An Advertising Medium Tkat Brings Results. . '? "1 ? ? ? f' <r* i m 11.50 Per lur In Advance A. F. Johnson, Editor and Manager. VOLUMH XLV. THE COUNTY, THE isis; THE UNION. ' ? == LOUISBURG, N. C.( FRIDAY, JANUARY 19,1817. ?" ''V1 - '"ft !'? i' Subscription $1.50 Per Year ?' = NUMBSR 49 FRANKLIN SUPERIOR COURT C'oaveaed Monday With His Honor Jodg? W. A. Dortm, of Oxford Pre nldlng?Many Cases Disposed Of. The regular January term of Frank lin Superior Court, tor the - trial of criminal ease convened in Louisburg on Monday morning with His Honor Judge W. A. Derln, of Oxford pre siding. Hon. H. E. Norrls, Solicitor for this District was present and ably represented the State. In his charge to the grand Jury Judge Derln made quite a favorable impression upon our people in his earnest appeal for law and order. He mide especially clear the duty of the Jurors and pointed out, to them the Importance of their work stating that In Nofth Carolina the Judge and the court officials did not hare to wear gorgeously arrayed par. aphenalla In order to command thi respect of the public or to enforce such respect with force, but that our system of Justice was of such a high Ideal that It commanded that respect within Itself, and be lntreated them to so act that no one would ever havs cause to lose any confidence In our system of Justice i ? The grand Jury so Jected Is composed of Messrs. F. W. Hicks, Foreman, E. L. Oreen, C. T. White, W. O. Griffin, H. M. Cooke. R. E. Keirney, John C. Conyers, J. A. Boone, Lee. Hayes, 8. C. Holden 3. H. Debnant Ive j Allen, C. A. Kennedy. J. H. Medlln, J. C. Denton, V. D. Foster, R. W. Sturdlvant, S g Strickland. E. 8. Fulghum was sworn In as officer to the Grand Jury ' SUe.1T "H. A. Kearney was on the Job in his usual punctual and business Ilka manner and had' for his assist ants Mr. J. R. Parrish, as court crier qnd Mr. R. J. Burnette, as speclsl officer. The preliminaries being ar ranged the cases were taken up >nd disposed of as follows: State vs Noel Smith, defendant dis charged . State rs Tom Davis, affray, contin ued under former order. State vs Go van Cheek, abandonment continued under former bond. State vs Wesley K. Williams, 1 and r, capias and continued. State vs Fred White, 1 and r, capias and continued. State vs Fred White and J. P. Hill, sel fa, Judgment absolute. ' 8tate vs Ollle Coppedge, forgery, defendant through counsel pleads guilty to attempt to forge check, pray er for Judgment continued upon pay ment of costs. State vs Claude Eaton, unlawful possession of whiskey, capias and continued. State vs J. C. Mitchell, disorderly conduct, not guilty. State vs J. Robert Weathersby and C. G. Weathersby, scl fa. to Wake. t State vs William H. Harris, assault pleads guilty, eight months on roads. State vs Joe Jordan, breaking In store, defendant enters plea of nolo contendere, 12 monthB on roads. State vs Ed Hudson, breaking In store, called and failed. Judgment nisi sclfa and lnstanter capias. State vs Dallie Pearce, defendant waives bill and pleads guilty of Blm pie assault, prayer for Judgment con tlnued upon payment of costs. State .vs Charlie Foster, fendant pleads guilty, fined $15.00 and costs. State vs John Arrlngton, C c w. de fendant pleads guilty, fined $10.09 and costs. 8tate vs Otha Ball and J. C. Bar tholomew, a d w, separation being made, Judgment as to Ball, pay a flu? of (50 and costs, suspended as to Bar tholomew. ? State vs Thomas Jackson, and Bit-. Jab King, a d w, and affray, b^h guilty, Judgment suspended upon p9~ ment of one-half costsas to Jackson, Klngto pay a fine of $35 and one-half ..i Stat* vs John Williams and Eddie Strickland, adv. Sat* n Meivlna Hick?, lanwny, pleads guilty, two years in the peni. tentlary. State va Major ategn.ll and Herbert tittlejohn ti? and affray, pleads guilty, judgment suspended as to Littlejohn. Btegall to pay costs In both oftes and give bond of $100 tor hit appearance at court for two year? to show good behavior. _ plead? goilty. Judgment suspeEfed up ?u payment of cost*. W ?? vs Herman Davis, seduction, - defendant pleads guilty of simple a? s&ult, Judgment suspended upon pay ment of costs. State ts J. W. Wells, Jr., Luther Boose, and J. F. Stokes, Jr., unlaw ful possession of whiskey, defendant* enter a plea of nolo contendere, Judg ment suspended upon payment of coots. ? State TS Bennett Jones, disposing of mortgaged property, continued for de fendant. The Grad Jury completed its work on Wednesday afternoon and after filing the following report was dis charged with the thanks of the court: Graft tvrj Report. Hon. w; Davln, Judge PresldJug, Franklin Superior Court; We the Grand Jury for January Term Franklin Superior Court. 