Special Prices Made On White Pumps _ and Oxfords During June we will offer all White Goods at Special Reduced Prices. Hundreds of beautiful new White Pumps shown and with high or low heels, also nice range of styles in Rubber bottom Oxfords and Pumps. Special Offering on Middy Blouses 200 Middy Blouses at $1.00 each, (this lot of blouses is our regular $1.50 and $1.25 line and made of best middy twill.) Ladies Voile Waists Fancy and White 100 Ladies Voile Waists, worth $1.25 and $1.50, now offered at $1.00 each. These waists are the sea son's best make and are cheaper than goods alone can be bought. New Lawns and Voile Dress Goods Received We have just recrvei. a large ship ment of Voiles in ,/hite and colors also nice lot of Lawns which we offer at 12 1-2 and 15 cents. We solcit your trade and we feel sure it will be to your mutual advantage to serve you well. Yours to Serve Candler-Crowell Co; "The Store You Have Helped to Make a Success." Louisburg, N. C. THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. I'. JOH>SO>\ Editor and Manager ?TAR DROPS? ?The County Cajpinistio&eflp will meet again Monday. ' 5 * ?Severalnice seasons visited thij section the past week. ?Cotton sold for 22 1-* cents a pound in Louisburg yesterday. ?Mr. M. S. Davis is still busy sur veying the streets preparatory to pav ing. ?Cleaning off the Court Square and mowing the grass has improved its ap pearance- wonderfully. -'-Quite a large number or our citi zens went to Washington the past week to attend the Confederate Veioi* ans Re-union. ?Quite a heavy rain and hail storm visited the western portion of the county Wednesday evening, according to reports received here yesterday. ?Board of Education met m regu lar session on Monday nut aside from ordering a special tax election in In gleside district only routine business "was transacted. ? ..?Thechildren's exercises at the I Methodist church on last Sunday night were largely attended and much enjoyed. Each one of the lit tle folks did well their parts and re? fleeted much credit upon their In structors * Red Cross Work for Loulsburg. The women of Loulaburg are ser iously interested in Red Cross Work and though tney are Just making a beginning they expect "to do things" by their united effort. Forty-three members were enrolled in the meeting in the Ladles parlor of the Methodist church Wednesday morning. 'The following officers were elected: Mrs. W. E. White, Chairman, Mrs K. K. Allen, Vice-Chairman, Mrs. R. P. Yarborough, Secretary, Mrs. G. A. Cralle, Treasurer; Mrs. J. E. Malonej Chairman of Ways and Means Committee; Mrs. R. H. Dav is, Chairman of Instruction Commit tee; Mr. T. W. Watson, Chairman of Supplies Committee; Mrs. L. E. Scog gin, Chairman of Instruction for chli, dren. Let every woman of Louisburg and surrounding community reei tue ur gent need of her individual assist ance in this patriotic work and send in her name at once to one of the of ficers for enrollment. PHYSICAL TRAINING TEACHERS IN DEMAND Young Men and Women about to be graduated from High School ahnuiri consider this healthful, useful,.dig nified and profitable pr?^essionr By recent legislation Physical train Ing In made obligatory in every school in New York and New Jer sey. Penn.. North and South Caro lina have bills ponding. Send for Catalog of the only school of physical education chartered by the University of the State of New York (t'n'lrr 1ht Rtqettk) THE SAVAGE SCHOOL TOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION jtn W--> <o?'- Y?rk Citv Reward. Otlio Evans, six years old, run away from home on Monday, June 4th. 1917. Any information leading his recovery will be appreciated and re warded. JAMES PERRY. 6-$ilt. R. F. D. 1, Kittrell, X. C\ lia Balm LIQUID FA CE PO WDER. The beauty secret of women who know how to take care of the com plexion. Cannot bo cfetected. Heals Sun burn, stops Tan. Soothing, cooling, refreshing. * , Pink. IVhilt, Hot Rtd. 75c. at'Druggist? or bu mall direct Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp. Lyon Mf?. Co.. 40 South Fifth St., Brooklyn. N. Y. FARMERS WAKEHOl'SE CHANGES HANDS. Mr. S. S. Meadows former Proprie tor Sells Ills Interest to IV. H. Al len and Will Kun the Kherslde Warehouse. That Louisburg woulG have three tobacco warehouses the coming sea* son become practically an assured fact the past week when It was an nounced that Mr. S. S. Meadows, who for a number of years has been run ning the Farmers