? i An Advertising t? Medium That Brings Results. " ? ? ? ???????? ???? ???????? ? ? ? ? ? ? A. k\ Johnson, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY, VOLUMN XL VI J.OUISBURG, N. C. Jin Times ???? ???* ???* Only | $1.00 Per Year In Advance ? <1 ! STATE, THE UNION. : / . SUBSCXOTIOX I1.M PCS TKAVL :DAY, l^ARCH 3, 1916 if ? NUMBER 3. KEPUBLIANS ELECT DELEGATES. ~ Tt C??Te?Uoa Maid la Loidnbary ?? Last Saturday. , The republicans of Franklin coun ty held their Convention la the court house at Loulsburg on last Saturday. | Mr. T. H. Whltaker, Chairman of the County Executive Committee presided and delegates as follows were elected to attend the State Convention that was held at Raleigh Wednesday. Dunns ? J. M. White.? Harris? W. R. Young. ; 1 Youngsville ? P. R. Hatch. Frankllnton ? W. P. Edwards. Hayesvill? ? W. W. Green. ?? Sandy Creek ? R. B. Carr. , Gold Mine ? Joseph -Shearta. Cedar Rock? W. P. CoOke. Cypress Creek ? B. P. Htnton. Loulsburg? "W. H. Yarborough, Jr. Doings at Dickens. At White Level we use every form of the verbs "go" and "do," In expres ing our "doings." Have you ever been to. a "Girl's Da^?" If you haven't we have. It was something fine too. The Phllathea Class planned the day and appointed Misses Annie Wilder, Annie Brewer, and Lizzie Debnam as program com mittee. The exercises were a credit to the Sunday School. The Superintendent gave the girls charge of the school, the third, Sunday in February. * Aside froip the regular , exercises, there were special songs," choruse&, and recitations. The church was tastefully decorated in green and white. There were present in the classes one hundred and fifteen girls and .women, ninety nine men aad boys , making a total of two hundred and fourteen. The "Boys" must have their day now, so the Baraca Class lias set apart the First Sunday In April as "Boys Day." - There will be a concert at the March lh^l7th". . This will be a great treat to muBic lovers. There will DC * music to suit all tastes both classic and comic. Mr. Ben Saundcyrs Is on the program with two good numbers, "Turkey in the Straw" and "That Watermilion Smilin' on De Vine." a small admission charge will.be made but don't judge that the entertain ment will be that size. Just come on everybody and enjoy the evening w4th us. Some people from the outer-world have found what a good place this is for we have bau some company re cently. Mr. and Mrs. .V. A. Bowden visited Mrs. Luther vtfest 'Girl's Day." Messrs. Hammet Powell and John .Gill, of Hendorfc"on, viai;td Misse* Le na QUI and lfemlaU fallings ai Mr. V. .. B. Murphy's. Mr. H. A'. Strickland, of Bunn, rue third *unday at A. D. lu; phy's Mr. A. W. Perry, of Mapleville, made : a short visit to our town tho past week. We have a railroad in sight and a c.cpot coming soon tLen we will havj more company. Cedar Rock township N will soon hold Its road election. When we get our good roads we will' be "Go in' 'em come."** 1 -Then Ban^y Creek Mid Gold Mia# can sit up and take notice. Maybe we can get the new road by the time for "The Fair." I mean the j community fair at White Level. The Farmers Union, The . Betterment As sociation, The Organized Classes, The R Y. P. U. and the "School Teachers'* all say "We are going to have a Com munity Fair." B. D. Hall's Cr*M Head I torn*. Miss Ola Dlckei-son spent Wednes day night at the bom* ot her uncle, J, M. DlckersOH. J Mrs. John WlnsWad Is visiting friends and relatlTM near Rocky Mount Mrs. A. Strickland has returned from Henderson, where she has been Ylslting her slste.r Mrs. Duke. Mr. Sandy Hill was In our neigh borhood Saturday. MIbs Ethel Wlnster.d spent Inst Sua dayt with Mlos Bettle Wilder. Messrs. Sam Jeffreys and Charlie Novell and Misses Millie and Maude Horfon were pleasant' guests of Mrs. Charlie Alford last Sunday. ^ Mr. Willie Ctorren and wife spent Saturday and Sunday at lier father's, -Mr. II. 3. BeddEgSeld. " Mrs. Sallte