Treat Children's Colds Externally Don't dose delicate little stomMhs "witt harmful internal medicines. Vick'a "Vap ?O-Bub" Salvo, applied externally, relieve* by inhalation as a vapor and by absorption through the BVin. Viok's can be used freely with perfect safety bn the youngest member of tne family. ? 35of 60c, or $1.00. VKKyw^ygSALVE ED L. BEA9LEY LoulBburg, N. C. General Auctioneer Hell Anything, Anywhere, Anytime Automobile for Hire. For quick trips and the best of ser vice call Carl Strickland. Phone, 294-J or 299-J. This is our speciality and can please you. Cars ready all thgjljne- n-12*tf. Notice. By virtue of power conferred upon mo by a trust deed, executed by Horace Alston and wife, Emily Als ton. on the 23rd, day of November, 1912, which is duly registered l>i Franklin county, N. C? in book 119 on page 233, and at the request of the holder of the debt therein secured, I shall on Monday, the 13th, day of December, 1915, sell at public auction, ; to the highest bidder for cash, in the town of Louisburg, N. C., at the court btfu9e~<10or, the following real estate, to- wit: That certain tract of land lying in Haysville township, Franklin county, known an the Tom Nick Alston place, ado bounded on the North by the lands of James Edwards, on the East by the lands of Tom"Gill, on the South by Henry Kelly and on the West by James Edwards, containing one hun dred acres more or less. It being the same land purchased by Horace Als ton from T. N. Alston by deed duly * registered In Franklin county. This the 10th, November, 1915. T. T. HICKS, Trustee. ll-15-4t. Sale of Land. By virtue of the rower and author iiy contained in that certain deed of trust executed by J. B. Ellington and wife, to Ben T. Holden,_ Trustee, on the 7th, day of January 1915, and duly recorded in the office of the Re gistry of Deeds for Franklin county, in Book 177, at page 243, default hav ing been made in the payment of the note thereby secured and demnid made upon me by the holder thereof to foreclose, the undersigned trustee will .. sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash at the "courthouse door in Louisburg. N. C., 6n~the 11th, day of December 1915, at .12 o'clock M. the following lands, to- wit: Beginning at the bridge where the Louisburg road crosses kittle River and rnning thence along said road South 38 West 100 feet; thence South 61 West 2277 feet to the Cross roads; thence along the , Youngsville road South 29 1-2 East 250. feet; thence along the Louisburg road South 76 Hast 1077 feet to a stake; thence North 67 East 1750 feet to Little River; thence up said river 850 feet to the beginning. Containing 50 acres more or less. This November 9th, 1915. ll-12-5t. BEN" T. HOLDEN, Trustee. Trustee's Sale of Land. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made on the 13th day of December, 1907, by J. H. Nowell and wife to Thomas B. Wilder, Trustee and re corded in the Registry of Deeds of Franklin county in Book 159, page 188, default having been made in the pay ment of the debt thereby secured, and demand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder ?f said indebtedness, the undersigned will on Monday December 13th, 1913, at about the hour of noon, at the. courthouse door in Louisburg, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the pro perty in said deed of trust conveyed and there described as follows : Situated in Louisburg township, bounded on the North by the Long Branch, on the East by the lands of J. W. Weathers, on the South by the lands of the Louisburg Wagon Com pany (now J. M. and W. H. Allen), and on the We3t by the lands of Mrs. J. H. Bobbitt, containing 61 acres more or lesB, and known as the Bob bitt land. This November 12th, 1915. THOS. B. WILDER. Trustee. Wm. ,H. RUFFIN. Attorney. ll-12-3t. Sale of Land and Tersonal Property Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that deed of trust executed by M. F. Ellington and wife to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, on the 24th, day of Decembor 1914, - which is duly recorded in Franklin oounty Registry, Book 193, at page ?1, default paving been made in the ; payment of the note thereby secured and demand made upon me by the holder thereof to foreclose the under signed Trustee will on the 11th, of De oember 