To the Public. , "I feci that I owe the manufactur ers ot- Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy a word ot frutltude." writes Mrs. T. N. Wither all, Gowanda, N. Y. "When I began taking this medicine I was In great pain and feeling terribly sick, due to an attack of summer complaint. Af ter taking a dose of It I had not long to wait for relief as It benfltted me almost Immediately." OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. Extends Thanks. Frankllnton. N. C., Sept. 9th, 1916. ? Frankllnton Lodge No. 241 I. O. O. P. thanks the people of Loulsburg for their very cordis reception and hos pitable entertainment of tho singing class from our Odd Fellows Home at Ooldsboro, N. C. We assure you that every Odd Fellow In North Carolina feels very grateful to you. It was so good of you to give the children such a grand time. JOHN 8. ROBERSON. Secy. Franklin Lodga- No. 241, I. O. O. F. Presidential Possibilities: Wilson, Roosevelt, Bryan, Taft, Root, Cum mings, S'leiman, Yourself. OUT FLOWERS Our arrangement of Wed ding Boqjiets and Decorations and oufart of Florai Designs embraces the latest ideas of the Floral craft. Roses, Val lies, Carnations and Asters the seasonable flowers. Mail Telegraph and Phone orders promptly executed by J. L O'Quinn & Co. Raleigh,. N. C. Late cabbage and* -collard plants ready now. ? f BEHIND YOUR - J AmTHAMMTCH/; LI IS A CLEAR . STRONG ( j \J GUARANTEE, W / COOD FOR ALL TOE. V r Bf HIND THAI OWAini IS THE LWtCEST ) WATCH MOVEMENT FACTORY IN THE WORLD. " rred A. Riff JEWELIIT, WATCHES, "DIAMONDS Repairing and Engrarlng. Where Is the TroaUa. Mr. John 8. Roberson, of Franklln ton, writes the following letter for publication : Mr. A. F. Johnson, Editor Franklin Times, Iaoulsburg, N. C. Dear Sir: I will thank you kindly to pMnt the following: First, I assure you that It is in no spirit of criticism, or fault finding that I write this, hut for the purpose, as one of the members of the Board of Trustees suggested to me, that some of the patrons of the Graded school here should do, for In vestigation only; With a natural increase of pro perty each year, with Increased ap praised values for taxation,, plus a flat increased value of real estate this year, plus a still further In crease of nearly ten thousand dollars worth of real estate that had not heretofore been listed in this district by error, plus a still further in crease of about a mile of the Raleigh and Gastonla Railroad it is hard to un derstand why we or our children should lose one-eighth of our Graded school term. I understand there Is money due this school district. Now the taxes for 1914 have been.fcald and If there is money due this School, it should be ' forced across, and our children not made to suffer this loss of time. One thing Is true and we might as well get down to brass tacks, and cor rect It. We are praying too much for , the superintending of schools. Over half of the money collected for public schools In North Carolina, Is paid out for Superintending. I have always contended that the Superintendents salary was out of proportion to the teachers: ? if they were paid o n a bases of actual work done, the teachers would receive more and the Superintendent le3S. ?With this kind of an adjustment, we would find it much easier to provide a sinking fund to meet our bonds. It will never do to take the time away from the children. Will some one please explain why we are pay ing ten percent Increase in taxes, and getting a decrease of twelve and half per cent in our school term. Very respectfully, JOHN .S ROBERSON. None Equal to Chamberlan's. "I have tried most all of the cough cures and find that there is none that equal Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has never failed to give prompt re lief," writes W. V. Harner, Montpe lier, Ind. When you have a cold give this retaady a trial and see for your self what a splendid medicine It Is. