MOTHER TELLS HOW VINOL Made Her Delicate Boy Stiong New York City.? "My little boy was in a very weak, delicate condition as a result of gastritis and the measles and there seemed no hope of saving his lifjf The doctor prescribed cod liver oil but be could not take it. I decided to try Vinol ? and with splendid results. It seemed to agree with him so that now he / Is a strong healthy boy. "?Mrs, Thomas Fitzgerald, 1090 Park Ave. , N. Y. City. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver an1* iron tonic, for run-down conditions, i >'onic coughs, colds and bronchitis. 8COfi?I>.V TO* ORt'G COM PA NY, Lor' ~rg. X. C. Bilious Attacks. When you have a bilious attack your liver falls to perform its function:. You become constipated. The food you eat ferments in your stomach in stead of digesting. .This inflames the stomach and causes nausea, vomiting and a terrible headache. Take Cham berlain's Tablets. They will tone up your liver, clean out your stomach and vera will soon be as well as ever. They only cost a quarter. Obtainable everywhere. Sale of l and. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that -deed of trust executed by Cullen Satterwblte and _ wife to Ben T, Holden, trustee, on the 9th day of May. 1913. which is dulv recorded In Office of Register of Deeds for Franklin county, in Book 177 at page 114, default having been mad? upon me by the holders thereof to foreclose in accordance vrith the pro | visions of said deed of trust. I, the , undersigned trustee, will cn Monday the 3rd day of July, 1916, at about I the hour of noon, at the court house I door of Franklin county, in Louisburs, I N. C., sell at public auction to the j highest bidder for . cash the following I described real Estate sltuatejUX-Dunn's township. Franklin county, VIZ: '? ? ? ~ Beginning at a maple. Lee W. Tan's corner on Crooked Creek, thence ?3 E 1144 poles to a stake: tnence 8 ? 1-2 E 69 poles to a lightwood stump and Post Oak. Alford's corner: thenca N 2 E 127 poles to a gum end pin?, the old Timberlake corner in Alford's line; thence East 97 poles 7 links to a stake. Timberlake's corner in Wigijs line; thence SI 1-2 W 12$ poles to a White Oak, Wigg's corner; thence S 47 1-2 E 9 poles to two white oak*, the old W. T. Minga's corner on Crook ed Creek; thence up said creek as it.: meanders 318 poles to the beginning, containing 169 acres more or less, less 85 acres which was conveyed by Cul len Satterwhite and wife to Ruffin Temples on the 22nd day of Decem ber. 1913, by deed duly recorded in Franklin County Registry in Book 1S-0 at page 524, to which record reference is hereby made for description of tae lands hereby excepted from sale. This the 24th day of May, 1916, BEN T. HOLDEN. 6-2-4tr. . Trustee. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. 1 Under and by virtue of the poycr conferred upon me in a certain deeil of trust executed to me by E. S. Ford and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county in Book 192. page 443. default having been made in the payment of the notes secured therein, and at the request of the holder of said notes. I will, on .Monday the -3rd day of July. 1916, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, sell at public aucton at the court house door in Loulsburg. N. C? to the highest bidder, for cash, all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being sit uated in Loulsburg and Harris town ship, Franklin county. North Carolina, and bounded as follow^, namely: On the North by the lands of Josh Branch and Henry <&y, on the East by the old Tarboro road, on the south by the lands of F. d. McKinne, on the West by the lands of Henry May, containing 57 acres, more or less, and being the tract of land formerly owneB by Ed ward C. Perry and fully described by mete> and bounds In Book of Orders and decrees No. 2 in the office of the. Clerk of the Superior Court of Frank lin county. at page 330-331, to which reference is hereby made and being the lands conveyed by P. S. Allen and wife aild K. K. Allen to E. S. Ford. This May 26th, 191B. W. H. YARBOROUGH, JR., '6-2-4tT ? _ Trustee. '?? * Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In that cer tain deed of trust executed by S. B. Nash to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, on the 3rd day of July, 1914, which is du ly recorded in Franklin County Regis try in Book 177 at page 211, to whlcn reference Is hereby made, default hav ing been made in the payment of the notes hereby secured and demand made upon me by the holders thereof to foreclose In accordance with the terms and provisions of said deed of trust, 1, the undersigned trustee, will on Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1916, at about the hoar of noon, at the court house door of Franklin county, in Loulsburg, N. C., sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, VIZ: Beginnlng In the centre of the Nash ville and Warrenton Road, a rock on the East side of said road, corner for No. L; thence S 62 1-2 W 106 poles 14 links to a white oak stump, post oak and sweet gum pointers, corner for NO. 1 In Holllngsworths line; thence N 3 E 113 poles to a stake and point ers, on. Sandy Creek, D. T. Holllngs worth's corner; thence up said Creek as It meanders 267 poles, 16 links to BOss Bridge, Nashville and Warrenton road, thence along said road 8 22 W M poles IS Uaka; 8 20 W 24 poles 15 links. 