I announce: to m v frien DS AND RATRONS THAT" I WILL \ \ operate .??*$/? 4, OLD RELIABLE,- RIVERSIDE WAREHOUSE at Louisburg, : - North Carolina This year, as I have sold my interest in>the Farmers Warehouse, where I have been for the past several years. It is with much pleasure that I can invite you back to see me at this well known house, where I have beelv^ble to make so many profitable sales for you. I will go to South Carolina and operate a warehouse this season, but will return in time to serve you in the same old reliable way. DonVforget that Sam Meadows and the Riverside Warehouse is a combination that will result to your interest. ? :? RIVERSIDE WAREHOUSE, _? ; S. S. MEADOWS, Proprietor. THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager One Year $1.30 Eight Months ^1.00 Four Months .SO Six Months .. .7."? Guess Germany will sit up and take notice when she gets full re ports on Tuesday's registration. Reports show that the registration Tuesday will exceed the Government estimate something like a million or more. With the exception of two mining towns which were put under martial law.no disturbance of 'any note took place Tuesday. In these two towns no damage was reported. The Mongolia, the Merchantman with American gunners aboard which was given credit for sinking the first Submarine by America, according to reports, has another to her credit. She sank another the past week. With more than 12.000 Confederate j Veterans and more arriving hourly, j says the reports from --Washington the accommodations are insufficient and quite a number slept on the floor j of the Union Station MonGav uiglu. Sheriff Kearney informs us that he has just received a telegram from the War department authorizing him to register any persons who failed to reg ister on Tuesday. Therefore if any one in Franklin County failed to reg ister on Tuesday you can call on the Sheriff in the next few days and reg ister. Musical Recital. The music recital given nt the home of Mrs. A. M. Hall on last Fri day night by the music pupils of Miss Sallie Thomas Willkanps was quite an enjoyable occasion to a large number. Miss Williams had arranged a most excellent programme that was execu ted in the best of skill by her many pupils, all of whom showed marked improvement in their course. Miss Williams is a most excellent and painstaking tutor, and the perform ance on last Friday night did her much credit. An Act to Provide for the Incorpora tion of Kural Communities. The General Assembly of North Car olina do enact: Section 1. Thit the people of any community in North Carolina, upon petition signed by a majority of the registered voters of sucn community, embracing in area one or more con tiguous school districts, may be in corporated under the provisions of this act, the title of suc-n corporate body being "The tr ' Community of ?....County" (or counties), the name of communi ty and county (or counties) to be sup plied in the petition for incorpora tion. Sec. 1. The petition for incorpora tion Bhall be addressed to the Secre tary of State in his office in Raleigh, who, If such petition is in due form, shall then issue the certificate of in corporation without charge therefor. Sec. 3. The registered voters of each community incorporated under the provisions of this act shall hold a public community meeting on the first Saturday in January of each year, or on such other day as may be spec ified In the petition for incorporation The place of such meeting shall also be designated in the petition for in corporation, but may be changed at any annual meeting to take effect at the following annual meeting, notice of stjch change to be posted in si* public places in such community. At such annual community meeting the voters may adjourn to meet at some other specified date, and otner meet ings mar be held upoi petition signed (Continued on Eighth Page) SUBMARINE SI NK BY ARMED SHIP. BELIEF Cndersea Boat Raised Clear Out of Water and Then Sank Says State ment. Washington. June 6.?A German submarine is believed to have been sunk by an armed American steamer in a running fight lasting an hour and a half. In which 35 shots were fired by the submarine and 25 by tne steam er. An official announcement by the State Department today says the stea% mer^ final shot "apparently struck the submarine, which raised clear out cf the water and stood stern end up for a few seconds. Then she disap peared." "The department's