THE FRANKLIN -TIMES A. F. Johnson, Ed. and Mgr , ? TAR DROPS ? ? ? Com? to the Fair. ? Next week 1b Fair Week, M?tt ?your friends In l?ouisburg. ? Mr. Robert La/ton, of near MldJ way, has taken a position with I. J. ""Deltz Co. ? Mr. A. W. Person has about conr pleted his new cotton platform near the railroad. ? Mr. J. F. Joynor, of Cedar Rock township, has taken a position with P. W. Wheless. ,-r-Tiie weather the past week ha3 been right much of a reminder of win ter approaching. ? Mr. J. A. Turner leased the Op era House on last Monday for the en-: .suing year at a bid pf $75.00.' . ? The attention of our- readers Is . called to the Majestic advertisement cf, . McKlnao Bros. In this Issue. ?Mr. B. B. Perry has moved his family to the residence on the corner ot Church and College streets, ? An addition of (several rooms is ? being made to the residence oa Main . street occupied by the' Misses Cooke. ? The cotton gins are all running at full speed now and cotton is being marketed about as fast as it can be gotten out. ? Dr. R. F. Yarborough has pur chased the residence formerly occu pied by Mr. B^B. Perry, on Main street and, we understand, will make many Improvements to same. ? We are requested to announce 1 that Rev. A. D. Wilcox will preach at the cplored Methodist Church on Sunday?afternoon, October 8th, at 3 o'clock. ? The little girlB of Franklin coun ty are given a chance to win a small sized Majestic range by McKlnne Bros . See their advertisement in this 1 Issue. . ,, ? Mr. T. M. Bost, formerly of L Wise, has moved to Loulsburg and will take a position with the Hill Live Stock Co. He Is occupying the resi dence of Mr. K. P. Hill on Church street. ? A news item from Frankllnton states that on Monday afternoon about six o'clock after having returned from the funeral of a relative Mr. W. C. B. Evans suffered a stroke of paralysis which resulted in his death at S o'clock Tuesday morning. He was about 48 years of age and leaves a wife and live little girls besides a host 5# *F friends and relatives. ? Mrs. George Aycocke died at her home near Louisburg on Thuraday af ternoon of laet week after a short ill ness. She leaves three eons, Waltor. Malone and Joe, three daughters, Mrs __ George Shearln, Mrs. MacV Dement, and Miss Nancy and four-waters, Mrs. Rt L. Deibrtdge, lbs. V, D. Wes ter, Mrs. Arch Burnette and Mrs John n. Aycocke, besides a host of friends. ? Ou account uf nut beteg able to get a shipment of cement which has been expected every day for the past week, there has been very little work' done on the now bridge this week. The workmen have gotten everything ready, however, so that' when It does arrive It ran be poured In a short i while . The convicts have been busy building up the buttmentB and level ing up the street on the south side of the river. riM QuMm Tlui dots Net Affect TIN Mm Bctante of Its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BBOUO 01 1 NINE ia better than ordinary Quinine sad doet oot canae nervouaneaa nor rtuinff In head. K -member the fnll name and look tor the alcsature ot K. W. OKOVB. 25c H. E. I'hllathea Meeting . - Franklin ton. N. C., Oct. 6. ? The i'hllathea Class of the M. B. Church held its regular monthly meeting in the class ,room nf the, Sunday Bnhnnl Tuesday 'night. The chief object of ~thtg meeting was to arrange a pro gram for the Philathea'g "Rally Day" on Oct. 22nd, which day Is the 26th Anniversary of the Baraca-Philatliea Organization. The Baracas and Philatheas of this Sunday School anticipate meeting to gether on that day la celebration . To Cure ? Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stopa the Coogh and Headache ud work. OH the Colli. Drareists refund money if it (ails td cure. E- W. GROVH'8 signature on each bo*. 