J. S. Howell Louisburg, N. C. Refrigerators Hammocks Go-Carts Mattings Rugs * i Druggets Don't Fail to See the Kiddie Koop A Sanitary Bed for baby the latest design. See me for the cheap prices J. S. Howell Louisburg' N. C. THE NEW ACCESSORIES OF DRESS Many Novelties Appear for Spring ami Summer?Parasols, Hats and Bas To Match. . s New York, April 10, 1917. The accessories of dress to which so much Importance Is usually attached are more deserving of our attention at this time of the year than ever, go much that is new Is being brought out for spring and summer that we can not afford to pass them over without consideration. The perfect-fitting shoe and glove, the veil-with just the right mesh to be becoming, the para sol of the smartest shape, and the bas of the newest size and outline, are all of paramount Importance. Afternoon Frock of Chiffon Trimmed With Taffeta Parasols are perhaps the most In teresting of the accessories that claim oar attention Just now. They have been rather neglected during the past summer, but, certainly, they are to be made very much of during the coming far off when we shall he seeking pro tection from the sun under them. True, many of the new parasols make no pretense of J>elng useful as far ag_ shielding one from the sun goes, bat they will be very useful In serving as picturesque back-ground for the dainty summer frocks. The lrresli tlble charm of some of these parasols is all the excuse they can offer for their existence. Such are those fash ioned of net, chiffon, and even lacc. Some of these are lined with thin Chi na silk, but many of-them have uot even this thin stuff as a foundation. These are the parasols that will grace many a summer fete and lawn party tills year. To accompany them there are often hats to match of these filmy materials. The Idea of having hats and para sols to match Is not seen only In {lie*e very airy and dainty sets. Fotisports wear this idea is even more popular. Usually these are made of thebright ?sports silks in the attractive colors and designs which belong particular ly to the present >"!ar. In shapes, the Japanese style Is about the most p >pniar of tny. The Japanese Influence does not end wUh the shape inly, however, for many of the silks are scattered with Japanese designs and figures. Short handles are noticed is a great many of the new parasols ana at the ends they are ofton provided with a loop or strp to be slipped over the wrist. The new chain strap handle which pulls out at the side and slips over the wrist, to be dropped back in wide when not & use, is another fash ionable style. Parasols have even gone so far as to be equipped with watches strapped to the handles for convenience. In bags, the full, puffy silk bags with gay striped linings and shell or horn mountngs are the very latest. Bead bags are still popular, only varying In shape from the first bags of this kind. Sets of Parasol, Hat and Bag. To have your hat and bag trimmed to match the parasol you carry, Is one of the smartest affects any one can have this season, even if the trimming Is only a suggestion as shown in the sketch. The dress illustrated, is one of those cool, airy affairs of chiffon cloth, which material is beginning to rival Oeorgett? crepe for smart after noon frocks. The belt, yoke and cuffs of this model are of taffeta. The skirt Is an extremely graceful model Tvlth softly draped pockets at the ?14 the slight bouffant effect over the hips shown iu some of the new models. The general lines of the dress keep to tne straight silhouette, however. An entirely new combination in an afternoon frock is that of taffeta and organdy, which has been used by Par isian designers. This combination is looked upon more in the light of a Stripes Run In Many Directions In This Silk Frock. novelty than anything else. In a dress of blue taffeta there was a wide band of white organdy heavily embroi dered in blue. Sleeves of blue chiffon completed the dress, to phow that ail sorts of materials may be combined when skilfully handled. Along with checks and plain mater ials, striped silks promise to be vory popular this season. There are such charming ways of making themup that they are evfcr so attractive when fash ioned into frocks. A very delightful way of developing a striped silk Is shown here. The blouse is cut kimo no fashion with the stripes meeting in front to form "V's." In the box-plea ted skirt, the strlpe3 run up and down in the front and back, and bias at the sides. A large, graceful collar with points falling over the shoulders, is an interesting feature of this design. This style of collar is very new and is seen on the latest coats as well as on dresses. Soft silks and soft taffetas in chan geable colors with stripes, checks, and flower, designs are among the most fashionable materials. By decree of fashion, foulard, being one of the 30ft summer silks, Is to have a prominent place among dress silks this season. LOl'ISBURG PROOF. $honId Convince Every Lonlsbnr? Reader. The frank statement of a neighbor, telling the merits of a rem say. Bids you pause and believe. The same endorsement By some stranger far away Commands no belief at all. Here's a Louis burg case. A Louisburg citizens testifies. Res.d and be'convinced: ' A. W. Perry, grocer, Main Street, Louisburg, says:' "I had kidney trou ble for a long time and suffered from awful pains across my loins. .My kidneys were inactive. Doan's Kid ney Pills gave good results. When ever I take thls'medlclne now it helps me ami lives up to the claims mad? for It." