Magic for Coras! Hew, Bimple, Common ? Seme Way. ' Yoa will never know how really Mar It la to set rid of a corn, until you have tried "GETS-IT." Nothing like II haa ever been produced. It takes leu time to apply It than it does to read this. It Kai-yi! Con..p4ki fa Er?ry N?rr?| Um ?'GETS-IT;'' h ~G*?" E*?ry Core S?r*kr. Qukkly! will dumfound you. especially If you bar* tried everything else for corns. Two drops applied in a few second*? that's all. The corn shrivels, then comet right off. pain lessly, without fussing or trouble. II you have ever made a let bundle oat of your toe with ban daces: used thick, oorn pr easing oot ton -rings ; corn- pulling salves : corn-teasing plasters? well, you 11 appre ciate the difference when yoo use "QST8 IT.*1 Your corn-agony will vanish. Cut \ ting and gouging with knives, rasors. files and scissors, and the danger of blood poison are done away with. Try ??GETS IT" tonight for any corn, callus, wart or bunion. Never falls. "GETS-IT" is sold by druggists every where. ?o a bottle, or sent direct by E. Lawrence 4 Co- Chicago. Sokl in Loulsburg, and recommen ded as the world's best corn cure bj. BEASLEY-ALSTO.N DMUU CO. Lost. Two hound dogs, one white speck led. with brown ears male, one largo light brown female that has some light spots-on her. Any information about them will be paid for by. W. H. Allen. 6-4-tf. Louisburg, N. C. Dr.Brantly Henderson ? Henderson, N. C. In Louisburg every first and third Mondays, at the office of Dr. H. A- Newell. *, Practice limited to the Diseases of the Eye, Ear Nose and Throat and the Examination of the Eyes for Glasses. Colyptic Barber Shop Our four barbers are all artists,'" jou -what you want and ' wfcat you call for, a delightful shave under pleasant conditions, electric fans day and night. Our bath-room cures that sticky feeling. In summer days you bathe often, our bath-room Is convenient, while the price Is cheap enough to allow you to one ofteui Sou art next. Wilkins & Stegall E. A. Rogers Louisburg, N. C. Will make estimates on tin and slate roofs, tin shingles or galva nized shingles and all sheet metal work of any kind. - Guttering and Spouting A Specialty. "Arouse YoursflTes," Contributed by John H. Bunn, coun ty organizer and lecturer. Crops are being held up and the farmers are coming out to the lec tures with a new song in their mouths. We are glad to know that the far mers are coming to the place where they see that co-operation is the thing they must hare. The problem of better prices is this: Make your bread and meat at home, as the old saying goes, then and not until then -will the problem be solved. I found the work of the Farmers' Union dull at first, but since getting out among the people I have found them more interested than anyone dreams of. , Ope man opposed the Union and everything else that had ever been or~ ganized. but after talking to him and showing him the good of the Union he desired to join at the next meeting. Now friends the thing to do is ?to tell your_ friends about the good works of the Farmers* Union. We thank you "for- your hearty co operation thus far and ask that it may continue ttf grow. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. Yon know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label , showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cents SOT THE OSLY 0>E. There Are Other Loulsbur? People Similarly Situated. Can there be any stronger proof offered than the evidence .of Louis' burg residents? After you have read the following, quietly answer the ques tion. Miss Louise Thomas. Chuch St., Loui9burg. says: "I know from ex perience that Doan's Kidney Pills can't be equaled for curing kidney and bladder trouble. Doan's Kidney Pills were endorsed so highly by others that I got a suppply at the Aycock Drug Co.. and began taking them. I noticed relief at once and after taking three boxes. I was cured of the awful trouble -have enjoyed good health ever since." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedjr ? get Doan's Kidney Pills ? the same \that Miss Thomas had. