THE FRANKLIN TIMES A- F. JOHNSON, Editor and ManaKtv One Year ... . Eight Months - - ^ 1JKI Six Months . . - .75 Four Months ... .oJ The electors met in Raleigh on last Tuesday morning and cast the veto for President. Mr. D. E. Hender ?son, of New Berne, was made messen ger to take the vote to Washington. Senator W. M. Person has intro duced a bill to abolish the crop lien law of North Carolina. This is a good move and our Senator is to be i*ou- I gratulated. The crop lien system is a means that makes it possible for j both farmer and merchant to tak-3 ' great risks, which often results in loss j to both. The United States Supreme- Court on Monday gave out a sweeping de cision upholding the Webb-Kenycn bill, which makes it unlawful kr whiskey to be shipped from one state to another where there is a Staie law against such shipment. Prohibition ists consider this action second in im portance, tli^ir cause, to the pro posed Constitutional amendment. The Raleigh Daily Times of Tues day in a& editorial took notice ot Gov. Craig* inconsistency in refusing to pay Judge Hood for holding the term of Court at Kinston in connec tion with the lynching trouble, with out special authority from the Gen eral Ass-emfcly and at the >aiue time payiug out the money to the State convict families without such a war rant. It closes by suggesting the Legislature have the former Gov ernor reimburse the Saate in thai amount from his personal funds. Representative Newell has had a bill passed in the House providing that an auditor may be appointed for Franklin County immediately at a salary not *to exceed $1,200.00 per year. The same bill also provide for the discontinuance of the Cler* for the Clerk of the Courts office, and the nine deputies to be appointed by the Sheriff outside Louisburg town ship, and also places the salary of thfc Clerk of the Court at $2,000 u0 per.year. In another bill, by request of the County Commissioners he will try tn have thfi tax listing system changed back to the old plan in use six or eight years ago. He has also Introduced several special road bill; for several of our townships. Report of the Condition of THE BANK OtferYOr^pSTILLE At Youngsville Jg the State of North Carolina, at the close \>f business. Dec. 27, 1916. Resources Loans and discounts .... IS6.133.24 Overdrafts 891.2G Banking Houses 3.979.60 Furniture and Fixtures 1,871.50 All other real estate owned 1,763.20 Due from National banks.. 5,63193 Due from State Banks and Bankers .... 38,714.62 Gold Coin 300.00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency.... 121.14 National bank notes and oth er U. S. Notes 5,463.00 Revenue stamps 26.S2 Total $144,951.37 Liabilities Capital stock paid in .... $5,000.00 Surplus fund 5,000.00 Undivided profits-, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid 7,253.65 Dividends unpaid 147.00 Bills payable 5,000.00 Deposits subject to check. 76,773.73 Time Certificates of De posit 15,379.10 Savings Deposits '.. 30.388.79 Cashier's Checks outstand ing 9.10 Total. $144,951.T7 State of North Carolina?County ^of Franklin, ss: I. J. A. WILLIAMS. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. - J. A. WILLIAMS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of January, 1917. / GEO. N, STELL,^. Notary Public. My commission expires January 7. 1917. Correct?Attest: J. B. PERRY. I. W. MITCHELL, P. A. CHEATHAM, Directors. When Croup Comes 1 Treat Externally The old method ot doatns delicate little Inwnb? with uueoui drag? k wrong liwrtrfnl Tit the external imtrntnt ?Vlak'? "Vep-OSlub" Balre. Jut rub a little orer the throat knd chest. The T? ,?ele??ed by the body heat, looeen the > application t 86c, 6O0, ot $1.00. Popes Items. On Wednesday Dec. 20th the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. J". H. Conyers and took there- i from their beloved son Lee. He cime home about six months ago from Philadelphia, where "hfe served six , years in the Navy. Flo came home in feeble health and never recovered. Hje was 26 years old and was an iu- i dustrious and intelligent young man | and was liked \>y all who knew him. The burial sef^ice was held at homo j by Revs. Harreir "and Buffalo, of Franklinton. The remains were laid to rest in the old family burying ground. Miss Ida Fuller, cf Durham, and Miss Maude Fuller, of Raleigh, cam* j home Christmas to visit their poeple. Their many friends were glad to see them. ? Miss Nannie Frnzier, of Harris, and Miss Helen Frailer, of Katesville, .vis ited Miss Rosa Pergorscn Christmas. Miss Mit Conyers spent Christmas week with her brother, Mr. R. L. Conyers. Mr. Henry Upchurch, of Norfolk spent the holidays here with his rela I tires. % Mr._Thad Haswell and fr.milv, of Smith field, spent the holidays with frier.rts and relatives at Pope*. 