To Every Person Attending Our Big County Fair Next Week And especially to the Ladies. We wish to wel come you to omr store where you can make head quarters while in town. We have plenty chairs and will make your stay comfortable. J. S. HOWELL _f ? Lionisbnrg, N. C. P. S. Don't Forget to Pay Your Account at Once. YOU ARE INVITED To Attend The Franklin County Fair - ? % All During Next Week And C. C. HUDSON CO S. STORE The Store That Undersells All LOUISBURG, . - NORTH CAROLINA Special Demonstration and Sale T. e Range With a Reputation For One Week Only, Commencing October 9th, 1916 w laiMHi MribflMNWil bo^Hnf , wWto m uUul HSMkhf. ir ?dllM M i fro? Ira fey i Iks faiw ifetat. *? this ulluble iron 0ii*xtmiion '"x-u CiSr^ surfac* than an ?I hot inter to ?n Wt? of the hois* ?1 rourvoir. (UHla abundance < Many Styles and Sizes, With or Without Legs During this week we will have a special demonstrator From the Majestic Factory to explain how the Majestic is made ami why it is absolutely the best range; why it lasts longer and cuts down repair expenses ; why it bakes bread evenly, top, sides and bottom withput turning; why it ilses so little fuel and saves food waste. He will ex plain its labor saving construction and why it heats an abundance of water good and hot ? a mighty convenient and usefad thing to have a big supply of hot water always on hand isn't it! T " Here you can see "every part of the Majpstic ? you can know exactly what you are getting before you buy. Decide now that you will discontinue using that old, worn out range. You w:ll save monev In fue', repairs and cook'ng Buy a Majestic ? the range^ritli 45 yea* icputatior- The d\v all about the Majestic Range. You are placed under no obligation to buy. McKinne Brothers Company I^ouisburg, N. C. ? takMtfc*