C. O. Wood and wife, on at April, 1814 to Win. H. 1 order ol sale contained ot the Superior court at against C. O. Wood, the ^Shlasloner Ud trustee r for sale to the highest bld illo sale for caah the follow rty in aald deed of trust dee follows: situated In Frank fflins Townahlp, and m: On the North ?ft Tin Arrlngton and ton, oh the East by known as Dr. Whita r Sonth by the lands iM on the West by Pet* Arrlngton, con tale ?( Lui Ml f?HM\ Pi ifWtj Units r and br virtu* of th* kw and authority oontalned In that certain da*? ot trust executed by W. I. Pnrrlah and wife to Ben T. Holden, Truato*, on tl>* 17th, day of February, 1916, and duly recorded In the office ot the Register of De*4? ot rranklln county, la Book It}; at pace HI. default haf tng been mad* in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured. and de mand made upon me to foreclo**, u to said deed a< trust provided. under signed Trust** 1011 on Monday the 17th. day of January 1*16, at about Hie hour at nopp. at the courthouae door In Franklin county, aell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for oaah, the following real estate and personal property to- wit; That tract *f land lyln* In Cedar Rock Township, Franklin county, described aa fol low*: Beginning at a rock In the field near the new road and on the West, now W. A. Parrlsh'a corner; thence Soutlr -M--1-8 East 140 pole* 7 links, to a stake, East ot some post oak bushes, Henry Leonard's corner In Pernell's line; thence along Leonard's line North 2 East 97 poles 6 links, to a stake and pine pointers, Leonard's corner, In Lancaster's line; thence along Lancaster's line North 88 West 130 poles to a rook In E. D. Parrish'B line; thence 72 poles 9 links to the beginning. Containing 64 2=3 acres more or less, and being part of the Wm. Inscoe tract 156 acres that was conveyed by deed duly^recorded In Franklin cbunty Registry, la Book 146, at page 278. Also all right, title, claim, interest and demand of whatsoever kind and nature which said W. I. Parrlsh may be entitled in and to the estate of his mother, Mary I. Parrlsh, deceased In cluding both real and personal pro perty. * -? Also the fololwlng personal pro perty: One black mare mule; one black mare mule with white nose ; one bay mare and Nlssen two-horse wagon and harness; one top buggy and har ness. This the 14th day of December 1916 , 3 BEN T. HOLDEN, 12-17-6t- Trustee. Trustee's Sale of Land. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made on the 10th, day- of April, 1915, ?by G. P. Foster to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, and se^prded In the Registry of Franklin county In Book 177; page 281, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand tor .foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the hold er of said debt, the undersigned will, on Monday December 20th, 1016, at about the hour of noon, at the court house door In Loulaburg, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder, for cash, the land ? In laid deed of trust conveyed and th?re des cribed as follows: 1 The undivided interest of G, P. Fos ter in the lands of his deceased father, S. G. Foster; composed of tw*> tracts, described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Bounded on the North by the lands of B. L. Carroll, on the East by the lands of J. J. Cooper, South by yie lands of H. P. Speed jind B. L. Carroll, ahd on the West by the lands of Mrs. Qeorgle Boddie, W. R. Allen and W. T. Cooper, containing Sfr acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: Bounded on the North by the lands of W. H. Allen, on the East by the lands of Mrs. Sallle Foster, on_the South by the lands of Albert Gupton or Mrs. Sallle Gupton and on the West by the lands of Mrs. Sallle Gupton, containing 14 acres more or less. Also all crops raised on said lands by G. P. Foster in the year 1918 and one gray mare mule. This November 19th, 1916. The above sale lias been continued to Monday, January 3rd, 1916 at 12 o'clock, M. Wm. H. RUFF1N, ,12-17-3t. Trustee. Sale of La ad By virtu* of the power of sale con tained in a certain Trust Deed made1 to me, the same being recorded in Book 174; at page 113 In the office of the Reglater of Deeda for JPrank lln county, the undersigned Trustee will, on Monday January 8, 1916, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door In Loutsburg that certain lot in the town of. Louls burg lying on the eaatara aide of the southern end of the bridge across Tar River adjoining the colored Episcopal church. It Is a valuable site for any kind of bustness budd ing. This November 39, l?lt. . TH08. B. WILDBR. 