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N, Y. Push, But Don't Shove. Push your town along, but don't shove it off the map. Work for it, and not against it. You may think tb&t your defection is but a single instance and will have no ?injurious effect, but you are wrong. If you are anything but a numbskull there are others who are always ready to follow your lead, even though It results in the wrecking of your heme town. You can't keep your questionable acts under cover. They are bound to creep out, and once in the open they breed like mosquitoes in a swamp. ^ And you cant kick your town with out breaking yoqr own toe._ Pushing i3 a good thing ? but shov ing is not so good. You can push your town along by Pope's Items. ? We are glad to state that Mrs. Ami Bragg who has been sick for some time has improved considerably and is able to be up again. Mr. C. B. Conyers, of Chester, Va., spent Sunday with his people here. Mr. Ellis Green, of Warrcnton, speut Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Con yers. Miss Lonnie May, Mr. Roy Perry and Mr. R. L. Conyers went to Greens boro with the military company. We had some fine rains Saturday and Sunday and the crops have im proved very much. Grass and weeds have been cleaned out and we are in hopes of a good crop. ~ 4 ^ Dont forget the lawn party at Popels Friday night, July the ninth.; G. H. P.--* Whenever Yoa Need a Qeoeral Toole Take Qrove*s The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonio because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE , and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. encouraging home Industrie*. ' You con push it along by producing to the limit and keeping the profits at home. $ . ? You can push it along by beini? of It as well as in it, and remember ing that every dollar you keep m the town is just that much additional prosperity for the town and for you. The home merchant knows you. is your friend, and wants to see you succeed. The mail order man doesnt know you, don't care to rap about you. and never wants to see anything but 1 your money. Push your town along, brothor, but don't shove it off the map. The loyal citizen never breaks his, rQinx "tfM.. * A Medicine ( best For tie. In this chest you have an excellent remedy for Toothache, Bruises. Sprains, Stiff Neck, Backache, Neu ralgia, Rheumatism and for most emergencies. One 25c bottle of Sloan's Liniment docs it all ? this be cause these ailments are symptoms, not diseases, and are caused by con gestion and Inflammation. If you doubt, ask those who use Sloan's lini ment, or better still, buy a 25c bot tle and prove It. All Druggists, Pull the String. The purse string In this community Is entirely too tight. Give It a poll. There is just as much money around here as there ever was, but It la hid den away and not in circulation. ? And why? Simply because some one yelled hard times, and paople Immediately jumped to the conclusion that we had herd times, and that the only thing to do was to hurry their money, get it out of sight, any wtjere on earth except in cfreuiaton. It was simply an inflated case ot flimflam and monkeydoodle. There is no occasion for hard times, we have none, and it is about time to quit thinking we have and come down to earth and get back to our occupation of doing business at the old stand. We have had years of big crops, another whale is in sight, farmers are all prosperous, and millions in gold are pouring in from Europe. Hard -times ?-*_Hard times! As far as supply and demand . are concerned conditions are normal ? even above normal. And this whole hue and cry Is merely the result of people who have money withdrawing it from circula tion and hoarding it away. And it's a bad thing to do. It's not patriotic, it's not business like. its not even horse sense. Its everything that it should not be and nothing that is should be. It's converting a shadow iiito an elephant where even the shadow doei not exist. . , . Let's quit it Let's pull the string and let the money flow, and keep it flowing, and moving, and changing, .and earning, and creating, and multiplying, and adding to the community riches. Money is good only for what it will bring, and wealth hoarded away brings nothing. Let's turn It loose, and start it to earning again, and put this town on the boom. Get out the old purse, open it up, empty it out, do something to boost the community and the community will boost you. There are opportunities all around us for Investment and earning money, is never made by gold that is hidden away. Hard times are but a name, and even the name is worn down to a frazzle. Now let's bury the frazzle and got down to business. Let's turn loose the gold and let it work. Opportunity is knocking at our door, but It will not wait while we sleep. Diarrhoea Quickly Cored. "About two years ago I had a severe attack of diarrhoea which lasted for over a week," writes W. C. Jones, Buford, N. D. "I became so weak that I could hardly stand upright. A drug gist recommended Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "The first dose relieved me and within two days I waa aa well as ever. OBTAIN ABE EVERYWHERE . A tight shoe is better than a "tight" head. * Report of roiiltlu of THE CITIZENS BANK At Frankliuton In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Juna 23rd, 1916. RKSOFBCES. Loans and discounts . . . . $103,496.53 Overd rafts Unsecured .... 