? An Advertising I - ? Medium That Brings ? ? Results. Franklin Ti ? Only $1.00 Per Year In ^ ? Advance ? ?*?????????????????????? A. F. Johnson, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY, THE.? ATE, THE UNION. Subscription $1.00 Per Year!! VOLUMN XLV. louisburA. n. c:. )AY, JUNE 23, 1916. NUMBER 19 PRESIDENT WILSON CALLS * ENTIRE NATIONAL Gllflffi . THE SITUATION IN MEXICO MENACING After an All Day Conference With Members of His Cabinet^ President Issues Call; Troops Will be Held at Various Points of Moblization and Sent to the Border as Gen eral Funston Calls For Them. THE NATIONAL GUARD OF NORTH ? CAROLINA READY. Carranza Consal at El Fuo has Dis posed of hln Hone and Sold his Ranch Stock, Sent his Family A waj and will Probably Leave Him self Immediately; Large Nambers of Mexican Troops are Assembled at Various Points Just Below the Bor der; Secretary Daniels has Ordered Additional Ships to Mexican Waters and has Instructed Admiral Wins low on the West Coast to Ha?e a Ship la Every Mexican Port to Take Care of Americans. WASHINGTON ? After a confer ?noe lasting the greater part of Sun day, with various members of his Cab inet, President Wilson sent telegrams to the Governors of every State in structing them to Immediately mob ilize the State mllttiaa of their respec -tHw-ntates. y The Trobps'WnrBe field at the various points of mobilization, which have been designated and as General Fun-ston calls for additional troops, portions of each State militia will be sent to the border. As General Punston has asked for additional troops from time to time it is expected that it will not be long af ter mobilization before there will be a 'call for the services of some of tilt State Guard In the performance of border duty. Secretary of War Baker said th&t naturally the troops that could be moved with the least delay would be ? ? the first to be ordered to the bordsr. Troops from all the Middle Atlantic States will probably be on the border by the middle of the week. ?*? ? ? -v ..%i ... - The attitude of Carranza com manders in the northern part of Mex ico, who are acting under instructions from General Carranza, indicates what the real feeling toward the con tinuance of American troops in Mexi co Fs. General, Pershing has called the bluff of General Trevlno, who tterv'ed notice that should tne Ameri can, troops in Mexico move tn any 41-* rection other than towards the Amer ican border he would attack them, by notifying the Carranza* general that his threat would not have the least influence on movement of Amer - Ifian ? llenftrnl Per shing has tightened up his line of com Tnunlcation and made every prepara tion, not only to repel an attack, but for an aggressive campaign. General Bell, at B1 Paso notified General Funston Sunday that the Car ranza consul, Garcia, at El Paso, had disposed of his home in El Paso, had sold his American ranch stock, leas ed the ranch, sent his family away, and would probably leave there Mon day night General Bell said that 5.000 Me*J ? can troopv with some artillery, had assembled at Villa Ahujnada, sixty miles south of Jaurez, They are get : ting supplies from Jaures, where alf ? alfa and grain Is fairly plentiful. He reported 5?0 Carranzlstas camp ? ed twenty miles below El Paso, atYs ! leta, last night and proceeded downr * .the river on the Mexican side. Simultaneously, with the National ' Guard call. Secretary Daniels of the Navy Department, ordered additional war vessels to Mexican waters on both ? coasts to safeguard American lives. * In. W. F. Beasley Dead. ?, Mrs. W. F. Beasley, widow of the late W. F. Beasley, Sr., died at the hetne of her son, W. F. Beasley, ta this ctty, Friday night at 7:S? in the 78th year of bar ace. About eighteen months - ago Mrs* Beasley had a fall, and she has been practically an Invalid eVer since. Since early girlhood she has been a member of the