12-3-lt. Trustee. iMWXrt lfetlee. The undersigned having duly quali fied as I tiecotrlx of W. V. Clifton, de em*. yi exhibit the same to me, on or before the 3rd day of December l?l?, or this notice will be plead tn bar of their reoelvery. All lentH Indebted to Ik* estate of eald flusdsot quested ta make ta *, < Cemmlsslwe* tale ?! Iu4 mmt CUftoafeMB By ?trtu? pf an order of sale. wato by the Superior Ooort of Fcaaklin county in that special proceedings ?n tltied lira. Esthel Barnett, Admrx. of W. Henry Barnett, ti. Ethel Barnett, widow, and Howard Mann Barnett ot at, heir* at law, the undersigned will on Monday, the 17th, day ot January, 1916, it being the llrat day of the Janu ary Tern ot Franklin Superior ooort, at about the hour ot noon, at the court house door In Loulsborg, N. C , offer tor aala at nubile auction to the highest bidder, that valuable tract of land near Clifton's Mill, part ot the Henry Clltton and later of the W. Henry Barnett land on Crooked Creek, and more"~p?rtlcularlr defined aa fol lows: Beginning at a stake, the former site of a cluster of hlackguma, the old Clifton and Clifton corner, now the Clifton, Perry, Ford and Barnett cor ner; thence North 84 1-2 degrees West 27.80 chains to an Iron pipe, the new corner for surrey or Mrs. Barnett and this tract la Mrs: Rebecca Clifton liue; thence along the new Una bet ween survey for Mre. W. H. Barnett and this tract South 5 1-2 degrees West 23.90 chains to a stake on the North bank of Crooked Creek, Horn beam and pine pointers, the new cor ner between the Mrs. W. H. Barnett surrey and this tract on Crooked Creek; thence down said creek as it meanders 84.60 chains to a stake on the North bank of Crooked Creek, and 10 links up stream from a large old Maple pointer, the Ford and Barnett corner on Bald creek; thence North 8 3-4 degrees East 1.80 chains to a large Sweetgum, marked fore and aft; thence North 16 degrees East 37.70 chains to the beginning, containing 72 acres by surrey of.B. B. Egerton, sur veyor, November 16th, 1916. Terms of sale? one-fourth cash, and the balance be due December 1st, 1916, with six per cent Interest from date of sale. This December 17th, 1916. - i Wm. H. RUFFIN, 12-17-5t. Commissioner. Sale of Land By virtue of the power and authority contained In that deed of trust exe cuted by C. T. Wester and wife, on the 2nd, day of March 1912, which Is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county, in Book 177 ; at page ' default baring been made in the payment of the note thereby secured and demand for foreclosure made upon me, I, the undersigned Trustee, will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for ?ash, at the courthouse door in Louls burg, N. C_^n.Montoy the 3rd day ?f January-1916, at 12 o'clock M. the following real estate situated In Louis burg Township, Franklin county, N. e. vis: , . FIRST TRACT ? Beginning at small gum on Bull Branch corner for the Perry land; thence North 3 West 126 poles, 20 links, to a stake on the Loulsburg road; thence along said road South 86 1-2 East to a maple on nor side of road; thence South 20 3-4 West 126 poles to a branch; thence up 'said branch as It meanders to the beginning. Containing 60 acres and known as the Wester home place. < SECOND TRACT ? Bounded on the North by Mrs. Martha Perry, on the Bast by C. T. Wester home tract,, on the South S. H. Baker and on the WeSt by Mrs. Mary .Neal, and belfig lot No. 1 In the partition of the lands of J.i Robert Perry. Containing 40 acres T1JIRD TRACT ? Bounded on the North by the lands of Mark Hedge peth, on the Bast by the lands of H. J. and C. T. Wester, on the South by C. T. Wester. Containing 60" acres This the 1st day of December, 1916. 12-Kt- BEN T. HOLIiBt*? Trustee. ] Sale of Land r By virtue of the power and, authority contained In that deed of trust exe cuted by B. H. Headen and wife to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, on 1st day of January 1915, recorded In Book 193; at page 163, In the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Franklin county, de fault having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured, and de mand having been made upon me by the holder thereof to foreclose, the undersigned Trustee will on Monday the 3rd*day of January 1916, at about the hour of noon, at ihe courthouse door In Loulsburg, N.' C? sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following real eetate, vti: That tract of rand lying in Dunn's Township, Frinklln county, bounded on the North by the John Rose land, on the West by the Dock Whitley, on the South tnr the Callte Benton land, and on the Bast by the W. A. Beaton land. Containing U 1-1 acre* This the 1st day of December 191S. 12-10-61 BEN T. HOLDEN, Trustee. SoUee t* Creditors Hftvias ii i4*UslslrAtor of Uu, uttti ot Ellii Macon, deceased, lata of Franklin oounty, North Caro tin t, this la to notify all persons hav ~?Ba agsteat estate to cnisst | flk to th? ontersleied an or beton the toth. <*y o* KwemUer. 