\ An Advertising ? i, Medium That Brings I | -Results. ?m* ?->'1 ?A. F. Johnson, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY, VOLUMN XLV LOUISBURO, N. lin 11.00 PeM Tear In Z Advance a AAA ???? WWW ; 'v, '? '. / STATE, THE UNION. Subscription $1.00 Per Year. 'AY, JUNE 30, 1916. NUMBER 20 PRISONERS RELEASED. i *. ALL ARMS WILL BE DELIVERED UP ALSO. General Bell Xotlties Gen. Funslon Who, In 'Turn, Notifies Washington of The Contemplated Action of the Mexicans; There 'ire 23 Troopers Held. > El Paso, Texas, June 2S ? Gin. Ja cinto TreYlno lias ordered that the prisoners interned In thu penitentiary at Chlhauhau City hs taken to Jarez andthere, with 'tlic'f arms and ac coutrements be released. This infor * mation was received at the Jarez com mandacla tonight. Mexican authorities asserted that Gen.. Bell, commanding the El Paso military district had been notified of Gen. Trevlno's order and that the pris oners are expected to reach Jarez to morrow. Gen. Bell did not deny the re - port but refused to discuss it. There are 23 American troopers held at Chlhauhau City, excluding Lem Splllsbury, the Mormon scout. Army headquarters here said any report on the Mexican adTlces would have to be made public by Gen. Fob* i ston at San Antonio. 4 Gen. Funston received tonight a re port from Brig. Gen. Bell at El Paso, ?V which stated Gen. Bell had been noti ' fled by Mexican Consul Garcia that the American prisoners taken at C'iv rlzal now are on the way north to Ja rez and probably would arrive there - tomorrow morning. , According to the report Mr: Garcia had received word from Gen. Jacinto Trevlnb that the American prisoners with thMt "arms and Accoutrements ? were 'tfrfgg delivered at once to the AmerlaaHauthorltlee. Tha report was forwarded at once to Washington by General Funston. Knights of Ezelah go Camping. The Knights of Ezelah left on a camping trip on the morning of June 20 ahd came back on the night of June 24th. Tltey were carried to the camp ing ground, which was Laurel, on the automobiles orMessrs. F. B. and Mal colm McKlnne. On reaching camp they put up the tents, ate dinner and went to the creek which was named Rattlesnakev They went fishing, shot bullfrogs, s-eibed, aic did most evj.-vtlilng a crowd of healthy boys woi'.ll do. They had plenty of eats and were treated to two freezers of -ice cream and a' hundred cones by Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mc Klnne, and another freezer full and a oake by Mrs. J. A. Turner. On Tuesday nig t a storm came up and the wind blew down one of the smaller tents, of which there were four and would hs.ve blown down the large one, but the boys held It. The members of the party were Rus sel Harris, Macon Smlihwtck, .Napier Williamson.. George Ford, Jr., Gus Keavls, Gerald Allen,- Hill Yarborough Edwin Alston, Rob Alston, Ollle Smith wick, Sidney Eden. Harris Turner, Joseph Harris, Clyde WhTte, James Goodwin. Perrln Harris, Armour Wilcox, Davis Egerton, and a- colored valet. Dr. Bmner Thursday Night. Dr. Wqpton Bruner. of Atlanta, will meet the pastors of the Tar River As sociation ill Jtbe Baptist church of this place Thursday, July 6th, at II a. m. for QTe purpose oT'pftrfBiltlllK ill rauif? ments in reference to the proposed si multaneous evangelistic and ? enlist ment eampalgn to be held in the Asso ciation in September. Every pastor in the Association, whether In a position to co-operate lb the campaign "or not "is urged to be present Dr. Bruner is at the head of the evangelistic department of the Home Mission Board of Atlanta, and he Is a minister of strong and attractive per sonality. He Is expected to preach In the Baptist church here Thursday night He goes from here to Rooky Mount on Friday, where he will hold a similar meeting with the pastors. _ . ' ??ton Through to ABbevHie. Darin* the past w?ek Mr. H. L. Candler, of our city, gave his 'Chand ler" a pretty severe toit, driving same Tight through the mountains via Thomasville, Charlotte, Shelby and Hickory Nut Gap Into Asheville. He reports crops extra c?Mt, especially the whpat crop In westtrn North Car olina. but with >? ahnndspes of rain. 11 k Bat, drink and be merry ? but be : merry anyway. ?