AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT BRINGS RESULTS ? . .JU. I.' , >1 ONLY $1.50 PEE YEAE IN ADVANCE A. T. Johnson, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. . > Subscription $1.50 Per Year VOLUMNXLVI. ' < LOUISBURG, N. 0., FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1917. , NUMBER 5 INDUSTRIAL AND AG RICULTURAL EDITION MEETING WITH HEABTY Miri'OllT Of AIL LEADING BUSINESS t for granted that you have no puplli to stand the examination. 3. The Sandy Creek cchool will represent the colonial school and the present day school in a float at the county commencement. 4. Miss Doris Dlckerson the teach er at Mitchlner8 has received a cert I P.* cate on'lh? work done in our' Teach ers BCtofelnga. 5. Miss Mamlo Dickens has asked for It te be announced that there will be glrsti a negro minstrel at Moulton, Frld^ijlght, March 23rd. An admis sion of tO cents will be charged. Af ter the play the quilt made by the bet ? ferment-'association will be sold; all proceed? will go for the benefit of the school. ?? 6. We following comes from Jus tice #hose people feel proud of tie re cord mill by W. Btallings in the High School. -Declamation contest. On . -/Ji GRADUATING RECITAL AT LOUI". BUBG COLEGE. . First of Series Given Id the Chanel Monday Night. The first ot tho sarles of gradit togjiecitala of Lonlsburg College was given In the college chapel M jnday eight when Miss Olivia Hobgood, In the department ot expression, render ed most affectively the dramatic play, "In the Van Guard," by Katrina Task. The selection was most apropos to these days ot wars and rumors of wars and made a profound Impression on the large audience. The hero of the beMtlful romance, who had become a valiant and highly honored soldier In the world war, Is converted UJ the idea that war Is murder, Blnce the In tent of each soldier la to 1411, and In tent Is the basis ot crime. 80 In the i bee of the opproblum ot his comrades and the most ferocious persecution of hla parents, the young hero resign* bis commission In the army and Joltn th* vanguard of thoae who prociiln the universal brotherhood ot man. Miss Hobgood bandied her theme wlththe skill and grace of a veteran of the stage, evincing the most careful and faultless preparation. She is a joong lady of mark and Is destined to be heard from in the years to come In her chosen field of work. < Miss Hobgood was assisted In Mr recital by Miss Martha Dixon, who rendered beautifully Mazurka in E Flat, and also by Miss Mary Bradley, who sang very sweetly "Think of Me, Dear'' and "Alwa$i Korpotten. ? Mitses Mary Housr, Mozelle White, H. t| Smith* icV. and Lu. lie Clark were the ushers. Expression Recital. Announcements tor the Expression Recital as follows has been issued trjj?tjtlie College; - . Miss Lallan Earle Fields presents Miss Moselle Costen White and Miss Mary Rogers House Graduates in Expression in Recital Assisted by Miss Elizabeth Hicks Allen, Piano Monday evening, March the twenty sixth, nineteen hundred and seventeen at eight-thirty o'clock College Chapel Loulsburg, N. C. Marshals Olivia Hobgood, Luclle Clark Helen Smithwick, Loo Sung Woo The public Is cordially Invited to attend this recital. 100 yard dash, Alarm clock, Brown Furniture Hous.?. 220 yard dash, Knife, J. W. Win ston. 440 yard race, $1.00, L. L. Joyner. 1 mile race, $1.0b, J. H. Best. 1 mile relay, pair Tennis shoes, D. W. Spivey. Running broad jump, Knife, John F. Mitchell. Running high ,'ump, pall- Tonms shoes. Perry and Patterson. Shot put, $1.00, A. W. Person. Discus, $1.00 Grover Harris. Athletics, For Girls From 12 to 2" Tears Of Ape.' 50 yard dash, 1 pair of toweli, P. S. and K. K. Allen. 440 yard relay, t pair silk hose. P. S. and K. K. Allen. Running broad jump, Japanese bas ket, W. E. Whita Furniture Co. Running high jump, 1 pair silk ho3e, C. C. Hudson Co. Shot put. middy blouse, C. C. Hud son Co. Discus, bottle ot Hudnuts Violet Wa ter, Aycock Drug Co. Athletics, For Girls Under 12 Years Of Age. 50 yard dash, Silver thimble, Fred A. Riff. 440 yard relay, 1 pfjir bed room slip pers, I. J. Deitz and Co. Running broad jump, 1 pair silk hosa, L. Kline and Co. Shot put, bott'.e of Hudnuts Violet Water, FRANKLIN TIMES. Running high jump, 1 pair of silk hose, S. S. Meadows. Discus, Bracelet, C. C. Winston. Winner of most points In athlotlc contest, Medal, Dr. Fleming. Confederate Veteran? to Meet. ? ? _ By request of Commander H. C. Kearney, we are asked to state that a meeting of R. M. McKlnney Camp U. C. V.