VOLUMN XLV. LOUI8BURQ, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1915. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. 8UB8CBOTI0N LOWSBURG TO ? BACCO MARKET OPENS NEXT THURSDAY. All three Warehoatten Open* the Same Day ? llljt Preparations? Bring a Load. It has already been Been that the Loulsburg Tobacco Market would open on next Thursday. AU the local ware houses will have their opening sales on this day. The buyers will all be present on time and everything will be in readiness for a beginning with out a hitch. , The Loulsburg Market is taking on life that looks as it things pertaining to It will be made to move around this tall.Thoae interested in each ware house are busy getting everything in readlneos tor the opening sales and it really begins to look as 11 they are de termined to make Loulsburg lead the State this year. From what we can learn Indications point to a pretty fair break at all "warehouses on next Thursday and prices are expected to be fairly good. At any rate the ware housemen are going to do all in their power to get the biggest prices possi ble for the tobacco pnt on the Louls burg Market. Try a load on the open ing day and. see what you think of the results. Loulsburg is going to go af ter the business and therefore It will be to your 'interest to come here. Goes Orer to Court. The case of State vs. K. A. Perry, tor having more whiskey than Is allowed by the law and for the pur pose ot sale was tried before J. . L. Palmer, J. P., Monday morning with Messrs. W. H. Yarborough. R. B. White and?E. H. M&lone representing the State and Messrs. B. T. Holden and W. M. Person representing the defen dant The State Introduced Chief of Police Cooke, of Franklinton, and Deputy Sheriff W. N. Fuller, whose evidence was to the effect that Roger Macon, a negro, waa seen to get off a train in Franklinton with a suit case. He was afterwards seen leav ing Franklitaton on Mr. Perry's oar. Deputy Sheriffs Fuller and Pace hav ing been led to believe there was an excess of whiskey on the car met the party on the South side of the river, stepped it end made an examination. They found tjje suit case In charge . of the negro with about five gallons in same and seized it and arrested the k negro. All this took place on S Saturday night, August 14th. On Mon day evening following as a further step in the case Mr. Perry was ar rested by the Sheriff and his automo bile seized. On Wednesday Mr. Per ry s attorney took out claim and deliver proceeding to recover the ?automobile, and the Sheriff gave bond and still held the car. Both sides rested at the conclusion of the evi dence nf the two witnesses and argu ment begun. The State contended that it was., a violation of the State law for any person to receive whiskey in any quantity In excess of one quart in each fifteen days lor any purpose - whatever, while, the defense conten ded that there was no violation's the defendant had never become in posses sion of the whiskey, and that it was for versoAal use and was therefore not within the meaning of the law. Both sides was ably represented by counsel and Souire Palmer after hear ing the evidence and argument decided to send the cas< lip to court and re quired the defendant to give a bond in the sum cf $200. MOTHER AN'D BABY KILLED BY TBAIJf. Tragedy at Klttrell Sunday After noon; Father Is Also Injured, Probably Seriously. Mrs. Luther Stone and her 18 months-old baby were instantly killed and her husband and a 3-year old son were seriously injured, when a conveyance in which they were riding, was struck by a through Seaboard Air Line train, No. 3, from New York to Jacksonville, at Klt trell, between Raleigh and Hen derson, late Sunday. The husband holding the baby In his arms, was carried for four hundred feet on the pilot of the engine. One of his arms was broken, but chances fa vor his recovery. The family was riding to the home ot an uncle for a Sunday afternoon visit. Mrs. Stone was hurled under the train and her body was mangled beyond recognition. The Injured father' and his surviving son were brought to a Raleigh hospital. The accident caused great commotion among the passen gers. One woman went into hysterics. The injured boy was reported to be renting well Monday, but Mr. Stone spent a very uncomfortable night. Y0UXG8VILLE ITEMS. Mr. Hartwoll Winston, <it Norfolk, Is visiting relatives Iir town this week. k Miss Margeretta Datchclor, at R?l 9 flgii is sperd-ng the week with Miss r Halite Winston. Mr. H. B. WlMUft, u( Raleigh, ?a" visiting his motherMrs. B. H. Win-, StCli. "H Cipt. B. B. Jeffreys, cf Hamlet, la spending the week With hUr parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffreys. Mrs. SMUe