Methodist cliurch,and she was burled in the cemetery of the Prospect Methodist church, four miles south ot this city, at 3 "o'clock Sunday afternoon. Rev. A. D. Wilcox officiat ing. assisted by Rev. W. M GUmore, pastor- of the Baptist church. OnljTtwo children survive her, W. F. Beasley, of this city, and Mrs. Ad kln May, of Lenoir, neither of whom attended the funeral on account of sickness. The pallbearers were Messrs. B. T; Holden, S. P. Boddife D. P. McKlnne, B. N. Williamson, W. H. Allen, J. A. Turner. The floral tribute was large and beautiful. Entertainment and lee Cream Supper Why not put aside all your worries, forget the grass and wsfr, by coming to Maptevllle Academy Thursday nlgiit June 29'th, to 'the entertainment and ice cream supper? Admission Is free and you should avail yourselves of this opportunity ofhcaring the splen did music, readings, etc.. you should certainly get some of that good ice cream made by the ladles of the Maple vllle Betterment Association. A large crowd Is expected and a good timo guaranteed. Time: Thursday alght, June 29th. Place: Mapleville Acaemy. The Methodist Church. Services at the Methodist church next Sunday at 11 a. m. and at 8:15 p. m. The subject for he morning ser mon is "Rebuilding Broken Down Finances," which Is the second in the series of sermons on "Religion and the CtIbIs of Every day life." The evening service during the summer months Is from 8: 15 to 9 o'clock ? Just 45 minutes. A cordial Invitation is ex tended to all. Mrs. A F. Johnson and little daugh ter, Sadie, went to Rocky -Mount Tues day to attend the marriage of Mr.. L P. Johnson to Miss Kathleen Lenten. Ttu^tlDe New*. -? j, 1 Mrs. If. E. Winston, of Coleriflife is visiting Mrs. J. C. Winiton this week.; Dr. R. T. Uhto.ot Wilton, was a vis itor to Youngsvllle Monday. M06S Zeula Mitchell left Wednedsay for Chapel Hill to attend the. Univer sity summer school. Mr. R. J. Boaz, of Greensboro, hat takeiwa position as druggist with the. Winston-Blanks Drug Co. Miss Annie Rebecca SteH was the recipient of many beautiful presents Thursay evening when two dozen of her friends answered an Invitation in person to an "at home" celebrating one of her happy birthdays. Miss Stell was a charming hostess, having en tertained at progressive rook, at the conclusion of which ice course.! were served. The porci?, reception hall ftrtd parlor were beautifully decorated with was winner of a delicious box or can dy having rect i -e i t!io highest wore in the gamej. ' After a brief il'n't s o'. lefstlion ??> weeks. Mrs. \Y. T. Totmg died at her home hen Monday mcrr.Ing, being T7. years of age. 'She was preceded to the grave by her husband two and one half years ago. Mrs. Young was a" ways admired by tjipse who knew her. She was a devout christian, having been a member of the Baptist church from her early youth. Kindness was one of the distinguishing marks of her pious, sweet nature. Always ready to offer the helping liaad, free to give s.ms to r.h*i n??Jgre?tdent" Wilson's nomination ha>l nated Mr. Marshall cast aside a long prepared speech and simply declared: "I nominate Thomas Riley Marshall, of Indiana: for Vice President." To Presdent 'Wilson's " nomination there was only one dissenting vote, Robert Emmett Burke, of Illinois, who came to the convention announc ing that he was opposed to the Pres ident. His vote technically made the President's nomination 1,091 to 1. IN AND ABOUT TOWN. Mr. H. L. Candler Is on a visit tc Asheville. Mr. Graham Griffin went to Rocky, Mount Tuesday. Mrs. T. W. Bickett left Wednesday for a visit to Raleigh. Mr. D. F. McKinne spent Wednes day in Richmond on business. Messrs. J. E. Thomas and Graham Griffin went to Raleigh Tuesday. Messrs. G. L. Crowell and J. A Turner went to Raleigh Sunday. Mr. G. M. Ream left Tuesday for Roxboro on professional busiuojf. Prof. F. p. Hobgood, of Oxford Col lege, was a