1915, at 12 o'clock M. at the courthouse door in Louisburg. N. t5., sell at public auction ~t^ the highest bidder, for cash the following real estate and personal prpoperty, to-wit: Beginning In t!Te center of the Youngsville road; thence South 60 3-4 West 140 feet to a stake; thence South 29 1-2 East 1215 feet to a stake, S. H. Scarborough's line; thence with ?aid Scarborough's line South 87 1-2 East 3225 feet to Little River; thence up said Little River as It meanders, 500 feet; thence 82 1-2 West 2100 feet to a pine tree; thence North 70 1-2 West 1160 feet to the center of the Youngsville road; thence along said road North 29 1-2 West 75 feet to the beginning. Containing 50 acres. Also the following personal property: One black horse, 10 years-old; One bay horse, 10 years old, onerborse Nixon wagon and harness. This 9th day of November 1916. 11-12-lt BUN T. HOLDEN, Trustee. - * SUNDAY SCHOOL THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. I ^ . Lesson VIII. ? Fourth Quarter, -For Nov. 21, 1915. ; 5!*** ?* *^6 Le??on, Jonah iii, 1?10. C Memory Verse, lO-^-Goldcn Text, Matt, xxviii, 10, 20 ? rCommcnt^ry Pre-* pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. Any oiie who questions the truth or tlic reality ol' this story of Jonah cants discredit 011 the Lord Jesus Christ, for He callcd .Jonah a prophet and said that his three days and iiitfiits in the1 belly of the fish were typical of His own three days and nights between His death and resurrection. He also spoke of the repentance of the people of Nineveh under the preaching of -Jonah and of a tutu re judgment (Matt, xll, 39-41; Luke St. 32). To question the words of (h ? Lord Jesus Is to question God the l'.uuer, for lie said that the Fathef always told U'.m what to say (John xli, 47-50). Jesus Christ -said, "I nin The Truth." and Uo:l is called "the God of Truth" ?Jc?!m xiv, 45; Isa. lxv, lib. Therefore let our hearts cry, "Let God be true, but every ' a liar:" "For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth"' (Horn. ill. '4: II Cor. xiil, 8). When Jonah is mentioned people al ways think of the tfsli. whereas* t!ie fish is mentioned but font-* times in the boolc.~while God or Lord is men tioned forty times. We are not as right with God as we nilgai be until we give tin? same relative importance to people and thlugs that lie Hers: therefore let us not magnify the fish, but the . Lord. This is calle I u-fofeljn missionary -lesson, and It Is certainly a good one o:i that topic, as we shall see! Two ??f the great foundation truths, of the Iilble are "God Is love" and "The L?|ltt I ? not willing that any should pci\>?Y* (I John Iv. S. 10: II Pet. Iii. 0;. In this lesson we see r\ great city of :;t least? (JQO/'OO people (120,000 chiUlrcn) an I much cattle, aud there was great wickedness in the city (Jonah 1. 2: iv. 11). but God would rath er save than d-.-stroy them, aud He sent Jonah to e;; 1 upon them to repent that lie m'.ght spare then. That is always God's attitude to the world lying fn the wicked o:;e. He commandcth all men everywhere to re pent. for He will have all men to he saved and to. come unto the knowledge of the truth (Acta xvii, .".0; I Tim. II. 3. 4). Rut how can they know unless some one tells 7 So Jonuh Is calle:1. of God to go and tell Nineveh that, while the Lord does not wish tbem to per ish, unless they repent Judgment will come in forty days (1, 1,-2: iii. 4). At first Jonah is unwilling to go and. seeks to flee from the call. Then follows the record of the voyage to Tarshish begun seemingly so favoral'!.\^but sud denly interrupted, for God"~aont two detectives '? arrest Ills man and bring him b:::-k. ; rent c.ind to ?;t??p him and u great Il.?|i"t0 bring him ashore (1, 4, ITj. Ar.eolcd on the hi^h seas and brou:;l.; luck. it reads like an up to date story, for our God Is always up to date aiid away ahead. Look at the wireless and rapid transit as seen in the story of Daniel and Gabriel (Dan. ix. n. 20. 21). As lo the present day altitude of those who profess to be the Lord's people toward the command of our Golden Text and of Mark xvi, 15; Luke xxiv, 47; John xx, 21. 