An Advertising Medium That Brings Results. ? The Franklin Times Only $1.00 Per Year In Advance A. F. JohDHOD, Editor aid H&nagfer. VOLUMN XL VI THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. LOUISBURO, N. 0., FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1916 SUBSCRIPTION ILOO PER Ilil NUMBER 11. DEMOCRATIC^ COUNTY CONVENTION For Franklin County Was Held- in The Court House In Louisburg Last Saturday. MR. EDWIM H. MALONE I'HENIDFl) ill Townships Represented Dele gate* to the State and Congression al Contentions Elected ? Resolutions Adopted - Executive Committees Ratified. In pursuance to the call of the Chairman of the State Democratic Executive Committee the County Con vention met In theCourt House In Louisburg on last Saturday with all townships represented. Mr. J. R. Collie, Chairman of the County Exec utive Committee, called the meeting to order and appointed Mr. B. H. Ma lone, temporary chalrni'an, and Mr. A. P. Johnson, temporary secretary. Upon motion the temporary organiza tion was made permanent Chairman Malone then ordered the roll call, which showed all townships repre sented and received the delegations a list of which follow in this article. -He then read the call of the State Chair man, and explained that the work to be done by the Convention was to elect delegates to the State and Con HB. JAMES A. TURNER. Who has served uie BVankllti Coun ty Democratic Executive Committee for the past eight years, with much credit to himself and the organization, ?and who withdrew from further activi ties with the Committee on last Sat urday, to be free to pursue his candi dacy for the House of Representa tives. gressional Conventions, and whoso duty there would be to elect delegates' to the National Convention. As each township had been requested to re commend delegates to the various' conventions these names were called for, and were handed in amid much hearty good feeling and enthusiasm. The delegates for County, State and Congressional Conventions follows. County. Dunns ? A. A. Perry, C. H. Mullen, P. G. Alford, J. B. Privett, ty. A. Mul len, J. H. Ballentine, A. C. Perry, H. H. Beddingfield. Harris ? J. B. King. W. R. Rogers, J. J, Young, P. J, Kag. Youngsville ? E. L. Green, J. C. Win ston, J. K. Green. C. W. Rgborts. P. D. Winston, J. T. Wilson, J, K. Pearco G. N. Stell, S. K. Pearce. Alternates ? F. A. Choftthani, W. W. Weathers H. M. Green, R. B. Roberts, J. S. Pearce, S. C. EavoB, C. C. Winston, J S. Lumpkins and R. C. Underwood. Franklinton ? R. O. Plnnell, A. B. Wester, J. S. Layton, J. S. Pruitt, C. T. Nicholson, B. W. Ballard, W. L. McGhee, G. L. Cooke, I. H. Kearney. J. H. Cooke, W. A. Mitchell, J. W. sultt. Alternates? A. H. Sandllng, J. O Oreen, Garland Mltchiner, J. A. Mltchlner, J. S. Roberson, C. L. Mc Ghee, J. 0. Purnell, B. T.. Green, W. M. Perry, E. H. Evans, D. B. Kearney, K. K. Kearney. Hayesville ? G. H. Medlin, W. G. WatklijH, W. P. Wilson. Alternates ? A. A. Medln, W. P. Winn, J. B. Smith. Sandy Creek ? Peter Evans, J. . Y. Terrell, W. G. Faulkner, M. C. Gup ton, J. B. Smith, B. B. Egerton, J. V. Harper. Gold Mine ? N. ..C. Gupton, J. H. Wood, Norman Foster. T. H. Southall. Cedar Rock ? T. H. Dickens,' W. D. Bowden, E. M. Sykes, R. .H. Bobbltt, Spencer Dean, C. H. Stallings, Lee . -*?) Daniel, J. O. May, J. O. Wllseu, J B. Sturdlvant. Cypress Creek ? E. S. Wilder. W. W. Hlnes, V. P. _Cooe. Louisburg ? W. E. Tucker, B. N*. Williamson, Geo. Wilson, Jno. H. Best, W. 1C. Massenburg, J. M. Allen. S. P. Boddie, H. J. Hayes. B. T. Holden, K. P. Hill, A. P. Johnson. E. H. Malons, J. A. Mumford, H. H. Perry, J. A. Tur ner. ? - There being no contest in the dele gations and no objections raised the above liBt or delegates were declared the official representatives of their -respective townships and the busi ness of the convention proceeded. The next in' order was the election of del egates to the- State and Congressional MB. JAMES H. COLLIE. ? Who was re-elected Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Franklin County on last Saturday. . Conventions