Jeffreys spent Saturday with her daughter Mrs. Moye. We are glad to know that Mr. T. Moye, who accidentally cut part of his foot off some time ago, Is Improv ing. 4 AUNf JANE. ' Bajuor Iteuis. Mr. Charlie Nowell spent Saturday with his sister, MrB. J. E. Alford. ' ? " Mr. Bryant Strickland, paid 8evcn Paths a visit last Sunday. Misses 3gdl? Strickland and Mabel Moore spent -Saturday with Mlsj Ina Strickland. Mr. Ellis Strickland returned horns from Roanoke Va., the past week. ' J. W. Card Is all smiles? Its a 11 1-2 pound boy. Mr. J. M. Nowell spent last week in Loulsburg on business. Mr. John Merrltt left for Florida the past week. Mrs. J. R. Jeffreys spent Saturday and Sunday With her daughter, Mrs. M. H. Moye. ? Miss Maggie Dickerson spent Sun day morning with Miss Lizzie Nowell. Mr. R. H. Poythress is on the sick list this week. We hope he will soou recover. Miss Olivia Johnson and Miss Edna Cobb spent Saturday and Sunday In Bunn. Mr. Paul Strickland and Mr. Milton Strickland visited Harris Chappeil Sund^. J Ml*, d. R. Young /eturned home Sunday from Youngsrllle for vaca tion. SLIM JIM IT DEPENDS _____ "Does your heart flutter when to; go to her house?" "It sure does ? if the old man la ? home." Interesting Game of Basket Boll This Afternoon. For "the second time this season the .Wake Forest High School basket ball team will meet the team representing Mapleville Academy. The first game was easily won by the Wake Forest boys but Mapleville is determined to win the game this afternoon. Tv/o new players will be seen on the Aih pleville team and they arc cxpeeted to add a great deal of strength to the Mapleville quint. The game will be played in the Farmers' Union Warehouse at 4 o'clock this afternoon. If you want ?to see a good game of basket ball sure to tie on hand. Ladies fret, gentlemen 10c. Itev. W. H. HartselTs Lecture. Under the auspices of the local B. Y. P. U./Tter. W. H. Hartsell, of Bunn, will deliver an address in the Baptist church here Monday night at 7.30, along the line of some interest ing and practical phases of young people's work. As a leader of young people, Mr. Hartsell is perhaps with out a peer In this Stae. He has a live B. Y. P. U. In each of his church es, and at thfiaet state con mmwr of the B. Y. P. U his Unions stood in the front rank. His speech before the Convention was pronounced by many' the very best of the Conven tion. Everybody, old and young, is cor dlally Invited to hear Mr. Hartsell Monday night. Recital at Cedar Rock Academy. Miss Saltye Pickett Oldham will give a recital at Cedar Rock Academy on Saturday evening, March 11th, at 7.30 o'clock. The admission for adults will be 26c and Children 16c. V \ . FRANK LIN SUPERIOR T O. Moses was the best spi . M' Business Progressed Slonlj and Court Was Adjourned Thursday. t The second week of Franklin 3 pcrlor Court come practically to close on Wednesday afternoon wii adjournment was taken In so far Jury cases were concerned and Jurors excused for the term. Jud Connor remained through Thursdi however, and held sessions for til trial of motion docket. This court has been a rery dull from several view points, as dur the term some ot the attorneys, ents, and witnesses were sick, whl^ made it almost impossible to condu the court with any satisfaction. Opens Hew Store. ' The C. "C. Hudson Co., Is the of a new firm to do business In. burg under the management ot C. C. Hudson- It is located' to' Clifton building, corner of Main Court streets, where a most stock of especially useful and mental articles for household - use on display. Mr. Hudson's expert In business in Louisburg Is such fits hlmT for the responsibility of position in tbls new business and will no doubt meet with much cess. Head their advertisement another page. Debate at Bonn. On Friday, Feb. 25th, the MtfNi Debating Society gave Its regul^ weekly debate. The query was, "Resolved, Tlftt Child Ijubor