23; Acta 1, 8. could there be a more yivld pic ture tliau that of Jouah on this ship before the captain woke him up? The only man un the ship who knew the tine God fast usleep, while the heathen .sailors earnestly cried unto their god*. Those who have the Bible and in It the1 knowledge of the living and true God and of salvation by Jesus Christ for all who will receive Ilim are as indifferent to the welfare of the mil lions of so called heathen who are ear nestly calling upon their gods as wae Jonah when fast asleep on that ship. They need to hear the cry of that shipmaster: "What meanest thou, O sleeper? Arise, call upon thy God, if bo be that God will think ?upou us that we perish not" (i, ti). If we hnd anointed ear* we might hear the heathens say, "Arise and-tell us of thy God and of Uis great salvation.*' And we would surely hear God saying, I "Whom shall I send and who will go I for us?" ilsn. vi, 8.) If God was | seeking in this age to win the world to ! Himself both lie and wc might wcl! be discouraged, but He is not discour aged, and Lie cannot fail lisa. xlii, 4). This book of Jonah shows us his pl-.iu. Jonah was an Israelite. After his res urrection from the dead, in a figure, lie went to Nineveh and preached the preaching that the Lord bade him. and a whole city repented (chapter Hi). I do not know of another Instance on record of a whole city '.uruing to God. Now see the fores hartowing of His plan Israel has-loug been rebellious, but when they shall see the Lord Jesus, the risen Chris:, their glorious ami glorittcd Messiah, coining in His glory,* as Soul saw IIlui on the way to 1*1 maseus, they .will receive Him and with the zeal of Paul will speedily make IIlui known to all the world, and whole nations will turn to. Ilim and bo saved (Ian. x?&v, 9; xxvli. ??; xxxv. 10; lit. J). 10; 1x. 1-Tr; Horn. xl. 12. lfi>" Notice in this hook how. God used a wind, a fish, a worm and even such a strange man as Jonah and. 1 icing ilrat of all sure that you arc r?d:?cn? ?(t by the precious, blond of Jesus Christ, say to llini with all your heart. "Here om I; use me." Oh. use uie. Lord, use even me. Just ns thou will, and when and where, until Thy bless ed fact I soe; Thy rest, Thy Joy,. Thy glory shfr're. What Do You Think I When you meet a fellow on In? street an 2 his face 1m warp-d and twisted by an unholy scowl, what do you think? Wlfen lazy buffer hog:s a whole soat ha a train and lets a tired woman stand with a baby in her arms, what do you think? When John Smith whispered into your ear that Tom Jones "is a good one to look out for." but that you must not tell" anyone that he (Smith) said so, what do you think? When one tooman tails you that another woman "is the biggest gos sip in town and that the gossip's own closet is just jammed with skeletons," what do you think? When a politlcan promises Vou the earth with an ircn fence around it and the moon with all its green cheese if you will only vote for him, what do you think? When a man coughs up a stiff prayer in church on Sunday and then skins you on a sharp deal on Monday what do think? ?. When a preacher tells you 'of the glories of religion and Of the bene fits of purity in your daily life, and goes off and eats liis*Su.iday dinner with the biggest old church hypocrlt in town, wh^t do you think? When you hear a fellow bragging of - the great deeds lie has done and you know he ii lying faster than an automobile 'can speed, what do you think? When .a man tells you a smutty story of some good woman and you know her character is as white as his soul is black, what do think? When you hear a young braggart making suggestive remarks about every young girl in town except his own sister, what do you think? When you see one man trying to undermine the legitimate business of another by making veiled allusions to possible financial disaster, what o.o you think? When a' .man owes you a dollar Mil crosses the street to avoid meet in .; you, what do you think? When a girl' leads a man on to de claring himself and then deliberately tosses him over without compunction, what do you think? When a man trifles with the affec -tions of a good woman and then is not honorable enough to live ijp to hi word, what do you think? When a. duffer borrows a five spot from you and promises to return it tomorow, and tomorrow never comes, what do you think? When a man looks you in the eye and tells you a deliberate lie. and you know that