The Diamond From the Sky By ROY L McCAKPELL Co^rlfht. 1*15, by RorCJIcCanMI ence, as though' be ralher doubted the alleged harmlessness of tbe animal he| deemed a denizen of the local Jungle. At the gloomy threshold of Mrs. La mar Stanley's boose the London law yer received further confirmation of ills personal belief that Blair Stanley, whose vicious propensities be remem bered. would never outgrow tbe san guinary propensities of his childhood. In tbe bitter mood that now obsessed ber Blair's mother Informed tbe star tled lawyer that her son. now next In Une for tbe proud Stanley earldom, had fled, no one knew whither, and she hoped to never see his lace again. All she would say In reply to the barrister's nervous pleadings? for be dreaded a long search for the heirs of Btanle.v tn barbarous America? was that Blair might be found at the home of Mrs. Burton Randolph, his cousin. In Richmond. And for that place the lawyer took tbe first train from Fair fax. tike swine. Mr. McGee la not fasthH- | oos. He fishes out tbe bauble. It la the diamond from the sky! I And it looks good to Mr. McOee, and he flees with it at his beat speed, fol lowed by a shower of rocks from tbe colored pig boy* bereft of the sparkling thing be found In an owl's neat. Richmond Is not far away, and Mr. Strap McGee has some loose change he won at gamine lh the Jail. Ha pro ceeds to Imbibe, bldtag hla time to dto pono-e diamond from the sky traveled to ghlna and back? Tbe effigy of the great god Long Is in Us sanctuary In the next room, and Long is tbe god of the aky. Tbe body of a strangled tramp is dropped through a trap door, and the diamond from tbe aky la hong about the neck at tbe great god Long. This night Mr*. Burton Randolph would a slamming go. Blair s"^ Miss Marston are all the tittle party, and Tom Blake, the detective, la to be their gakle. A significant glance of dautlon and alienee passes between the de tective and Miss Marston when they meet again. The Chinese quarter, with its Joes boose, is the first place they rUt Tbe wily Hong Li wishes no vMbora to the lamer sanctuary of his Joss, tbe great Cod Lung, bot Blake will Dot be de He says his friends have come espe cially to born Incense for good lnck before the great god Lung. And so they enter the Banctoary and behold co the breast of Long the diamond fr*m the sky! Detective as be Is, and, prunes! .. gnat and evil powers tn the eyes of Hang LL Blake and hia friends are fofced from tbe place.' Tbe ladies. Mr*. Randolph again In a "state of turves," are aent home, and Blake frem the nearest telephone summon* Abe Bloom and Ma brother. Meanwhile an English lawyer baa ar rived at the Randolph boose seeking Blair Stanley. Determined upon his quest, the lawyer geta directions and arrives at tbe Joss boose. Hong U and his confreres will have none of tbe London lawyer. Bot the exasperated Mannaduke Mj like win not be dented. He aaya lift know* tbe parsons be Is searching for are Inside this beastly Chinese Here now be Is, re-enftveed by tbe caviled vid moasy proffering Abraham and Isaac Bloom and tbe equally ur gent bat more self controlled private detective, Tom Blake. The lnveetlog allies, English, Irish and Hebrew, surge in npo^tbe In trenched Chinese. The struggle of the Invaders to gain tbe sanctuary and get M money or by force the diamond Win the sky la now at its fiercest. ~ [Bot ail the while a desperate man la tbe (Mheee den. Be baa noted a draped window beblnd tbe >oaa. i of glass m heard wttMn. frenzied Hang Ii breaks from tit Invader* and rushes Into tbe aane "" followed by tbe other Chineea, o Blooms, tbe detective and the thebeokaa glaaa be a the : god Long. nr. trended Hnng ti missed the despoiling wEIfe banA^na h?? severed the head of the gre^?2feoa Lnng! . Another slash In excited freniy and down comes the burning altar light, and the flimsy furnlahinf? ct the sane tnary and the whole den itaetf are a roaring hlaae of flret . . tm, compel to* deslr* ? >*? t,T" her to provincial Bldm*n*W" bar deaire toT a ? tar - her desire *0* the diamond from t^e sky. Once to all 1U biasing magnificence U bad shone upon her breast. Vlrton longed to agato hold ?nd poe J^the diamond. Her thought, -ere upon It by day. and ?