La confession Her Statement Her Statement, Made PobEc, will Help Other Women. see. Ala.? "I must confess", tare ? Eula Ma* Held, oi thla place, "that ardul, the woman's tonic, has done me great deal oi good. Before I commenced using Card ul. 1 ould spit up everything I ate. 1 had a ted. sleepy feeling all the time, "end was t. 1 could hardly drag around, ild have severe headaches con taking Card ul, 1 have entirely ting up what 1 eat. Everything as to digest all right, and 1 have ^ 10 pounds in weighi." mi are a victim of any of the numer ic so common to your sex, it la I to suller. |r half a century, Cardul has been re M lust such ills, as Is proven by the bands of letters, similar to the above, i pour Into our olflce, year by year, .dul Is successful because it Is com 1.0< Ingredients which act specifically he womanly constitution, and helps 1 the weakened organs back to health strength. irdul has helped others, and will help rtoo. Qet a bottle today. You t regret it. Your druggist sells IL e to: Chattanooea Medicine Co.. Ladles' Ad Dept., Chattanooga , Tenn.. for Speoi^U ynt on your case and 64-pa#e book. Hone i ?ot foe Wopno/'aent In plain wrapper. NC120 I GET YOUR SHOES | ? While r }. YOU WAIT [ We have employed a regular ? shoemaker to assist in our shoe [repairing department and can now Wive vou the quickest as well as [the best of service. If you will Bend in your shoes in the mora ine you can get them back that same afternoon. We alRO do har ness repairing, ''ome to see us. i We have just received a barrel ' of the best grade of harness oil we will offer it in anv quantity at retail. Have the best 50c Bugzy Whips on the market. All repair work cash. Louisburg Rep. Shop j Julius Lehman, Prop. , R. E. L. Lancaster, Mgr. Corner Nash and Church Streets. Near-Hill's Stables. THE MODEL TEAM LAUNDRY RALEIGH, N. C. j , ' " - The best laundry In the State, we ifo still representing this laundry, I d guarantee the beBt work at all tj nes. Special prices made to house 9 Id work. REMEMBER HEREAFTER ALL UAUNDRY MUST BE PAID FOR MEN DELIVERED. DON'T FORGET BIS. Call up phone No. 327 and let M know when you have any to go oft, will Bend around every Wednesday i| rnlng, save It for us. am still giving away aluminum I -e, have just gotten In a big lot. ! ne In and give me a look. Pick j a piece, and have put away, and Mien you have traded $40.00, you ? 111 get the piece free of all charge. WANTED all the chickens, eggs, Hims, butter, or any thing else you have to sell, give me a call. ? ^ Yours to please, : John W. King DrBrantly Henderson Henderson, N. C. In Louisburg every first and ;hirdf Mondays, at the office of Dr. H. A. Newell. Practice limited to the Diseases of the Eye, Ear Nose and Throat and the ? Examination of the Eyes rfor Glasses.- ? C A. Rogers ^ Louisburg, N. C. U make estimates on tin and te roofs, tin shingles or galva led shingles and all sheet ital work of any kind. I Guttering and Spouting "v A Specialty. By-KOr V.Ata QARDBU. Copyright. 1913, by Hoy L. MeGardtll _,J* . "tion ?*, photo play hIhM u th* b*?t In ov*r 19,000 tub *? V* !f*n,pl? dep?rtn?nt of th. Chloaao Trlbun* In a *10,000 priz* "?VU""? D*o?mb*r and January. TV* manuaorlpt. In thla competition .7?m ?*n* **otlon* In th. United State* and Canada. Author* of note ?a w.U a* thouunda of amateur* took part chapter XV. . J"A Mind '9 the Put" ~~ mnfh bosom of Blair's S?.Uler 08 wlt"? voice hoar?^ summon x?v.r,?x^rP?? "vlng room UDstalr! I"" ?omb?' *raphs of, the gulltv' thnmhth6^Pl,0t<>' Blair. ^ y thumb printa of cam! toaher"".?8l5K the ^'^tlon persisting ambitions tha^'h"16 8tern' tered her llf,ll,h? h ^ had emblt dom ana afSLl tor th? earl most unworthy ^n ' m0Dd for her heartache and ened her life. 4 had dark -udderreTTion8 of" d? S22> ta ? despair, that Mra. ut?^fSPeratlon <""1 fe living roo"^ ^ ?tor. nagac. to do her wo??T T consequences-ho what ?? ?-^;mrar:n"?dme~,^Mke mothers at Stanle^halTlihSl h? "?W dai coontenat^^ from rue!" ~ K5SHj?ws ^s^siKas: ? ?? The sound came from near th? floor, behind the Orepla?T ""?* ? uoer? in the semidarkne?s nt th? T*"T? hiding of the Ktao. flgure Uncon' ackxl Jim. 7,. I fagar. It was man m sheriff's handcuffs that ffiusr. w tou^ament In mockery a^J?