which were called (or and reported as follows: Delegates to State Convention. Dunns.. A. A. Perry. Alternate- - C. H. Mullen. Harris ? J. B. King. Alternate? W. R. Rogers. y Youngsvllle ? C. C. Winston. Alter nate ? C. W. Roberts. Frankllnton ? R. B. White, I. H. Kearney. Alternate ? A^ B. Wester, R. O. PernelJ. Hayesvllle ? John S. Wilson. Sandy Creek H. D. Egerton Al ternate ? J. B. Smith. v Gold Mine ? Dr. W. P. Simpson. Cedar Rock ? W. B. Coppedge, T. H. Sledge. Cypress Creek ? J. M. Sykes A1-" ternate ? J. E. Grlffln. Louisburg ? J. J. Barrow, J. M. Al len. Alternates ? E. H. Malone, B. T. Holden. * > j The Chairman then called for the delegates for the Congressional Con vention which were named aa_follows Dunns ? J. B. Prlvett, J. M. Stal Ungs, H. H. Beddingfield, P. G. Al ford, J. H. Ballentlne, Fred Perry. Harris ? Calus Chamblee, N. M. Rog ers, J. J. Young. Alternates ? J. B. King, P. J.King, W. R. Rogers. Youngsvllle ? S E. Pearce, S. E. Wlnstoii, E. L. Green, J. W. Winston. Alternates ? J. B. Perry, W. H. Hud son, G. ML Perry. J. J. S. Tlmherlake.. Frankllnton ? J. O. .Green, J. H. Cooke, B. W. Ballard, I. H. Kearnoy, W. L. McGhee, G. L. Cooke, B. T. Green. Hayesvllle ? W. M. Hayes. Sandy Creek ? K. E. Gupton, C. F. Faulkner, Walter Macklln. Qold Mine? Dr. W. P. .Simpson, J. H. Wood. _ ? Cedar Rock? J. P. Davis, C. H. S tailings, R. H. Bobbitt, E. D. Par rish, J. M. Thorns. Cypress Creek? Alton Wilder, Bob Harris. Alternates? W. H. Spivey, W. F. Gay. ' ? Loulsburg ? J. A. Turner, B. T. Hoi deir, J. M, Allen. W. E. Tucker. J. J. Barrow, E. H. Malone, A. F. Johnson, Alternate!* ? S. P. Boddle, W. A. Jonea, S. W. Fuller. J. H. Beat. G. W. Wlson, B. X. Williamson, G. L. Crowell. The above delegates having beon confirmed the chairman called for the ffownship ' r Executive Committees ?whlch Were handed In as follows: Dunnft-^A. A. Perry. J. B. Privejtt, A. C. Perry, O. A. Alford. J. M. Stal lings. Harris ? J. B. King, J. J. Young. N. M. Rogers, J. O. Hagwood. H. A~ Strlckland. . Youngsville ? J. . B. Perry, C. C. Winston, J. R. Tharrlngton, E. L? Green, R. C. Underwood. * Franklin ton ? R. B. White, A. S. Joyner, I. H. Kearney, B. W. Ballard, K. J. Perry. , Hayesville ? R. L. Stokes. WM. Winn, W. M. Hayes. John 3. Wilson. R. G. Winn. ?'? Sandy Creek ? E. N. Williams, k. m. Gupton, H. D. Egerton, W. F. Leon ard, C. F. Faulkner. Gold Mine? W. D. Upchurch, N. C. Gupton, T. A. Hollingsworth, S. N. Nelras, C. C. Murphy. Cedar Rock ? J. O. Wilson, J. T. In scoe. Spencer Dean. T. S. Collie, 15. D. T'arrish. Cypress Creek ? J. A. Boone, W, W. Ilines, W. H. Culpepper, E. S. Wilder, W. A. Benton. 7"' Louisburg ? W. E. Tucker, J. M. Al len, A. S. Sherrod. N. M. Perry, J. II. Best, A motion by Turner to ratify the Township Executive Committees as reported by the several townships was unanimously carried. 1 Mr. C. C. Winston, of YoungsvL.e township introduced the. following resolution endorsing President Wil son in his present administration^ Be it resolved by the Democrats of Franklin County in Convention assem bled : That we heartily approve andH i onflnrKft thfr WlPp ftnri ndrP*n 'istration of our President, Woodrow Wilson, both with respect to home du ties and foreign affairs; and that we respectfully commend him to every citizen of these United States as the True, worthy, wise and' efficient lead er of the American People. The resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote amid hearty cheers. What was possibly the most en thusiastic part of the meeting was when I. H. Kearney, of Pranklinton dorsing the candidacy of Hon. T. W. Blckett, which was carried unani mously by a rising vote with much in terest and enthusiasm making itself evident. The resolution follows: Whereas, In the candidacy of the Hon. T. W. Blckett, for the nomination by the Democratic Party for the Gov ernorship of the State of North Caro lina, the true and loyal citizens of the County of Franklin feel a just and honest pride, and a. 