1 dor.1 beMeve in telling stories in i the Popes Itern^ but this is what one reliable lady told me last week. Mrs M. J. Dent states t'.iat she has a hen ! t'.^at has laid 92 eggs since the ISfhH When your glasses break. Bring the pieces to us. We can replace tliem Quicker and better. 1-12-lt W. B. MORTON. Report of the Condition of THE Bryy BANKING COMPANY At Bunn. in the State of North Car olina. at tl^ close .of business. Doc 27th, 1916. Resources Loans and discounts .... $43,725.21 Overdrafts. 93.06 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages .; 6,109. f.9 Banking Houses. Furniture and fixtures .... .... . 1,257.50 Demand loans 8,845.04 Due from National banks 14,798.48 Cash Items 3,115.39 Gold Coin ?. 40.00 Silver coin, including all mi nor coin currency 65.87 National bank notes and other U. S. Notes .... 1,868.00 Total. ... ? ? * $79,918.84 Capital stock paid in . .j. $10,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid I. 2,042.17 Peposits subject to check 53,747.26 Time Certificates of De posit 13,387.34 Cashier's Checks outstand ing ..: 741.97 Total $79,918.84 State of North Carolina?County of Franklin, ss: I, BENJ.B. SYKES, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true 10 the best of nfy knowledge and belief BEN J. B. SYKES. Cash'er. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 8th day of Jan.* 1917. , ?G. H. MULLEN, Notary Public. My commission expires March, 1?, 1918. ?) Correct?Attest: D. T. HOLLINGSWORTi; H. H. BEDDINGFIELD, J. H. WEATHERS, Directors. of September, or in about 106 days, and is laying now every day. r Mh W. A. Cooke is one of the champion hog reisers of Popes. He kiled six thai made 2114, five weighed 1500. one weighed ?14. A great many large hogs have been made Into pork thi^ winter up here. Well Santa came this time in all oS his glory and every heart has been made glad. But I think be must havt* forgotten the jugs as I have nofr^en a person boozy this Xmas. M- H. P. It has occurred to us that a news paper is much like a public school. Not one patfon in twenty visits the school once a year, yet most of them are always ready to criticise it. The same is true with the newspaper. If every person in town would drop }a;o the office once a week or in some oth er way tell us the news iteniB they know, what a newspaper we should have! If your eyes Depend on glasses We have the glasses Your eyes can depend dti. 1-12-lt W. B MORTON. For Kent. A seven-room residence on Nash Stieet. Appy to l-12-2t.' M. F. HOUCK. Sale of Valuable Heal Estate. Under and by virtue or the power j -conferred upon me in a certain deed | of trust executed to mo by Hill Live Stock Company and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County in Book 199, page 381, default having been made.4n the payment of the note secured therein and at the request of the holder of said note, I will.-jon Monday thp 11th day of December 1916, at the hour of toon sell at public auction at the courthouse door in Louisburg, N. C., to the highest bidder for cash, all that certain "lot or parcel of land situated on the south-east corner of Nash and Church street in said town of Louis burg, Franklin County, North CaroHba beginning at the intersection of said Nash and Church streets, thence In an Easterly direction along Nash street 127 feet to the center of a ditch, lino for the- Meadows and Harris ware house lot, thence in a Southerly c^rec< tion along said Meadows and Harris line 207~feet to the end of the rock wall, corner for Meadows and Harris and the Hill Live Stock Co., on the al ley which opens into Church street, thence in a Westerly direction at right angles to said Meadows and Harris line and parallel with Nash street 12? feet to Church