> _ TROOPS READY TO EMBARK W A TRAIN WEDS AT FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Miss Mary Bishop Beeeaes the Bride of Mr. Zollle Carter We4?esd*y. The ladles waiting room of the First National Bank was pressed Into ser vice on Wednesday afternoon ? the carpenters and workmen being forced aside ? when It became the scene of a pretty wedding ceremony. The con tracting parties were Miss Mary E. Bishop and Mr. Zollle Carter, both of Wake county ^,Ej?|ulre J. J. Cooper, of Sandy Creetc "tpWnship, officiated in a very impressive manner and has the honor of having performed the first marriage ceremony In this building. Quite a cumber of friends of the brid al .pa^y were present to witness the occasion and the congratulations wer* many. The witnesses signing the mar riage certificate were Messrs. S.A.New ell, B. B. Egerton and A. F. Johnson. Mr. F. B. McKlnne, th* popular Cash ler of this well known institution, is always alert to most any occasion and upon learning of this he was glad to tender the bank's accommodations to the couple and their friends. This ropm, when completed, will be an es pecially convenient place for the la dies of the county as woi: as a great addition to the town. r. Qnly 2:1 minutes Required to Fix Black's Srnleiice. Snow Hill, Jul* 27? Will I'.'nck, the Greene county negro youth charged with assaulting a six-year-old white girl, was convictVd here Tuesday morn ing and sentenced to electrocution July 21. Court convened at 9:30, shoru ly after the negro arrived here, -guard ed by two companies of State militia. By 10 a jury had been selected and the taking of evidence was completed at 10:20. The jury returned in threo minutes with a verdict of guilty and the Sentence followed. > A large crowd wp.s here for the trial but there was no evidence of a desire to do the negro violence. Soldiers guard ed the court room during the sessicn. No spectators were allowed. Black showed little interest in his trial. He will be taken back to Raleigh immediately. - , ? - To Recrnit Company D. - A meeting of citizens of Loulsburg was held in the Court House, Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock to devise somq quick means of recruiting Company D, the local military company up to full war strength. Captain Boddle ad dressed the meeting ~ and explained that unless the company was recruit ed it would possibly be combined with some other Company and thereby lost its distinction. After a full dlBcussion It was decided to issue circulars and send them to all parts of tne county and many of the citizens voluateered their services and automobiles to make a canvass of the county. It Is hoped to recruit the company to one hundred andjlfty men by Saturday. From i rankllnton. The following letter relative to the Franklinton company and its- trip to Snow Hill, will no doubt be of Interest to oar many readers: ^ Dear Asher: ? Guess you know Co. F went to Snow Hill as one of the com panles to protect Will Black, rapist. Thinking yoa might want a little In formation. I will give It and you can write what yon with. We received ord eri to go about t a. m. Monday. No one knew where we were gofns. but all who were selected responded Hue. We ' '* ' picked 47 men, all old oaes excadHs. Everybody and wife were at the^B tlon to see ub off, some cried; laughed, bat alt tfie boys seemed Mayor Bullock, Keys. J. H. Btdffo and G. P. Harrtll, and Col. W. Ohee made short talks which soojjAf jtthe boys remarked afterwards *Alt them to thinking." ^e reached eigh on No. 11 about 4 p. m. and ilSe off until 3 a. m. when the two C9|B nles, B and F entrained and pulIM^Bt to the prison, we then run like thej^V to Snow Hill with the prisoner, Mat ing Snow Hill about 6:15. Immedfj^k' after the (trial which lasted 23 imp utes after the Jurors were drawB^ft rushed back to the depot with tha.j^K oner In the same formation with iCA rlous crowd of possibly 500 peori^k our heels, and about that many was waiting at the depot, but was no hint of trouble. I bellevelHHj impossible for My hody-t? ItawfedSK the prisoner. General Young w?? with' us and the drill was the prettiest I ever saw I believe. We reached home yesterday on the Shoofly. We leave for Morehead City Saturday. We have 86 enlisted up to today, enlisted one In Snow Hill.The business men of the town will give us a barbecue Wednes day night. E. M. EDWARDS. Suffers Stroke of