tJnderwcod, of Raleigh, Is spending the week with Mrs. 8. B. Pearce. Misse?Bettf* and Emma Tlmberlake returned 1m t weak from J. two woeka visit in WarreffTdonnty. Mr. R. C. Uaiorwopd motored to Fffifnay 8prln?? laat Saturday and Ira tamed with Mrs. R. C. Uadorwood and Mrs. G. N. Stall, who had spent some time at the springe. Miss Mary Vines, of Tarboro, N. C? is spending several days with Mrs. M. V. Cooke. Miss Pattie Myrlck, of Littleton, is spending the weekijvith Miss Zeula Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cooke and Mrs. Fred Cooke, of Ft-ankllnton, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. C. V. Tlm berlake. Misses Lizzie and Fannie Harris, of Wake Forest, are visiting Mrs. J. Sr l.umpkins. ? Mrs. B. P. Strickland returned from a weeks visit In Harnett County Mrs. S. F. Holden returned Satur day from a weeks visit In Creedmoor. Presiding Elder M. T. PlyLor. of Raleigh, spent Friday night here on his way to hold quarterly conference at Rock Spring Church. Miss Ruby Fuller, of Creedmoor, Is visiting Miss Annie Winston ' near town. MlssesMyrtle Cooke and Margerette White, of Frankllnton, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. V. Tfmberlake last week. Mr.W. J. Jeffreys, of Hamlet spent Sunday In town with relatives. Mrs. Annie Munger and Mrs. Peter Munger and two children, of Sanford, Fla., spent last week visiting Mrs. B. F. Burrows, and accompanied by Miss Kathleen Burrows, they left this week to visit relatfves near Loulsburg. Miss Kathleen was taken very 111 and had to retnrn home at once. She is much Improved however at present. A delightful lawn party was enjoyed by a large number of young people on the beautiful lawn of the Youngsvllle Baptist Church last Friday night. The entertainment was given under the auspl'ces of the Baptist Sunday School .for the purpose of raising funds to improve some of the class , rooms. Misses Mary Shannon Patterson, Inez Winston, and Mary Moss distinguished themselves by taking in the largest amounts of money from the sales of ice cream. A large crowd attended the home coming service at the Christian church here Sunday. Mr. M. E. Winston de livered the address of welcome, after which Dr. T. C. Amtck. of EH on Col lege made a most Interesting address on the subject of education. Dr. W. W. Staley In the afternoon spoke on the subject of missions. Rev. W. G. Clemmons presided over the meeting. Dinner was served on the grounds. Rev. L. F. Morgan, of Raleigh, la as sisting in the protracted meeting at the Christian Church here this week. The Youngsvllle Bottling Works has recently installed a large and up to-date bottling outfU and la now pre pared to place upon the market a bet ter grade of bottled goods. Hon. T. W. Bickett. One of the much talked of men in North Carolina today la State Attorney General. T. W. Bickett. His name is heard from the moun tains to the sea, and it is a foregone fact that he is to be the next Gov ernor of North Carolina. The State has no bigger man ? he measures in every way with any statesman the State has ever offered for this high trust. He is aafe on every ques tion that has to do with the best interest of the commonwealth. He Is a most original and refined speaker, clear cut In his statements and no State in the Union would have a mare popular Governor than North Carolina when he comes into his own. We have thought he would gain this hQpor through opposirtoTr but we believe the oppo sition will all pas away before many moons and that Bickett will go in without a dissenting voice. Let It be so. We have read an article written by one of his friends from the west which appeared in the Sunday Issue of the Charlotte Observer, and it drives so near our thought ? of the man. that we copy it in full in this issue. We Invite you to look It up and read the entire article. It will help you to leurn somethln(t_of this great man who has been discovered only in recent years at the Charlotte Convention ? Dunn Quids'. f ** Loulsburg Baptist V-hnrch. You are most cordially Invited to worship at this church next Sunday at 11 A. M. and 8:15 P. M. The pas tor will preach in the morning on the text: "Rejoice Evermore;" at night the theme will be, "The Power of Love." Sunday School at 9:45 A. .M. The B. Y. P. U. Monday 8:15 P. M. On Sunday, Sept. 12, Rev. J. W. Hickerson, of Louisville, Ky., assist ed by a competent director of music, will begin a series of meetings In this, church. Mr. Hickerson Is a member of the staff of the Home Board Evan gelists, and comes to us very highly recommended. Weekly Weather Forcast. leaned ky the .U. .8. Bureau WaihingtoiuD. C-, for the week heglaalne Wedoeiday, Aagnat For 8?rth Atlantic and East