25c. ALL VISITORS TO THE FAIR. J At Loulsburg next week are espec ially Invited to call at my Millinery Shop over the First National Bank and Inspect my line of Milllneery, which Ja all New and Up-to-the-minute in every detail. I am especially well prepared to take care of the trade at this sea son ag I have Just received a big lot of new goods for this ? occasion . Come in and look. I can fit you in any de sire you have and at almost any price. All ladles from the country are invit ed to make my shop their headquar ters. 10-6-lt MRS. JULIA P. SCOTT. Car of Choice Seed Oats 75c bushel. McKINNE BROS. CO. ?? Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Day* Toot drnnlat will refund money !i PAZO OINTMENT fatla to cure any case ot Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pile* in 6 to 14 day. The flrat application givea Uaae ant! Best. 50c. Car of Choice Seed Oats 75c bushel. McKINNE BROS. CO. PUBLIC SPEAKING In Franklin County The Central Committee met in Louisburg on September 19th and agreed on the following ap pointments for speakings in Franklin County. At All of These Points All County Candidates Will Be On Hand And as you will note at several points some speak er with a State-wide reputation will address the voters on both National and State Issues. LOUISBURG, Tuesday, October 17th, Hon. Lee S. Overman. . EPSOM, Friday. October 20th, Hon. T. W. Bickett, Hon. B. W Pou. This will be a joint speaking between Pi'anklln and Vatic* and a big barbecue dinner will be served. HAGWOOD'S STORE, Thursday, October 26th, Barbecue dinner. PILOT, Friday, October 27th, Hon. J. W. Bailey. WHITE LEVEL, Tuesday, October ? 3 1st. WOOD'S STORE, Thursday, November 2nd. MOUNTAIN GROVE, Thursday night, November 2nd, Hon. R. B. White. Other appointments will be announced as ar ranged for. Hon. E. W. Pou, Congressman from this district, will visit some of the appointments. A. F. Johnson, Secretary J. R. Collie, Chairman "Vaporize" Croup or Cold Troubles Vapor treatments for cold troubles **? better than internal medicines, u tM ?? pars cany the medication direct to tb* longs and air peseagw without dietqrWng the stomach. When Tick's "Vap-O-Enb" Balre to ap plied crrer the throat and ninst. 1" pots, released by the beat of the 1 inhaled with each breath. 360. U IN AND ABOUT T0W5. Many on Business, Many on Pleasure, Other* to b? Going, Bnt All (Mag ?i Coming . MaJ. J. A. Turner returned Satur day from Camp Olenn. Mr. W. F. Upshaw, of Raleigh, was In Louisburg on business Tuesday: Mr. R. Q. Allen, of Raleigh, was a visitor to Louisburg the past week. Mr. J. I. cyilis. of Norfolk, was a visitor to Louisburg tlie past week. Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Oxford, Is visiting at the home of Mr. W. E, Uziell. Mrs. Julia Pleasants Scott and Miss Noye Aycocke visited Richmond the p?\8t week. ' -? V Mrs. M. S. Clifton and Mlsg Elea nor Cooke are visiting Mrs. R. Y. Mc Aden. at Mlilbrook. Mlsg Eula Dean left the past week to attend school at the State Normal College, Greensboro. ? ' Miss Florlne Boone left Friday for Oreensboro, where she enterd Greens boro Female College. Messrs. B. T. Holden, Wm. H. Ruffln and W. H. Yarborough attend ed the Supreme Court in Raleigh the past week. Presiding Elder J. E. Underwood, was In Louisburg Sunday and deliver ed a fine sermon at the Methodist Church Sunday night. Misses Aileen and Gertrude Boone left the past-week for Haw wtMge "Mi 8s Aileen will teach and Hiss Gertrude will attend school. ? / . . Messrs. H. T. Beasley, R. P. Bean ley, Miss Mary Beasley and Mrs. .-J. A. Cash, of Apex, attended the Bems ley-Fuller marriage Wednesday. . Mr. W. P. Battle, of Vaughan, waa a visitor to Louisburg the past week. While here he was receiving congrat ulations from his many friends on ac count of the report of his being soon to enter the matrimonial circle. Will i8 a Jolly fellow but was prone to keep the "coming" event a secret even frbm his best of friends. However here's/ wishing you good luck Will, anjl long and happy life. ' If {'ommlssInnerN Sale of Land. * By "Virtue of an order of sale rfiado by the Superior Court In that special proceedings entitled In Re Mrs. M. E. Wltford et als, the undersigned will on Monday, November 6th, 1916, It be ing the