he is lying and thst he knows that you know it. what do you think? f And if you should happen to do any of these things, what do you think other people would think? No. Six-Sixty-Six This is a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS A. FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not retuhi. sit acts on the liver better- than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c __ Slinging The Slush At Washington dispatch read: : "Mrs. McAdoo. wife of the secretary of the treasury and daughter of Presi dent Wilson, appeared on the street today with -a cane. It was an ebony hued cane with" a crooked handle, in - laid with silver. Now and then Khe hooked it over her arm." How interesting! And what a dis play of journalistic ingenuity in fer ritin^ out and dishing .up to a straid world the really important events of the day. But this Solomon of the press neglects to tell .ua-the length of the cane, its size and weight, the store from which it was purchased and the angle at which it was carried. Such omissions are reprehensible in modern journalism. c HICHESTER S PILLS Cream and Skim mod Milk. The reader who keeps his eye on the advertisements in this paper gets the cream of the bargains. Other-* : get the skimmed railk. . Merchants who advertise get the I ^ream of the busine^H, while the fol- ' low who doesn't believe in printer's ttTfej gets the clabber. . | nm Quinine Thtt Joes Not Affect The Hew Because of Its tonic and laxative effect. I.AXA- 1 TIVB BROHO QUININK ia better thnn ordinary I Quinine and doc* not cauae nerroaaneaa nor ringing In head Remember the full name and look lor the signature of K. W. GROVK. 25c. | When a half degd fly lights on your | nose on a Sunday afternoon the pro- I per caper Is for your wife to ring for . the ambulance without dletarbint; j your slumbers. Mr. Sandman Gomes Quick when You Drive Away Jack Frost The kiddies need no coax- dampness and cold out of i ing at bedtime ? for the all the house. Gives glow PERFECTION Heater ing warmth in five minutes had made the room nice ? ten hours comfort , on a and cozy. gallon of kerosene. Smoke The Perfection keeps less, odorless, safe. L Look for the Triangle Trademark. Sold at all hardware and general stores, and wherever you see the Perfection Cozy Cat Poster. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond Whita Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. STANDARD OIL CO. (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Wuhinltoo, D. C. Charlotte, N? C. Norfolk. Va. Ch?rl?.ion7w. V? Ricbmood. V?. ' Charleston, 9. C. Hifhctt award Panai When a fellow finds a ten dollar .bill lie tears up the earth in his frantic efforts not to find the owner. Tfeis is a day of work, but jrifauy r. f ". - ?: doesn't know it is to-^^y:1 Harvard has a professor who is only nineteen years old, but he doesn't Vmoke cigaretts. Maks, your vifit short, and you will to? welrrme the i.ojrt time. After Villa has made his last stand, the grand stand of the Mexican "patriot" will always remain. "Back to the farm" is good, but "stay there" is some better. ... TOBACCO ... Continues to Advancc In Priccs Our buyers are more anxious for bright tobacco at better prices, than they have been for some time and are as liberal as we could ask. Bring your tobacco to your house like men, and the success will surprise you all. United as oge man you cap accomplish anything. Don't be deceived by the fellow that comes to see you to pay you more than your tobacco is worth, he is not in busi ness for his health. The Union Warehouse will pay you the money that others pay to good talking drummers. Our buyers are a most liberal sfct when buying farmers tobacco, but dislike to see Warehousemen and Pinhookers take the hard earned money away from the men that feeds and clothes us all. Your em ployees will serve you faithfully when you come; we believe now is the time Below You Will Find the Names of a Few of Our Satisfied Customers. J. B. Wilder, J. W. Cheaves, Edward Williams, J. W. Hill, A. P. Strickland, J. E. Chaney, A. T. Harris, J. W. Patton; W. H. Wilson, N. E. Pendleton, Ter rell & Williamson, Robt. Eaton, Gid Strickland, J. R. Mitchiner. o The Union Warehouse LOUISBURG, Nerth Carolina.

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