visitor to Louisburg Fri day. Mr. W. B. Leonard, of Lexington. Ky., is on a vtelt to his people near Laurel. Mr. W. E. tassel I left Wednesday for Panacea ulieie be wilt spend a wtr*h* i for his health. Lieutenant W. W. Boddie and wife accompanied by his aunt. Miss Lucy Perry, spent Wednesday in Raleigh Ellas Beasley, ClffTord Smith and Leon Moseley have gone to Wilming ton, as delegates to the B. Y. P. U. Convention in session there now. Mrs. B. B. Jeffreys, of Hamlet, who waa summoned here last week on ac l count of the serious illness and death of her grandmother, Mrs. W. F. Beas ley, Sr.?, Is visiting th? nome of her uncle, Mr. W. F. Beasley. Misses Lila Currin , of Oxford, Myr tle Allen, of Axtell, and Loutse Macon Of Ingleside. are guests of Mi ssee Lo ttie lad Susie Meadows this week. A.D. Wilcox attended the Dur han District Conference this week. Mlssee Annie and Mattle Allen, who spent a few days in Richmond this week to visit their aunt. Miss Lucy Allen, have returned home. Miss Al len's many friends here will be glad to lMtm that she is much Improved. We jnrpect to meet many preachers and editors when we get to heaven. And we have hopes, at times, of flnd ing a stray doctor and lawyer or two. Yon Just bet we don't dream of Vil la! , We read and hear enough of the cuss daring the day. FRANKLIN COUNTY MILITIA. NOW READY FOR MEXICO Louisburg and Franklinton Companies in Anns GOOD PEOPLE Of Franklin County Get your shoulder to the wheel and help me recruit my company to 150 men. North Carolina and Frank lin County especially never failed to do her part in all duties devolved upon them. Shall this be an exception. I SAY NO. W?AT DO* YOU SAY? S. P. BODDIE Capt. Commanding Co. D. 3 Inf. From (imiiille. areenville, N. C.. June 16th, 1915. Mr. A. F. Johnson, Louisburg, N. C? ?K?i -'lBjTii.ii ? !?, Perhaps it would interest your rea ders to have a line from the Franfcl'n County contngent in the Summer School of East Carolina Teacher'a Training School. At present fourteen i girls from Franklin have enrolled. They are Misses Una Maye Haye?;, Beulah Cyrus. Ruth Parrish, Clara Sledge, Norma Moore. Lillle White, Maude Fuller, Cora Freeman, Ethel Perry, Pattie Lamm, Irene Peele, Florence Peele, Carrinna Alford, Mar tha Richardson. These young ladies are all well and hard at work. They seem to be mak ing a strong effort to get the most out of the school. Classes run from &:35 in the morning till 3:30 in the after noon. The enrollment is now "^something over three hundred. If the school could accommodate them there wouid be five hundred girls here. This school does not pretend to bR a college, but is lending every energy to give such courses as will best pre pare girls to teach in our elementary schools. Every student here is cith er a teacher or preparing to teach. The majority of them will teach in the rural schools. Besides the 14 mentioned above, there are four oth- ' ers here who will teach in Franklin JUUlUftL ?' W. R. MILLS. Election of Officers. At a regular communication of Franklinton Loge. No. 123 A. F. &A. M. Friday night June 16th. the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Gideon R; Moye, Worshipful Mastei. J. C. Fogleman, Senior Warden. Calvin W. Brown, Juntor Warden. J. W. Daaiela, Treasurer. James O. Purnell, Secretary. Lemfstmrg Baptist Church. Divine worship Sunday 11 a. m . and 8:15 p. m., Sunday School 9.45 a. m. At the morning hour the pastor will discuss the theme, "How the Bit ter Fountain is Sweetened"; at night the theme will be, "God's Army." The pastor will preach at Ransdell's Chap el Sunday 3 p.m. A cordial Invitation is extended to all of these meetings. Short ob Force. As the call for the military company took two of our main men, we have not been able to give the close attention to this issue that we had wished, as the editor has had to take off his coat and get down to type work himself. The unconsoling part of being a{ dead hero is the lamentable fact that you never1 know that you are eithsr dead ctr a hero. Not for ?