* AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT BRINGS RESULTS in Times ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE A. F. Johnson, Editor and Manager. ^ , THE COUNTY, THH STATE, THE UNION. Subscription $1.50 Per Year ' - - i- U : ~ . * ' ' ify i r ? I ? * ? ? - ? ? ? ? ' VOLUMN XLVI. LOUISBURG, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1917 - NUMBER 7 MILITARY BOYS RETURN HOME ARRIVE TUESDAY NIGHT ABOUT ? O'CLOCK. Met at Depot by Boy Scoots and Large Number of Citizens?Barbecue Din ner Served Them Wednesday. It was In the midst of great enthus iasm and loud cheering that the train bearing Company D, Loulsburg Rifles. N. C. N. O. rolled up to the station on Tuesday night about 9 o'clock. I Fathers, mothers, sisters, brother* and sweethearts and friends were all present to join In the warm greetings that welcomed the boys back home. Formally the Company was met by the Loulsburg branch of Boy Scouts and escorted to the armory where the boys made ready to depart to their several homes for the night. On Wednesday morning the Com pany stored away the paraphenalla preparatory to returning to civil life, and at 1:30 o'clock were invited to partake of a barbecue feast prepared lor them by the Ladies Club as a to ken of their welcome home. The Company was formed in front of the Armory and were escorted to the large buggy room of the Hill Live Stock Co., building on Nash street ?where the cue was served, by the boy Kcouts. A large number of citizens !ad already gathered to add to the i .:lrlt of welcome and Join In the oc casion. Mayor L. L. Joyner, Acting as . aster of Ceremonies, after the blesitinss were asked by Rev. N. H. D. Wilson, of the Methodist church, delivered the address of Welcome in behalf of the Town. His remarks vere touching ani sincere. He then lead a te'.sgram from Adjutant-Geaer al B. S. Royster paylnga beautiful tribute to the personnel and the work of Co. p. Mr.. V/Uliam H4 Ru?fc_ was the next speaker, and in his usual interesting and pleasing manner held undivided attention while tie express ed the deep gratification and extreme pleasure of the entire puolic at hav ing the members of Co. D back with us. and repeatedly referred to the ma uy beautiful expressions of the higher officials in praise of the performance of the duties Imposed upon our boys. "You have done your duty manfully" the speaker said, "as we knew you would." ' .dayor Joyner stated that we bad expected to have Governor Tilckett with us on this occasion, but on account of the uncertainty wlta which the mustering out proceeded, the Governor had other engagements for the day and could not come. Maj. J. A. Turner spoke beautifully of the boys, especially of their stay at Camp Glenn, and the spirit with which they left for the border, and extending them a most hearty welcome on'their re ? turn. Lieut. Dickens responded In behalf of the Company saying ulat Company D had a good report to make "All present or accounted for. That they had only one fatality and that was when cupld hliot Ills dart at Rich ard Lancaster and won him a wife on the border." His re*marks were full of tender feelings for the many kind nesses and kindly expressions from the Franklin County people, at their leaving, while away from home and on their returning saying that he knew and every member in the Company knew that there were no better or more loyal citizens in the United Statu than the ones in Franklin County. Capt. P. G. Alston made s beautiful little talk In behalf of the old Con federate Veterans, several of whom were present to Join In welcoming the boys home. At this point several * young ladles served the most delic ious barbecue that has been served In Loolsburg In many a day and all par took of a bountiful repast full of Wel come and good feelings. While the serving was In progress Maj. J. J. Bernard and wife, of Raleigh, arrived and-toolc part in the occasion. The Maj. vas called for and responded ur may bring forth but if we shall act with prudence and diligence the 'mea' vl!l waste not. nor will the cil fail.' * Big Lemon. Mr. W. F. Beasley had on display at the Aycock Drug Co., Tuesday one of the largest lemons, possibly ever seen here. It measured 16 Inches In circumference and weighed one pound and fifteen ounces. The lemon was t raised by hlB wife. Farm Loan Association. The Louisbnrg Farm Loan Associa tion met in the courthouse on Tuesday and perfected plans and arrangements for immediate organization. Regular applictions were filled In and tfce Board of Appraisers begun their worfc on Wednesday.