Warehouse on Nash Street, had sold his interest in same to Mr. W. H. Allen, who we are in formed will run it this season, and had leased the Riverside Warehouse for the coming season. This will be in the nature of "home coming" to Mr. Meadows as for a long number ofyears before he became connected I with the Farmers Warehpuse^ he was associated with Mr. J. N. Harris in the running of the Riverside, the old firm being Meadows ana Harris. Mr. Meadows is well known to the plan ters of this section and his taking over theproprietorship of the Riverside will bring new life to this well known house. Read his announcement in another column. Sale of Land. Under authority contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed by T. G. Hill to Ben T. Holden Trustee, which is duly registered in book 192 at page 501 in office of Register of Deeds for Franklin County, default having been made in the payment of the notes thereby secured and demand made upon me by the holder thereof to fore close in accordance with the terms of said instrument, the undersigned trustee will oil Monday the 2nd day of July. 1917, at 12 o'clock M, at the Court House door of Franklin Coun ty, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash that certain lot or parcel of Jand in the Town of Louisburg, N. C., bounded as follows: On the North by Court Street, on the West by the lot belonging to the heirs-at-law of J. A. Thomas, deceased now occupied by the FRANKLIN TIM ES, on the South by Bull Run Alley, and on the East by Market Street, and being known as the Spruill build ing; also a one-half uncivided interest in and to the Eastern wall to said building, the same being more fully described in the deed of trust abov? referred to and reference is ereby made to the record of the seme. This the 31st day of May 1317. BEN. T. HOLDEN, 6-l-5t Trustee. Sale of Road "Bones. Sealed bids for $20,000.00 of good roads bonds of Dunns Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, to run thirty years and to bear five per cent interest payable semi-annuall;*, will be received up to 2 o'clock p. m. of June lltli, 1917, by The Board of County Commissioners of Franklin County, at Louisburg, N. C. $500 cer tified check to accompany all bids, and the right to reject any and all bids is reserved. By order of the Board this May 7th, 1917. JNO. D. ALSTON, Chairman. JNO. B. YARBOROUGH, Clerk. 5-18-4t Flies Breed in FtUH Red-Devil Lye Eocts Tilth Kill the Cause Germ-carrying flies bring disease direct to your home from the privy and outhouse. They wipe their germ laden feet on your food, bathe in the baby's milk and leave many forms of sickness ? then come the doctor's bills ? and you know what that means. Files carry on their feet filth and the germs of typhoid fever, malaria. Consumption?perhaps Infantile paralysis and other dread ditcakes. Destroys The Fly Eggs SPRINKLE RED DEVIL LYB FREELY once or twice a week In your privy or outhouse. You can't us* too much. It will clean up these placea, remove the foul odor and ?top fly-ogga from hatching. RED DEVIL LYE im m foe atap/y wondmrfuf toe king soap, oeMMlMfev hogm bmm? ntmtdnff oomp*mt for imriMnr. ?Wt U.ln? HBO DEVIL. LY* Now, B*for* Fly ????on Begin? SENO POSTAL FM ran ?ooyuT Wm. SchWd Mfg. Co., 615 N. twond St., . ST. LOUM. MO. RED DEVIL LYE I* Sold By All Ormra, BE A BONO HOLDER Those who wish to buy a Lib erty Bond but do not feel able to put $50,00, $100,00 or more in it at one time, can open with us a BOND ACCOUNT A deposit of $1.00 a week will buy a $50 00 Bond $2.00 a week will buy $100.00 Bond in 50 weeks and so on for any size bond you may wish. No red tape. Just say "I want a bond" We will do the rest. Yours to serve. Farmers & Merchants BANK Make Our Bank Your Bank_ Safest For Savings F. N. Egerton. Pres. C. P. Harris, Vice-Pres M. S. Clifton, Cashier, Jas. King, Asst. Cashier P. S. Have you planted enough Corn and Peas for yourself and some to sell? If not WHY not? Avoid Josses by Rats and Mice with the 6ne**extermmator that kills quickly;?muraramcs , without odor;?harmless to humans. FHT CORN % 25c, 50c and $1.00 at ^ Seed, Hardware. Drug and General Stores. RAT CORN KILLS Rats and Mice It is not an experiment. On the contrary, it is a thoroughly tried and proven destroyer of rats and mioe. When dead they leave no ordor as they are mummified. GUARANTEED L. P. KICKS % On The Cerner Louisburg, N. C.

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