8 ? B 10 poles 20 links. 8 27 3-4 B II poles tt links, 8 28 ? poles, 8 32 " TTW poles,# WE, ITpoTes 1? links, S 8 E 22 poles M links, 8 3 Kl? poles 23 links, 8 tl E 10 poles, 8 84 B It poles 6 links Jto the beginning and contain ing 100 acres more or less. ? ? - This the 24th day of May, 1916. BIN T. HOLDEN, ?-*4t ^ Trustee. New Attack Ordered By General Trevino; Troops Must Move Back Chihuahua City. Mexico. ? Ame ric&n columns have been seen ad vancing from the Americau field base in the direction of San Antonio and Ojo Calieute. and General Jacinto Trevino has Issued orders to attack them if they do not immediately retreat. General Treviou said the Americans would get the same treatment that they received at Carrifcal. as determined to carry out his orders to the letter. In this, he Mid. he had all his subordinates with him. and they would remain with him in case of a rupture. - The Mexican commander said tthat it seemed probable, inasumch as General Perilling seemed ignorant of the fate of the Boyd column, that outside of five additional prisoners now being brought here the Americans were annihilated, although it was possible more had escaped. General Perching his wired hers for the names of the dead and the prisoners. It was officially announced that none of the prisoners brought here will be hanged, that "not being the custom of a civilized country." The seventeen American negroes captured in the C^rrital battle have been placed in the penitentiary here. There have been no ar rangements for removing them to Juarez to be surfignderd to the Amer ican authorities. Lem Spillsbury, the Mornlon scout, captured at Carriaal, also is in prison. The prisoners were assaulted by Mexican civilians as they were being transferred from the train to the penitentiary. According to the authorities they are being well treated. The troopers brought, here are Privates Page. Peterson, N. Lloyd, W. Ward. Jones. Sockes. Marshall Oliver, M. Donald. Williams, Given*, Stone. Hajjis, Lee. and Graham of Troop H, and Howe and Alexander Qf Troop C. According to a statement, said to have been signed by Spillsbury, made public today by General Trevino, neither he nor the negroes knew which side began the firing. Spillsbury's statement says that practically all the American^ who lost their lives were killed when they advanced to a deep ditch in which Mexicans were stationed and when other Mexicans, getting around to a deep ditch in their rear, at tacked them from the flank. Boyd. I came under Captain Boyd's command and marched my troop in rear for Carrizal at 4:15 a. m., reach ing open field to southeast of town at 1:30 a. mT~ " ? ? ? ? . "Captain Boyd sent in 'a' note re questing permission to pass through the town. This was refused. Stated we could go to the' north, but not east. Captain Boyd said he was go ing to Ahiimada at this time. "He was talking with Carranza com mander. General Gomes sent a writ- 1 ten message that Captain Boyd could I bring his force in town and have a conference. Captain Boyd feared an ambush. He was under the impres sion that the Mexicans would lyin as soon as we fired. v "We formed for attack, his inten tion being to move up to the line of about 120 Mexicans on the edge of the town. We formed C Troop on the left in line with skirmisher*, one platoon of K Troop platoon on ex treme right, echeloned a little to the rear. Opened Fire at 300 Yards. "When we were within 300 yards the Mexicans opened fire and a strong one before we fired a shot| then we opened up. They did not run. To make a long account short. af.Ver about an hour's fire in which J both" troops had advanced C Troop to : position of Mexican machine gun and K Troop cleeing in slightly to the left. We were very busy on the right, keep ing off a flank attack. A group of Mexicans left town, went around our rear' and led our horses off at a gallop. "About 9 o'clock one platoon of K Troop which wae~ on our right fell back. Sergeant said he could not stay there. Both platoons fell back about 1,000 yards to the west and then together with some men of C troop who were there these men scattered. "I was slightly wounded. Captain Boyd, a man told me. was killed. Nothing was seen of Lieutenant Adair after fight started, so men 1 saw stated. "I hid in a hole 2,000 yards from field and have one other wounded man and three men with me. "Morey, captain." Comment by Pershing. In transmitting Captain Morey's letter General Pershing said: "The three men referred to by Morey are the three men who had above