1916, _ to; MM w??i rawMi rmniij ' By virtu 0 t the authority aid directions contained la that chattel mortgage ezeouttd by Sidney Ramey on the ?th, day of September lKlS, to T. B. Ramey, which la of record la the oOca of Register of Daada of Franklin county, in Book 184; at sage (M. demand hairing bees made apon m br the holdar ot aald paper, to foreclose the same tor raaaona that aaid property haa, by the mortgager, Sidney Ramey, bean al? domed and the aald Sidney Rimer having azpraaaed his wllllngneaa to the foreclosure of aaid paper, I, the 1 1 1 1 il 1 1 1 nlpasil Trustee, named in aaid chattel mortgage, will on Monday the 10th day of January 1918 at about the hour af 11 M. at the eourthouae door ia Franklin county, sail at publie auction to the highest bidder for cash, the followlag persoaal property: Three No. 125 Hydraulic porcelain enamel black leather chairs, full length porcelain enamel anna, foot rest plates, outer arms etc. No. 500 Head reat, No. 86 Pole, No. 70 Boot black reat; One No. 33 Haywood heater; One No. 71 Shelton Vibrator, alternating current, SO cycles ; One No. 445 Lavatory; Three barber chairs No. 131506, 111606, 131607 ; One Oak dresser; One commode, and all other office furniture and fixtures conveyed In- said chattel mortgage. This the 11 day, of December 1916. J. W. HOLLINGSWORTH, 12-17-6t- . - Trustee. Trustee'* Sale of Valuable Store aad Dwelling at CenterrMe By virtue of the power of sale con tained In those two certain deeds of trust executed by W. D. Upchurch and wife, the one to A. T. Eason, Trustee on December 27th, 1905, and recorded In the Registry of Franklin county In Book 62; page 377, and the other to WmJjL_FuflIn, Trustee, on January 4th. 1912, and recorded In said Regis In Book 179; page 404, both con veying the fune property, .default having been made in the payment of; the debts thereby secured, aUtt both debts being now held by th^. same person, and demand for foreclosure having been made by the holder of said debts upon said trustee, the un dersigned will, on Monday January 3rd, 1916, at about the hour of noon, at the cdurthouse door in Loulsburg, N. C.- offer for sale at public auction to . the highest bidder, for cash, the property In said deeds of trust con veyed and described as follows: Bounded on the North by the Halifax road, on the East by the Nashville and Warrenton road, on the South by the lands formerly owned by Mrs. Bettie C. Alston (now by W. D. Upchurch) and on the West by the lands of R. H.Griffla, containing ten acres, more or less, known formerly aa the ^A. W. Alston, Jr., Home Place, upon which there Is a large store-house and a commodious "dwelling. This Decem ber 3rd., 1M5. A. T. EASON, Trustee. ' Wm. H. RUFFIN Trustee. 12-3-5t. Sale of Lund and? Personal Property Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that deed of trust executed by M. T. Hawkins and othersr Trustee of the Rocky Ford Ginning Company, to Ben T. Holden, Trustee on the 1st day of April 1914, and duly- recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin county, in Book 177; at page 192, default having been made In the payment of , the indebtedness thereby secured and demand made upon me for foreclos ure, I, the undersigned Trustee, will on Monday the 10th, day of January 1916, at 12 o'clock M. at the courts house door in Franklin county, sell a? public auction to the highest bidder Tin- cash, the following real estate and personal property: That tract or parcel of land lying In Hayesvllle Township, Franklin county, describ ed as follows: Commencing at a corner at Mll ford road in the line of J. A. Haw kins estate and running along the line of said J. A. Hawkins estate 208 1-2 feet to a stone; thence Northerniy running parallel with this"* Mllford road S12 1-4; thence Easternly 208 1-2 feet to the Mllford road; thence along the Mllford road to the point of beginning, containing 1 1-2 acres, more or lees, and being the lands uik? which the Rocky Ford Ginning Company, operates Its Gin and Saw Ml U;- also all machinery, fixtures and effect* of (tery kind and description that forms a part of said Gin and Saw Mill, or connected with the same, or located upon the premises above des cribed. This the 8th day of Decem ber 1915. 