WHAT IS ? LAX-FOS LAX-FOS IS AN IMPROVED CASCARA A Digestive Laxative CATHARTIC AND LIVER TONIC ttfAX-Fos is not a Scccet or Patent Medi cine but is composed of the following old-fashioned roots and herbs: 0A80ARA BARK BLUE FLAG ROOT V* RHUBARB ROOT jv BLACK ROOT WAY APPLE ROOT SENNA LEAVES AND PEPSIN In 1/AX-Fos the Cascara is improved by the addition of these digestive ingredi ents making it better thanjprdinary Cas cara, and thus the combination acts not only as a stimulating laxative and cathar tic but also as a digestive and liver tonic. Syrup laxatives are weak, but Lax-F09 combines strength with palatable, aro matic taste and does not gripe or disturb the stomach. One bottle will prove Lax-Fos is invaluable for Constipation, IncLigestion or Torpid Liver Price 50c. WM. L. STALLINGS Veterinary Physician and Surgeon Lonisburg, North Carolina Office with Fuller & Perry. Tele phone No. 241. DB. H. G. PEKKI Practicing Physician WQODS, N. C. Prompt attention given to all call* DB. W. B. MOBTOH Eye Specialist Lontsburg, North Carolina ~ Office over First National Bank. 8. ATWOOD NEWELL. Attornej.At-Law. | Offices over Tar River Drng Co., Nash Street Omeral Practice and Settlements ?! Estates) Practice In all Conrts DB. ABTHUB HYXES FLEMING Sorgeon Dentist. Loulsburg, North Carolina Office over P. S. & K. K. Allen's Store. E. M. PEBBY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Office Next Door to Ayoock Drng Co. Pbose Connections 287. DB. J. E. MALONE. Loulsburg, North Carolina Office In Aycock Drug Store, Market Street, Office Practice Surgery and consultation. DB. D. X. SMITH WICK. Dentist. Loulsburg, N. C. Office In the Hill Live Stock Co., Building on Nash Street W. M. PEBSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Loulsburg, North Carolina Practice In all courts. Office on Main 8treet. M. F. HOECK. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Trading agents for all. kinds of building supplies, artistic Mantles and Piles, Architectural designs sub mitted DE. E. H. VANDE2GBIFT. Veterinarian. Loulaburg, North Carolina At Fuller's Old S tables. Phone No. ?. Night Phone No. 333. Treat all domestic animals. Free Examination of mouth. B. B. White E. H. Malone WHITE & MALONE LAWYER8 Loulaburg, North Carolina General practice, settlement of es tates funds Invested. One member of the firm always In the office. L. W. PARRISH ?Watchmaker and Jeweler Loulsburg, If. C. Located In Ford & Hall Building. All repair work guaranteed. Rea- < aonable prices. Nice stock Jewelry. Wm. HATWOOR RCFFIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Will practice In the courts of Frank lin and adjoining counties, also In the Bnpreme court and Circuit court. Of *oe over the First National Bank. DB. J. B. DAVIS Physician and Surgeon Lonlsburg, N. C. Formerly Interne St Agnes Hospital Office next door tq Durrell Davis Blacksmith Shop Phone Connection! 84. DR. M. C. HORTON. Raleigh, Norm Carolina Practice Limited to Eye, Kar, No?? and Throat Will be In Loulaburg the Irst Mon l?7 of each month at offloe of Dr. D. U. Perry from t to 12:80, and at the ?Bee of Drs. Harris and Henderson at Fran kiln ton, N. C? from 1:80 to 6 p. m. SftNITARY BARBER SHOP . * . Court Street Lonltburg, - North Carolina Well Equipped. Four well exper letrilftfc barbers. Hot towels, sharp ra$t*? Polite and painstaking ser vice. Call and see us. ' OSCAR steualjj, Proprietor. Desirable Town Lots and Valuable Farms For Sale?The Ellis Property. The following desirable town lots and buildings in Loulsburg and farjns near Loulsburg, owned by Mrs. O. L. Ellis and Dr. A. C. Ellis: A lot and several dwellings near the College, known as the "Creek more" lot. ' A lot and dwelling on corner of No ble and Spring streets, occupied by Mrs. Pearce. A lot opposite tho last -Earned lot, with small tenant house. A building on Bull Run Alley. A lot near the Mineral Spring. A farm adjoining the lands of Mrs. Mack Stamps, W. H. Allen and otn era, part of the old McKnlght land, containing 306 acres. Farm of 96 2-3 acres, adjoining Thad Dean, Thos. W. Wheless, 3 horse crop oen and two room dwell ing and outhouses. Terms 1-4 cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years. Sales on reasonable terms. Apply to J. L. PALMER, Agent, oi WM. H. RUFFIN, Attorney, 11-3-tf. Loulsburg, N. C. Hard lines for Cupid. Not many men want to be suspected of marry> ing