message in their possession. The wounded man was from C Troop shot through the knee. Lieutenant Meyer reports that the three men were rather vague as to where they had left Captain Morey, but 4 stated that on the night of the twenty-dPst* they had carried him two miles, that Morey became weak, oould not go fur ther and told them to leave. Meyer reconnoitered 20 miles east of Saata Maria, but found nothing. Out of grain and forage, horses In bad shape, ?ad to return." have been ordered, a shortage fer a few days is almost a certainty. Colonel Stanley reoelvsd orders to go Into the open market and buy at market prices anything needed. Shoes are needed more Wan^ anyrning ei9*. he said, but It was stated there was little HkliHood of any adequate sup ply being available in lees than thirty days. Germans Repulse Russians. Berlin, via London. ? Violent attacks on the Auetro-Gferman forces which hare countered the Russian offensive In Voihynla are being continued. The war office announced that all theee attache, made repeatedly with strong forces had been repulsed. * Baltimore. Md., June 2T. ? Of the S.500 men in the several Maryland National Guard commands, Including three regiments of Infantry, one troop of cavalry, and a battery of artillery, there are about 359, mostly rookies, who have not yet been supplied with uniforms, rifles, and other equipment. The officers say they hare been noti fied from Washington that rifles and other equipment are gins, 26.0<* leather leggtm, 1M*M hats, 1,000 bed sacks, 8,000 moagOMe bare, tjtto cots, aad 1,000 yard* at shirting flannel. The orders ?llliwj ed to $1,400, ?0?. SERVICE FIRST We do not intend to spare expense, time or energy to give the Automobile public public of Franklin county the best of Garage Service, and have just invested a large amount of money to equip our garage with a up-to-date storage battery charging plant and we are ready to give you the best of ser vice in this or any other line. o o o o o o ' - "t We Have With Us the Famous Roderbush and ? Doughton and All Franklin County People Know They Know the Auto Business. When all the boys fail bring your trouble to Roderbush and if he can't do it its time for you to. make a trade for a new car. Our one object is to give ser vice and satisfaction. Complete line of parls for tne FORD and the best line of automobile accessories in the county. Come to' see us, we will show you that your business is appreciated. BECK & NEWELL CLARKS GARAGE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS LOUISBURG, N. C. ] offices faithfully and impartially and j ? with distinguished ability, i "In particular, we commend to the' | American people the splendid diplo i matic victories of*our great president. 1 who has preserved the vital Interests | of our government and its citizens | and kept us out of 'war. "Woodrow Wilson stands today the greatest American of his generation. Conclnslon "This is a critical hour in the his tory of America, a critical hoifr in the history of the world. Upon -the record above set* forth, which shows great constructive achievement in fol lowing out a consistent policy for our domestic and internal development; upon the record of the Democratic administration, which has maintained the honor, the dignity and tne inter ests of the United State*; and at the same time retained the respect aud friendshp of all the nations of the world, and upon the great policies for the future strengthening of the life of our country, the enlargement of our national vision and the ennobling* of our international relations as set forth above, we appeal with confidence to the voters of the country." Does Sloan's Liniment Help Rheuma tism I Ask the man who.~ttses t, he knows. "To think I suffeiecJ all these years when one 25 cent boftle of Sloan's Lin iment cured me," writes one grateful user. If you have Rheumatism or suf fer from Neuralgia, Backache, Sore ness and Stillness, don't put off getting a bottle of Sloan's, it will give you such welcome relief. It warms and soothes the sore, stllf painful places and yuo feel so much better. Buy it at any drug store, only 26 cents. . Love our neighbor? Of course we do. We even hope the merchant who never advertises succeeds In squeezing through a crack Into heaven. SPRING VALUES IN FURNITURE^ Even The Furniture Man Has Something . Special For Spring ? With the spring housecleaning out of the way the feminine mind naturally tarns to the subject of . ? ? ' " . * ? ' - ' FURNITURE _ ,! The discriminating housewife cannot do better .than to inspect our spring offer ings in every line. We are making some realty wonderful values in all grades ot Furniture, and it becomes a sfrict matter of economy to trade with us. If you will see us before placing your order you will have no need or desire to look further. You will be satisfied with ojirs. Big Lot of Hammocks Just Received For The SumJ mer. Come and Get Yourself One. J. S. HOWELL ? Louisburg, N. O.