1917, beg leave to submit the following re port: We have passed on all bills brought before as. We visited the jail and found It kept ks well as It could well be kept, considering the condition of the building. The ground floor In same was almost falling through. The upper floor Is almost., rotted, and In a dangerous condition. The wiring for the eteetrie lights fa loose In some pla ces and should be looked after. The heating arrangements are' not safe or adequate. The porch Is almost fall\ ing down. The stockade In rear of Jail is charred and dilapidated and should be repaired or removed? We And the court house In bad condition. The Register's filing room Is too small. All of the racks are filled- up and the books for this year have to be pled on boxes. The Sheriff's office Is poorly furnished and the floor is lit very bad condition. It should be fur nlsjied with a fire-proof sate and fil ing cabinet. In the Clerk's office the floor has holes in it. A valuable Court Library is being damaged for want of arrangement for properly pre serving it. In the vault the filing cases are full. Books and papers have_ to be piled on tables and the ) floor, and are In danger of being mu tilated or destroyed. As far as we could tell the records and books are admirably kept considering the ac commodations for keeping them. The lavatory and toilet are not sanitary and need rcplarlng and the rooms at the back of the court rooms are very much In need of renovating. We visited the County Home and found everything in good condition. There are twenty-seven Inmates, all of whom are well c^rcd for. We all visited the Convict camp and found same in good sanitary condition. (Signed) W. HICKS, Foreman. ??. The work of the January term of Franklin Superior Court was compln ted on Wednesday afternoon and ad journment for the term was taken. The Salary Amendments. i Representative S. A. Newell gives out the following communication rel ative to the bill he has Introduced amending the salary law for Franklin County. Mr. Newell expressed to the editor of the TIMES the deslro to haVe the people of the County fully apprised of the action he is taking that they may give their endorsement or dissatisfaction of same before the final actionals taken ln'the General As sembly, to wiilch end we are publish ing In another column, the sections of the old bill that are to be amended with the amendments proposed. Mr. Newell's letter -follow*'? ? The adoption of the Salary system In Franklin County, must, of necessity, have been for economy In the adminis tration of the county government. To have the salaries larger than the in come of the offices in fees would be an act of extravagance rather than economy. The bill now pending In the Legist lature makes the following amend ments to the original bill. lat. Each office must earn in fees, etc., the amount ot salary allowed to that office or the full compensation for the.said office shall not exceed the (amount of fees collected by that office This amendment la general And ap plies to ail the offices. 2nd. The original bill allowed the Clerk of Court a salary ot $1,(04.00 and a deputy at a salary of $700.0?, making a total of $2,400.04. Th? amendment cuts ont the deputy- and allows a flat salary of $2,000.00. $rd. The original bitt-allon*? the Og, one dsp Sherlff a salary ot $2,250.0' uty at $900.00,*notM> deputy $850.00 and further provides that the county ootnmlssloner* may allow the Sheriff $600.00 to b? usad In the ool t ? i.1'- -rt.*4 -it** ft* t. ?'/, lection of taxes; making a total ct $4,500.00 to this office. It further provides that one o t the above depu ties shall reside In Louisburg town ship and serve the processes in that township, turning the fees into the Treasury. It also provides that the Sheriff may appoint a deputy In eacU of the other nine townships who shaii serve processes and retain the fee*, which means that the only tees turned In to the Treasury would -be thosi from papers served In Loulsbur* township. The amendment affecting the Sheriff abolishes the last nine dep uties, and removes the requirement that either of the other two deputies shall reside in Loulsburg township.; Leaving It open for the Sheriff to no- j led these deputies where he pleases.;' 4th. The commissioners are given authority to employ an Auditor at any time they deem It advisable. They'I may require him to make up the tax lists and discontinue the $250.00 al lowed the Register of Deeds for thU purpose. i s. a. mnnu. The Story of ui "Saver ? Twin boys were born. When they were babies their parents even could not tell them apart without marking them.' So their mother put a bine rib bon around Billy's neck and a red rib bon around the neck of John. To the blue ribbon she fastened a little trink et; on the red ribbon she tied a gold dollar. When the twins were six years old they looked exactly alike but they ! were not alike. When friends would send them both postal cards from a distance Billy would leave his out lb the yard In the rain or the dew; John would always keep his safe In the house. The twins were taught to work. One was just as bright as the other. But there was this difference: when Silly