because of disloyalty or coward ice. CALOMEL SALIVATES AND MAKES TOU SICK Acts Like Dynamite on a Sluggish Liver and You Lose a Day's Work. There's no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating cal omel when 50 cents buys a large bot tle of Dodson's Liver Tone?a perfect substitute for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as surely as calomel, but it doesn't make you sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson's Liver Tone, because it is perfectly harmless. Calomel Is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel today and you will feel weak sick and nau seated tomorrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more bllious i nesst constipation, sluggishness, head ache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist says If you don't find Dodson's Liver Tone acts better than horrible calomel your money is wait ing for you. For liigger Crops. "My wife made a suggestion last night." "Wat?" this year, she said that instead of "To relievo the scarcity of potatoes planting them in hills they ought to be planted In montains." THE FRANKLIN TIMES $1.50 Per Year In Advance Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Qrove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic propertiesof QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. Dr Brantly Henderson Henderson, N. C. In Louisburg every first and third Mondays, at the office of Dr. H. A- Newell. Fractice limited to the Diseases of the Eye, Ear Nose and Throat and the Examination of the Eyes for Glasses. Flowers For June Weddings a Specialty. Fine bouquets of Orchias, and vallies Sweet peas, Roses and Carnations arranged in the latest artistic styles. Also our arrangements of Floral designs, Casket. Covers and Sprays are unsurpassed by none. We give prompt atten tion to mail, phone and telegraph orders. ^ J. L O'QUINN Raleigh, N. C. Greenhouse Phone 149. Stors phone 47. .. Winston-Blanks llru* CoM Vounpt ville; Scoggin-Egerton l>rug Co.. L. r. lilcks, Louisburg; McGhee-Joy ner Co., Sterilni; Store Co., Franklin ton; and ull good dealers. True. "Do you know anything1 about golf?'' "Only tills. That when my hus band's golf is bad. so Is his disposi tion ." LOOK AT A CHILD'S TOXGl'E WHEN CBOSS, FEVERISH A>'? SICK Take No Chances! More Poisons From Liver and Bowels At Once. - Mothers can rest easy arter giving "California Syrup of Figs," because in a few hours all the clogged up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you iiave a well, ilavful child again. Children simply will not take tne time from play to empty their bowels and they become tightly packed^ liver geta sluggish and stomach disorder ed When cross, feverish, restless, see if tongue is coated, then give this de licious "fruit laxative." Children love it, and it can not cause injury. No difference what ails your little one?if full of cold, or a sore throaty diarrhoea, stomach-ache, bad breath( remember, a gentle "Inside cleans ing" should always be the first treat ment given. Full directions for ba bies, children of all ages and grown ups are printed on each bottle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs," then look carefully and see that it Is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." We make no smaller size. Hand back with contempt any other fig syrup. American MIsnderstanding. American Heiress?How do you like my new gown? English Friend?It's ripping. American Helreas?Oh where? Notice to Teachers and School Com mitteemen. Section 4161 of the Public School Law reads in part as follows: "The Board of Education of each county shall fix annually a day and place in each, township for the meet ing of the township or district com mitteemen of said townships^ who shall in conference with the county superintendent, with whom applica tions must have previously been filed by all applicants, select the teachers for their respective schools, except for rural public high schools: Provided that no election of any teacher or as sistant teacher shay be deemed valid until such election has been approved by the county superintendent; and no voucher for the salary of a teacher of any school shall be signed by any county superintendent unless a copy of such teacher's contract has been filed with him as herein provided, and unless he shall have received satisfac tory evidence that such teacher has been