* ^ dreams were bright like gold and rmi like blood. ' She had heard Its story and knew that, after Arthur. Blair was next to claim for Its possession. Vivian Bank her head ?P?p breast beneath the wistatto bough. Bh. tempted him with langooruu. iglance and alhirtog Up* "G* ? the diamond and I will be your.." ab. whispered. And Blair, mm* as he had longed for the baleful Jew?1 himself, now longed more for this woman. ?X shall never reat till I get It for yoof he replied fiercely. And be would have kissed her to seal the con tract. but she drew herself from his anna, and he knew that her caresses wen only to be purchased by the dia mond. be the price of the diamond Ursa, souls or bonor. But the luxurious and vivacious Viv ian was a practical person. She did not depend upon the romantic. If des perate. efforts of a lover alone to secure for her the star of her desire. She consulted the businesslike and equally eager brothers Bloom. To the gape mouthed Abraham and Isaac she confided the romantic story of the dia mond and the confirmation of Its great totrtoslearalue. which she had learned from Blair Stanley and others while to Fairfax. ?"The diamond from the sky, as they can 11, disappeared to Richmond, torn from your neck by the hands of an unseen thief, the night of Mrs. Ran dolph's ball," said Abe Bloom, the gam bler. The chances are a hundred to one It Is still hidden to this town. Whoever stole It will want money on It. That's reasonable enough to as sume. It will turn up." "It 1th enough to make a man put a nitric to hlth wuidowth thaytog 'Hlgh eth Prltbeth Paid For Big Diamondtb and No Questlonths Athked,' " remark ed Mr. Ike Bloom, who lisped when he was excited, and excited he was when he heard the romantic history of the diamond from the sky and its price. But especially did its price excite him. "It shan't thllp through my bandth again if I get hold of it," he added. "I wouldn't lent It to the queen of Tbpaln." And as he said this be gftve his brother's "lady friend" from New York, as he ci?lt ?In "?f to nara, M|lt im parted that night with Hagar from Stanley halL She wa* accompanied by Qoabba, bow ber falihfo] attendant, and the aollealy lnelateot Lake Hull Tt wjj) ? aad return of their lUckai qne? to tha gitorlng Romany peopta. H?W recognised the gypalaa aa ? this la to notify all persons holding claims against Bald estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of August. 1916, or this notice will be piead-iir bap of their recovery. All persons Indebted to -said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement of their said in debtedness. This the 11th day ot August, 1916. JOHN EDWARD NELMS THOMAS NELMS, Executors. Blckett, White & Malone, Attorneys. 8-13-6t Important. On and after the 1st of September, 1 will collect for clothes on delivery or clothes will be returned back to shop. ECONOMY PRESSING CO. J. E. Hubbard, Mrg. & Prop. n o ?? Red Cross Barber Shop We have four expert work men, first-class, polite ser-~ vice, our strong points. Boot black and errand boy always on hand. To cure that sticky feeling, come and take a hot or cold bath. Our shop is sanitary and modern. Wilkins, Stegall AWinsted GROW CABBAGE to s&ppty year home market during; De cember and January WHEN PRICES ARE HIGH. We have growing in the mountaina ' PLANTS that haa ever been gruwu for in that climate, they are tough plaata yoo^^an Horae per We bare only me variety. yi^THl FLORIDA HEADER. The only cabba?e that g?? S" ?f September and October. Pricee. by ezprea^Za b. Hi WML* It toi>00@ ???> P?f lOOOiBOOO to 0000 a JU25 p?r 1000J 10000 and orer. *1 i*cr SfSL Jjg-W'-'q'". charge.. Prlcoa by Parcel Port. tSe twr 100. Addraa order, to MCQOETT PRODUCE CO, (The700 Acre Track Farm) YONOES ISLAND, S./^ Trr rttimt fi n ftrrfa^** - 1 _ Raffs ? When you want a rug that will discount anything you have ever had, just come to us- and look over our large assortment of rugs of beet weaves and latest designs. Linoleums. ? Perhaps your kitchen floor needs a new piece of Ltnoluem. There's long life to every piece we sell, and the designs are so varied as to suit any taste. Carpets ? If you want a carpet that will give you solid service and be an ornament to your home, we have them tn great variety. There Is nothing in the local market to com pare with them. Furniture ? Nearly everybody needs some Furniture of some kind or other. You will find a little of everything to ?elect from at this ' store, and every pleses warranted to be of the best. We want you to come In and Inspect these goods. They really are of very high quality ? far above the average ? and there hai been absolutely no ad vance in price. Don't feel that yoa must waft until you are ready to boy. Yob- are- more than welcome at all times. W. E. White Furniture G?;