made a dollar he would spend every cent of It and even go In debt: but John always saved a good part of what he earned and put his money In the bank. . Billy's real name was "Spender." John's real name was "Saver." When ?they were sixteen they both went to clerking In the same store for the same wages. '.'Spender" kept on spending all he earned; "Saver" saved a part of his pay and put some of It ?all he could spare?regularly ever? week Into the bank. Ten years passed. One day the man who owned the store called the Saver to him and said: "John, I'm going to sell you halt Interest In my business. The banker tells me you have been saving your money every week for ten years. You can pay me now what you have saved; the balanco you can pay me as the business earns It." When Billy, the Spender, knew that John, his brother, had been offered a part ownership In the store he went to his employer and said: "Won't you sell me, too, an Interest In the busi ness?" "No Billy, I won't for this reason: You haven't got any money which you have saved out of your earntngs." MORAL?Young man?and young woman, too?save a part of what you earn and put It In the bank. The First National Bank Is now of fering everyone a splendid way to save In their "Christmas Banking Club." Yott can start now a bank account with a dime and Increase each week for fifty weeks and have $127.50. You can start with a nickel and In crease your deposit a nickel p. week tor fifty weeks and have $63.75. You can start 'with two cents and Increase your deposit two cents a week and have In fifty weeks $25.50. The one-cent club In fifty weeks pays $11.75. You can also put In an even amount each week as small aa fifty cents and as high as $8.00. or $10.04 or more. This Christmas Banking Club Is po sitively the beet plan ever thought of to get yourself into the habit of sav ing your money. . Every member of your family from baby up can join the club. You only hare to go into the First National Bank with the amount you want to stait with?10c, 5c, ic, lo, 50c, $1.00,1 ?5.00 $10.00 or more. They wllLglve you, tree, a "Christmas Banking Club" book and do the rest. It's no trouble to |oto and you will lie welcomed tn u>4-benk. i Nearly everybody, It looks like, Is iolaing the olub. It certainly is a (good thing. ???. BUFFALO BILL, IDOL OF JCVENIlu E8, IB DEAD Tnfbt Death A* Oft?? Had Op p?l?d It On The Plains When He *fas Yonng. Denver, Col., Jon.' 10.?Col. Wm. Frederick Cody (Buffalo Bill)?sold ier, hunter and soout?died at ,12:05 p. m., here today at the home of his ?later. Buffalo Bill, the Idol of Juvenile America, fought death as he often t: d opposed It on the plains in the day? when the West was young. "Ton can't kill the old scout," he wonld tell his physician whenever his condition would show improvemen bat near the end he accepted his fate ltkeja stoic. [ "Let the Elks and Masons take i charge of the funeral," he said to hli sister. Then he turned to his busi ness affairs, making anggeetions for their continuance. "Let us have a game of 'high five,' he aeid, after he had talked with bis family. And everyone Joined, ilie Colonel laughing and Joking becauee he wae winning. Since January 5. when he was hur ried back to his slater's home In Den ver, Col. Cody had surprised all who knew- his real condition by great pow ers of resistance and recuperation.' j On January 8, however, his system broke down entirely and from then on it was a question merely of time. Cflitonal Cody returned from his aeaain's show work last fail much exhausted. He went to his ranch at Codjy Wyoming, to reet and on his re Denver, about four weeks ago, contracted a severe cold. This was followed by complications so serious that the Colonel's wife and daughter were called to his bedside. Colonel Cody soon showed lmprove meat and on January 3 went to Olen wood Springs, Col., to recuperate. On Jaitnary 6 he .anffered a nervous nol lapr^ftnd his physicians hurried him bank ho Denver, jfor years he hail been an Inveterate smoker. His phy sicians said tobacco had affected hi.*, heart seriously. The body of the famous plainsman will He In state in the capltol build ing here frpm 8 a. m. till noon noxt Sunday, and funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon. The body will be placed in a receiving vault In a local cemetery until spring, when it will be transferred to a tomb hewn in the solid rock oii~top of Lookout Mountain, near this city. The Salary Law and the Amendment!). For'the Information of tie voters of Franklin County we are publishing below the sections of the Salary law of Franklin County that are proposed tej be amended and immediately fol lowing each amendment we reproduce the suggested amendments thereto. These amendments were furnished us by Representative Newell,' who Is tli? author of them. We hope they may throw some light upon the many dis cussions that are now numerous about the county. In each case the sectlcn of the law as It now stands cornea first with the proposed amendments fol lowing: Section. 