It is with a greatdea* of pleasure that we announce to you that we have just received a large shipment of Rups, Art Squares, Carpeting and other Floor Coverings that excell anything we have ever had before. o .o o,.o 0 0 o , 1 ? ' We were especially fortunate also in making thiiT purchase at the time we did and in the quantity we bought we can make you some especially attractive prices. Our lines of Rugs and Art Squares, without a doubt has never been equalled in Louisburg before. ? The quality and design are exquisit while the prices, are surprisingly low. Come in and see them, we will gladly show you through the ^ line. * Our stock of Furniture is also complete- asd. we are saving others many dollars on their pur chases, Let us save your dollars. o o o o o o' o ? ---o H0WELL - BUNN - HUDSON. INC Main Street LOUISBURG'S WIDE-AWAKE FURNITURE STORE Louisburg, N. C. Bit W. B. MORTON Eye Specialist Loulsburg, North Carolina Office over First National Bank. 8. ATWOOD NEWELL. ? > Attemey-At-Law. Office with Dr. A. H. Newell General Practice and Settlements of Estates; Practice in all Conrts DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING Surgeon Dentist. Loulsburg, North Carolina Office over P. S. & K. K. Allen's Store. DR. S. P. BURT. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Loulsburg, North Carolina Office in Burt Building Main Street E. M. Perry, M. 1). H. G. Perry, M. D. PERRY 4 PERRY. PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Loulsburg. North Carolina Office Next Door to Ay cock Drug Co. Phone Connections 287. DR. JOEL D. WHITAKEB Specialist. Raleigh, N. C. Practice limited to eye, ear, throat and nose. Will be In Loulsburg the first Monday In each month at Dr. Yar borough's office. DR. J. E. MALONE. Loulsburg, North Carolina Office In Aycock Drug Store, Market Street, Office Practice Surgery and consultation. DR. D. T. 8MITHWICK. Dentist. Loulsburg, N. C. Office in the Hill Live Stock Co., Building on Nash Street. W. M. PERSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Loulsburg, North Carolina .^rv Practice- in all courts. Office on Main Street. M. F. HOUCK. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Trading agents for all kinds of building supplies, artistic Mantles and Tiles, Architectural designs sub mitted. DR. E. R. VAND ERG RIFT. Veterinarian. Loulsburg, North Carolina At Fuller's Old Stables. Phone No. 4. Night Phone No. 333. Treat all domestic animals. Free Examination of mouth. A. 0. DICKENS. Attorney and Counsellor at Law s Loulsburg, N. C. Office over Hill Live Stock Co's Store Nash Street T.W. Blckett, RJ5. White, E.H. Malone BICKETT, WHITE Jt BAI.ONE LAWYERS Loulsburg, North Carolina General practice, settlement of es tates funds invested. On* member of the firm always In the office. JAMES W. HOLLINGSWORTH. Lawyer. General Practice ? Loans Placed Notary Public Collections. Prompt Attention Win. HAYWOOD BUFFIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Will practice In the courts of Frank lin and adjoining counties, also In the Supreme court and Circuit court Of fice over the First National Bank. DR. If. C. HOBTON. Raleigh, North Carellaa Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Ttimst _ . -* ? " Will be In Loulsburg the first Mon day of each month at office of fir. E. M. Perry from 9 to 12:30, and at tho office of Drs. Harris and Henderson at Franklin ton, N. C., from l.iO to 5 p. m. Will alio Im in Loulsburg at ofBce of Dr. ?: II Perry tlx* entire day of f the third Saturday tn each month. NEWS OF THE NATION. ITEMS OF INTEREST TO EVEBY ONE; NEWS OF THE WEEK CON DENSED -FOR BUSY READERS. Jlefense Plan OrotT* 111 'Popularity ; To Systematize Government Expendi tures; Wave of Prosperity Coming Over Country; Increase . In Cotton Used. Every day the plan of the President to increase the national defer so against an aggressive enemy grows in popularity. The South, which is most conservative on the question of army and navy apropriations, is getting in line. Two months ago the recommen dations of Secretary Daniels and Secretary Garrison would not have received the attention and met with the approval they are now doing. President. Wilson and members o t his cabinet will have an important conference Wednesday night with the special budget committees appointed by the House Democratic caucus to devise ways and means of systematiz ing government expenditures. Financiers of big caliber seem to think that the United States is at the beginning of a great wave of prosperi ty. From every section of the coun try comes the story that busine&s is good and labor scarce. Cotton used during October was 506,635 bales, compared with 451,8f-P bales in October last year. Cotton on hand October 31 in consuming estab lishments was 1,345,749 bales com pared with 715,623 a year ago, and in public storage and at compresses 4.171,474, compared with 3,777,469, _ 4 Fire virtually destroyed the Num ber Four machine shop of the Bethle hem Steel Company at South Bethle hem, Pa., Wednesday with an estimat ed loss of from $1, 000, 00 to 4,000. 