^0H *?* ?dtatog the rilled finally atrongbo? Mrs. Stanley picked up the key at th? handcuffs, lying near, and nn<wmrt the mannc'e. on the wrists " t? "f1 and unresisting Hagar. hMe^a*1 th udges widow realized that ^^a uie ctuminaaan of the wfck' SmT^ 6 Bon she had inculcated ^^\te8Sde8WfW^^ Into ' 9tlT?LHa8Sr- her ou, Dlac?. Rh and dosed the hiding th^th^ili" ^-W^rlsed to note the photographs of the thumb and reZrtJTh*' ^vlved Hagar ^regarded her stricken visitor. pre ? ? , a harsh defiance with no mought of compromise. hadU^fthe JTh?le exPre8'lon of Hagar ???? hV?* patbe0c- cowed 6 seemed younger. her eye. moist and pleading. She turned to Ms,, stank* with out, stretched arms and murmured, -Qtva me my child!" And then Blair-; mo? thJ r th? blow her son had dealt 2T iSKSJSV* depr,ved hcr ?f ii realization of the present I The stricken brain of Hair&r rrmJ tog was cognizant of^no^nt^' Her mind v was In the pest But tho Judge's widow was not a?? that the disordered Intellect of the wo her dwclt only ojLthe^reat SK h?f nagar Hardlng-rwe^e . son to be foisted aa the monrt fir to the ear,dom an<* the dla- 1 .ST ",e ** ^ Mrs. Stanley bad no suspicion of the Import of Hagar's words, bat she real lsed the cmed woman was no menace to either herself or her son, and she lad her downstairs and to the door, where she set her on her way to Stan ley hall. At Stanley hall In the gathering twi light Esther waited for Hagar. It waa a sad homecoming. The doll eyea of Hagar gleamed with recognition of the portals of Burnley MIL Hat the ttce of Esther, the gentle, lorlng Esther, was the face of a stranger to her. Alarmed and weeping, Esther led the moaning woman she daemed to be bar mother up' the broad steps and Into the wide hallway of Stanley hall. Here a fierce, wild change cam* over Hagar. Bbe sprang to the door of the library and threw It open. "Bee, he Is In here!" she cited. They have him In there, the child they stale and sold from ma. See the diamond that blazes on his little breast I Take off the diamond! There la a curse on It for all oar race I Take off the fine raiment I GHre him back his Mgst Ha [ la my aon F Now, too. even the ceased mind of Hagar seemed to realise tho library was empty and unoccupied, tor she gave a wild cry and (eQ sobbing on the breast of Esther. Summoning the servants, Esther had Hagar carried to her chamber. The "Give me my child!" blow Blair Stanley bad dealt Hagar wttb tbe heavy poker had made no cut or external wound. Sbe was soon In fevered sleep, und Esther was forced to leave ber bedside at urgent sum mons from below. There sbe found Lake Lovell, head man for Hsgftr here as well as at the gypsy camp, bidden In the mountains twenty miles away. Susplclonlng that Hagar was 111 botb of mind and body, Lovell had already usurped authority. Even now be was ordering tbe wandering hunchback or gan grinder from the place. But If Qunbba was frail he was cour ageous. He was Insisting he would not leave the place until he bad said farewell to .the strange, grand lady <Kee bad spofcen Romany to him and also farewell to her fair faced daugh ter, who had also bidden him to stsy and be refreshed There was something so loyal and true In the hunchback's respectful gaze that, stranger as he was. It made Es ther take Ms hand, after sternly dis missing the scowling Lovell, and beg the humble hunchback to stay. "Do not leave us," she whispered. 'Something tells me you wOl be a friend, and we have no friends now save perhaps our gypsy people." And even as sbe spoke Esther recalled the scene In the grand stand at the tourna ment and bow this hunchback wander er had warned Arthur that he had been betrayed. At this Juncture a carriage drove up to Stanley hall. From this a strange figure alighted, tbe figure o? a tall, lank, serious,, side whiskered English man wearing a plaid suit with a heavy mourning band on tbe arm apd a glistening white tropic helmet. -This strange individual had a rifle in tlw carriage. At tbe sight of Quabba's chattering monkey the lank Englishman grew wildly excited. "Some of their native