You Arc Cordially Invited to Attend / Thc_ FALL MILLINERY OPENING . s ? . . k - . At Candler-Crowell Company's _ Monday and Tuesday, September 20th-21st Fall Display of Hand Tailored Hats, Shapes and Millinery , Trimmings Will be Made. New Dress Silks, Woolens and Trimmings Will also1>e shown at this, our formal opening, and we hope our patrons and the public will take advantage of this opportunity to see the complete lines we now have on hand for fall. Visit Our Store and be Convinced That We Are Anxious to Show You Our Goods i ? . ? ? ? ? The Store That Trade Built Candler - Growcil Company LOUISBURG, North Carolina. The Store That Trade Built Rev-Way Wonder for Coras, "Cet?-H" The Big Surprise for Coin 0?m If ? Sure, Simple, Safe, Quick. Listen to th? wee atory of "Geta-It." the world's greatest corn remedy. It's a short atory.? only about two feeU? ?Mary had a. little ?QeU-It,' and corns upon her toe; .and every time ?- XcST" Stop Misery tod Embai mn This With Simple. E asy "Geta-It." she put on *Gets-It/ the corn vu sure to go." Mary, like thousands of others, used to be a heroine, suffering martyrdom, using painful bandages. Irritating salves, sticky tape, toe harnesses, blood-bringing razors and scissors 1 She says now there's no tense In it. Use "Gets-It," applied In 3 seconds. Easy, simple, new way?Just painless com mon sense! Millions are doing It. Hever fails. Ton can wear smaller shoes now. Tou don't have to limp around any more, or walk on the side of your shoes to try to get away from your corns! Too know for sure before yon use "Gets-It" that the com or callus is going away^For corns, calluses, warts and "Gets-It" 1a sold by all dru grists, 28c a bottle, or sent direct by E. Law rence * Co., Chicago. Sold in LouiBburg and recommended as the world's best remedy. BY ALJL. DEALEDS. . ' For Sale. One family broke gr ey mare, lie years old (or Hale cheap. ?-10-?t. P. A. HEAYIS. For Beat. . Nice cottage on Kenmore Avenue, | cheap. Apply to I. 8. STRICKLAND. Vetlee. Under a deed of assignment, exe cuted by the Beadley-Alston Drag Co., to Be, aa trustee for the ^editors. It becomes my doty to collect all.deMs due the said Beaaley-Alston Drag Co. Unless these accounts are paid, It will become my duty to either enter -s?lt thereon or advertise and selRKe ???? at nubile auction. All persons indebted to the Bea^iey Alston Drug Co; are earnestly reqnea M to ootne forward and settle their, junta. All persona holding claims but the said Beaaley-Alston Drug are notified that said claims must sd wtth the Clark of the Superior ?&? IM?" "? "?.*"* * H. M4L0HB. TWrtee. THE TAR KITES ASSOCIATION j ro Meet With The Loulsburg Baptist j Churth Tuesday, Wednesday, Thnrs- 1 day, October 5-7, 1915. The following is the order of busi ness that will be followed: Tuesday Morning Session 11:00 ? Introductory sermon by Rev. S. L. Morgan, of Henderson. Organization, Appointment of Com mittees. 12:30 ? Adjourn for dinner. Tuesday Afternoon Session. 1:30 ? Report on Periodicals by T. H. Sledge. 2:00 ? Report on Orphanage by Ivey Allen. 2:30 ? Report on Aged Ministers by W. B. Morton. 3:00 ? Report on Colportage by J. J. Marshall. 3:30 ? Report on Woman's Work by A. P. Mustian. 3 : 45 ? Adjournment. ' Tuesday Sight Session. 7:45? Address or sermon to be provi ded for. Wednesday Morning Session. 8:00 ? Devotional meeting. 9:30 ? Report on Sunday Schools by R. S. Register. 10:00 ? Report on State MlssionsT>y A. B. Harrell. 10:45? Report on Assoclational Mis sions by G. M. Duke. 12:00 ? Adjourn for dinner. Wednesday Afternoon Session. 1:30 ? Report on Systematic Benefi cence 2:15 ? Report on Home Missions by W. M. Oilmore. 3:00? Report on Foreign Missions by T. J. Taylor. 4 : 00 ? Adjournment. Wednesday Mght Session. 7 : 45 ? Address or sermon to be pro vided for. Thursday .Wornlng Session. 9 : 00 ? Devotional meeting. 9:30 ? Report on Temperance by T. B. Weldon. 9:45 ? Report on Education by O. M. Beam. 10:46? Miscellaneous business. 