000. The building destroyed was re cently reconstructed and equipped with machinery at a cost of about $3,* 000,000. Eight hundred guns among ether war materials were in process cf maufacture in the shop. Discovery of the cause of and cure for pellagra was announced Thurs day by the public health service. T^.e announcement follows the recent publication of a report by . Surgeon Joseph Goldberger, on a year of ex periments in co-operation with South ern state health officials demonstrat ing the correctness of the theory that a one-Hided diet lacking in proteid would cause the disease, and that a well balanced diet would cure it. Property damage amounting into hundreds of thousands of dollars, at least twb persons 'killed and seorea injured, was the result of a violent storm which swept central Kansas, ilouth Dakota and Iowa Wednesday night. Whiskey valued at more than fft, 000 was seized at Mobile, Ala., eariv Friday by the police and now is stored at the central station. The confiscated liquor, contained in cases and barrels, was brought to Mobile from New Orleans on the schooner Oyster Plant, and was consigned to fon?" Mobile men. A formal order was issued Saturday "by the PostofTTje Department direct ing postmasters hereafter to refuse to accept parcel post packages for Ger many, Austria and Hungary. The order was necessitated by thgi'efusal of the steamship company which has been carrying this mail to accept it in the future. Should the next Congress make sufficient appropriations for beginning work a great chain of inland water ways from Maine to the Gulf. North Carolina can justly feel that no State in the Union had contributed more to the success of this project. The President-general of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution, Mr. William Cummings Story, has appoint ed Mrs. Charles Fisher Taylor, of Goldsboro, State Chairman of the D. A. K. for North Carolina. Two highwaymen, a white and a black, threw Henry Coward, forty - Ave, from his wagon on a road be tween Gardner's crosB-roads and Vanceboro, marched him blindfolded two miles, robbed him and fled, .says a Kinston report. Coward had sold a quantity of cotton and had $190 on his person, which was taken by the rob bers. % That-the~ Carolina league will re main fhtacl was asserted Thursday by President Ellington, of the Raleigh j club. Winston-Salem will be back ail right, he declared, and everything points to success. The porperty of the Hope Mills Manufacturing Co., consisting of four mills and_l,"500 acres of land at Hope 1-MlUsf N. C., was sold at public auc tion Wednesday going to A. M. Mc-j Cart by, of Philadelphia, who bio Not Leave Willingly. Because a cold Is stubborn is uo reason why you should be. Instead of "wearing" it out, get sure relief by taking Dr. Kink's New Discovery. Dangerous bronchial and lung ail ments often follow a cold which nas been neglected at the beginning. A3 yr.ur body faithfully battles cold germs no better aid can be given than th-2 use of this "remedy. Its merit has been tested by old and young. Get a bottle to-day. 50c and $1.00 For Rent. The De Person place on East side of Railroad, in Franklinton township. Farms in good repair. Apply to Mrs. W. P. Montgomery - 11-12-tf. Trustee's Sale of Land. By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that, certain deed of trust made by Wm. H. Stamper to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, dated February 9th, 1914, and recorded in the Registry of Franklin county in Book 177, page 167, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the hol der of said debt, the undersigned will, on Monday December 6th., 1915, at about the hour of noon, at the court house door In Loulsburg, N. C.. offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at public auction ,the land men tioned in said deed of trust as fol lows: A one-half undivided interest in and to that tract or parcel of land situated In Franklin county, Gold Mine township. State of North Caro lina, and described aB follows: Boun ded on the North by the lands of R. S. Jones u and Robert Griffin, on the East by the lands of R. S. Jones, on the South by the lands of Dock West and Gray Coley and on the West by the lands of Heftry L. Alston and P. G. Alston, containing 145 acres, more or less, and being the tract of land owned by Ben Stamper, deed, at the time of his death. The interest con veyed being a one-half undivided in terest devised to Wm. Stamper by Ben Stamper by will of record in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court in Book V. of Wills, page 498. J-And since the execution of this deecr of trust partition of the said Ben Stamper lands has been made and the share of Wm. H. Stamper allotted to him by notes and bonds and same will be sold hereunder. See O". & D. No. 9 page 142-5, Clerk's office, con taining 71 1-2 acres, more or less, part in timber. This November 5th, 1915. BEN T. HOLDEN, ll-5-5t Trustee. SELLING OUt AT COST TO DISPOSE OF STOCK THAT I WILL NO LONGER CARRY. To those who want a nice buggy and a set of harness, new or second hand, and will call on me at once, I* will make a most interesting and profitable proposition as I am jroing to close out this line. Come at once if you want a bargain^ o o o o o r K A. PERRY ? South Main Street Get Your Candies and Cream From Louisburg Candy Kitchen Spruill Building Wnere we have opened a most up-to date Candy Kitchen. Everything Will be Home Made and from only the purest and best stock. George Lewis, ? Proprietor Best Work Quickest Is Our Motto When your auto nee^s a little tightening up or overhauling, a new part replaced or some other repairs come to see us. Our prices are reason able and our work the best. We keep a full sup ply of Ford parts at all times, and it takes only a few minutes to get you going again if you drive a Ford when you bring it to us to put in shape. Doughton's Garage Telephone No. 239 Franklin Street Louisburg, N. C.