flnlf State* I Generally fair weather, with seatonable tew peratnres, Is Indicated (or the week although occasional local tfcondershowen may occur orer the (oatbern portion of the dis trict*. Don VcnoaUino C&ronsa! Even the nam* resembles pugnacious boll POP. WORK IN FULL BLAST PBEPABINO GROUNDS FOB FAXB THIS FALL. To Hare Largest Midway of Any County. Fair in State ? Big Prepara tions. Chairman Turner of the Executive committee, Informs us that his com mittee visited the location tor the fair on Monday In company with con tractor M. F. Houck and laid oft the grounds and selected posltions-for tho buildings, stalls, pens poultry, houses etc., and also located a half-mile race track. A great deal of .the lumber has already been delivered and work is now on in full blast erecting the several buildings, fences etc. The race track will be graded within the next few weeks and in a short while every thing in this section will look like a fair sure enough. Chairman Turner informs us this fair will have the lar gest Mid-way of any fair In the State of Its kind and that everything-' that is possible to do to make everybody be glad they come to Loulsburg on thla occasion will be done. He informs us that his committee will secure special trains and special rates to Loulsburg from Henderson, Klttrell, Wake Foreat, Toungsvllle and Frankllnton. The proper authorities are busy making up a premium list which will be published upon its com pletion. It is desired that every farmer in Franklin county shall have at least one exhibit and more will make the fair better to promote its object. If you have not already prepared an ex hibit get to work on one right away that you may be sure to have it In time. Delightful Occasion atv. Ingleslde. On Friday last, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dlckerson, at their beautiful country homo, delightfully entertained anum ber of their friends. Mr. Dlckorson is one of Franklin County's popular and energetic citizens, and cnj:ys the csteetn of a large circle of friends. The programme which was eo ad mirably carried out, could not have been more appropriately arranged for the occasion. There was everything for which one could wish fcr his pleasure and happiness, which Is al wr.ys characteristic . of Mr. Dicker son's style of entertainment. The barbecue dinner which was served about one o'clock, was one of the interesting features of the day. The dinner was followed by a dance in the afternoon, which was led by Mr. W. M. Hayes. The ' music was furnished by the Epsom string band. This part of the programme added much to the pleasure of those pres ent. There were cars also at the dis posal of the guests, and of course the "Joy rides" figured in the enjoyment of the occasion. All In all a more de lightful day In the country was never spent, and those who were present feel greatly Indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Dickerson who made the occasion possible. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Overton, of Klttrell; Frank Chester Overton, of Klttrell; Mrs. S. M. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Hester, of Klttrell; Mr. and Mrs. H. Parks, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. "Henry Parks, of Henderson; Mr. and Mrs. M. I. New ton and family, of Nashville; Mr. and Mrs. C. C.^Hudson, r.nd Mrs. W. H. Macon, of Loulsburg; Mr. R. I. New ton, Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Newell and family, and Mr. J. O. Nowton, of Ep som; and Mr. O. S. Macon, of San Francisco. The guests were received at the doer by Mrs. W. L. Beasley, Miss Lucy Macon and Mr. W. M. Hayes. Rice-Woodward. Announcements as follows have been mailed to friends; Mrs; -Mauley C. Woodward announces the marriage of her daughter Lottie Marlum to Ml". Augustus Benjamin Rice on Thursday the twenty-sixth of August nineteen hundred and fifteen Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The bride Is one of Winston-Salem's most popular and accomplished young ladies, whose many friends will regret to give her up from their social circle. The groomis- the Machinest Operator on the Franklin Times, and is a young man of exemplory habits and pos sesses much genius in bis cbosenwork. He is justly popular among his scores of friends In Loulsburg and other cities. Tnelr msny friends wlsh for them much happrness and success in life's Journey.' Their bri'dal trip Includes Philadel phia, Washington City and Harrlsburg, Pa Mr. and Mrs. Rice will be at home In Loulsburg after September 1st, ' GIVE BARBECUE DINNER. Masons of Sandy Creek Lodge Rojallj Entertain Quests. Upon the occasion of the visit of the District Deputy Grand Master, Prof. J. Edward Allen, of