NEW STORE AT WOOD, N. C. _ _ - - ; r? , ; BRANCH STORE OF CANDLER - CROWELL COMPANY ^ LOUISBURG, N. C. , a ' ?? A full stock of Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes are now carried in stock at Woods, N? C., Mr. Julian M. Alston in Ciiarge, and he will be glad to see his friends and our customers in and near Woods, If. C DRESS WOOLENjS Amoskeag Serges, Wool Gabar dine, French Plaids, Danish Poplar Cloths Wool Flannels Cotton Goods Chambray Shirtings, English Galatea Cloth, Riverside Plaids, Novelty Dress Plaids, Canton Flannels. SHOES Men's Heavy Waterproof ? Shoes Ladies Dress Shoes. Childrens School Shoes, Mens Shoes. Underwear For Men! Underwear-For Ladies! Underwear For Children! We are showing a full range of sizes in all the above underwear, with prices made especially low to fnove at 25c to 50c each. 3000 yards Unbleached Cotton Domestics at prices lower than the mills now offer them. Our stock of Sheeting is complete in every respect, prices range irom 5c to 10c per yard with" special prices made in quantity lots. Visit our Wood Store and help to make it a success, as it is to be a store for your convenience. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: We have put in a line of Prescription Drugs at our Wood Store, and with Dr. Herbert Perry now located at Wood, N. C-, who will personally 'fill all prescriptions, we solicit your patronage to our store, and in behalf of Dr. Herbert Perry, we want to assure our. patrons and the public that you have one of the best equipped pnysicians in the county now in our midst. Come to Woods. Look the situation over and we feel snre you will take a personal pride in the strides Wood is making. o ooooooooooo o Candler - Crowell Company's Branch Store Julian M. Alston, In Charge - ~ * _ Woods, North Carolina. ? * * ' - THE MUSICAL ENTERTAINERS The personnel of The Musical En- j ? - testa inert? is as follows: 111 Nebraska, where Miss Hockerson | is best known, she is called the "child ?lolinist." At the age "^f fourteen she 1 gave complete violin recitals here in Lincoln, absolutely ? astonishing all Mtlclans. There is nothing effeminate or weak about her playing. Her tone is really superior in breath and firm ness to most men players. Miss Hock erson codips frcm a musical family. Her sister, is a splendid pianist and her younger brother plays the violin remarkably well. Her mother is a teacher of the piano. Miss Garten is not only an accom pliphed singer, but has a voice of great sympathy. She baB rare gifts as a reader. She has appeared on Redpath Chautauqua* during one en The third of the Redpath Lyceum Cour Louisburg on Saturday night, Novemb I tire season and scored big successes [ everywhere. Miss Garten has a wcrld put ? enihUH&Bm. gfeat ambition and I wonderful powers. In appearance, she | is decidely striking, is natural and un affected in her work. Miss Ingram lives in Kansas City. Her talents were first shown in her | work with the Kansas City Musical and Dramatic Clutr. This club Is made up of more than a hundred and fifty people who have musical and dramatic I ability. Her voice is a lyric soprano. Her most recent successes have been musical comedy and light opera," 1 She played the part of LAtfv Margaret I Primrose In "The Skylafk," Hazel . Brown in "The Spartans" and the title i role In "Mile. Juliette." The Musical Entertainers' program. I v- ill be made up of ensemble num bers, solos, duets, trios, readings. se to appear at the Opera House in er 20th, 1915/ An Appreciation . . 4 Mrs. Johnson joins myself in ex- j pressing ^our most sincere apprecia tions for the many kindnesses and ex- ' presslons of sympathy from the many friends who were so generous to us during: our recent bereavement, when oar little son, Edward Frank was called from our fireside. This Interest JlM been of a great assistance to us la this sad hour and will be long and taMerly namt?N? r Wl A. F. JOHNSON. ? - ? y ? Iiocatloa Until the nrat National Bank bolld lil Is remodeled my office will be in ?U?e rear of the banking room; en tiancr through bank. Wm. H. RUFF-IN. Keep right on scowling It makes you aa handsomo aa a baboon and as win some as a FIJI Islander. " it.' Card of Thaakiu We wish to extend to oar many (riendH and neighbors our moxt sincere thanks for the many kindnesses ren dered and expressions of sympathy during the recent Illness and death of our little daughter, Rhoda Bessie. They will long be remembered with most touching appreciation. MR, AND MRS. F. L. HERMAN. Uncle 8am Is having about as strenuous a time in keeping out of the war as the other fellows are having In It. ? ' . . . When a bald head talks of feminine folly It Is more than likely that he Is himself the folly And of the deal. A good tnan never has to tall others of U 0 ' ? For Thanksgiving. * 35 nice hens especially fattened for Thanksgiving.' 