PREMIUM LIST Rules and Regulations of the First Annual Fair of the Franklin County Fair Association To Be Held at Louisburg, N. C., October 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and \j6th, 1915. ? KILLS No peddling, hawking, vending or- distributing of advertising mat ter, or side shows will be allowed upon the grounds at any time ex ceptby special license from the Secretary. Every reasonable care will be taken by the officers of the Society for the protection of the property on exhibition from loss or dam age in any way, but the society will not be responsible should loss or damage occur. The officers of the Society will withhold the premium in any case in which it appears that fraud or deception has been attempeted or the Rules have not been observed. Reasonable space will be allowed all exhibitors up to the capa city of the buildings and grounds, but exhibitors must provide for their own tables, shelves, show cases, etc., unless such as are fur nished ou the premises will suit their use. . . : Entry books will be open all day long on Monday and Tuesday of Fair Week, and all exhibits must he-entered on these days, and they positively will not be entered later. The officers of the Society will appoint the judges, who shall award the premiums in such manner and at such times as they see fit. They wiH also see that no premium is awarded to any animal or exhibit not individually worthy or meritorious, as it is hot the intention of the Society to encourage indifferent productions of any kind. , Exhibitors will please note carefully the specia lrules for each department and comply with same. In no case will premiums be paid any exhibitor who accompanies the Judges when awarding the premiums. When the judges deem it proper, when two separate exhibits for the same premium are of equal merit, the premium will be divided between the exhibitors. The Secretary will enter and care for all articles shipped pre paid to him. but all articles shipped "collect" will be refused. Please notify the Secretary by mail of all shipments. The Society reserves the right, in occordance with its By-Laws, to deduct the expenses of this coming Fair from the amount of moneys on hand ?t its close and pay these premiums pro rata. Admission Adults 50 cents. Children (7 to 12 years) 25 cents. Special rates to societies, schools, military organizations, etc., t named on application. Important >oti?* On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of Fair Week absolutely no parties will be allowed to pass the gates free of charge for any reason whr tever. _ All officers and employees will be properly badged and will pass on their badges. All others must have regular passes or tickets, and everybody must respect the gate-keeper, marshals, police officers, etc., in their efforts to preserve the peace and maintain perfect order and decorum. PREMIUM LIST DEPARTMENT A FleM ud (itrin l'rop? for Fraaklia ul MJolilif Counties All entries In this department mast be made tn the name. of the producer. In cases of close competition In regard to the quality, the Judges will take into consideration the neatness, etc., of the manner In which it is displayed. Field Craps Best lialf bushel wheat $1.00 Second best . .50 Third best 50 Best half bushel of Prolific Corn . 2.00 Second Best .. . ... 1.00 Best half bushel on car variety corn - 2.50 Second best 1.50 Best half bushel yellow corn .. .. 2.00 Second best . ? . . ?? .". s. .. .; 1.00 Best Bale cotton exhibited . 5.00 Second best 4.00 Third best .; 2.00 Best stalk of cotton 2.00 Second best . . 1.00 Best half bushel of prolific cotton seed * 1.00 Second best .. .50 Third best.. ? Ribbon Best halt bushel of oats ' 1.00 Second best .50 Third best.... Ribbon Best half bushel of rye .. 1.00 Third best Ribbon Second best. ... .. .. . .. . . . .. . .50 Best half bushel of clay peaa .. .. ,.<... 1.00 Second best 50 Third best .. .IT.., . Ribbon Best half bash*) of south down peas 1.00 Best half bushel of black peas 1.00 Second best ...? ; .50 TMrd best ... .. 1 Ribbon Second beat. .?.... t .60 Thlrt >wt-rr.. .. WPPOU Best half bushel of white peas .. 1.00 Second best.... .50 Third best .. .. .. . .Rlbhpn Best half bushel of black eye peas .. . .. . /On Second best .tV. , .60 Third best ~ '...Wkom Bait assortment of peaa 2.00 Saoondbest ;. ... Third beet .... .... .... Best bale 6t ha y, pea Tinea .. 'i'S'Z/K: Seoond beat ? 1H >bon 2.60 f , 140 Third best .* ' Ribbon Best bale ot hay, crab grass . . . . 