Warrontoa, Sandy Creek Lodge of Masons, of Laurel about nine miles from this place gave an elaborate barbecue dinner on loot Friday complimentary to the visiting Masons from other lodges in ths coun ty and district * The meeting began about 9 o'clock In the mornttag and the degree work was given by a team picked from the mmWBaSm. representatives of the several lodges nearby. An address was delivered by the District Deputy Grand Master on the history of the Masonic symbols, and another by Rev. G. M. Duke Chaplain of Sandy Creek Lodge, and one of the most prominent ministers fn this section of the principles of Masonry. There were representatives present from Caatalia, Windsor, LoulBburg, Epsom, Warrenton and other Masonic lodges making In all the largest body of Masons ever assembled In this community. The barbecue was pre pared by members of the local lodge, and the occasion was one of the most enjoyable of a number of similar get ting together meetings held in recent months in several parts of the dis trict. These meetings are held In place of the customary sigle district meeting aqd prove to be a most suc cessful plan. Professor Allen states that the whole Nineteenth district shows marked Improvement, the most rapid strides having been made re cently by the lodges In Youngs vllle, Laurel, Vaughan, and Loulsburg. Great credit is due to Worshipful Master B. B. Egerton, host of Fri day's occasion for Its success. It is expected that other like meetings -will be held In other communities. They hare already been held in War renton, Epsom and Vaughan. Echoes from the College. Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Allen and Mas ters Gerald and Ivey, spent several days in Richmond this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A Holmes, of Granville county, and Rev. and Mrs. L. E. Sawyer, of Millbrook, visited the College this week for the purpose of entering their daughters here in September. . Miss Elba Hennlnger, the very effic ient director of the Expression class, has returned from Boston, where she has studied this summer, to her home in States vllle and will be ready, she writes, to give Loulsburg -College the beat year's service she has ever ren dered when, the time comes i6 -resume her duties. Miss Elizabeth Allen returned Thursday from a visit in Western Carolina. While -tir-Marion she was one o? 4be three guests of Miss Vir ginia felanton whose names were the same. Prof. J. Edward Allen and Miss Louise Allen, of Warrenton, and Misses Mabel and Alberta Davis, of JackBon, visited their grand-mother. Mrs. M. S. Davis, last week. Miss Mary Thompson, who -has spent the summer at the College, will leave for Statesvlle next week, to teach in one of the Graded Schools of that place. . Vr, Miss Edna Alien, who supplied In the chair of Latin for Mrs. Underhlll during the last six weeks of the spring term has accepted a position in Raleigh. She writes that she is onet>f four Loufsburg people board ing at the same place, among them Miss Kate Herring, another former Lousburg teacher. The College opens on Wednesday morning. September 15th. The resi dent ministers will be asked to be present and to take part to the open ing exercises. Former students end friends of the College are cordially invited to be present The -faculty, with the exception of Miss Williams, whose place will be filled by Miss Nellie Clapp, of Greensboro, will be same as that of 1914-15. Mrs. Under hlll, refreshed by a rest in the spring and a summer In the mountains, will resume her duties with renewed strength Miss Frey's rturn gives promise of an interesting class of grown people in Domestic Science. Miss Mabel DavJs will assist in the English Depatftment, and with only one exception, the various depart ments will be under Che same efficient instructors, which will be a guaranty of a successful year's work. . Mayor's Conrt. Monday morning was quite an inter esting time for the violators as Mav or Joyner announced hlS" decisions in many cases.' The first called was against Bud die Ruffin, Arthur- Ruffln, slm Ruffln and Sidney Wright charged with creating a disturbance and for shooting crap. Of Course the defendants knew nothing of their misdeeds but the Mayor believing the evidence lo the contrary let thom off by paying a fine of $10 each and costs, amounting to $13.10 each. Sidney Wright was next before his honor and was Informed he could help replenish the town's treasury by the contribution of a $5 fine and costs making a total of $8.10. This was for an assault. Ernest Moseley was Informed of the fact that he could not be guilty of disorderly conduct on the streets by the use, of profane and vulgar lan guage and allowed to go