ParmlyslST^ The many friends of J. J. Per son will learn with much regret that he is confined to his home from a stroke of paralysis. He was taken a bout two . o'clock Saturday morning, and is In a very serious condition. The effects was complete on the right side and partial on the left. MrT Person has always enjoyed splendid health and or. he has been very active notwith standing his a^e, his sudden Illness has brought much sorrow to his many friends. Health Department. Our soldier boys have all taken the typhoid antitoxin ? they arc cufc from tills disease. I wish we could give them as certain immunity from Mexican bul lets. If they are not caught by t'.ie ras cally Mexicans they will .escape ty phoid fever and come back to us.Xow let. our home people who are left iiere take the antl typhoid dope and be welt to meet them on tfceli? return. Fresh annnlv nn hanrt r.nmt* and ypf It. After so much rain recently look out for. stagnant water and mosquitoes. Clean up, screen, use kerosine Oil and lime. To Attend Firemen's Tournament. At a meeting of the Loulsburg Fire Department the past week the follow ing delegates and alternates were elect ed to attend the Firemen's Tourna ment to be held in Raleigh July 17th to 21st: Lufsburg No. 1 ? D. C. High. H. E. Hight; Alternates, W. D. Jackson. El- 1 lis Ramey. Cheatham Reel Team ? F. B. Mc- 1 IQInnc. B. M. WlO'"""" Alternates, | S. B. Nash, J. H. Doughton. ?? War Ho ..Berlin, Jnae M ? Via London? From a highly competeat source the Asso ciated Press today received authority to deny completely tale* which have reached here from the United States Intimating that the German Legation la Mexico City Is Inspiring Carransa to hostility to the United States. Laadon, Jnae M ? Aaierlean affairs la Kuleo will be taken over by Brit ish diplomatic aid consular ?facials in ease of war. Arrangement* TlrtualJy bay* been njUe far the taking orer of Mexican Interests at Wawhinrtaa Uy the French Embassy. Eagle Put, Texas, Jane M ? The (Tailed States Consulate at Tarmaa, Mexico, was demolished June 18 by a ?ob of several thousand elTlllaas led by the mayor of the city and a Camil la army baad, according to Mexican ?refugees arrirlng here late- today. Field Headquarters, June 80 ? By courier to Colambas N. X-, JaneSO Fraaclsco Villa was shot from the rear by a Mexlcaa he had Impressed late his fang, during the Ipttle with Carraaia treops at Gaerrera, bat hl? fate still Is unknown. The Information was contained la a semi-official ac cent obtained by Major Robert Howsu who wan close to Villa's trull last April ??d gl??a out belt today. per Opalz expresses approver oT'Pte terms of the American note to Mexico and hopes that Mexico, recognising Its disadvantageous moral position, will spare the continent a war embracing j the direst consequences. Posting Latin. America. Latin-America is a close watcher of every move between Mexico and the United States. Every effort has besi made to insure Latin American un 1 r standing of what each issue involves, of what each step portends. There are few instances in history where neutral nations that are not immediately con cerned have been kept so closely' in touch with negotiations in progress between countries where relations are strained. The reason for this is ap parent. For many years throughout Latin America a suspicion of the Uni ted States has been- widely and Insist ently?cIrculated.The circumstances of our war with Mexico, which were by no means to our credit, may have. been the beginning of this. Misunderstand ings of the Monroe Doctrine have in tensified the feeling, have added fuel to the flaming fear that "the Colossus of the North" intends to devour South "America at a mouthful. The Pan-Amor lean Union, whose director-general, John Barrett, visited Charlotte last month, has labored without ceasing to promote confidence and good feeling. We have an idea that this Union has played ft lopgop part than most pncpla suspect, in our Mcxican diplomacy up to this time. It was tiie mediation of Brazil, Argentine and. Chile that end ed hostilities in 1914. The scrupulous care taken to warn T.atia America that the trouble now threatening is not of our_Beeking is omiiiou? In what it sug* gests. It may be that a war out of this difficulty will bo fouud through simi lar