Should be Prohibited ci der. the Age of Sixteen." Tbe debse w;'s a hotly contested one, for esfh speaker hail tile lirtirmlimUnn tn It was the best debate we have Each speaker came on with some good reasons t\s could have been | en. The Negative was the though the Affirmative was clos SURE SIGN Daisy ? Anna's been married six months and has never baked a cake or batch of bread. Kitty ? Isn't It Ideal to see a wit* think so much of her husband? List of Letters. The following is a list of letters re maining in the Post Office at Louls burg, N. Cm not called for March 3rd, 1916. . ? ? - ? V Mi-'s Annie Wall Baldwin, Mr. Ear ly Davis, Mr. Onesimus Gupton, Mr. John Jackson, Mr. R. T. Leonard. Mr. Joe D. Murphy, Miss Loue NewBon, Miss Gertie Neals, Mr. Mack Miles, Miss Lillian Perry, Miss Annie Beilo Pierce (2). Persons calling for the abore ltt ters will please Mtate that the7 saw them advertised. R. H. DAVIS, P. M. . Gets Haid Badly Cot. Mr. Sprulll Upchurch, 18 years old, son of Mr. W D. Upchnrch, of Cen his right hand caught in the circular saw at his father's saw mill where he was the sawyer, on Monday morn ing and received several ugly gashes on same. He was brought to LouW burg where Drs. Simpson and llalone dressed the hand. Query of ths Ages. Just why does one woman kiss another. when so many willing men ars waiting to be sacrificed? Speaking of the weather reminds us that it continues to be just weather. ? AND GOING. Personal Items About Folks and 1'taelr Friends Who Travel Here and There. Mr. W. D. Egertoii went to Raleigh Monday. Mr. J. A. Coppedge, of Greensboro, Is a visitor to Louisburg. Mr. R. M. Person, of Charlotte, was a pleasant visitor to Louisburg Tues day. Miss Virginia Foster visited Mrs. Qus. Cooke at Littleton the past week. Mr. J. P. Zoillcoffer, ot Henderson, was a visitor to Louisburg Wednes day. ' Mr. T. B. Wilder, of Aberdeen, -was In Louisburg on business the past week. * . Mr. 0, B. Moss, of Spring Hope, was In Louisburg the past week on business. Mr. W. B. Tucker and Misses Eliz abeth Ayers and Nellie Clapp went to Klttrell, Friday. Mr. J. G. Mills, of Wake Foreat, was In Louisburg the past week on pro fessional business. Messrs. Charles O. Harris and B. _C. Beckwith. of Raleigh, were visitors to Louisburg Monday. Mr. H. L. Candler left Sunday for Baltimore to purchase the Spring Stock for Candler-Crowell 60. Mr. Stearn, of the law 8rm of Stearn & Bwift, of Greensboro, was In Louisburg the past week on busi ness. Mrs. B. G. Hicks, who has recently undergone a successful operation at the Sanitarium at Wilson, returned borne Tuesday. Miss Clara Aycock la onthe North -ern- Markets, selecting the millinery for the spring trade at Candler Crowell Co. Mr. C. R. Brooks,- of Henderson, was in Louisburg the past week making gbme needed repairs on the switch Jioard in the local telephone ex from an extended trip to New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia, where he purchased a big spring and summer slock for his 'Arm. SCHOOL COLUMN. ? 1. In a former issue of the column It was stated, that there would be no institute for the teachers this sum mer; this change was made in sever al of the counties in the State that the number of counties holding insti tutes might be more -evenly divided. However, when the authorities iu Raleigh made the division Franklin County was placed on the list to Jiold its institute this summer. There will therefore be an Institute in this coun ty this summer for both the white and colored teachers. The Institutes will.be beld in Loulsburg beginning the 2l8t of August . Section 4167 of the Public School Law in part reads as follows; "All public school teachers of the State, and all high school and graded school teachers are hereby required to at tend biennially some county teachers' institute or summer school shall be Institute or accredited summer school continuously for a term of not less than two weeks, unless providentially hindered; failure td attend such in stitute or summer school shall be the eause of tlefrftrf leg-aoy ? teacher so failing, from" teaching in any of the public schools, higti schools- -or graded schools of the State." 