street, thence in a Northerly direction along Church street 207 feet to the point of the De ginning. The above described lot be ing the lot upon which the gin and seed house of the Hill Live Stock Co. now stand, together with the vacant lot contiguous thereto, and the Raid let aSovp described by metes and bounds comprises the two lots con veyed to the Hill Live Stock Co. by deed of J. P. Hill dated November 13th, 1913, and duly recorded in Ik>ok 179 page 318 in the office of the KWg ister of Deeds of Franklin County, reference to which is hereby made fo> further description of the said two lots which are described therein a* "4th and 5th." Thlu the 11th day of November 1916. W. H. YARBOROUGH, 11-10-4t Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday. February 5th, 1917. This January 8th, 1917. . W. H. YARBOROUGH, 12-lS-4t ? Trustee., Meeting V. I). C. The Jos. J. Davis Chapter U. D. C. will meet at the home of Mrs. D. C. High Thursday afternoon, January 18th, at 3: 30 o'clock. MRS. W. E. White. Pres. MRS. J. L. PALMER. Sec*y. er OUR BLOOD WE UVE /? * If you tire easily/are subject to cold hands or feet?if you catch colds readily or have rheumatic pains?your blood or circulation is probably at fault and you need XOTBflllXSIOt ? OF NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL which is nature's easily-assimilated food, to increase your red corpuscles find charge the blood with life sustaining richness. Scott'a creates warmth to throw of! colds and gives resistance to prevent sickness. No Alcohol in SCOTT'S. Every DraggUt ha* it SCOTT * BQWHE. H. 1. Sales And Peed Stables We have a fresh load of Horses and Mules This week- Come around and see them when in towd. We also carry a big: stock of choice hay, can sell you a car or a bale at the right price. -i FULLER A PERRY Main Street Louisburg, N. C. Near Bridge rr IS NOT TOO LATE to join Our Xmas Club Our Xmas Club next Christmas. EVERYBODY SHOULD JOIN Look at the table below and you will find a club that will lit your pocketbook. Then come to our bank and join that club. Th? different clubs were planned so that everyone could join, and everyone should join. Remember you are not paying out money tor something, but paying in money for you and yours. WHO GETS THE MONEY YOU EARN? Money spent is money gone. Money banked is money saved. It isn't the money you make that counts, but the money you s?ve,and there is no better way to acquire a bank account than by joining our Christmas Banking Club. Get your start, get it today, come in and join our Christmas Banking Club. PUT IN OUR CHRISTMAS BANKING CLUB AND INCREASED 10?t WEEKLY WILL MAKE What The Different? Clubs "Will Pay You: lc CLUB Payments 1st WEEK lc 2nd WEEK 2C 3rd WEEK 3c Increase Every Week by lc Total in 50 Weeks $12.75 2c CLUB Payments 1st WEEK 2* 2nd/WEEK 4c 3rd WEEK Ge Increase Every Week by 2c Total In 50 Weeks $25.50 5c CLUB Payments 1st WEEK 5ft 2nd WEEK 10c 3rd 15c Increase Every Week by 5c Total In 50 Weeks $63.75 10c CLUB Payment? 1st WEEK .* 10c 2nd WEEK 20f Srd WEEK We Increase Every Week by 10c Total In 50 Weeks ' ? $127.50 PLAN OF THE CLUB IS SIMPLE certain amount, lc, 2c 5c or 10, and increase your deposit the same amount each week. Or, you can begin with a $1.00, $5.00 or any the game amount each week. ? - IT COSTS NOTHING | TO JOIN?HOW TO JOIN Look at the different Clubs in table and se lect the one you wish to Join, the lc, 2c, 5c, 10c, 50c, $1.00, $5.00 or any of the clubs; then come to our Banlc with the flrBt weekly payment, We w|ll make you a member of the Club and give you a Xmas Banking Club Book showing the Club you have joined. 50c CLUB Payments 1st WEEK 50c 2nd WEEK 50c 3rd WEEK 50c Deposit 50c Every Week Total in 50 Weeks ? $25.00 $1.00 CLUB Payment? iHt WEEK $1 00 2nd WEI-K ... W 00 \rd WEEK $1 00 Deposit $1.00 Every Week Total In 50 Weeks $50.00 $5.00 CLUB Payments 1st WEEK $5 00 2nd WEEK ?5 00 Srd WEEK .'. ?5 00 Deposit $5.00 Every Week Total In 60 Weeks $250.00 X CLUB for $2, $3, $4 $10 or any amount You tan Begin With the Largest Payment First and Decrease The First National Bank Ijoaisburg, N. C ] Under Personal Supervision of Miss Edna Earle Allen.\ U <v ' V '? '?* 1 ? ?vf* S ' i* X

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