unnoticed, bo he was -required to contribute $5 and costs, making a total of $8.10. Caroline Battle wag let off with the costs amounting to $3.10 for disorderly conduct the conclusion of these case3 Mayor Joyner told his miscreants that It might be best tor them to be more oareful and not make it necessary for them to have to be brought before him any more for this Saturday night and Sunday violations. Every person who pays a dollar for this paper a year gets lifty-two golden opportunities tor making and saving money. Every Issue contains infor mation that Us worth more than a dol lar to any dubecrlber, and often a single issue ts the moans of accumu lating many dollars to the one who reads It. Can you afford to miss a good thing that costs but a couple of cents a week? AMONG THE VISITORS SOKE YOC KNOW AND SOME YOU DO NOT KNOW. Personal Items About Folks and Their Friends Wljo Travel Here And There. Mr. W. D. Jackson left Monday for Morehead City. Mr. R. A. Bobbltt, was at home for a few days the past week. Mr. F.lias Beasley returned from a trip to Raleigh Saturday. Rev. A. D. Wilcox returned Satur day from a trip to MUlbrook. Mr. John Burt Hill returned the past week from a visit to Marlon. Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Allen and son, Gerald left Tuesday for Richmond. Mr. J. I. GiUls, of Norfolk, Va? was a vfsltor to Louisburg the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hodges left the past week to vlBlt his people at Lin den. Miss Margaret Hicks left the past week for Linden to attend a house party. Mrs. Ellis Ramey and children left Tuesday for Clarksvlile, Va.,to visit relatives. Mr. K. P. Hill and wife are at Hot Springs, Ark., for several weeks vacation. Mr. K C. Perry and family returned Saturday from a visit to his sister in Henderson. Miss Ruth Meadows, of Savannah, Ga., is visiting her brother Mr. S. S. Meadows. Mr. L. E. Scoggin and family re turned Friday from a visit to relatives In Wat rentcn. Messrs L P. Hfcks and O. S. Macon returned the past week from a trip to the Exposition. Mr. E. L. Egertcn, who is taking a course In embalming at Raleigh, is at home on a visit. Mrs. W. R. Mills and children re turned Saturday from a visit to her people in Wilson. Mrs. M. S. Clifton and children Re turned Saturday from a visit to her people at Tarboro. , Miss Daisy Allen, of Raleigh, is spending her vacation with her mother Mrs. Emma C. Allen. Miss Mattle Allen returned home the past week from Spencer where she has been on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Person and lit tle daughter, of Enfield visited his people here this week. Str I J. G. Hicks left Saturday for Nevp York, where he will consult a specialist about his health. Miss Annie Davis Crudup, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. R. P. Taylor, left Monday for Wake Forest Mr. J. D. King and family, of Cape Charles, Va., are visiting his mother near town and his brother, Mr. J. W. King. Miss Llllie Crudup who has- been spending some time with her sister Mrs. R. ~Pr~Taylor, left Monday for Kittrell. " Mr Gus. 13. Hice left Wednesday for Winston-Salem, where he was married to Miss Lottie Woodward yesterday morning. Snpl W R Mills ? returaed-Frlday from. New York, where he has been taklng a teacher's summer course at the Columbia University. Rev. E. Lulcen Malone and family, who have been visiting his brother, Mr. R. J. Malone, have returned to their home In Gadsden, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Watson and little daughter,. Gray, who have been on a visit to relatives at Axtell, re turned home the past week. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Hicks and Dr. and Mrs. Burt left Saturday for New York, where Mr. Hicks will receive the attention of a specialist. Mr. E. H. Malone went to Raleigh Tuesday to accompany Ellis Parham who underwent an operation for ap pendicitis, home. He is Improving nicely. ' _ ' Miss Sallle Taylor returned Satur day from a visit to relatives at Oxford. She was accompanied on her return by Miss Fannie Taylor, who will spend some time with her. Graded School Opens Tuesday. The Looisburg Graded school starts on next Tuesday and Supt. W. R. Mills Informs us that he Is especially anx ious to have all the children present on the opening day. This year the faculty Is composed of a most efficient lot of teachers and we understand that they are going to make the coming session the best In the history of the school tf the patrons will only lend a little co-operation. They ore entitled to more than this. They should re ceive the hearty co-operation and the earnest help of both the patrons and all the Board of Trustees, and we feel sure they will get