2. One of the staff of the State Hospllal at Raleigh will b$ in Louls burg Saturday the 4th of March, to give a public address dealing in a practical way with the prevention of mental disease. The address will be given In the Court House at 2.30 p m. This talk should be of vital im portance to the teachers and I nope and urgently request that many mav be present ? ? The sovonth grade "eaaminaUtm which will be held on the 17th or March will Include the following sub jects; Essential Studies In English and the Supplementary Readers for the seventh grade as laid down in tii? Desk Book, Arithmetic Dodge'6 Com parative Geography, N. C. afid U. S. A. History, Agriculture, Sanitation, and Spelling. The teachers are re quested not to allow pupils who hav-j not completed the seventh grade work to attempt this examination. I will be glad If each teacher will please send me the number in your school that will take the examination as-then i will- know how- many blanks to Bend out, and to whlch^ schools to send them. 4. the following items have been sent from the Pope School in Frank linton Township - "The patrons of the Pope school have done much in helping tc improve the school building and grounds. The sum of |26.75 has been raised an l spent in purchasing the following; Set of maps, globe, table, clock and black-boards. In addition to this the floors have been oiled, a plaj ground laid off by removing many stumps and brush. We are planning to or ganize a Betterment Association in the near future." Marvin Keith, Te:-.cher. 6. The members of the Reading Circle may finish "How to Tell Stor ies to Children." Answer the foliow ing questions (a) What shall we attempt to ac complish by stories in the school room? ? (b)) What can we reasonable ex pect to accomplish? (c) And what, of this, is best to ac complish by this means and no other? (d) Name 6 methods that we should carefully study to make our ctory toll ing a success. (Chapter 4.) 5 (e) How many stories, have you dramatized during this school year? In Memory of Father. On Saturday January 15th, 1913, the community " was saddened by the death of Mr. S. T. Gupton. He would hav6 been fifty years old on the next Saturday and was afaithful member of lit. Hebron Baptist church since boyhood until about five years ago he moved his membership' to Mtr- Zion Baptist church being a devoted mcm i ber there ever sillce. He leaves to mourn their loss a dear wife and seven children, J. P. Gupton, Allen, Bennie, and Stephen, children a host of r&latives and friends. All was done for him that physicians and loving friends could do, but God saw fit to take him on high to dwell with him. He was laid to rest at his home by his Brother Masons. A place is vacant in his home which never can be jilled, his voice is hushed and -still never to be heard on earth again. Thou art gone our loving father never more to return, but beyond that shining river we will meet to part.no never. We know thou art in heaven to live with Jesus in peace and love forevermore. He is sleeping, sweetly sleeping in his new made grave today, we are weeping, sadly weeping for our darling passe 1 away. One by one the gentle Shep herd gathers lambs from every fold, folds them to his loving Bosom with the tenderness untold, but may each of us strive to meet him in glory. Had he asked us well we know we would say Oh! spare the blow, yes with streaming tears would pray Lord we love him let him stay. In love he lived in pe?\ce he died his life ?ras asked, but God denied. L. W. CONSISTENT "Trowel 1 married a bnin^tt?." "He always preferred darkness to tlcbt." Play at Hayen SrhooL At the HayeB School house on Fri day night, March 10th, there will b" given a play by another school for the benefit of aw church. Play c?id slsts of "Capable Servant" and other plays. 