11 : 30 ? Adjournment. At the request of the Rock Spring church, with which the Association waa to have met at this session, and by the authority of the Moderator, O. M. Duke, the meeting place has been changed to the Loots burg Baptist church. Our new citizen camp* of Instruc tion from an excellent method of pro Tiding officers for a big army when we need It. Now et's rustle up a pri vate or two. Saw a fellow the other nl(ht with two heads on his shoulders ? but, of SZ? JSPSSTLtEi they hare read this. JOHX 8. MORRIS PASSES A WAT AT A> EARLY HOCK TODAY. Well Known and Highly Respected Citiien Died at His Home This Morning as a Resnlt of a Stroke of Paralysis ? Has Been Connected With Gflreath-Dnrham Co. for Past Seven Years ? Interment at Rich mond, Ya. John Samuel Morris, age 49 year's, ~a well known and highly respected cit izen of Greenville, passed away at an early hour this morning at his home 130 Howe street as the result of a stroke of paralysis which he suffered about 6 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Morris appeared to be In the best of health when ho reported for work Tuesday, but late in the after noon he was stricken 2nd never re gained consciousness. The remains will be taken to Richmond, Va., to morrow afternoon and Interment will probably be held Sunday morning. Mr. Morris was born in Henderson, N. C.. September 4. 1866, r.nd Hved In Raleigh, N\ C., during his boyhood days. He later moved to Richmond, Va., where the greater part of his life was spent. For the past seven years he has been connected with GU reath-Durham Company. He was a member, deacon of and a treasurer of the local Christian church and took active part in the Chris tian Bible school. He was also a mem ber Dt the Masonic order, the Wood men of the World,, the Maccabees and the Modern Woocmen. Mr. Morrts is survived by a wife and three daughters, Mrs. R. E. Put man, Mrs. T. W. Jones and Miss Ha zel Morriss, all of Greenville; one stster, Mrs. J. S. Lancaster of New ton, N. C., and one brother, Charles A. Morris of Fallon, Nevada. The heartfelt sympathy of many friends goes out to the giief-ntricken family. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVB'8 TASTELESS chill TONIC. Von know what yon are taking, a* the formula is printed on every label, showing it U Quinine iud Iron in a t&steless form. The Oninine drives oat malaria, the Iron builds np the system. SO cents Gives File* Hell ? Ebor Sajrn L'sele gianL A safe and effective weapon against tha typhoid or house fly has been found In powdered helebore scientist of the Department of culture. Files lay their eggs chiefly In stable manure. Powdered hellebore mixed with water and sprinkle over the manure will destsoy the larvae, which are batched fiom the egss. Since powdered hellebore is readily obtainai le, this pjta In the handa of everyone a remedy for one of the pests that has been fonnd darcercta as well as triMibtdkomo. lowered hellebore, however, wilt not kill acnlt flies whtcb must be swated or trapped. One-half pound of powdered helle bore mixed with 10 gallons of water is sufficient to kill the larvae of 8 bushels or 10 cubic feet of manure. The mixture should be sprinkled care fuly over the pile, especial atten tion being paid to the other edges in most places hellebore Is obtainable. In 100-pound lots at a cost of 11 cents a pound. This makes the cost of the treatment less than seven-tenths of a cent a; bushel of manure. HAVE YOU WEAK UUNGS? Do colds settle on your chest or In your bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or are you subject to throat troubles? Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the strengthening powers of Scott's Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver oil which peculiarly strengthens the res piratory tract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott's is prescribed by the best special fats. You can get it at any drug store. Scott & Bowne. Bloomfidd, N. J. Hollars and Ducks. . It is well for young men to know lollara are, like ducks ? one folllws? and though they may waddle along Blowly and with Borne effort, they will irentually get there. We have young men In thlg town who are just starting out on the road of "fffeT"biit where that road will lead Is (or them to say. They are earning a few dollars now and as time progresses their earning capacity will increase. If the early accumulations are thrown to the birds It Is more than likely tha In later life the buzzards will roost on the graves of their ambition. But if their first dollars are care fully laid away In a well sewed pocket and this lesson of thrift and frugality Is fostered and encouraged, then in time the bank will become the de pository of their earnings and ac cumulations and eventual wealth, and eagle will soar over the heads of suc cessful men. Those who waste totday will squan der tomorrow, and tomorrow Is the agent of the devil and the prime minister of hall. Keep an eye on the young men of our town, but keep both eyes on those who spend wisely but not foolishly, who are full of life and ginger bgt never carry It to excess, whose ey?a are fixed upon the eaglo and not upon the buzzard. Like the waddling dock, they may a4vance slowly, but they will get there In time. Far* For Sale. 100 acres, Loulsburg Township, good roads, A-l tobacco land, well watered and timbered. Convenient to aohool and churches. Caah or terms to quick buyer. Addrealt * . " ' FARM, Care Timet. Keep Your Eye Peeled. Watch out for the mail who la try ing to take the Joy out o( llfo. Ton to one he U a reformer for revenue only, who is trying to make thing* worse than they really are, In order to make a place for himself at the public pie counter. Hell get up an organization to fight something that gives pleasure to others ? whether lt< dancing, such as the young folks en joy, or playing cards, which maybo some of the matrons like or billiards, gr baseball, especially on Sunday, or any other enjoyment In which normal, healthy human beings Indulge. The first thing such a man does Is to go to the capltol to prevent the passage of a bill by which people will get some enjoyment. He will try to have things prohibited. He Is always trying to prevent something. Did you ever see this kind of reformer try ing to have a bill passed that would enable people to enjoy life. Never! His sole Idea Is to force through the legislature or the city council a blue law to make other people live accord ing to his ideas, or to prevent the pas sage of laws Introduced by other people who may want to live differ ently. The world Is sad enough with out losing our pleasures. There Is no place In these red-blooded days for blue laws. The. pasty-faced complex ion lias (one out of style and the rud dy glow of health tells that we arc living the right way. The healthy man "id woman, who loves life and the ,ood things ho can get from It ,1a a hotter cttlaen by far than the dyspeptic and selfish reformer who la reforming for a living or to make other people a* mlaerable as himself. Human nature 1> much the same wherever you And It. We depreciate the war In Europe to-day and to-mor row we may be whooping It up our selves. Stomach Catarrh Is Very Prevalent In this climate catarrh Is a prevalent disease. Catarrh af fects the stomach as often as any other organ. Perhaps every third person Is more Or less troubled with stomach catarrh. Peruna Is extensively used In these cases. PERUNA m MLUU FAMILY REMEDY ?*?1 ??? A movement has been launched by this bank which deserved' your support. In succeeding, it will change the character of the flower otjour^cit^MMhlp^the yonng people, in whom will ?n?n r?t tlm. It will make "WEEKLY SAVERS" of people who now save nothing at all, or save spasmodically. It will put PURPOSE back of thousands of Savings account. It will create a good habit which will over come many bid ones. We want you to set the example by becoming "WEEKLY SAVERS" yourselves, you will never be too old or too rich to do it with profit . Then we want you to urge upon young people over whom you have influence to be . . ' "WEEKLY SAVERS" 7 ^ \ Citizens Bank of Henderson -Henderson, N. C.