first Monday In November, at about the hour of noon, at the court house door In Louisburg, N. C.. offer for' rrIb at public auction, to uie high est bidder for ciijsli, that certain tract of land situated In Cypress Creek township, Franklin county," about 3 quarters of a mile from Seven Paths Academy, adjoining the landg of Mrs. E. W. Moore, Mrs. V. F. Cone. J. M. Sykes, Jim Neal and others, and more particularly described as fol lows, to-wlt: beginning at pointers In Moore's line,- thence N 87 l-2d W 336 poles to ^Gypres's Creek, thence N 12 l-2d E 24 poles to a willow and stake, thence East 323 poles to pointers, thence South 67 poles, 9 links to the beginning containing one hundred and two and one-half acres (102 1-2) more or lesa. This October 2nd, 1916. G, M. BEAM. 10-6-5t Commissioner. : ? # / r ' Annual Bazaar. f' The ladies of the Episcopal Church announce that they wili hold their an nual Bazaar of fancy work on the first Tuesday in December. To which ev ery body is invited. Cac of Choice Seed Oats 75c bushel. McKINNE BROS. CO. For Sale of Rent. 200 acres good farm land with mod ern improvements, or if not sold will rent six horse farm for 1917. Write at once to K. J. PERRY. 10-6-tf Franklinton, N. C. Commissioner's Sale of T.and. By virtue of an order of re-sale mad'1 by the Superior Court of Frank lin County In that special proceedings entitled Mrs. Ethel Barnett, Admrx. of W. Henry Barnett vs Mrs. Ethel Barnett, widow, Howard M. Barnett, et al, heir at law and J. E. Harris, their guardian adlltem, the undersign ed will, on Monday November 6th, 1916, at about the hour of noon, at the court house door In Loulsburg, N. C.? offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, the following descri bed desirable and valuable tract of land bought by said W. Henry Bar nett of Effle Clifton and bounded as follows. Beginning at a Maple on Crooked Creek, J. T. Clifton's corner i| thenra ILUd-B 1M1.2 poles to n rlnsi* ter of Blackgums, P. B. Clifton's corj ner; thence W 186 poles to a stake In " W. W. I>afater'H line; thence 8 45 1-2 poles to an Ash on Crooked Creek; thence down said Crooked Creek us It i meanders to the beginning, contain- 1 Ing 112 acres, more or less. ..Terms of (Me ? One fourth cash, balance Ju. 1st, 1817, with 6. per centl Interest. Thle Oet, ??!>, ? A WM. H. RUFF1N, 10-$-5t Commissioner. ? r ? - -- J* To The Fail* And Make Our Bank Your Bank > i and . headquarters at All Times \ * v Fair Week and Afterwards. Farmers & Merchants Bank * v. ? .. Louisburg, N. C. F. N. Egerton, President C. P. Harris, Vice-President M. S. Clifton, Casbitfr W. E. Uzzell, Cashier From Oct 4th to 1 0th You and your friends are invited to attend a special Range Exhibit to be held for one week. We know the SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE is the best range made, but we want to satisfy you on this point. Mr. W. E. Moss a special range demonstrator from the Malleable Steel Range Mfg. Co's. fac tory will be present to show you the points of advantage that make their range the best, the range you should have in your home. If you buy one of these ranges during the week of our exhibit we will give you4 a se^of pure Aluminum Cooking Ware Free. This offer is good for one week only, and useful souvenirs will be given away. Be sure to come. Bring your family and friends. oooooooo On The Corner L. p. HICKS On The Corner WELCOME TO ALL To The FRANKLIN COUNTY FAIR And While Here be Sure to Call At The First National Bank Our Lodies Rest Room is now open to the public and we especially want the lady visitors to the Fair to avail themselves of this convenience. A maid will be in charge during the entire week and you can leave your bundles in her care. We appreciate what the people are doing for us and we wish to do everything we can for the convenience and comfort of our friends. FIRST NATIONAL BANK On The Coraer W. H. Ruffln, Pres. F. B. McKinne, Cashier t? .? V ? . ? ? ? -

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