1. That the sheriff, clerk of the Superior Court, Register of Deeds, County Treasurer and sucn other officers of Franklin County, whose compensation Is hereinafter Hi ed upon a salary basis, and their sev eral deputies, assistants and clerk*, shall faithfully collect, receive and account for all fees, commissions, pro fits, and emoluments to which they be come entitled by virtue of their res pective offices under the laws of North Carolina relative to salaries and fees, or such as may hereafter be enacted by the Qeneral Assembly, except as otherwise herein provided, and shall pay the same to the Treasurer of Franklin County, on the first day of each and every calendar month, or within Ave days thereafter, and the said officers and each of them shall be respomttjle for and chargeable with all moneys of every kind which are shall be or ought to be paid Into their respective offices, and they shall be held to strict account for all such money?, and for any abstraction, con cealment or misapplication of any of moneys payable into their respective offices, which any of them shall have collected, the officer, deputy, assistant or clerk to offending shall be guilty ot : a felony, and upon convictionsfcall forfeit his said office and be punished as is now provided by iW In cases ot embeulement by public officers. Alt the money? paid to the county troan, urer as herein provided snail be kep', by the treasurer of said county Id a separate fund to be known as the -'Salary Fund:" Provided that tho amount paid out (or salaries undet* this act in any one fiscal year shall not exceed the amount received In said "Salary Fund." And in event said ?alary fund should be Insufficient Ilia ?alary of each officer shall be reduced in proportion to the lack of fees re ceived In said office sufficient to pay ?uch salary in full. See. 1. That section 1 ot Chapter <91, of the Public Local Law? of 101S, be and the same Is hereby amended by striking oat all of said section after the words "SALARY FUND" in 11 twenty-six and inserting In len there of; PROVIDED FURTHER, that the fnii compensation for aay connty offi cer for aay fiscal year shall not tt> eeed the aggregate amount of fees and commissions received, accounted for aad turned over to the connty deposi tory by the said officer for that fiscal ytmx.? Section 4. That the sheriff of Franklin county shall appoint at loast one deputy in each township in the County except Loulsburg Township, and may sfllow such deputies fees made and collected by them in serv ing summons, subpoenas, notices and processes of all kinds in their respec tive townships and all fees and com missions made and collectd by them from executions in their respective townships, and the sold deputies so appointed shall not receive any com pensation for serving summons, sub poenas, notices and processes of all kinds In Louisburg Township, and auch fees shall be turned over to the J Treasurer of Franklin County by the i sheriff and deputies residing in Louis burg Township, as hereinafter provi ded. See. 8. That section 4, qt Chapter ?91, Pnblle Local Laws of l?lt, be and the sum Is hereby repealed. - Section 7. TUM tSSTMI SherlfToif' Franklin County shall appoint a dep uty sheriff who shall reside in Louis burg Township,, and the said deputy shall receive a salary of not to exceed nine hundred dollars per annum, pay able monthly, and all fees, commis sions and profits earned by the ?aid deputy sheriff residing in Louisburg Township shall te accounted tor by the sheriff of Franklin county to the treasurer In the same manner as the sheriff Is required to turn over the fees and commissions collected by the said deputy and shall see to it that the same are turned over to the treasurer. Provided; that it at any time it Bhould appear that public necessity and the efficient conduct of the public bush ness demands additional deputy or the expenditure of a sum greater than thai allowed in this section, the county commissioners may authorize an ad ditional expenditure, not to exceed five hundred dollars In any one year. Sec. 8. That section 7, of Chapter 691, Public Local Laws of 1915, be nn>l the same Is hereby amended by strik ing out the words, In line two of said section, "who shall reside In Louis burg Township," and by striking out In lines 5 and 6 the words, "residing In Louisburg Township " 8ectIon 12. The Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Franklin county shall receive a salary of one thousand and nine hundred dollars a pear, payable monthly in the same manner as the sheriff's salary is paid, in lieu of all other compensation, and shall be al lowed the sum of seven hundred dol lars a year for a deputy. ' Sec. 4. That Section 12, of Chapter ?91, Public Local Laws of 1915, be and the same Is hereby repealed, and the following Inserted In lien thereof: The Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin Connty shall recelre a salary of Two Thousand Dollars, payable monthly, In lien of all other compensa tions, and subject to the restriction contained In section 1 of this Chapter. Section ,13. On and after the first day of December, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, the Couotyi I Commissioners are authorized If ex perience Bhows it to be wise to create i the office of Auditor of Franklin coun | ty, and to pay such Auditor a salarV not to exceed twelve hundred dollars per year. The Auditor shall give such bond as the commissioners may re -quire. It shall be the duty of the Auditor to act as accountant for the connty, settling with the. county .offi cers ; to supenrUe, scrutinize and ex amine at least once in every calendar month all hooka, receipts, accounts and voucher! and other records of alt the officer? of Franklin county, whlcn show fees and commissions collected and received by i them and he Is hereby authorized to open a aet of account books In wftch shall be shown the to tal monthly-receipts of, fees and com mlssons of all the officers of said co unty In anexpert and Intelligent man ner, which books shall be permanently kept as the records of his office and always open to liubllc Inspection, It shall likewise be his duty to audit all bills and claims presented to the Board of County Commissioners of ?aid county, and no claim or bill died with said Board of Commissioners shall be allowed or paid until It baa been audited by said Auditor, and ail warrants drawn upon claims or bills allowed by the Board of Commission era shall be countersigned by said Andltor before they shall, be honored or paid by the Treasurer of said coun ty, it shall likewise be bis duty to see that the Register of Deeds properly makes out the tax lists, and to assist In balancing same and making out the proof-sheets and abstracts, and retain a copy thereof, and to investigate and Inquire for all delinquent tax-payers, and to require such delinquents to be | placed on the tax list, and to see that j atl statements are properly made a?f published: Provided, that until such office be created the County Commis sioners shall have all books and ac counts of officers audited by some competent person, See. t. That Seetiea 18, of Chapter 691, Public Local Laws of 1815, be aai the same Is hereby amended by strik ing oat the words, "on and after the first day of December, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen,* and In serting In lien thereof, "at any time they may deem It'advisable." Section 14. The usual compensa tlon allowed the Register of Deed? for making ont the tax, list shall be paid Into the salary fund. The County . Commissioners are authorised to ex jwewod two hundred an? I fifty dollars a year for clerical assist ance in making out the tax list. Sec. t. That the County Commis sioners may, In their discretion, re quire the County Andltor to make ont the tax lists for said County) and dis continue the two hundred and fifty dollars allowed the Register of Deeds for this purpose by section 11, of Chapter 691, Public Local Laws of 1?15. This act shall be In force from and after Its ratification. Chpt. Buddie Expresses Thanks. We publish below a letter from Capt. S. P. Boddle expressing the thanks of the men of Co. D, at El Paso, for the nice box of good thlng3 sent them by the ladles of Loulsburg for a Christmas present: Jan. 12th, 1917. Mrs. O. A. Cralle, . Loulsburg, N. C., Dear Mrs. Crelle: In behalf of every member of our Company I wish to thank you and the good people of Loulsburg for the nice "Santa Claus" you sent us for 'Xmis. Had it not been for your thoughtful ness we probably would have passed over this litre w'thout even realizing that there had been an Xmas. When the morning dawned and these "good ies" were handed to them we heard the first expressions and demonstra tions of the season. Standing aside and watdhlng them, I could hardly < suppress my feelings for It was even more interesting than seeing a'small child pour out the contents of its stocking by lamp light on that day. Again thanking you all from the bottom of our hearts, I am Very truly yours, 9. P. BODDIE, Capt. D Co., 3rd N. C. Inf. To Organise Farm Loan Assoetalto?. On account of the extrenke weather conditions last Tuesday rendering It* Impossible for the people to attend, the date for the meeting to organise a Farm Loan Association for Franklin County has been postponed to Tues day, January 28rd, 1917. All persons Interested and want to receive the benefits from the Fkrm Lo?8 System will be present and take part In the meeting which will 1m held In the court honse at 12 o'clock. The call meeting of the Farmers Union was postponed tor the saake cause until Tuesday, Jan. 23rd, the same date of the above meeting. T. J.. HARRIS, Pres. . J. C. JONHB, B&ftJ

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