'A barrel of fun fpr 10 and 15 cents. ' ; INTKXHK- AltTrLLKKT BIYTTKH OOKTIKCK. tirrauuii (?|tire .Plfteea . Theasaad Un??ul?4 Preach Prisoners. Five determined attempts mad* ky French troops to recapture from the Germans Fort de Douaumont, one at the outlying Verdun forUflc&tloaa. have been repulsed with sanguinary losses, according to the official Gar man statement. German troops hum also stormed the fortified works ?f Hardamount as well as the town of Champneuville and the Cote de Taloa, according to the report. The ambtr of tinwounded Frenchmen taken pris oners, It was added totaled 1B.0M. On the various portions of the weat ern front there have been Intense ar tillery and mine battles and aoatk of Ypres a British attack was repalsed. "On the heights to the right of the Meuse the French attempted by at tacks, repeated fire times with tree* troops, to reconquer the armed lor tress of Douaumont. They were re pulsed with sanguinary losses. Dealt ef a Christian Wiaaa. On Sunday morning, Jan. 33, 191*. the community was saddened by tke death of Mrs. Arene Holmes, wife ef Mr. H. P. HolmeB, who preeeded l.er to grave about 10 ye*? ago. Tnwy having been married 62 years. Sty was 86 years old. She joined ta-< church when 15 years old and lived a. christian life until the end came. She leaves 'to mourn her loss one daugh ter Mrs. J. H. Griffin , of Justice, 4ve sons, J. A., W. H., <J. F., R, B, and T J. Holmes and three nelces, Mrs. S. C. Vann, Mrs. Ed Tippett, Mrs. Jim Sand ling and a host of grand-childrea ' and friends. The writer has had the pleasure of talking to her so many times and heard her say, I am joust waiting for the Lord to call ma, I an ready to go. All wa3 dope for hex that physicians and loving friends and neighbors -could do, but the Lord TpRTTv^herg?5!dM?o!?oP?S^!fifP Baptist church of which sha was a faithful member: Mr. Davie, her pastor and Rav. Mr. Harrel. of Pranklinton, conducted the burial services. A place is vacant ta her home that never can be filled. Her chair is empty, her sweet voice is gone and we can never hear It again. She is gone never to return, but be yond that shining river we will meet to part no never. She is sleeping in; a new made grave. One by one God calls his children, folds them to his loving bosom with the tenderness un told. May we strive to meet her In glory la the prayer of one that lovod her. " II. T. I r Iii Memory. Although it has been nearly twelve months since the spirit of Mr. T. P. Harris took its flight from this world triumphant on tyarch 15, 1915. Cod ^aw fit to take liim from this world | and leave us lonely without him. While sad memory lingers still a place in our home is vacant that nev er can be filled, fie was a member, of New Hope Christian church which he loved dearly but loved to work tm God's service anywhere. He served 4 years in the Confederate War. May ?t H?1 hfT ? Friend. Spoke at T ntl?t Ckareh. Rev John 8mall, of South Carolina, ?nder the auspices of the National Anti-Saloon Leaguo of America, de livered a strong address at the Bap tist church on Thursday night of laat week In the Interest of prohibition. His address was heard by a larg? number of Loulsburg people who pro nounced It one of "the best tbey had heard In some time. !.oalnberg Bnptlsl Charsh. 7.30 P. M., conducted by the pastor. "Will God be Pleased with the Real due?" and "An Ugly Temper" will l? the themes of the morning and even ing sermona. Sunday School at 3.41 " A U At Methedlst Church. Rev. Russell Harris will preach at both services at the Methodist church on-neit Sunday. The service* will b# held at the usual houra. Sunday School Will be conducted at >.80 a. :n. Everybody Is cordially Invited to all services.

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