It. Lets pull to gether for a bigger, better school. The teachers have been assigned to the following duties for the coming session: - i First Grade ? Misses Georgia Joy ner and Onnle Tucker. Second Grade ? Miss Hodgie Wil liams. . .. a% Third Grade and Lower Fourth ? Miss Mamie Jones. Upper Fourth and Lower Fifth Grades ? Miss Eliza Moore. Upper Fifth ind Sixth Grades ? Miss Lou 11a J arm an. Seventh Grade ? Miss Annie Mozell. Mltas Mozell will also assist in the High school Department. High School? Prof. E. C. Harris. Music ? Mrs. W. E. Uuell. Supt. Mills also says that the Graded school continues to hold the arrange ments with the county school Depart ment that makes It possible for pupils from any part of tho county to attend the High school department without cost. However this arrange ment does not apply to the lower gradeB. To Xembers of Co. D. The fallowing letter of Information to members of Company D. 3rd In fantry, N. C. N. G. has been mailed: Until further notice, drills and ex ercises will be held as follorws: Drills Tuesday night, AuguBt 24 and 31, 1915, at 8 o'clock. After then, drills will be held each Wednesday night, commencing about dark. Officer's school will be held in Armory each Friday night. An officer will be in charge of instruction at each of these schools. All members of company may attend. Each member of company is ear nestly .requested to attend all drills and exercises of company, but It is absolutely required that each member attend at least two drills each month. When a special order is mailed you. it means that you must report at time and place designated in order. The attention of members of com pany is directed to the above. By order S. P. BODDIE, Captain Commanding Company D, 3rd Infantry N. C. N. G. E. S. MERRITT, lBt Sgt. Opening of the Fraaklln County Schools. The public school! will begin on the following dates: The eight months schools on the sixth of September; the slk and seven month* school on the fourth of Octo ber and the five month Bchools on the first of November.' The schools will close on Wednesday, December, 22nd for the Christmas Holidays and open again on the 3rd., of January 1916. Two other holidays will be given. Thanksgiving Day and Easter Mon day. I have asked all committeemen and Trustees to co-operate with file in having the schools to open and close on these dates as I belteve it will be to our advantage to have all the schools working together. If for any local reason any committee wishes to make a change kindly consult your County Superintendent. List of Jurors. The following is the list of jurors drawn for the August 1915 term of court. First Week ? J. H. Wilder, James Neal, Sr., (col), M. M. Person, J. B. Inscoe, J. D. Speed, Chas. Macon, R. T. Tharrlngton, W. E. Roc, J. S. Lay- ~ ton, R M. Fuller, C..H. Wheless, J. O. Bowden, H. W. Wilder, W. I. Gay, A.? S. Joyner, N. B. House. Second Week ? J. W. Nowell, D. W. Spivey, Haley Perry, R. T. Pernell. B. M. Minor, J. W. Wester, C. M. Gat tis, J. A. Boone, W. G. Faulkner, W.I B. Pearce, W. W. Hart, W. H. Horton, W. J. Eaton, M. E. Gilliam, J. W. Grif fin. W. A. Whitfield. Methodist Church. Rev. M. T. Plyler, Presiding Elder , of the Raleigh District, will preach at * -the .Methodist Church at the morning hour next Sundayraorning. Evening hour, 8:15. he will deliver an ad dress to the young people of the church and community which will be followed by the installation of tha newly elected officers of the Epwortli League. This is a beautiful andlm pressive service and should be wit nessed b? a large number of the young people of Loulsburg. Meeting at RanHdell'n Chapel. Rev. L. W. Swope, pastor of the First Baptist church of Shelby, and formerly pastor of the Loulsburg church, will assist pastor Gilmore in a series of meetings at Ransdell's Chapel, beginning next Sunday, Aug. 29, at 3 o'clock. v Meetings daily during thl week at ?3 P._M. and 8 P. M. There will be no meeting Monday afternoon, but Mon day night s. Change In Program. We rae requested to announce that the Franklin County Union Meeting, ? which holds Its first session at Maple Springs church Friday night of this week, will not have an afternoon ser vice Sunday, but the meeting will close with the morning service. Those coming froA a distance will be amply taken care of at the homes of the peo ple. "Ronabeuts" Witt Him. Under the above' heading Sunday's News and Observer had the following < v item; Mr. E. S. Ford, a popular citizen ot; " Loulsburg, came to Raleigh yesterday in his Cadllao In which he bad thras Ford "runabouts." A good deed is like the dollar spent at home . It oftens returns to you.

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