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. Sandy Creek Items. Crops are looking lots better after the good rains. But we are glad to see the beautiful sunshine again. We are glad to say that the Baraca and Phllathea classes of Sandy Creek are doing fine and we are still hav ing our prayer meetings every Wed nesday night. Come one and all. ' Mr. John Griffin from Loulsburg Is visiting -parents near this place. Miss Bertha Brewer spent Saturday and Sunday with her cousin, Miss Val ley Joyner. Mr. Bonnie Burnette was married last Sunday afterhoon to Miss Nobia Collins. We are sorry to learn of the mis fortune of Mr. Tom Medlln, who Tost everything by lire last week. He wishes to thank the good people 6f Loulsburg who contributed so freely. Hurrah for bur dear old town. It is always ready and willing to help its friend the farmer. Mr. Medlin is a man with one arm and has a family and our neighborhood has done a good part by him. With best wishes to the Times. Little Biddy. Rheumatism and Allied Pains ? They Must Go. The congestion of the blood In its flow causes pain. Sloan's. Liniment penetrates to the congestion and starts the blood to flow freely. The body's warmth is renewed; the pain Is gone. The "man or woman who has rheuma tism, neuralgia or other pain and fails to keep Sloan's Liniment in their home-Is like a drowning man-refusing a rope." Why suffer. Get a botiie of Sloan's. 25 and 50c. $1.00 bottle hold six times as much as 25c. size. Visits Loulsburg After N Tears. The following Is si" tetter from Mr, I. G. Ross, of Walnut Cove, who although born In Franklin county had not visited here In 34 years. Locust Hill, Farm, N. C. Sept. 1. 1916. Editor of the Franklin Times: After being from youfr county for 34 years, I wish to note some ot the great developments that has been since I was a resident ot your county. FtankUnton was the first town I stopped In and I found that had grown from a small town of six stores to eighteen white and seven colored jstores. Starting to Loulsburg the Railroad was there and a nice sand clay road all the way until I reached Cypress Creek township line, my old home township, which I regretted very much to see. There Is an old pro verb that "mud and misery are linked together," and later they will find that out. I want to aay something of Louls burg. I passed through going and coming and saw but little of the Im provements. I saw that electric lights had been added and all the business houses had been rebuilt and It was able to suport three banks and three tobacco warehouses, the resi dential part of the town I failed to see, but if that has grown as the Business part it has grown equal to any town in the State. I arrived in Loulsburg on the 7 a. m. train 31 years ago and started home on an ox cart and it must have taken at least eight hours to have gotten there, but this time through the generosity of Mr. Jim PeiTy and good roads I was at home in less than 30 minutes. His kindness shown me will not be easily forgotten. One ot the greatest Improvements I saw was the schools and the school buildings. I saw only two, the one at the Seven Paths, whose promoter I learned was M.r Matthew Sykes. Nothing niore" lasting could have been erected to his memory. Stone and marble would fade, but civilization will never and our schools are the foundation for the home church and government. I had the pleasure of visiting Bunti; While-there I stopped at the hospitable home of Mr. Peyton Sykes. It seemed to be natural with them to make people feel at home. The part a mountainer likes is the dinner so. as I entered the dining room I saw that Mrs. Sykes had not lost any of her fine art In cooking. Bunns to-day is not what it was 34 years ago. When I attended Sunday school there the house we -went to was a litle log barn with a log aSTwed out at one end to give either light or air, I never knew which. Now they have an up-to-date house there with an auditorium capldty fpr seating over 500 people with good chairs tp sit on. Any one that does not believe in evolution, all he has to do is to visit that town and he will be a con firmed evolutionist after that visit. .... i. G. ROSS. Get Kid of Those Poisons in Tour System! You will find Dr. King's New Life Pills a most satisfactory laxative In releasing the poisons from your system. Accumulated waste and pois ons cause manifold ailments unless released. Dizziness, spots before the eyes, blackness and a miserable feel ing generally are indications that you need Dr. King's New Life Pills. Take a dose to-night and you will exper ience grateful relief by morning. 