11-19-lt. W. B. MORTON. % Auction Sale. I will on Saturday December .11th, 1915 at ten o'clock a. m., sell to the highest bidder at my home Louisburg township. Franklin county my feed stuff, farming implements, wagon and harness one fine mule colt: Also my farm cut in small tracts on easy terms so that anyone wanting a^'good home can get it Terms on lap^jwill be announced on day of sale. Remember the day and hours, everybody come. ll-19-2t. R. M. BAILEY. Executor's Sal* of Personal Property! The undersigned, as executor oil Susan Wheeler, deceased, will onj Saturday, the 11th, day of December 1915, between the hours of ten o'clock a. m. and four o'clock p. m., sell at public auction at the late residence of the said Susan Wheeler in Harris' township, Franklin county, N. ^., to I the highest bidder for cash the per sonal property' belonging to the estate of said deceased, consisting of one mule, one cow, one one-horse wagon, two two-horse wagons, three tobacco trucks, a lot of plows and other farm ing implements, one organ, household and kitchen furniture, etc. This No 'vemSer 15th, 1915. I CHARLES DRIVER. Executor of Susan Wheeler, deceased. W. H. Y ARBOROUOH, Jr. Atty. 1 ll-19-4t. Trout**'* Male of Lm4> By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of tru*t made on the 27th, day of Maith, 191|S, by W. L. Parrish to Wm. H. Rutlln, Trustee and recorded in the Registry of Franklin county in Book 1*3; page" 72, default boring been made in Uw payment of the debt thereby secured , and demand for foreclosure haying been made on aald trustee by the hol der of said debt, the undersigned will, on Monday, December 20th, 1916, at about the hour of noon, at the court house door in Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, tor cfsh, the real estate In said deed of trust conveyed and Opre des cribed as follows: The undivided one-half Interest of W. L. Parrish in the lands of his mother, the late Mrs. Mary I- Parrish, devised by her will which ts if. record in the office of (he' Clerk 'of (be Super ior court of rrankyo county In Will Book V ; page , . .C, reference to which Is hereby made, toiler husband, W.'A. Parriah, for Ure and remainder (o her 12 ohltdrea^ named Including said W. L>. Banish. \ *?' , . Aid also oBe gisy mare sold' by Hill Ure stock CO, to W: L. ParrUh. Thls .N'ovemWr 19tk, 1916 1J-1ML.*, .-Win. H RUJTW, -j' - ,? , ?? ? ? ^ Notice of Sale Under and by virtue of the authority contained in that certain deed of trust executed by H .R. Alston, Jr., to Ben T. Holden, on the 1st day of December 1913, and duly recorded in Book 177; at page 134, in the office of the Regis ter of the Deeds for Franklin county, the undersigned Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Louisburg, N. C., on the 20th, day of December 1916, at 12 o'clock M. the folowing rea lestate: Beginning at a rock corner of No. 10, sold to Friday Williams, on the East side of the Warrenton Road; thence South 86 E. 119 poles to a stake and pointers, corner for No. 10 in G. L. J. Lumber Campany's line; thence I W2?East 71 poles to a stake and horn beam pointer;- -corner for No. 12; thence North 1-2 East 40 poles, 3 links, to a branch on Shocco Creek, corner for G. L. J. Lumber Comapny'a line; thence up said Creek, as it meanders, to the Warenton Road; thence along said road in a Sauthernly direction about 76 polee, to the beginning. Con taining seventy-four and one-half (74 I-2 acres. This 16th day of Novem ber. 1915. II-19-5. BEN T. HOLDEN Trustee. Lost A bunch of keys, containing three safe keys, a bottle opener and several others keys. Finder will return same to me and get reward. 11? 19-lt. P. L. HERMAN. See W. W. Boddle about buying a small farm ? Virginia land for sale, ten year's time, If desired, for payment ll-19-2t. Executrix's N' otlee. The undersigned having duly Quali fied as executrix of B. G. Hicks, de ceased, tfcis is to notify all persons holding claims against the said de cedent to exhibit the same to me ? or before the 19th day of November 1916, or this notice will "be" plead In bar of their recovery. All persons lu debted to the said estate are requested to make Immediate payment. Thfe November 19th, 1916. , MINNIE E. HICKS Extrix of B. li. Hicks, deceased. W. H. YARBOROUGH. Attr 1 1-19-6 1. DO IT ELECTRICALLY SHOP EARLY It is universally true that useful things are the mont popular for Gifts. This is true with things Electrical. Every article sold with 5 year guarantee and some for a life time. Something For every member of the family. Electric Irons _ Toasters GrlKtrtovea Ovenettea Water Heaters * ^ Perculators Portable Lamps Curling Iron Heaters. Sewing Machine Motors Heating Pads take* place of old style Hot Water Bottles. Sew - E - Z The simplest and most efficient Sewing Machine Motor on the market and the cheapest $15 Complete ' Guaranteed lor FIVE YEARS. Make Xmas a happy one for your wife by (riving her one ot these or some thing else electrical Visit Our Store and See These Electrical Gifts- Before' You Buy Elsewlwre. BECK & NEWELL HOTEL BUILDING . ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ? LOU18BURO. N. C. .?$

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