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy?get Dean's Krdn'ey Pills?the same that Mr. Perry had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. "OBEY THE LAW A>D KEEP MOUTH SHUT." Warning Issued by Department of Justice For Teutonic Safety. A simple, short and unmistakable order liao been Issued from the office of the Attorney General of the Unite t States that contains much solace for Teutons in America.' The following circular, dated April 6th, has been ?eni to a'.l United States Attorneys and Marshals? "No German alien enemy In '.ills country, who has not hitherto been implicated in plots against the Inter ests of the United States, need have any fear of action by the Department of Justice so long ac they observe the following warning: "Obey the law; keep your mouth shut." UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU DEATHLY SICK Stop Using Dangerous Drag Before It SallTates Yon! It's Horrible! You're bilious, sluggish, constipated and believe you need vile, dangerous calomel to start your liver and clean your bowels. Here's my guarantee! Ask your druggist for a 50 cent bottle of Dod son's Liver Tone and take a spsonful tonight. If It doesn't start your liver and straighten you right up better than calomel and without griping or making you sick I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Take calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak and sick and nau seated. Don't lose a day's work. Ttfke a spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dod son's Liver Tone tonight and wake up feollng great. It's perfectly harmless so give It to your children any tijne - It can't salivate, so let them eat any thing afterwards. Insomnia. " . Indigestion nearly always disturbs the sleep more or lesa, and Is often th??oaase of Insomnia. Bat a light supper with little If atiy meat, and po milk; also take one of Chamberlain's Tablets Immediately after sapper, aud see If you do not reat much better. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE Trustee's Sale of Beal Estate. Under and by ylrtae of the power of sale contained In that certain deed of trust executed to R. G. Allen, trustee, by L. T. Hill and wife, Clara Hill, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin Count ty In llook 193, page 67, default hav ing been made in the payment of the debt thereby'secured, I will on Monday, April the 9tb, 1917, St the hour of noon, at the courthouse door I in Louisburg, N. c., offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, that tract or parcel of land I lying and being in Franklin County, North Carolina, and more particular ly described and defined as follows, to-wit: A one-half undivided inter est In that tract or parcel of land in FranklintSounty adjoining the lands of L.^r wilder, Jennie Mitchell and others, bounded as follows, to-wit: On the North by Tar River, on the Bast by Simms Bridge Road and thn lands on. w. Perry,"on the South by the said Simms Bridge Road and,the lands of Jennie Mitchell, and on Ilia West by the lands of D. J. Wilder, Thomas Woodllef and others, contain ing ninety-six (96) acres, Uipre or less,, and being that part of tha A. Fuller land lying on side of Simms Bridge Road. said Martha A. Fuller lands were conveyed to W. H. Perry by deed dated Sept. 26th, 1906. That part lying East of the said road (31 acres) having since been sold to Jennie Mitchell. The above described tract of land has a prior deed of trust upon it for the sum of $1,200.00 in favor of The Henderson Loan and Real Estate Company, which said deed of trust will Am be paid off out of the pro ceeds of this sale, in order to give a clear title to the purchaser. This the 7th day of March, 1917. R. G. ALLEN, Trustee. YARBOROUGH & BEAM, Attys. 3-9-5t. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties to Monday, Apr. 16th, 1917, at about 12 o'clock. This April 9th, 1917. R. G. AL^LEN, Trusaee. \otlce. Having qualified as administrator ot the estate of J. O. Burnette, deceased, late of Franklin County, this is to no tify all persons holding claims againut said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before tTie 2nd day ot April. liilS, or this notice will be plead in bar oi their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This April 2nd, 1917. G. H. BURNETTE, Admr. WHITE fc MALONE, Attys. 4-6-Ht ma OulnlM inn ilm Not Atlsct The h?m Because of it? tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE RROMO QCININE is better than ordinary Quinina and does not cause nervousness nor nnKins-io head. Remember the full name and )ook lor the signature oi E. W. GROVE. 2V Tlje First national Bank Louisburfe, N. C. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid On SAVINGS C. (J. ifiubfion (En. utye ?tnre oTiyat UttbrrfieUs EouiBburg, N.