?JJWWSffciiytr.r V^vc-v:/' k? | An Advertising / ? fi'tr ^ec',um That Brings J J | Results. |. me- u. i_l-b SL*. JobmtoD, K4Jlor tad VOLUMN xivi ' ^ Tti~r r -T-iin ~i - 1 n r - nimw ?+++ ++*+?* J it ?niy ?! H $1.00 Per Year In $? 4* 's Adv?ctwf| *X IS LTE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION ILOO FEB Hit. NUMBER 16 y/'NiV 'M*** V ^ l- ** 99* O V "N. C., 5^1 DAY, JXJ3 JUNE % 1916. JOSEPH DAVIS DROWNED SKAjt NKAt'S ('KEEK IN TAR-JUV. Eft. 11 ' ' ' ' .J < Was Kluhlnit With Mr. A; B. A I lew un>I ? Attempted to Swl? Actohh the Kh ?r to (jet a Boat Wire n Eud Cjuiitf. Joseph J. Davis, the only son of Mr. qnd Mrs. R. H. Davis, was drowned in Jr River near N*aU? Creek about 0 , miles above town on Tuesday morning while on i\ fishing trip with MTt A. B. Allen. The news of his death was brought to towa by Mr. Al ' % Iga, after seeing he could be of no * assistance to the yoting man, with the tg6pe of getting assistance that would ^ result in saving him. Excitement and ?he deepest sympathy prevailed, when the message wos received and large numbers in automobiles, motor boats and afoot went immediately to the scene where they dragged, and dived for about two hours before the body . ?as found by Mr. Audrey. Waddell. After finding the body Mr. R L,..Bger ton went down and brought it out. Several doctors present did all i^ their power to revive the young man ffrnt to ltoi'ayaiL Their examinations' ^ ing a belief to thdm that death 0 caused directly from The body was brought Fleming's gasoline to the home of his pan Wre poring to go after the boat. _lp c filer to fffet a better pl?ce to go out oi ^he other side he left Mr. Allen and re*t fdTther up the river &nd began his swim with a paddle tiec^ to liim vlth' a string. A number of trashes tjetng* between the two Mr. Allen didj not know of the danger at hand until he heard Joseph' say "I need a tittle help" when he went immediately- io render all the assistance he could, but saw him "gd down before he was,:khy Vhere near him, and not being able to swim himself Mr. Allen decided tho best thing he could do was to go for help which he did. When ne arrived at home which was the nearest pi vce from which he could give the ne^s he was almost exhausted, so mucft so that he could not return with thej par ty but told them where-the tJbdy could be found. The body was found eigh teen feet below the mouth of Neal's creek and eighteen feet out In the stream. '? JosepJi was a grandson of the la;.e Joseph J. Davis, after whom he was named, and was the only bor among the grandchildren of tills distinguished character. He was in his twenty sec ond year, havin?^fc$t passed his ma jority. He was a sophomore at the A. and M. College, and had just arrived home on Monday to spend the boll dajte: A big-hearted, congenial, and reserving type of young man, he was loved and liked by all those who knew him. He was a member of the Epis copal church and of the Delta Sigma Pbi fraternity of the A. and M. ? Cf|.\ Mr B. W. Hobgood, of Durham, *'ila / among Louisburg's visitors the past week. '?* y Mr. J. P. Winston, of Knightdatfcjjv was a visitor to Louisburg .the past:; week. Messrs. G. L. Crowpll, J, H. Dou ton and Edward Paul went to Ra^ Monday. Mr W. L. Bryan left Wednesday for his home at Rodman. Fla., to spend [Tils vacation. Mr. and Mrs. George Cobb spent Sunday In Louisburg. guests of Mrs. Cobb's parents. \ 1 ;* [\ Mr$>. E. L. Yow left last week after a visit of some months to her father, Mr. G L. Aycock. Mr. J. R. Collie. Chief Cerk House Claims Committee, Washington, D. C., to '-Webb " 'im/ Tliontas and Mr. E. F. Thomas went to Raleigh Monday. ivfrs. R. L. Bernhardt, of Salisbury, was in attendance at the funeral of Mr. Joseph J. Davis Wednesday. Mrs. W. G. Thomas, daughter. Miss Mamie, and sons, Messrs. Willie and John, Miss Helen Dawson, of Raleigh, were visitors to Louisburg Friday. m Ingleslde and Other Items. Governor Bickett sounds good and will sound better still when he is elected Governor, as he doubtless will be. As amatter of pride it is natural for our people to want Franklin to furnish the next Governpr. That lie is a man of strong intellectual pow ers and fine admlnistr.uWe capacity, all who are acquainted with hii re cord, know,- As Mr. Bickett has made good at everything else, we have no doubt bur. ?hat lie will make good as an able and a righteous Goverrccr. While the matter of county prid> all right, there's no better requisite to the credit of any man than a clean, honest and able record. And for that reason the writer feels that he would be "Just us zealous in his support of Mr. Bickett. were he to hail from -Edgecombe or Pasquotank. The truth of the whole matter Is expressed In his well known slogan, "The Record ~flT The Reason." Rpveoaers Bald Still In Frank II* County. Claude Baton, colored, seeking food, for his hogs at the site of a recently operated still near Louisburg, was surprised by a party of revenuers made up of Deputy Collector J. P. Stell, E. G. Richardson, W. A. Watkins and the chief of police of Louisburg. He put up a scrap and was captured after a bare handed fist fight with the officers. He was carried to hishouse where five gallons of neWIy-made whla key was found. A peck of malt was discovered in the house of Rafus Moo- ? ? dy, about 200 yards from the site of the still. Eaton was carried to BaletgU and bound~dver to federal court bv United Stats commissioner John Nich ols. . Meeting of U. I>. C. The Jos. J. Davis Chapter U. D~. C will meet at the home of Mrs. t P. Hill Tuesday afternoon, June 6th \ ? o'clock. * MRS. W. EL WHITE. Pre* MRS. J. L. PALMER,