announcement follows: The Department of State is advised by telegraph of an engagement be tween an armed American steamer and a submarine. The guns of the steamer were manned by an American naval crew. The submarine was first seen at about 7,000 yards. She had a six inch gun forward and another aft. She flew no flag. "Vponsight of the ?ubmarine. the steamer hoisted the American flag and waited for about ten minutes. As the- submarine approached the steamer fired. The submarine res ponded. Thesteamer kept n speed that would permit the submarine to come within range. Then followe4 a fight lasting for an hour and a half. The submarine came to a distance of about 2.300 yards. Bythat time the submarine had fired 35 shots and the steamer 25. The last shot cf the steamer apparently struck the sub marine, which raised clear out of the water and stood stern end up for a few seconds. Then she disappeared. The captain of the steamer and the commander of the guard believe that the submarine was sunk. The stea mer suffered no damage.** Mrs. Bickett Address Red Cross En thoslasts. In interest of Red Cross work, MrsT R. F. Yarborough was hostess to the members of the Tuesday afternoon Book Club, the Current Literature Club, the Junior Book Club and the Younger Set Book Club Tuesday after noon from four to six-thirty o'clock. The guests of honor were Mrs. T. W. Bickett, of Raleigh, and Mist Louise Stone, of Texas^ who received with the hostess. Mrs. Bickett addressed this Assem bly of nearly a hundred ladles in her charming, interesting way, making very clear the work of the Red Cross Association. ? Patriotic selections were played on the Victrola. A salad cour.se was served and each guest received a bttonnier flag. Down in Dixie will be played at Sandy Creek school house Friday night June 15th, 1917. Admission 10 and 15 cents.* Reserved seats 25c. Everybody is invited. Cast of Characters. Harvey Wells, Col. in the Federal Army,?Giles Burnett. Ceo.Washington Bangs. Herald Re porter?Jack Brewer. Maj. Bradley, of Confederate Ar my?Bunyan Brewer. Corporal Hobligan, a True Blue Vet. ?Clinton Gupton. Hon. C. J. Dusenberry, member of Congress?T. ^1. Murphy. Hezekiah, a Degenerate Yankee Frank Gilliam. Unele Moseley, a Faithful Slave? Clinton Xelms. " Billings, Bradley's Henchman?Ear ly Bufnette. Helen Trevoir, a Southern Heiress ! ?IjoniJ^ Xelms. Molly Martin, her lively friend?An nie M. Gupton. *? Mrs. Dusenberry, a business wom an?Lizzie Gupton. Susannah, Jls a Black Nigger?Min nie Burnetfee. Down in Dixie is a war play and was played at the sclfool house May 18th to a large and appreciative au dience who insists on seetng !t again The* subject is treated in a fair and unprejudiced manner. The hero be* Ing from the Aqrth, the heroine from the South, and botkare splendid types of true hearted AmeHttins. The ac tlousof this play is very>apid and the climaxes are powerful. Margaret Items. ' The farmers have finished setting out their tobacco and are now wish ing and waiting for a good rain. Mrs. Eugene Renn spent last Sun day with her parents. Mr. Walter Wester and Miss Myr tle Place spent Sunday in Louisburg. Mr. Bill Wester and his daughter has been real sick for a week, both are able to be out again, we are glad to hear. Miss Mary Bunn spent SaVnrday and Sunday with Mrs. Jack Stal lings. Mrs. J. E. Timberlaxe spent Sun day with her daughter, Mrs. A. S. Wiggs. Mr. George Renn and wife spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Renn's sister Mrs. Jack Stallings. We are glad to hear of some of our neighbors who are having plenty of vegetables to eat; snaps, peas,. fteans. beets, cabbage, potatoes, onions. Who can beat Mrs. Bob Place. Miss Tuck Place is visiting her grandmother at Louisburg. Mr. A. S. Wiggs and little daugh ter were in Louisburg one day last week. Mrs. Edgar Huff spent last Satur day and Sunday with her mother at Mapleville. BIG WAR. AFTER SUFFERING 'SHE WAS CURED : I) i Having tried Mrs. Joe Person's Re medy I am very anxious for all who suffer with rheumatism to know what it did for me /'About thirteen years ago I had a ver severe spell of inflammatory rheu matism, could hardly walk a step for a month. 1 would have these spells every winter and they would last well up into the summer. I trieG the best doctors in the country and tried every thing else 1 could hear of. nothing seemed to do me any good unftTUnal ly the good tidings came when a friend (indeed she was) persuaded me to try Mrs. Joe Persons Remedy, and I can frankly say that it has done Ae more good than anything I have ever taken. 