'desire to give Mr. Blckett their enthusiastic support. Now Therefore; We, representing the Democracy of the County of Franklin, in convention assembled, do hereby and now. most heartily en dorse the candidacy o f Mr. liickett and commend him to the voters of the great State of North Carolina. His splendid ability, sound business judgment, broad deep sympathies and ^jterling integrity, coupled with bis special training, all go to make ?him peculiarly fitted to serve "All Of The P#o^le as their Chief Executive." . His record in public and private life guarantee the ardent employment of hi* talents in the service of "All Of T e People." 31s unanswerable logic ? and ? elo qi ence as a speaker, making him able to meet all-comers in debate, qualify hipa pre-eminently qs the Standard Btarer of Democracy in the coming cainpaign. FRANKLIN PRESENTS B1CKETT. W. E. Tucker then roee and of a resolution, which follows, en g the record and actions of Hon. ard W. Pou, member of Congres3 this district, which *as received and unanimously adopted amid much wuann: . We the Democrats of Franklin County in convention assembled, re cognizing the able and effective work, and the faithful discharge of his du uw and the noble stand that he nis ;en towards the President of the ;ted States in the present unsettled idltion of Foreign Affairs, do hereby orse the Honorable Edward Pou MR. ASHEK F. JOHKSON. Who was elected Secretary to the Democratic Executive Committee ol Franklin County last Saturday. as Congressman from the 4th Con gressional District of North Caroline. ?. A resolution offered by Hon.~B. T. Holden, endorsing the record of Hon. Locke Craig, "Our Governor" was unanimously adopted. The resolution follows: Be it resolved by the Democrats of Franklin County, in convention as sembled. That recognizing the loyal, efficient and unselfish Bervice rendered the State of Nor^h Carolina by its Chief Executive and appreciating his untir ing efforts for the good of his State, his conduct and demeanor both offic ially and as an individual while Gov ernor, we heartily endorse the record and administration of our present Governor, the Hon. Locke Craig. Mr. J. T. Thorne, of Cedar Rock township, introduced the following resolution endorsing the action of Hon. P. M: Simmons, United "States" Senator, which was adopted: "That thitf convention go on record as unan imously endorsing and approving the work and record of the Senior Sena tor, Hon. F. M. Simmons, from Nort/i Carolina, in the ongress of the Unitel States." A resolution by J. J. Cooper, of San dy Creek township was adopted that the same endorsement as above be given our Junior Senator, Hon. Lee S. Overman. A motion to adjourn wan In ordor and after the Chairman requested the Chairmen of all township executive committees to remain for a meeting of the County Executive Committee formal adjournment was made. This ended possibly the most har monious Convention ever held in Franklin ?ounty. Lonlsbnrfr Baptist Churrh. Public worship Sunday 11 A. M. and' ST P. M., conducted by pastor W. M. Gttmor&. Sunday School 9:46-Ar-M; ? Other meetings of the church as usual. Bead up, speed up, and pay up. ? - \ J.R. COLLIE RE-ELECTED CHAIKKAN UKMOCKATIC EXECU TIVE COMJIITTEE. At Meeting Saturday? A. K. Johnson, Elected Secretary ? A Host Harmon ions fleeting ? All Townships Ex eept Gold Mine Represented. In accordance with instructions from Mr. J. R. Collie, Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee for Franklin County the committee as constituted by the action of the pri maries and convention met in tha .court house to re-organize for anoth er two years work. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Collie who stated that the object of the meet ing was to elect new officers for the ensuing two years, after which they would discuBs the plans whereby In terest could be kept in the organiza-. tion. The time for nominations now having arrived Mr. E. N. Williams, of Sandy Creek, made n motion that Mr. J. R. Collie; who'had served the party bo faithfully In the past be re-electel by a unanimous vote, which was done in accordance with the motion. The next In order was nominations for the office of Secretary to the Com mittee. Mr. J. B. King, of Harris township, placed the name of Mr. J. E. Williams before the Committee for this position, and Mr. C. C. Winston, of Youngsvllle township, nominated Mr. A. F. Johnson. A ballot was ta ken and the Chairman declared Mr. Johnson elected to the position. Upon motion of Mr. E. N. Williams The Franklin Times was extended 'a vote of thanks for the many courte sies extended tliem in the past. Quite a number of discussions along tile line of renewed efforts in "the par ty organization followed and all were ot a very enthusiast Kr a*'.?; jrenerouj nature. Mr. J. B. King introduced the subject of the duty of the Commit -tee ? in ? poling a* large a vote in Franklin for, Hon. T. W. Bickett, for Governor as possible, wltlch was thoroughly discussed and generally agreed to be one of the most pressing duties of the Committee in this elec tion. ? Amid the greatest harmony and en thusiasm adjournment was taken un til called again by the Chairman. Registrars and Judges of Elections. The Board of Elections of Franklin County met on April 22, 1916, and the following business was transacted: The following Registrars and Judg es of Elections for Franklin County In Primary and General Election 1916 were appointed, first named being Registrar. , . Dunns? W. H. Williams. S. B. Mul len, Robt. Wright. Harris ? J.- B. King. Caius Chrfmblee J. T. Mann. / v Youngsvllle ? G: M. ? Peiry.^J.- K. Tharrington, W. W. Davis. Franklinton ? B. A. White, J. E. Nicholson, R. U. Hicks. Hayesvllle ? R. G. Wynne. W. M. Hayes, Lowell Rodgers. Sandy Creek ? J. R. Parrish. A. S. Griffin, John Carr.. Gold Mine? Jno. H. Wood. Jno. T. Neal, Joe Shearon. Cedar Rock ? T. W. Stokes, W. O. Stone, W. Cooke. Cypress Creek ? J. A. Boone. V. F. Cone, Joel Wilder. ? Louisburg ? A. W. Alston, B. N. WiUfoinsOD. DT C. ~ Tharrington . Fuller Memorial Service. The servces at the Methodist church next Sunday will be of unusual inter est At the morning hour, 11 A. M., the pastor will preach on the second coming of Christ. At the evening hour, 7:45 P. M., a service in the mem ory of the life and works of E. W. Fuller, the poet, will be held. This service will be combined with music an in Atlanta. She was accompanied o? her return by her Bister, Miss EUia beth Massehburg. who will spend some time with her. To Organize Farmers Union. /We are requested to state that a 'meeting of the farmers of Flat Roek community will meet at the Flat Ro?k School house on Wednesday night. May 10th, 1916 at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of organizing a local of the Farmers Union. President T. J. Har ris and Rev. G. M. Duke will be pres ent and make addresses and assist with the organization. Others well informed in the Union work are ex pected to be present nud take a part in tho institution of this new local. All farmers in this section who are in terested in the organization of farm ers are invited to be present Commencement of Seven Paths AeM? emj, - The annual commencement cf S?t en Paths Acddemy will begin Friday. April ~2fltftf 8:16 p. m. wtfrh by the primary and Intermediate grades. As usual several days will Intervene between this program and the concluding features. The remain ing exorcises are as follows. Declamation and recitation contest Monday May 8th, 8:15 a. m. Literary address Wednesday May 10 11 a. m. by Pres. Robt H. Wright, of East Carolina Teacher's Training School. Wednesday 2:30 P. M. out door play "Crowning the May Queen/' Wednesday 8:16 p. m. play "A Vir ginia Heroine." The public 1b cordially Invited to at tend all these exercises. Royal Commencement The commencement will be held at Royal School this year on Tuesday May 2nd. The morning exercise will consist of an address by Supt. E. L. Best, and exercises by the children of the Intermediate grades. In the af ternoon an address by Mr. B. W. Ballard and the history of our flag by pupils of sixth and seventh grades. The play "Mr. Bob," will be given Im the evening. :