280. bii Banking Houses 6. 638.05 Furniture and Fixtures.. 1,587.63 Demand loans 600.00 Due from Banks and Ban kers t 6,676.92 Cash Items . . % . j. . . , , 803.35 Gold Coin 77.50 Silver coin, Including all minor coin currency . . . 1,004.12 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 4.164.00 Total Resources. . ., .. $125,328.81 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In .. $26,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid .. .. 5,640.56 Bills payable 17,000.00 Deposits subject to check.. 34,703.94 Savings Deposits 38,172.73 Cashier's checks outstand ing .. .. .'. 810.58 Certified Checks ........ 1.00 Bonds Borrowed ... 4,000.00 Total Liabilities . . . ..... $125,328.81 State of North Carolina, county of Franklin, ss: 1, Wm. F. JOYNER, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Wm. F. JOYNER, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 1st day of July, 1915. J. S. MORRIS. Notary Public. CORRECT? ATTEST : E. J. Cheatham, B. W. Ballard. Dr. J. H. Harris, DIRECTORS. Report of Condition of THE BI SX RANKING COMPANY At Bunn in the State of North Caro lina. at the close of business, June 23rd, 1915. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts. $26. ?22.41 Overdrafts secured and un secured 35.84 Banking House Furniture & Fixtures ..... 1,257.50 Demand loans . 1,035.00 Due from Banks and Ban kers .. 1.712.80 Cash Items .. 734.31 Gold Coin 42.50 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 50.52 National bank notes and other U. S. Notes 1,040.00 Total Resources $32,730.91 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $10,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid..'...!"..' 987.94 Notes and bills rediscoun ted 4,236.07 Bills TSByable 4,000.00 Time Certificates of depisit 1,340.79 Deposits subject to check . . 11,831.86 Cashier's Checks outstand- . ing 302.15 Certified Checks 32.10 Total Liabilities 32,730.91 State of North Carolina, county of Franklin, ss; I, B.-B. SYKES, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. B. B. SYKES, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo, this 3rd, day of July. 1915. C. H. MULLEN, - Notary Public. CORRECT? ATTEST : J. H. Weathers, J. M. White, D. T. Hollingsworth, DIRECTORS "MONEY" The mint makes it and under the terms of the Continental Mortgage Company you can secure It at 6 per cent for any legal purpose on approved real estate. Terms easy, tell us your wants and we will co-operate with you. PETTY & COMPANY 11X9 I.jtton Bids. Chicago, I1L. You Ford Owners Who have not equipped your Ford with the H & M Extra Radius Rod here are the advantages: It strengthens the front axle, prevents radius rod breakage, prolongs the life of the car, will reduce accidents to a minimum, places the Ford in the heavy car class and will save its cost many times over in the wear and teat of the car. Come in and let us show it to you and show you the many-ways in which you can make your Ford a stronger and therefore a better car. We also carry Ford repair parts and do all kinds sf automobile repairing. Doughton's Garage Telephone No. 239 Franklin Street Louisburg, N. C. As incontrovertible evidence of the strict neutrality of this paper, we'll take your dollar and never ask It you be English, German, French, Austrian, Russian, Italian, Belgian, Jap, or the devil. When you -can't get it, don't want it. In this country we make strenous efforts to grow two blades of grass where but one has grown before, while In Germany they are growing hills of potatoes where none have ever been before. Let's swap. Man's tongue was made for use, but not for abuse. The Wording Of An Ad __ Never Puts The Quality In The Goods. We are simply using this ad to remiad you that the quality is there in every article, and it is there because we paid the price of quality in the wholesale markets. If you want goods of qual ty-goods that will last- goods that are the last word in household economy? ?:hen we want you to see our goods. And especially do we want you to see our line of Kodaks <end supplies. E. Jones Macon, N. Main Street Louisburg, N. C. SELLING OUT AT COST TO DISPOSE OF STOCK THAT I WILL NO LONGER CARRY. ' To those who want a nice buggy and a set of harness, new or second hand, and will call on me at once, I will make a most interesting and profitable proposition as I am going to close out this line. Come at once i( you want a bargain. o o o o o f K A. PERRY ? * South Main Street Wc Arc Writing Hail Insurance See Us Before You Insure. We Represent Company That is Absolutely Good and Will Pay The Losses. Harness Room Nash St. E. S. Ford and B. N. Williamson Louisburg, North Carolina

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