elected in strict accordance with this section. No contract for teach ers' salary shall be made during any , year to extend beyond the term <5f of-1 flee of the committee nor for more j money than accrues to the credit of tho district for the fiscal year during which the contract is made." The following places and dates have been arranged: Dunns township at Bunn, Tuesday, June 12, at 8:30 A. M. Harris township at New Hope, Tuesday, June 12f at 11 A. M. ? Youngsvllle township at Youngsville Wednesday, June 13, at 9 A. ST. Frankllnton township at Franklin ton, Wednesday, June 13, at 11 A. M. Hayesville township at Epsom, Thursday, June 14, at 8:30 A. M. Sandy Creek township at Moulton^ Thursday, June 14, at 11 A. M. Gold Mine township at Centerville, Friday, June 15, at 8:30 A. M. Cedar Rock township at Cedar Rock Friday, June 16, at M A. M. Cypress Creek township at Justice, Friday, June 15^ at 1 P. M. Loulsburgq township at Louisburg, Saturday, June 16, at 11 A. M. Tho teachers will please file their applications before these dates. If you wish to apply for more than one school have your first, second and third choice and etc. It will not be necessary for tho trustees thp.t have met with me prior to these dates to come together again. A. W. P^llRY, Chairman. Board of Education E. L Best, Supt of Schools. 6-l-2t. I. J. DEITZ GO 'S Big June Specials Means hundreds of dollors saved by our hun dreds of customers and friends. Buying for Cash and selling for Cash makes underselling easy, and affords an opportunity for the most economic to economize. Read The Prices And Ceme To See Us. DRY GOODS, SPECIALS 15c yd wide Bleaching 10c 12 l-2c quality Pajama checks ..10c 1 i ;-2c white Dimity 27 lncn .... 10c 4*) inch white Law i 10c ?Wh.ti Voiles, shoe, qualities *0 iodic* wide ". .... 25c 25c white goods, odds and ends.. 19c White Gabardines 24c White Skirt goods .... 15c, 21c, 25c 10c Apron Ginghams ...8c 12 l-2c Percale, good quality .... 8c Long cloth the finest quality regular ISc value, priced 12c yd. Mosquito netting, 72 inches wide Pri ced .... ' .... ?... 10c yd. 10c Lawn in fancy figures 8c yd. 18c White Voiles, the nice quality 12c 15c Dress Gingham, ati new spring goods 10c yd. 40 inch white Batiste the best of qual ity 24c yd. Many thousands of yards dry goods of various kinds priced for less. BIG JUNE VALUES IN SHIRT WAISTS Ladies shirtwaists 48c Ladies Voile waists 48c Ladies colored waists ..48c $1 valu^ Ladles waists, priced spec ial for June ..48c $1.25 value Ladles silk waists .. 89c $1.50 value white organdy vaists 98c $1.50 value white voile waist* ..98c $1.50 value white wai3ts, cclorcd col lars and cuffs 98^ $2.50 value white silk waists ..$1.9S $2.50 value stripeu Tub Silk waists priced $1.9S $2.50 value black slik waists, nrired special fcr June buying $1.98 LADIES HOUSE DRESSES, CHILD REN'S DRESSES, KIXONAS ETC., PRICED TO BOOST' JCSE SELLIXfi $1.50 value Ladies hou;-:e -Iresscs $1.23 Good large bungalow aprons 4Sc $1.25 value Ladies house dresses S8c $1.25 Bllerman Muke house dress es 9Sc $1 .25 fino Percale house c-.recses 98c $1.25 fast color Gingham Cresses 98c Sizes up to 46 house dresses ....9Sc Childrens dresses 49c Children's Gingham dre?se3 .... 49c Children's white dresses 49c Big lot children's dresses 75c $1.25 value in Childrenn dresses 98c i $1.25 children's fast color gii.gham dresses 98c $1.98 children's white dresses nicely trimmed, sizes up to 14 $1.49 $1.25 values children's white dress es 98c Big values children's white dress es .... 81.25, $1.48 MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AT JUNE WHITE KALE PRICES Ladies muslin pants 25c 75c values Ladies muslin pants ..49c 75c values Ladies petticoats .... 49n (1 values Ladies petticoats .... 85c 11.25 value double gore petticoats 98c $1.25 value nicely trimmed petti coats 98c Big value Ladies gowns ...., .... 49.? 11.25 value Ladles gowns 93c 10c Ladies vests 8c 15c value Ladies vests 12 l-2c 20c value Ladies vests, extra size 15c. Children's muslin pants.. 8c, 10c, 12c Children's muslin waists .. 10c, 15c Big lot childrens muslin underwear priced special 12 and l'Sc W001 AMI WASH SKIRTS IN BOTH WHITE AND SPORT EFFECTS AT JUNE PBICES FOB Ql'ICK SELLING Heavy Gabardine white skirts ..98c White Pique skirts 98c Fancy stripe wash skirts 98c $1.25 value white wash skirts .. 98c $1.25 white Gabardine skirts .. 