12-10-61 BUN T. HOLDEN, Trustee. idmlalitrator's Hotiee Having duly qualified aa administra tor upon the estate of W. H. Y arbor - ?ugh. Sr., deceased, lata of Sandy Creek Township, Franklin county, 21 G? tbta la to notify all persons hold ing claims agalaat tk? eetate of aaM decedent to exhibit the tan* to til* anderslgned on or before the 10th, of December, 1?H, or this notice b* plead la bai of their recovery All pee sons Indebted to estate an NMMtad to Mb kaMkle gaormeat Thie Deeeaber 1Mb, ltli. Sal* of Valuable Beal Estate Under and by virtue of the' power conferred upon me In two? certain deeds of truit executed to rae by frank' Rogers and wife and recorded In the office of the Register ofTtoeds of Franklin caunty, N. C. In Book 192: page MO and Book 192, page 562, res pectively, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness secured In the same, I will on Mon day, the Jrd day of January 1916, sell at public auction at the courthouse door In Loulshjirg, N. C., to the high est bidder for cash, the following described real estate: FIB8T. A certain tract or parcel fit land and being situated In the. .county of Franklin, State of North 1 Carolina, near the town of Loulsburg, on the Loutsburg and Warren ton road, adjoining the land* of J. L Spencer, Joe Foote and others, containing twenty-three and three-fourths acres, more ot less, and fully described by metes and bounds tn a deed executed by Laura E. Eaton to J. L. Spencer recorded in the office of the' Register of Deeds of Franklin county in Book 179 ; page 109, and in a deed executed by said J. L. Spencer and wife to Fraafc Rogers recorded In the same office in Book ftt,' p'aie 639, reference to which deeds is hereby made for a more complete description of said land, and the same -will be sold sub ject to certain stipulations, conditions and limitations set forth in the said deed from J. L s Spencer and wife te said Frank Rogers, reference to which deed is hereby made. SECOND: A certain lot or parcel of land lying and being situated in the county of Franklin, State of North Carolina near the town of Loulsburg, on the Loulsburg and Warrenton road, and bounded as follows: On the North by the lot conveyed to J. -L. Spencer by Lula Dent known as the Percy Eayjn lot, on the East and South by , the tract first above des cribed, on the. West by the Loulsburg and Warrenton road, containing three .Ifcres, more or less, and having been conveyed by J .L. Spencer and wife to Frank Rogers by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county In Book 192; page 561, and the same will be sold sub ject to certain stipulations, conditions and limitations set forth in said deed, reference to which is hereby made. This November. 30th, 1916. 12-3-5t. W. H. YARBOROUGH, '< Trustee. . Sale of Land By virtue of the power and authority contained in that deed of trust exe cuted by Dock Whitley and wife to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, on the 1st day of January 1916, and duly recorded In Book 163; at page 164, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, _and demand for foreclosure made upon me. I, the un dersigned Trustee, iwiil sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. I1 at the courthouse door in Louisburg N. C., on Monday the 3rd day of Janu ary 1916, at about the hour of noon the folTSwing real estate, viz: ? FIRST TRACT? Beginning at a rock I J. S. Ross' corner; thence South 2 | West 75 poles to * dogwood, corner of No.' *3(to^?eaden'8 line: thence S.. 86. Bast 148 poles, 10 links to a stake untV pine, dogwood and hickory point ers, corner-of No. 2 in Henden's line; thence North 2 1-2 East 76 poles, 18 links, to a stake near a post oak, Har ris' corner, in Ross' line; thence S. 6 12- West 148 poles 10 llqks, to the beginning. Containing 70 1-3 acres and being lot No. 1 In the division of the Exum Alford lands, which was allowed to Dock Whitley. SECOND TRACT? Beginning at a dogwood in Harris' line, corner for No. 1; thence South 2 1-2 West 36 poles to a pine, Benton's corner In Harris' line; thence South 83 East 148 poles, 10 links, to a pine pointer Benton's corner, In Cal Harris' , line ; Thence North 2 1-2 East 45 poleB, It links, to a stake with pine, dogwood and hickory pointers, corner for No. 1, in Harris' line; thence North 86 West 148 poles, 10 links, to the be ginning. Containing 37 acres and be ing the tract alloted to B. J. Alford In the partition of Exum Alford's lands was afterwards sold to Dock Wtlltley. This the 1st day of Decem ber 1915. BEN T. HOLDEN, 12-8-5t. , Trustee. Trustees Hale ef Real Estate Under and by the virtue of the pow er conferred upon me in a certain deed of trust executed to me by Sher man Chavls and wife, Mary Jane Chart!,, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin ?mnty, N. c.. in Book 1M; page 81. I will, on Monday tho 10th, day of January, 1916, at- the hour of Noon, sell at public auction at the courthouse door in Louisburg, N. C., to the highest bidder for cash, ? oar tain tract or parcel of land lying and bate* situated la franklin county. North Carolina, and Bore particularly described 4nd defined aa follows: Lying oa the Korth side of the Blmtwt brMgo Hal, adjoining the lands of Jim MaMke, Mr* Sarah and Motile Breadlo**, snnffctnfi oli acre ann or leMt and beMf the traet of laM Sal* ?