1 am still using it as a fainiiy tonic and a blood medicine and ran recom mend it the best medicine I have IHed for rheumatism. MRS. C. C. VAXX. 901 Highland St., Montgomery, Ala, Mar., 23, XS17. For Sale. Onefine Milch cow, fresh to pail. 6-S-2t O. H. HARRIS. For Sale. One big Grocery Refrigerator. Cost $150.00 will take $50. P. A. REAVIS, ,6-8-lt Louisburg, N. C. Wanted. P oar d in private family, or 3 fur nished rooms for light housekeeping for wife one child. Address "Board" care Franklin Times. 6-8-lt For Sale, . One Merry-go-round for sale cheap for cash. P. A. REAVJ8, " 6-S-lt Louisburg, NNC. Offices Moved. I have moved my Dental Office to rooms over First National Bank D. T. SMITH WICK. *6-8-lt. For Sale. Three fine registered Duroc Jersey boar pigs. 10 weeks old $10 each. J. A. MUMFORD, 6-8-lt R. F. D. 2, Louisburg, N. C. notice or sale. ? Under and by, virtue of the author ity conferred upon us by a certain mortgage dated January 1-, 1$14, and rotoriled in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County In book 193, at page 433. we will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the *."ourt Hous? door in Louisburg at 12:00 o'clock M., Monday, July 9th, 1917. the following described tract of land: Beginning on Little River at the mouth of a small branch, M. M. Huffs corner, and runs thence S 64 1-2 W. 149 Poles and 6 links to a stake, M, M. Huff's corner in E. B. Williams* line; thence S 25 l-4d E 99 poles to a stake and rock; thence N 63 3-4d E 131 poles 16 links to Little River, the late Saauel Winston's corner; tnence up snid river as it meanders 99 pole-5 to the beginning and contain ing 87 1-4 acres, being the land allot ted to Geo. H. Timberlake in the di vision of his father's estate as shown by records .in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County. . .rj This the 31st day of May, 1917. W. R. TIMBERLAKE, -L. A. TIMBERLAKE, 6-8-5t Mortgagees. Plies Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT (ails lo cure any case of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6tol4days. The first application gives Eaae and Rest. 50c. NOTICE TO LICENSE TAX PAYERS UNDER SCHED. ULE B REVENUE ACT 1917. License tuxes will be dne June 1st, 1917 and payable within 30 days, af ter that time, the last General Assem bly lias added n penalty of twenty per cent on nil license taxes not paid hj July 1st, 1917. ?'Ill be glad (or all business and professional citizens of the county who come neder this head to secure their license Wfore the time limit expires. H. A. KEARNEY, Sheriff... 5-18-7t. Ask anyone who knows and he will direct you to this shop for all classes of auto supplies and repairs. This is becaitse our line is complete, our prices right and our competence unexcelled. Our work is a serious business with us and if you'come here once you will go nowhere else for suppftes. Earning, Spending AND ..SAVING.. Making money is a business; spending it a necessity; saving it an art. Many people make money, practically every one spends money, but only the thrifty save it. Thrift means laying aside the extra dollar that represents youth and vigor to offset the minus dollar that later on will represent old age and decreased vitality. Have you a Savings Account? CITIZEN'S BANK Henderson, ft C THE BANK WITH THE CHIMES ATTENTION!! Canning Club ..Girls.. Miss Pauline Smith, Home Demonstration Agent for this County, having arranged through the First National Bank to order a solid Car load of Cans, 30,000, for the use of the Canning Clubs of the County, we especially urged all Members of the Clubs, who wish to get some of these Cans, to Come in at once and make their arrange ment,s either by payment or on the plan we sug gested last week, for the number that they will want so that they can get them upon arrival. This ia necessary as we have no place to store them. Dont forget that we will be glad to explain to you the advantage in taking the Necessary Stock in the packing plant. Come in and Sub scribe some amount, if only small. The Liberty Loan Bond Sale is still on and Many People are taking them. They are the Safest and Surest Investments. Come and get your s. The First National Bank LOUISBURG, : N$rth CaroUna Supervised and Endorsed by tlie United Stajes Government.

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