mww "Cooking Never Tir^s Me" "A/fY kitchen is comfortable and cool ? there is no coal or wood to carry ? and ho fires to build. 1 us\ a New Perfection Oil Cook. Stove." A New Perfection Oil Cook Stove, the stove with tl*e long blue chimney, gives kitchen comfort in 2,000,000 American homes. It turns oft and of? like a gas stove. Its fuel cost is economy itself, 2 cents a meal for 6 people. The long blue chimney gives a perfect draft and assures a clean odorless heat and a lasting satisfaction. New Perfection Oil Cook Sto-ves are made in many styles and sizes. They s are sold by most good dealers. Look for The Long Blue Chimney Use Aladdin Security Oil to obtain the best results in Oil Stoves, Heaters _ and Lamps STANDARD OIL COMPANY (I^ew Jersey) Washington, D. C, Norfolk, V?. 'Richmond, V*. BALTIMORE MD. Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. Vt. Charleston, S. JC. "fry THE LONG BLUE CHIMNEY" Henderson Granite and Marble Works Henderson, N. C. Monuments, Tombstones and Curbing made, of any Granite or marble desired. See our big assortment of designs, cor rect lettering and best polish finish on all our work. All jobs delived and set up. Prices, workmanship and quality guaranteed. Agents for iron fence." Henderson Granite and Marble Works J. L. McElwee, Prop. Henderson, N. C. Will You Be Among The Thousands Who Will Visit Norfolk this Summer? r* We hope you will ? for we would like to have the pleasure ?of showing you through this 69 year old Jewelry House -whose watchword is Reliability and whoee corner stone is service. When you think of Jewelry remember that you are just as close to our store as your nearest mail box. PAUL-GALE-GREENWOOD CO:, INC. ?'Largest Jewelers South" NOBFOEK, -We Sell Victrolas? VIRGINIA LAW FOR INSPECTIONS Well for Citizens and Officers * , To Know Regarding : Inspection. ! It It Most Important and Valuable In 8aving Life and Property, Says Insurance Commissioner. It fa well for citizens, and especially officers of the State, to know the law I in regard to the inspection of prem ises. It is moat important and valu able in saving life and property: Section 482. Commissioner and others must Inspect premises; may enter*- buildings. etc.; must order dan gerous matter removed; orders must be obeyed; appeal; expenses and, coat. The Insurance Commissioner, or the chief of Are department, or chief of police where no chief of Are depart' ment, or local inspector of buildings in cities and towns where such officer is elected or appointed, shall hare the right at all reasonable hours, for the purpose of examination* to enter into and upon all buildings and premises, within their jurisdiction. It shall be the duty of the Insurance Commis sioner to require in all incorporated cities and towns of the State that eucty! officers' shall make in their respective! cities and towns annual Inspections of the buildings in suoard #f such city of town. I AM THE WOODEN . SHINGLE. Intka WOODEN 811 IN OLE. Ruin ? Death and Tears upon ray footsteps wait. He %;'bo put* me .on hi* home for protection. I betray. I have a soul of FIRE. T glory fn . ruin-. Each strafrgllrjr spark sets me upon some fresh, hatched lust. When I am new I am attractive, but treachery lingers !n my beauty. My greatest atfrrtrers T turn to scorn.. Those who boost me most I crumple with ridicule. And _ those wtio use me to sherar loved ones I tear at their throats with fingers of fire. *" v- , Blackened ruins sing my symphony ? -for at best I am but a fickle friend." I am a thief in the night. I hate beauty. I am an enemy of aH things useful. Security irrl-l T taitee me and I crush those most who fear me least. I am the WOODEN SHINGLE' j For a brief spefll I ara fair to look upon. * But scorching suns soon rot out my j ? vitality. " - I split and splinter and soften like ' the weakling that I am. Winter freezes tear at .my vitals. I ? ara a mark tor drenching rains. ' I tear at ray moorings a discontent '4 ? warp with a fiendish glee I let 7 In the rain*? an4 tke weather and 'y ALWAYS I crave for sparks I thrive on flying* treats. I earl ? I creek ? T splinter and da ?ay I am worn oot before my usefulness begins? a decrepK In my youth? a oowtnl? a sneak ? one ef nature's And mark ye ? I shall steal as kvng as you trust me. *1 ehaU betray you to Are as long as you depend upon me to protect you. 1 shall rob you of your homes^-i shall coma Ilka a pUgroe In %i* ndght and murder and plunder mmi destror- I hate those that lows ma. And ye ? fools ? ye trust me. ft to to lauihj I ara the WOODEN SHINOLE ? Rob ert T. Gebler. NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN ever receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently nourish both body and brain during the growing period when nature's demands are greater than in