m I V Jf Franklin Times A. ??. JOHJiSO.N, Editor and Manager. sr Tear ...$LOO Months ?? .. .. jU Monia? .. .. .. .16 A report says there are hundreds of men who want to serve in the army under Roosevelt. II Mexico has not invited war with the United States cannot see to save our lives what her actions have meant. Secretary Lansing says the United States has nothing to ipedlate with Mexico. He is right. But we have some thing to resent. The railroads are making big prep arations to be able to cope with the requirements of the government ic. transporting the troops. A dispatch from Morehead Citjr says thlat 20 per cent of the First Regiment were rejected on examination, the larger number of whom were under weight. SerWfe# at St. PanIN Church. Services at St. Paul's church will be at 8 p. m., Sunday July 3rd. Rev. N Colin Hughes, of Raleigh, officiating. Evening prayer and sermon. All cor dially welcomed. It looks to us that the parleying be tween the United States^ and Mexico has gone on long enough. Its time to fight or quit talking about it. The peo ple generally are getting tired of the .exchange of notes. Lonisburar Baptist Church. Public worship Sunday at 11 a. m and 8.15 p. m. Subject of morning ser mon. "The Things that Last;" of tlu. night sermon. "Death in the Pot." You are cordially invited. . The trouble with getting recruits in ] 'the United States Army is more in The j pay and subordinatioh than anything j else. Surely the government can't ex .Pect its citizens to -rlo work for it for I less pay than they can get elsewhere, especially when the risk of lite is so great- The present crisis nor the reg ular standing army - an not be reck oned by a fight for liberiy, when ev ery man would enter (or principle arrangements are antiquated and e;?. tirel y behind the times. No .doubt it waa right and (air when it was insti tuted, but not now. The (act that offi cer! receive from $5 to 125 or more a day with all liberties,, and the pctv&te onl> about 45 cents and nolttferties is i*ot to keeping with our principles o 1 government ..TOBACCO GUASO, ACID A>D TOF DRESSER AT MCKIJiNE BROS. TBY IT! SUBSTITUTE FOB SAS'Xl' CALOMEL. Starts Your Liver Without Making you sick aad tan not Salivate. Every druggist in town ? your drug- | gist and everybody's druggist has no ticed a great (ailing off to the sale o( | calomel. They all give the same reas on. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking Its | place. "Calomel Is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly sa(e and gives better resalts, said a prominent local druggist. Dod son's Liver Tone is personally guaran teed by every druggist who sellsit. A large bottle costs 50 cents, and i( 't falls to give easy rcllel to' every case of liter slugglchness and^pnstipation, you bare only to ask for your money | back. Dodson's Liver Tone Is a pleasant tasting purely vegetable remedy.' harm lees to both children and adults. Take a spooonful at night and wake up feel ing fine; no biliousness, sick head acfie, acid stomach or constipate bowels. It doesnt gripe or cause in convenience all the next day llkevlo lent calomel. Take & dose of calomel today and tomorrow yo* will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work! Take Dodson's Liver Tone Instead and feel line, full of vig or and ambition. . TOBACCO SFAJfO ACID A5D TOI* | DR1ESSFB AT MCKI55E BEOS. WHAT PIJiEAPPLE JUICE WILL DO Pineapple juice and pepsin are now extensively used In the treatment of stomach and bowel troubles. They give strength and tone to the diges tive organs. The right proportions are fonnd In Natol Pineapple Pepsin- Com pound. This Is a new medicine sola by all druggists and Ay cock Drug Co., over the manufacturers guarantee. ..TOBACCO GUANO, ACID A)!D TOP| jiSF.B AT KCKIK5E BEOS. before selling your hides, id boss wax. City Market. S. J. Edens, Manager. S0B. FIRST REGIMENT SAFELY IN GAMP REACHES CAMP GLENN WITHOUT | A MISHAP ? 33 OFFICER8 AND 1,146 MEN. OTHER COMPANIES ARRIVING Ambulance Company No. 1 and Field j Hospital With 59 Men Are ki Camp? Other Infantry Moving. Morefcead City.? The First North Carolina Infantry arrived at Camp GJean without a mishap of any kind. Since arrival everybody has been busy making camp. Everybody is well with clear sky and delicious landward breezes. The whole regiment is under canvas with 33 officers and 1.146 men. These are the figure* of the com panies: Company A. Hickory. Cap tain Lylerly. 113 men; Company B. Qastonia, Captain Bulw inkle, 12S men; Company C, WBnston?Saiem. Captain Wooten, 101; Company D., Charlotte. Captain Parker. 128; Com pany E. States ville. Captain West moreland. 80; Com(>any F, Asheville, Captain Felmet. 51; Company G. Sfcel bjr, Captain Logan. 74; Company H. Wfcynesvllle, Lieutenant Plot*. 70; Company I. Mount Airy. Captain Walk er, 74; Compank K. Ashe ville. Cap tain Bard, 65; Company L. Concord.. Captain Brown, 142; Company M, High j Point. Captain Zolliooffer. 103. _ Concord is banner company with j Charlotte and Gastonla eloee seconds, j while Asheville stepped out with two ' companies. Other arrivals were Ambulance com pany No. 1 with four officers and 7t men. all from Canton. This company brings men. 12 field ambulances. 3 sup ply wagons and complete equipment . for field service including 73 horsee ' and mules to move organization In i field. The field hospital with 69 men | from Asheville has also reached camp. J On Charlotte special came Med too s Major Baxter Hunter, Captain Henry Norris and Lieutenant McConneil. Officers here are Colonel Gardner, Lieutenant %Ook>nel Beesant, Major FDannJgan, fyajor Ikybertsbn, JVIaJor Howell, Capt. R. R. Morrison, inspec tor small arms practice; Capt. R. H. Morrison, regimental commisslonary; Capt. A. W. Freeman, regimental ad jutant; Capt. Swope, chaplain; First Lieutenant Gardner, adjutant, third battalion; Lieutenant Gardner, battal ion quartermaster and commissary Lieutenant Jackson, battalion quar termaster and commissary; First Lfeo tenant Rufus Johnston, battalioo ad jutant, second battalion. The two Gardners are sons of Colonel Gardner. At meeting of the officers of the regiment representing themselves and men, unanimously recommended to Gov. Craig, and so vnuta him this afternoon, to urge President to com mission General L. W:' Young as bri gade commander of three North Cam Tina regiments. They felt that his 16 years' service makes him the fitted man, and personally regard him as most effective cohesive force North Carolina troops could have. YOUNG TAKES COMMAND GUARDSMEN THIS WEIK. Raleigh. ? Gen. Laurence W. Young and Assistant Adjt. Gen. Gordon Smith spent the day at Camp Gleen, Mere head CRy. giving their personal at tention to the reception and adequate installing of the soldiers of the First North Carolina Regiment in mobiliza tion quarters. They returned to Ral eigh on the night train and are well pleased with the manner in which the mobilization movements are being car ried ouL There were no changes In the situ ation In Ralstgh. General t^oung is serving aa both Brigadier and Adjutant General until Oen. B. 8. Royster re litres ^ln oL the duties In the Adju tant 'General's "office, when lie win definitely assume the command oj JJje North Carolina Guardsmen as Brtga* diar General to command them for the service on the Mexican border^ or Wherever "doty calls." ~ 700 Mexicans st Carrfxal. Columbus, N. M. ? Sam H. Harris, a private In C Troop of the Tenth Cav alry, was brooch* to the border with bullets wounds In the left shoulder sod arm received ki the engagement st Carrlzal. He said that there were tally 70* Mextemaa acalnat the 14 ih?a of the American