98c White skirts of Honeycomb cloth. 98c Wool skirts in Navy $1.98 Black wool skirts $1.98 Big values in black wool skirts $2.48 $5.50 values all wool poplin and serge skirts $4.25 MEN'S AND BOY'S PANTS AND OV ERALLS FOR QUICK SALES AND FOK LESS $1.50 value In Men's work pants 98c $1.50 value Men's Kahkl pants ..$1.23 $1.98 value Mens Kahki pants $1.49 $1.85 value Men's dark striped pants. priced .. $1.39* $5 value Men's extra size pants, sizes up to 4S. $3.49 $6 value Men's blue serge pants $4.50 $6 value Men's blue worsted pants priced $4.50 $5 value Men's dark blue striped pants priced 83.98 $4.50 value men's all wool pants $3.49 Mens overalls, regular $1.50 value 98c Boys pants r.oout 3? pair to selc.t from, prices range from 23c to 98c per pair^ BI(i VALUES IN MIDDY BLOUSES All white middy blouses 48c White middies with colored collars 48c $1.25 value Heavy Twill Middy Blous es .' 98c ! MEN'S AND BOY'S FURNISHINGS. $1.50 value mens dress shirts ....98c $1.25 value mens dress shirts .. 85c $1 value mens dress shirts .... 75c 85c value mens dress shirts .... 59c 25c value mens wash ties 15c or 2 for 25c. 35c valijb mens silk ties 25c 75c value mens heavy silk ties ..49c S5c value mens caps *9c 85c value mens silk caps 49c SOcvalue mens caps marked 24c Mena dress straw hats any hat in the house for $1.00 regardless of cost 75c value mens Nainsook union suits ....' 49c 35c value mens drawers, short or long 29c 35c value mens undershirts 29c 15c value mens hose tan. blue, black or white i .... 10c :.5c value n tn's silk hftse. ulk ?olor* ' ..-V.. 29c MEN'S AND OYS (OTHINCi AT UN DERSEIiLING PRICES value mens palm beach suits $3.49 57.50 value mens Kool cloth suits pri ced special for June $6.49 $7.00 vaTue mens Kool cloth suits $5.98 M0 value mens mixed Worsted suits Priced $7.jf8 H5 value mens blue serge suits $11.98 \22 vaj?ue mens fine Blue serge suits Priced $14.98 518 value mens narrow stripe worst ed suits $12.98 &2.50 value boys suits, sizes 3 to 10 Priced $1.98 $7 value boys blue serge suits $5.49 $6 value boys blue serge suits $4.98 $4.50 value boys mixed suits ..$3.49_ $4 value boys worsted suits in fancy stripes. $2.98 Boys wash suits and rompers, 23c to 98c WOMEN'S ,MEN'S AM) CHILDREN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Ladles white canvas oxrords, 2 strap and Mary Jane 98c Ladles high top 8 1-2 inch white Inl ine lace boot worth $5, our low price .. $2.98 Ladles high top 8 inch white rubber soles and heels $1.98 Ladies black lace vici kid low heel price $1.85 Ladles patent leather, Mary Jane spe cial $1.89 Ladles black vici kid Mary Jane $1.49 One lot of Ladles tan oxfords $3.00 : and $4.00 grades 98c pr. | Ladies better Oxfords in patent, vici and gun metal $2.49 Ladies rubber bottom tennis oxfords. black and white any size .... 48c Mens W. L. Douglas oxfords $4.00 grade $3.49 Mens W. L. Douglas Oxfords $5.00 grade $3.98 Mens Gun Metal oxfords .... $2.49 Mens better gun metal oxfords $2.98 Mens tan lace oxfords $2.49 Mens vici kid lace or button ... $1.98 One lot mens oxfords tan and black all $3.50 to $4.00 grades #i.. 98c Mens tennis oxfords black or white priced 48c Mens high top shoes rubber bottom soles and heels marked low for June buying $1.15 Mens white rubber bottom oxfords our low price" ."77 **... $1.25 Chlldren8 white Mary Jane size 6 to 10 75c Cildrens white Mary Jane size 11 to 2 98c Chlldrens tan sandals size 6 to 11 75c Childrens patent Mary Jane size 6 to 8 75c Childrens vici kid Mary Jane size 8 to 11 ? $1.15 Childrens vici kid Mary Jane size It to 2 $1.39 Childrens tennis oxfords black and i white .... 48c Mteses tan sandals size 12 to 2 $1.39 Infants shoes In all colors 12 1-cc pr. Infants slippers tan and black .. 25c NOTIONS. TOILET UOODS, LACES, ETC. 10c size can Talcum powder .... 5c Air Float Talcum powder 8c Mennen's Talcum Powder 25c size 19c Babcocks Talcum powder 25c ....19c Soap, good toilet 3 for 10c Pearl buttons 5c dozen Ladies collars 10c, 25c, 48c Middy ties 25c, 48c Hair pins 2c pkg Thimbles 4c Crochet needles 8c Crochet thread 5c, 9c, 10c Ladies hose 10c, 15c Ladles hose 15c, 25c Ladles White silk hose 29c Ladles silk hose, all colors .... 35c Ladles better silk hose ..50c# 75c, $1 Big values in lace .. 3and 5c yo?d up Ribbon from lc yard in all widths and shades. I. J. DBTZ CO. The Store That Always Sells The Cheapest LOUISBURG, : ? : North Carolina