2.50 Second best 1.50 Third best .... ...Ribbon Best bale blade fodder . . . . V. ...... 2.50 Second best 1.50 Third best Ribbon Best bale clover hay _ 2.50 Second best 1.50 Third best -t Ribbon Best bale alfalfa . . 7. . . 2.50 Second best .. 1.50 Third best Ribbon Best pumpkin ... . . .T.7 . 1.00 ^econd best . . ......._ .50 ThircCbest Ribbon ' ' . . ? " Tobacco Best five pounds of bright wrappers 2.50. Second best .. .. .. .. ... ....... 1.50 Best fire pounds of mahogany wrappers .' 2.50 Second best .... .... * ? .'. . 1.50 Best five pounds ot bright cutters . . 2.50 Second best .. .. .. ? l.oO Best five pounds of bright lugs 2.50 Second best .. . 1.50 -Best display of tobacco . 5.00 Second best I '. 2.50 Garden Crops Best string of pepper . . . 6 .. '? ?? -50 Second best .. ... .25 Third best . .Ribbon Best half bushel sweet potatoes 1.00 Second best ?_.50 Third best '.. i. . . .Ribbon Best half bushel Irish potatoes .. 1.00, Second best ... . . 50 Tblrd best Ribbon Best peck of onions ..." . .r 1.00 Second best . . . ; 50 Third best Ribbon Best peck turnips v 1.00 Second best .50 Third best .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .; Ribbon Best peck of tomatoes ... 1.00 Second best .. .. v .. 50 Third best Ribbon Best collards, 2_ar_moE?=k. . .. ?....., 1.00 Second best' .50 Third best .. ... n"" Ribbon Best six heads of lettuce .... .. .. .. .. ..... . Second best .*i .. . Third best , Best cabbage. 2 or more i. ; 1.00 Second best" 50 Third best ?. .. .. .... Ribbon Third Prises for Agricultural Exhibits The following premiums are offered for the best agricultural ex hibit, all the products of one farmer and grown by him on his farm qr the largest In variety and quality ot products also be considered, and the most attractively displayed. Parties exhibiting for these premiums must hand In to the Secre tary a formal affidavit to t^e effect that these products as exhibited were grown and raised by hltn on his farm or farms as a part of his crop for the year 1915 or the judge will not consider the exhibit. First prize 115.00 Second prize .. ... .. ...Z7 ;. 10.00 Third prize 5.00 Exhibits competing for this prize will not be allowed to compete for any single prize. . . . 1.00 ) . .... .50 ? Ribbon PEPABTJTEST B Lht Stock Live stock exhibited for premiums muBt be entered In the name o f the owner and must be owned In Franklin or adjoining coun ties, ^ All animals must, be individually meritorious, or the premiums will be withheld. ' The premiums are liberal and stock passes will be furnished at tendants. In all cases an animal Is entered as a particular breed or as a standard breed, his authenticated pedigree must be shown and ap proved by the judges, or he shall only be entitled to a premium as a "grade" of the breed mentioned. This rule will be strictly adhered to as the premiums offered for Standard Breeds are liberal and are offered to encourage the breeding of better stock and the keeping for breeding purposes of standard and registered bred sires, etc. All horses, colts, mule* and ponies most be em fatada In the in field of the race tract on Friday morning p tatkpttf at 11 :W f/cloet and win be dismissed by the judges as soon as the awards are Best pair draft horses .. Second best "77 ".'nr. .? ???? Third best Best brood mare . . .. Second best . . Third best ?? .. . Best Stallion . . .......... Second best .. . . Thtedb^ ... Best colt over one year Mf8 under three Second best .. ... Third best .. Best celt under one year . . Second best . ?< .... $10.00 ' * ...... 5.00 ... . . .Ribbon . 5.00 . ....... 2.50 .... .Ribbon 5.00 . 2.50 . 1.50 Third best . .. .. . ..Ribbon Best exhibit golden Wyandottes, 1 rooster, ] hens 2.60 Second best j. .. .. .... l.SO Third best i. ,titfb1>on Best exhibit Langshan, 1 rooster, 2 hens .... . . p 2.50 Second best .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ? .. .. . .. 1.50 Third best "... .. .. .. t. Ribbon Best exhibit blue Andeluslan. 1 rooster, 2 hens 2.59 g?Ar- ? 1 ? -a " _ J 1.50 Third best . . . . . . . Ribbon Best exhibit black Mlsorcas, 1 rooster, 2 hens . . 2.50 Second-best ......... ,t .. ?r .. .? 1.50 'Third best ..... . :.. ..Ribbon Best exhibit brown Leghorn u .. 2.50 8eoond best , . i, t. .. .. 2. .. 1.50 Third best * Ribbon Best exhibit. wWte Leghorn, 1 rooster, 2 hens 2.50 t- ill Third tSest (Coo tinned in Next Week's Issue.) ' ' RANKLIN COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION, LOUISBURG, N. C ?- *