-'?'r ?> v. ; ?? HEN RALLY TO THE COLORS WITH THE TRUEST PATIOTISK. 8t Lob,"i>T Sunduj r" 12 0'c,?<:k? Larye Per Cent of Coapaa, In Cairo? hv rZJZT'*' ,0"Pn,T Bo "ir^ Onte" Abont 12 O'clock * J M<1 w?? ?? rerttaess Tien aay. That the men ot Franklin County are not lost the patriotism of the six ttes. or Other times. Is evidenced In the short while It took the officer, to get the two companies In this county together after receiving orders to mot "re. The men all reported promptly upon receiving the information and are showing an eagerness to go to tho front. Each comply however.")* re crultlng for as large a strength as pos sible up to 150 mtn, before it leaves for the mobilization camp at More head City. to wMch they aA expect ed to go hy the first of next week. The following Is the personnel oir the two Companies: Co. D 3rd, Intantrj, Louisburg. Captain. S. P.. Boddleri 1st Lieuten ant. O. A. Ricks;- 2nd L.teute#antr A O. Dickens; 1st Sergeant, Edward Paul; Quartermaster Sergeant, M. P Houck; Sergeants. C. C. .Collins, D. P. Smith wick. R. H. Poythress; Corpo rals. R. H. Jones, T. C. Alston, J. K. . r6*er' C' C- Ju,lan- C. O. Ellington^ A. W. Macon. J. w. Bunn; Musician. G.-R Rice, p. b. Houck; Cook. P J iJii^i T1>aiTriN-.p WiDtTee :: Pri~ Allen. a B.'SrickeTl'V, E. iioo'tl,. jt* Bailey. S. H. BaiJey. J. C. Ball. H. M L L' Collln8' S. Z. Downey. H. C. Dickerson, E. P. Dement, R. c. Ed wards, N. A. Ellington, W. E. Fuller G P. Foster. B. P. Griffin, Henry Gos wick, H. H. Harris, C. D. Macon, B. B Massenburg^ H. W. Perry. J. S. Stride-' land, Carl Strickland, E. B. Webb P A. Wood. A. W. Wilson, E. J. Wolf.W. G. Hale. W. E. Collier, E. H. Champ Plon. T. A. Conway, C. F. Collier, R? T. Lancaster. J. E. Malone, William H Griffla. P. c. Shearin. J- B. Hill, E. .W. Wester, J. B. Cham pion, 0. F. Themas, c. H. Stalling*. Mr: G. L. Crowell, Firct Lieutenant resigned his position on Saturday, and an eiecUon was held In the arm ory od" Tuesday night to name Ills suc cessor. second Lieutenant G, "a. Ricks was elected to succeed Mr. Cro-v en. and Private A. O. Sickens was elected Second Lieutenant. Company F Read, for Service. Captain I. H. Kearney. Captain of Company p 3rd, Infantry of Frank linton, when seen this morning, re ported he had ready for immediate mobilization in Morehead City 71 0f ficers and men. The Company Jg ^ drilled four hours each day and wear their uniforms constantly. On receipt of the orders to mobilize the Company's roll numbered 59 and 12 aewjaUstments have be?, added; Two "rmw- members of the Company liv ing in Richmond. Va? came home "to enlist, these were Graham Blackley and T. G. Perry. Several regular mem bers living to Other parts of the State and one member who recently went to Oklahoma, wired for transporta tion home. It was very gratifying to the officers to have the men report so promptly. Only one man gave trouble. The armory has been a busy place during the past three days. Everything for camp use has been packed and ready for movement at a momenta no tice, though the Company is not ex pected to go to Morehead City' before the latter part of this .week. The fol lowing Is a, copy of th? Company's roll. I. H. Kearney, Captain; E. M. Ed wards, 1st Lieutenant; J. E. Whit field. 2nd Lieutenant; J. R. Codfo.lat Sergeant; H. C. Kearney, Quartermas ter Sergeant; Sergeants: L. B. May. S. R. Holmes, C. |i. Barrow, D. B. Kearney; Corporals, P. J. Timber lake, N. C. Cooper, p. T. Wilder, O. O. Holmes W. L. Hardlster.W. G.BIackley 4. A. Hoimee, Lance; O. P. Shetron. Lance; Cooke, R. L. Conyers, a. W. Duke; -Artificer. u V. Brans; Magi cians, R. J. Day. t. R. Poglaman; Prl vatas, M. B. Daniel, A. U OHfbe, 8. C. Holmes. N. C. Beddlngfield, ftoont* (Continued on/pag* I.)