-is called to meet in the Court House In LoutsDurg^ on March 30th, at 12 o'clock. All mem bers of the camp are urged to be present aa matters of Importance will be attended to. , ; IN AND ABOUT TOWN. Mr. C. L. Hanner went to Raleigh Tuesday. Miss Louise Thomas went to Ral eigh Tuesday. Mr. J. H. Fuller visited Richmond the past week. Mr. W. W. Webb returned Tues day from a visit to Richmond. Mr. J. E. Thomas visited Hender son and Raleigh the past week. Mr. F. W. Wheless left Monday for Baltimore to purchase his Spring stock. Mesdames Q. A. Cralle and Wm. H. Ruffln visited Raleigh the past week. Miss Burdette Joyner, of the College faculty, spent Sunday with her people at Fayettevllle. Miss Nellie Clapp, of the College faculty, spent Sunday with her peo ple at Qreensboro. Rev. W. M. Gllmore went to Hen- ? derson Wednesday to attend an "En listment Conference." Messrs. Wm. H. Ruffln and W. W. Bwddle went to Raleigh this week to attend the Supreme Court. Sen. W. M. Person and Mr. B. T. Holdei) left Monday for Raleigh tc attend the Supreme Court. Messrs. W. H, Yarborough and E. H. Malone went to Raleigh Tuesday to attend the Supreme Court. Miss Llllle Hale and Mrs. C. T. Ferry went to Sanatoria to visit Miss Hale's brother, Mr E. H. Hale. Mrs. R. B. Brlckell, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.> R. C. Beck, has returned to her home in Halifax. Messrs. fc. M. Cooke, Jr., of Bre vard, and W. C. Cooke, of Spartan burg, S. C., visited their parents here the past week. Mr. M. F. Houck was notne a few days the past week from Zebulon, where he informs us he will soon be gin the erection of several nice bus I lness buildings. List of Letters. The following Is a list of letters r< ? maining in the post office at Louis burg, K. C.. uncalled for March 16th. 1917: Miss Lizzie Arlington, Mrs. J. H, Bottom,. Miss Enice Edwards, Mr. Charlie Epps. Miss Nellie Euell, Mr. C. S. Freeman, Miss Bettie Freeman. Mr. Troy Fuller, Mrs. Lonnle Hall, Mrs. Mattle B. Harris, Mr. W. B. Jenkins, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mr. Ben nle L. Johnson, Mr. William Neal (2) Mrs. Janle Neal, Mrs. Leather Perry. Mr. James Perry, (col.) Rosetter Per son, Mrs. Annie Wilcox, Mr. Spencer Young. From Dead Letter Office: Wm. Reilley, Gemthy White, Persons calling for any of the abova letters will please state that they saw them advertised. R. H. DAVIS, P. M Franklin County Missionary Union The Franklin County Missionary Union met at Corinth Saturday, Mar. 10th, In the sixth session since Its or ganization. They have recently mov ed into their new church at Corinth and it is a building of-which the peo ple have every reason to be proud. The Missionary Society has taken on fresh impetus and compares favor ably with any In the Union. _ . The weather was Ideal and In strik ing contrast to the ugly weather we had been having. In his address of welcome the pastor stated that the home society had been so anxious for the meeting to be a success In every way that they had even been praying for a pretty day. The day was sure ly a perfect one. The roads had hot Improved aa much as the weather had and that kept awav some who would otherwise have been present. Dr. Cullom, of Wake For est was to preach the opening ser mon at eleven; but when twelvo o'clock came and the Debtor had not yet arrived the committee on arrange ment decided to go on without him. The choir rendered some well chosen an appropriate selections. Mr. Mor ris, pastor of the home church, deliv ered a very cordial address of wel come to all delegates and visitors from other churches and was Just ex pressing his regret that *we Were "TO" miss the expected treat of hearing"Dr. Cullom when the latter arrived In a car, he explained that be reached Loulsburg at t en. fifteen and hat been the remaining -two hours on the way from Loulsburg to Corinth. , All who bad passed over that road (Continued on Eighth Pace) ' ? Ji