( Personal Property By Tlrtue of the power and uttoll ty contained In that deed of tru^. executed by ^r-Sr^Oupton and other*, on the 21st day of \Aprll 1816, to M T. Holden, Trustee, which la duly re corded in the office of the He* la tar at Deeds of Franklin county, tn Book 177; at page 288, default having bwi, made In the payment of the tndebt*4 ness thereby secured, and demand for foreclosure made upon me, I, tin n?< derslgaed trustee, will sell at publlft auction to the highest-bidder tor cash, at the courthouse door in Lonlaburfe N. C., Monday the 3rd, day of J*ba ary 1916 at about the hour of Noo^ the following real estate and personal property, viz: A one-third undivided Interest la and to that tract of land in Cedar Rock Township, Franklin county, N. C? bounded on the North by the land of John Brewer, on the East by thy land of Mrs. Olivia Brewer, on the South by the land of Mrs. Viola Ben ton and on the West by the land ot John Joyner. Containing 13 acres and being the one-half Interest of James Ellas Gupton and his sister, Annie Oupton, In the division of their grand father's estate. Also the following personal proper ty: One red mule; one open rubber tire buggy and harness; one black cow, and lncreasp; one brown heifer. A, one-third undivided Interest In and t* a saw mill, engine, boiler, carriage and all fixtures and attachments thereto complete. The other one third Interest being owned by W. T. Gupton and J. N. Gupton. This the 1st, day of December 1915. 12-S-5t. BEN T. HOLDEN, Trustee. Sale of Town Property Under and by virtue of the power and authority continued in that cor tain mortgage deed executed by Wash Davis and wife, Maude Davis to T. B. Wilder, Trustee, on the 24th day of .November 1914> and duly recorded in office, of Register ? of Deeds of Franklin county, in Book 193; at page 494, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and demand made upon tli&? undersigned Trustee to loreclose said mortgage deed, the undersigned will on the 10th day of January 1916 at ?.2 o'clock, M. at the courthouse door in Louisbttrg, N. C., sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, the following town property, vix: That lot or parcel of land lying In the Southeast part of Loulsburg, on the East side of Kenmore Avenue, and . adjoining the lots of John Hays, the Lucy Martin lot, and the lot of Henry Clay, and being the lot upon whiek the said Wash Davis now lives. This the 8th day of December 1915. THOMAS B. WILDER, 12-10- 5t. Trustee. Sale of Heal Estate Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that deed jot trust executed by R. H. Griffin to W. H. Ruffin, Trustee, on the 11th day of December 1913, and?duly recorded ta the office of Register of Deeds of Franklin county. In Book 199 ; at paga 177, default having been made In tha payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and demand made upon me to foreclose, as in said deed of trust provided, I, the undersigned Trustee, will on Monday the 17th, day of Janu ary 1916, at about the hoar of noon, at the courthouse door In Louiaburg, N. C sell at public auction, to tha highest bidder for cash, the following real estate vis:. All that tract or parcel of land lying and situated and being In tha County of Franklin, State of North Carolina, In the town^f Wood, N. C. and being lots Nos. 23, 88, 89, 90, 86, 85, 87, 82, 83. and 84, on plot of land formerly owned by ?. G. Wood, which plot is of record In Franklin county Register of Deeds office, In Book 192)' at page 696, to which said plot for * more perfect description ref?ranc? ft hereby made. This tha 14th day of December, 1916. W. H. MUFFIN, 12-17-5t. Trustee. Sale of Tow* Property Under and by virtue and authority contained of trust executed by M. F. wife, Geneva Houck, to Ben T. den, Trustee, on the 8th dayof ber 1911, and duly office of the Register Franklin county, in page 23, default having the payment of tha thereby secured and upon ma to foreclose trust, I. , will sell highest day of at the real