25c. Barbetue at Franklinton. The following Invitation has been received by Louisbiirg Lodge No. 413 A. F. & A. M: "To the Secretary of Louisburg Lodge No. 413 A. F. & A. M. Louisburg, N.C. "Dear Sir and Brother "I am requested by the W M? of Franklinton Lodge No. 123 A. F. & A. >1. to extxend to you Lodge a cordial invitation to meet with us on Sept ember 17th, at 8 o'clock, at which time the District Deputy Bro. Edward Allen will be with us and barbecuc will be served. It gives me great pleasure to extend to your Lodge this invitation and I hope each and every member will come up and give us the glad hand of fellowship. "Fraternally yours, ? "S. C. FORD, Chairman,' "Entertainment Committee." All fools are not dead yet. Steady! We don't mean ygu. WHY IT SUCCEEDS. Iteeause It's For One Thing Only, and Lonisbnrg People Appreciate This. Nothing can be good for everything. Doing one thing well brings suc cess. Doan's Kidney Pills are for one thing only. " For weak or disordered kidneys. Hero is reliable evidence of their worth: * ' L. J. Steed, 32 Hector St., Oxford, N. C., says: "I used Doan's Kidney Pills for backache and a few doses made me feel as well as ever. I find Doan's Kidney Pills to be a reliable medicine for kidney disorders and I recommend them to other kidney suf ferers." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy*? get Doan's Kidney Pills ? the same that Mr. Steed had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. SOME SMOKE. Four Hundred Million Cigarettes for Allies. The allies have signed a contract with a large American manufacturing .firm for 400,000,000 "coffin nails." They are not mental nails to tack up coffins with, however, but are the good old "coffin nails" of the text books on physiology, the same old "coffin nails" dear Aunf Maria warn3 small Bily about. The 400^000,000 cigarettcs are to be delivered to the allies on or before Sept. 1. The order will keep the fac tory handling it. busy night and day, it is stated. In order to get the "smokes" completed on time the fac tory will have to turn out cigarettes at the rate of 10,000,000 a day, or a bout 7,000 for every mlnuto of the day, which is "goin' some," every man who "rolls his own" will admit. It the allies smoke the cigarettc at the rate of manufacture, a clond of smoke forty feet high would engulf the German empire, statisticians fig ure out. Four hundred million cigarettes would form a tobacco bride covering the Bug river from bank to bank from source to mouth. The "papers" used would carpet Europo with a white pall. It laid end to end those 400,000,000 cigarettes would stretch from Paris to Berlin and from Berlin to Paris nineteen times. .. To-8ea! JeMles. Take clean white wrapping paper and cut round. In 'two .sizes, one to fit top of^glass, and' the other to ertend over sides about one Inch. Fill glasses and allow Jelly to become perfectly cold; then, with a clean, damp cloth, wipe carefully around top of glasses. Into a small desert dish put one table spoonful of whiskey, into one table the white of, the egg. Dip the smaller paper Into the whiskey and press down on the Jelly. Wet one side of the larger paper in the white of the eg.; and place over the?" top and sides of the glass and tie with twine. When ready to use Jelly, remove and burn paper; the Jelly you will find to be ?3 firm and clean as when stored away, r Money to Loan. Can supply your demands on real estate security for amounts needed on one to five years time at six per cent Interest, Address PostofBce Box 156 9-17-4t. Loulsburg:, If. C. TO OUR FRIENDS Of Franklin and Adjoining Counties: On September 26th We Will Open a General Mer chandise Business in the Town of Bunn With a Brand New Stock of Goods. Having been associated with the good people of this community in a busi ness way for several years we believe that we know how to buy to suit the general trade and we have long ago observed that the secret of economy is in knowing how to supply the trade with what they really need. We feel very thankful of the fact that many of our friends have already promised us the pat ronage and we extend to everyone a cordial welcome to visit our store and look at our line of goods. o o o o o o n MONTGOMERY & WHITE ' COTTON BUYERS BUNN, N. Carolina Harness Hand-Made* Strong and Durable Bridles Good as The Harness Buggies & Waggons A Complete Line of the Best Makes of Buggies, and Wa gons to be Had. Sadies Easy to Ride and Last Forever Horse Nets Protect Your Horses From Flies Harness Room Nash St. EDWARD S. FORD Louisburg, North Carolina