wild beasts I" he exclaimed and rushed back to tSS carriage for his rifle It took some effort on the part oi both Esther and Quabba to zeasaoi* Marmaduke Smyth*, Lawyer, Q?ti HI* ' Gun. the excited visitor that Clarence, tlx monkey, was not at all ? wild beast of the Virginia Jongle, simply an Itta ?rant organ grinder's Trlend, compan ion and collector of external revenue. Then the strange remade known his same and em no. "I am Marmnduke 8 my the, barrister, of London, England, solicitor and agent of tfie estate of the earls of Stanley of Stanley castle. Warwickshire," he said. "Lord Stanley died there a month ago from the Infirmities of old age, leaving no heir in England, the succession fall ing to the eldest son of the elder branch of Stanleys of this place, Stan ley hall. "I remember It well, for I was here to. verify the Amerlcuu heir nearly twenty years ago. And a beastly ex perience I tuul. tny dear young lady. I was umbiis'iinl by croaking savages and fell off a horse and was thrown not off the horse. . but figuratively thrown into the tulJst <?f n terrific utid bloodthirsty fend between Colonel Stanley and Judge Stanley,' both rip snorting. bdl|y tire eaters, n?-you Ynu kees way dowu east in Virginia say. "So my errand, young Jady. In the* wild -parts of the American border- is to notify. young Arthur Stanly, both Colonel Stanley and the judge being dead, that be is the Earl of_Stanley, and the title and estates await him In Warwickshire." And then it was Esther's painful task to tell the strange caller of the accusa tions against theyoung man he sought, of his wild flight aiid disappearance. "My word!" exclaimed the embar rassed London lawyer. "What a dread ful way you wild Yankees have of tomahawking each other, don't you know! Jf.thc American earl is a crim inal in hiding 1 must notify the next of kin, the late judge's son, whom 1 distinctly remember as a vicious little beggar who bit me severely. "In case, bis lordship, as 1 must call him, the fugitive, is captured by your white cap chaps be will undoubtedly be lynched, as is your invariable cus tom on the American frontiers here, 1 believe. Hence tl\e son of the late judge will be the Earl of Stanley.. "That Is, provided, of course," the London lawyer added, "that this Hon. Blair Stanley, as he would ba called with us, has not outgrown his vicious propensities nx a child. For I assume if he bites your' prominent border ruf fians be will be tomahawked or lynch ed or put an end to in some unpleasant manner. So yotrmust excuse my tak ing leave, as 1 must notify tho next of kin." And he raised his tropic helmet po litely and walked in a wide circle around the cfiatterln? monkov. (Continued on Page Seven.) No. Six-Sixty-Six This U ? prescription prepared etpccislly for MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVER. Five or six doses will break any esse, and if taken then a a a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and doei not gripeor sicken. 25c - ? For Sale. One good five passenger automobile In splendid condition will sell cheap. Apply to C. B. Clarke, Louisburg, N. C. 8-20-tf. ? ? . The Chewiest Chewing Gum ever Chewed Chew "Bobs" 5c. the packet or two "Bobs" for a cent at all the better stands and stores. START your Heart a Bobbing merrily with "Bobs"? the heart-shaped peppermint candy with an inside of chummy chew ing gum. The choice chew that cheers. Bob lor "Bobs" WRONG TIMES Is as costly as it is troublesom. Therefore bring your watch or clock to I ? W. PARRISH Watchmaker and Jeweler Louisburg N. Carolina. * I am l^cftjed at the Racket store and will guarantee you the best of "work at most reasonable prices. Ail kinds of jewel ry also repaired at moderate prices- o o o IS IT "WARM In Your Kitchen Try one of our oil burners for cooking this summer. Very popular all over the country, and does not heat up the kitchen. Cost but little and are a boon to every housewife. Come to Us For everything else in Hardware. We have some dandy Washing Machines, everyone guaranteed to do the wotk and add aevetal years to the wife's life. THE HARDWARE COMP'NY

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