mediation, but without a doubt such ia settlement mull Involve satis factory guarantee? that our border will be protected. Any agreement short of that is unthinkable. Yet we must face the fact that agreements with Mex lean authorities have again and again been found to be not worth the paper on which they are written. It is clear beyond refutation that until an iron hand ? either Mex'cao or American restores order in Mexico, our border can be assured of protection only by maintaining there sn adequate Ameri can force to police It. Mexican prom ises aic written In the sands of the <*eashji6. ? Char^>tte Observer. Your neighbors spoke well of you the other day. But what did you say of them? IN AND ABOUT T0W5. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Hicks left Wednes day for Panacea Springs, where they will spend some time for their health. Miss Maggie Lee Bailey left Wed nesday, accompanied by her father, for New York, where she will have her eyes treated. Mrs. C R. Church and children, of Raleigh, are visiting friends and rel atives in town. Mr. and Mi*. G. L.rCrowell and lit tle child left Sunday for Winston Salem to visit her mother. ? Mr. H. L. Candler returned Sunday from a visit to AshefVllte. Mrs. G. B. Rice, of Greenville, ar rived Saturday and is the guest of Misses Eleanor and Louise Thomas. Mr. R. G. Allen, of Raleigh, was a visitor to Loutsburg Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Person, of Green ville, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Person, of Enfield, and Mr. E. G. Person, of Bre vard. are at the bedside of their father Mr. J. J. Person, who is quite 111. Mr. Perry W. Fuller and family, of Baltimore, Md., arrived Thursday of last weekto visit his people. They left Saturday for Baltimore in answer Ito a telegram announcing the serious illness of some of Mrs. Fuller's peo ple. Mr D. f . McKlnne left Saturday lor a visit to Stateevtlle. Mr. Wm. H. Ruffln and son. Henrv, left Tuesday for Wrightsvllle Beach to attend a ipeetlng of the Bar Asso ciation. Mr. E. M. Hale, of Mt Olive, visited his people here Sunday. Miss Mary Forte, of Oxford, is vlr ltlng Miss Sallle Taylor. Dr. A. H. Fleming left Wednesday for Ashevllle to attend a meotiag'ol the State Dental Association, Site#? he will read a paper on clinic*. Mr. Raymond Taylor, who recently took hU Master of Arts degree at Har vard University, was called to Chase sumtrfer. Mr. Taylor hrs been chosen principal of the Bucn High School for the coming school year. P Miss Bettle Mills has gone to Mid dleburg Of visit her brother, Mr. Thorn as Mills, who recently had a light stroke of paralysis. Miss Edna Allen left a few days ago for Ocala. Fla., where she was called to the bedside of her aunt, Mrs. Tuck, who is critically Ill Mrs. T. G. Taylor, of Oxford, Is vis iting the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. P Taylor. Miss Dorothy Vann. of Raleigh. Is the house guest of Miss Roxie Harris. Miss Sallle Taylor, who has been visiting friends in Henderson, has re turned home. ! Judge C. M. Cooke, who was called to Wilson Monday to hold a Chambers session of court, has returned home Miss Grace Hall- is visiting relatives ln*?ltt?eton. Miss Kate Furman is attending the summer school at Chapel Hill. Rev. B. O. Meyers, of Lexington, has been visiting- friends here this week. Rev. J. U. Teague and family have moved from Princeton, where Mi. Teague taught last year, to this coun ty near Ingleslde with Mrs. Teague's father, Mr. Jasper Shearln. Mr. Teag ue is serving several churches. Misses Edna and Pearl Travis, of Danville, Va? are visiting the. home of Mrs. Ida Hale this weelc. Mr. F W ? returned ? Friday from a visit to his wife's people in Naih county. Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Burt left Wednes day for Panacea Springs. - Mr. F. W. Whelecs and family left Tuesday for Panace?. Springs. Miss Kr.tle Cooper, milliner for P. S. & K. K. Allen, left Sunday for her home ln^ftaltlmore. Cots Up Still. Deputy Collecter J. F. Llfsey, and Special Officer June J. Lancaster, run across a 50 gallon atlll about three quarters of a mile from the County Home on the County's property Sat urday morning and destroyed same and with It six fermenters. There was no evidence of its having been recent ly operated. The remains of the still were brought to Loutsburg. Little Child Burned. Raymond, the little two year old son of Mr. arid Mrs. W. O. Joyner got the left side of his face badly burned on cldentally turned the ]alce from a hot pie on It He Is getting along nicely and will no doubt be all right soon. MILITABT TAKES BLACK TO JAIL Companies B and F Sent With Ac cused to Snow HUI to Prevent Possible Trouble. If plans formed yesterday were car ried out Will Black, the negro to be tried this . week at Snow Hill on the crime of criminally assaulting a little white girl, was taken away from Ral eigh on a special train this morning between three and four o'clock. Com pany B of Raleigh and CompanyF of Franklinton were to accompany the ne gro as a measure of precaution accord ing to the plans which the authorities tried to conceal but which leaked out despite the efforts to keep the affair quiet. Col. J. T. Gardner, of Shelby, It Is expected will be in command of the two companies at Snow Hill, com ing up from Camp Glenn for that pur pose. Black was brought to the State Pris on for safe keeping soon after he was captured. His father who aided him In getting away after he had committed the crime and who was locked up in the Jail of Lenoir county at Kinston was taken from the jail by a mob and lynched. The Franklinton company in com*, mand of Cnpt. I. H. Kearney arrived here on the afternoon train yesterday afternoon and was met by local mili tary men. The crime for which Black Is to be tried for was committed near Farm - vllle Thursday afternoon, March SC. The little girl, against whom the of fense was committed was Mattie Ty son. The Snow Hill Standard Laconic, one of the weekly papers published at Snow Hill, thinks It is unlikely that any effort will be made at Snow Hill to do Black any violence. It says thai the little victim ha3 about recovered and that unless the recital ofthe crime by her and her mother inflames the passions of men unduly It is believed that ^ Ume dau*er. The Snow Hill paper adds tfiaf the day for the trial has not been fixed, but in view of the p.rrangements to. take him to Snow Hill today it is prac tically certain that the trial will com mence today. Judge Deyin is presid ing over the term of Court now tti ses sion at Snow Hill. ? News Observer June 26th. SERMONS TO SOLDIERS. \ _ Rev. A. D. Wilcox and Rev. TJ. M. Gil more Preached to Loulsburg Company. In honor of Company D, which is ex pecting to go to Camp Glenn Saturday a special union service was held in the Baptist church here Sunday morning. Rev. A. D. Wilcox, of the Methodist church, preaching on "The Qualities of a Good Soldier," using Gideon as his model. At night a similar servics was held at the Methodist church. Rev. W. M. Gilmore. of the Baptist church, preaching on "Putting on the armor," maintaining that the conflict with the evil in the every day affairs of life is far more dangerous than Mexican bul lets. The military company attended in a body both services, and patriotism, mingled with religi6us fervor, ran hig& T The citizens jgax?.tbe. soldier boys. a big barbecue dinner Saturday. After dinner speeches, of which loyalty to the colors was the key note, were made by Governor T. W; Bickett, Hon. W. H Ruffln, Capt. P. G. Alston, Hon.- R. B. While Mat. .T. R. Thnmtts. Cant. 3. I*. Boddie, Lieut. G. A. Ricks, and Lieut. A. O. Dickens. Some of the good women of the city have gotten Up a substantial purse with which to provide the company with certain comforts while in camp not provided by the government. One man gave $25 to this funo. On Sunday afternoon Mr. W. M. Leonard gave a delightful barbecue supper to the military boys and a num ber of friends. The occasion was a most enjoyable one. Mexico. Quite a lot of speculation as to the size and population of Mexico has been going the rounds during the post week occasioned by the call fortho National Guard. In square mile* It lacks only a small amount being three times the size of Teua, 'totfttng 767,006 square miles, and In lSlMiad a population of 15,067,207. ? 1 in i. 'hi I i Of course you know who wrote the Declaration o* Independence, and can name the authors of our standard dic tionaries, histories and other works ibut who w tote the Bible.

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