mature life. This is shown in so many pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds, and lack of ambition. For all such dlildrrn wr say with unmistakable earnestness ; They peed Scott's Emulsion, and need it now. It possesses in concentrated form the very food elements to enrich their blood. It changes weakness to strength ; it makes them sturdy and strong. No alcohol. Scott & Down*. BloomfieM, N. J. Sure Halt . "How did you manage to pell that ! piece of goods that's all out of date to Mrs. , Clerk ? I told her It was a great bar gain. but 1 thought Mrs. Richcoin had had it laid aside for one of her daugh ters. Then she took it right off. A Hacking Cough Weakens the Sjtt* tem. Don't suffer with a hacking cough that has weakened your system ? get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery in use over 40 years, and benefiting all who use it. the soothing pine balsam villi tar heal_the irritated air passag es?soothes the raw spots, loosens the mucous and prevents racking the body with coughing. Dr. King's New Dis covery induces natural sleep and aids nature to cure you. Word* and Actions. "Is BUgglns a patriot?" "Yes. But he's the kind that woull be more useful in a school of elocu tion than in a training camp." ? Washington Star. Should Sloan's Liniment Go Aloni?? Of course It should! For after a strenuous day when your muscles have been exercised to the limit an application of Sloan's Liniment will take the soreness and stiffness away and &et you in fine shape for the mor row, You should also use It for a I sudden attack of toothache, stiff neck, ] backache, stings, bites and the many accidents that are incidental to vaoa- ' tion. "We would as socn leave our ! baggage as go on a vacation or camp j out without Sloan's Liniment." Writes [ one vacationist: "We usejt for every- | thin? from cramps ti> todpiache." Put sa bottle in your bag. Tie prepared and 5 hUve no regrets. One Way to View It. "Distance lends enchautment to the view' some poet says." "That's right. At any rate it's eas ler to admire a. girl when slie's^iellt off." F?o."lon Transori^t. Lools Good ? Feel Good. No on?, can eitl'er feei good nor look good while Buffering from con stipation. Get rid of that tired, drax fcy. lifeless feeling by a treatment of Dr. King's New Life Pills. Buy a box | today, take one or two pills tonight, j In the morning that stuffed, dull feel ing is gone and you teel better at* once. 25c at your arugglst. Dangerous People. Dangerous people, these fellows who don't know when they are lick led. ^Wall Street Journal. Will Our buyer, Mr. Roth, lias re turned from the Northern markets where he purchased the fall and winter lines for our store. He says it is very noteciable that big advances in all lines have been made and no certainty of a steady price now, however te succeeded in purchasing the fall fctock for this firm in such a way that it would not necessitate any increase in prices and we will sell you goods in the future at the same old prices. Come to See Us For Dress Goods. Come to See Us For Mens and Boys Clothing. . Come to ?ee Us For Gents Furnishings . Come to See Us For Shoes for every member of the family Come to See Us Far Ladies and Children MilUuery CoiSe^to See Us For Ladies and Children* Coats and 'Suits Come to See Us For Ladies, Childrens and Men's Underwear. I. J. DEITZ COMP'Y, Better Goods For Less Money Louisburg, N. Carolina His Inheritance. Askitt ? Did young Dodge inherit anything from his father. Noitt ? Yes. I believe he inherited the old man's desire to avoid work. A Few Words . "Did you have many words with your wife last, night?" "No; only a few" words, but they were repeated ? very often." Prince Albert gives smokers such delight, because ? it* flavor is so different and so delightfully good ; ? it can't bite your tongue; ? it can't parch your throat; ? you can smoke it as long and as hard as. you like withqut any comeback but real tobacco hap piness ! On the reverse side of every Prince Albert package you will read : " PROCESS PATCNf ED JULY 30th, 1907" . . That means to you a lot of tobacct) en joyment. Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality f " ' ?ovrrtrtum In goodness and in pipe satisfaction is all we or its enthusi astic friends ever claimed for it I LTOtTLL And m utitmij howdydo on tap mm X en atimr how am eh of a mtrmngar yon an In tho nock ofthm wood a jroo drop into. For, Princm It answers every smoke desire you or any other man ever had! It is so oool and fragrant and appealing to your smokeappetite that you will get chummy with it in a mighty short time I Will you invest 5c or 10c to*prove out our say so on the national joy smoke? R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, 5?lm. N. C b *? rmm *U /k. JUbwttUrn**. Km4 *v-"- ? ii a'M wifci