in duality and Quantity Yes, Ma'am; and you don't have to take it for granted, either. You can prove the first by taste, and the second by arithmetic. Buy a can of Luzianne. Use half the quantity you ordinarily would. If it doesn't go farther and taste better than other coffee at the price, tell the man who sold it to you and he'll give you back your money. Make no mistake. Luzianne is great coffee ?exceeding great. Ask for profit-sharing catalog. The Lazilo ne Guarantee: If, After using the contents of a can, you are not satisfied in every respect, your gro cer will refund your money. ^coffee The Reily?Tkylor .Company, New Orleans ? An Aft to Provide i or the Incorpora tion of Rural Communities. (Continued From Fourth Page) by ten per cent of the registered vo ters of the community, provided no tice of such meeting is posted at six public places in such community at least two weeks prior to such meet ing. Questions involving the levy of any tax owever. shall be decided on ly at the regular annual community meeting. Sec. 4. At each annual communi ty mooting, as providtd in section 3 of this act. the voters shall elect three persons to be knQwn a? the "Board of Directors of . ,r Com munity," one of whom shall be desig nated as chairman and another as secretary-treasurer, each performing the duties suggested by his title. Sec. 5. The boarU of directors of each communip5"ihall be charged with the duty of 'enforcing anc executing such ordinances as the community may adopt, and performing such oth er functions not inconsistent with the laws of North Carolina bV the United States as Cue community meetings may direct. Te annua! compensation if any. of such boar I o' dire tors, or any member thereof, shall be fixed at each annual meeting in like manner as taxes are levied. Sec. Or. At each public meeting of the registered voter's of r. -omnium, ty they shall have the right to adopt, amend, or repeal? ordinances, provid ed such action i= not inconsistent with the laws of North Carolina or the Uni ted States, concerning the following subjects: the public roads of the com munity; the public school of the com munity; regulations intended to pro mote the public health; the police pro* tection; the abatement of nuisances; the care dt paupers, aged or infirm persons: to encourage the coming of new settlers; the regulation of va grancy: aids to the enforcement of State and National laws; the collec tion of community taxes; the estab lishment and support of public librar ies. park?, halls, playgrounds, fairs, and otVr agencies of recreation, edu cation. health, music, art and morals. Sec. 7., ,That for the promotion of any of the objects mentioned in sec tion six of this act. the registered vo ters of any incorporated community, in annual community meeting assem bled. shall have tlie right to levy tax es upon the property of the commun ity. within limits hereinafter set fortn. either for specific purposes or for the general u-e of the community upon & method of tax division among vary ing objects as agreed upon by such annual community meeting: Provid ed. that the aggregate of taxe3 levied for such community purposes shall net exceed fivr. mill i ar .many on each dollar of taxable property. Sec. S. No community meeting may levy a tax unless a majority of the registered voters of the commu nity are present at such meeting and vote by ballot for such tax; but if at any annual community meeting the majority of the voters presen: desire Do You Dread Hot Weather? Does it out your energy, disturb your stomach or bring you near prostration? The isn't afraid of heat. But it is trying on the weakened hod v. BUILD UP YOUR STRENGTH Get your diction in order, reaaov? mil irritation, dicpel ?II stagnation. I'u; > ou-*aeif in shape to enjoy the summer with m good tonic. PERUNA INVIGORATES It rnstoro? the perfection of digestion and removal the inflam ed concLuoo* < catarrh t that make you weak. 11 freaherj the blood, st*-*di? iKe nerre?. and supplies juet what you nt*d to tcter the not *<*a.??or. witn confidence. P??* ls a reaJ *<*"?. with especial efficacy iof catarrhal con Liquid or tablet form?whichever Ls moat convenient?will taafeguard your health. The Pcruna Company, Columbia, Ohio HORSES and MULES HAY, ETC. We have on hand a few More ' ?ood Mules and Horses for Sale Cheap for Cash or on good terms. You canftbeat our Prices on Hay when Consider the qual ity. Come ana see us, and let? talk th^Matter over. It is much to yoi* intenst as it isto Ours. FULLER & PERRY Louikbarg, N.iC. Your Car?"Expense Reduced It h not at all necessarr to stagger?long under a heavy expense for car rap? rs' Tke economical method ia to atnw?c with ua to keep your ear in condition in-, atead ot allowing (t to go to pleeee from neglect before you bflng It to us. A alight defect can be remedied quickly and at small coat, but it allowed to rfapte drift along It soon becomes a serious matter and the repair bill rani up into money. It & the part of wisdom to Me us frequently and let ua see your ear at the same time. Our machinists are all competent. Supplies and Accessories phone No. 296-J YOUNGS GARAGE, South Main Street Louisburg, N- C. it, tvhaievf-rthelr number. they may submit t ho question of levying such a tax to t!:c qualified ?o'.cr- or me com munity at an election to be held not earlier than thirty iS0? days subse quently to such meeting. If the com munity meeting kitali desire?h> sub? mit separately Uu* quest ion of tax le vy for different purposes. It shall mention a name of not more thaq six words l?ywhich each !'i^cl.l tax shall be distinguished, as. for example, road tax: public library tax: or such com? tuunity meeting may submit the ques tion of a tax levy for various purpos? es under the title. "For Community Tax." At the election herein provid ed for. each voter may deposit a bal? lot marked "For Tax" or "Against Tax": and if a major}!} of the vole? cast at such election shall be for said tax. then the nroposed tax levy shall be enforced, and the tax collected at the same time and in the same manner as State and coftnty taxes. Or such incorporated community, through its mass-meet ing or board of directors, may name a collector of community taxes and fix his compensation requiring both tax collector and treasurer to give bonds for appropriate amounts. Sec. 9. The Bureau of Community Service now directed by the State De partments of Education. Agriculture, and Health, the State College of Ag riculture and Mechanic Arts, and other agencies, is hereby charged with the duty of securing from the commu nities of the State Incorporated under this act reports as to what each com? munlty is doing for the promotion ot the purposes mentioned in section six of this act; and the aforesaid Bureau of Community Service shall furnish the officers of such incorporated com munities forms for keeping records, accounts, etc.. and for making re ports. Said bureau shall also provide forms and instructions to citizens of -%b+ -State desiring to petition for In corporation under the provisions of this act. and shall publish annually a summary of t lie work accomplished by incorporated communities. Tnc mem bers of the board of directors of such incorporated communities arc requir ed to render such reports to uie Bu reau of Community Service and to post copies of same, together with an Itemized statement of receipts. dls-> bursements. and balances for hte year, in six public places in the com munity. under the penalty, upon con viction. of a fine of twenty-five doli lars each, to be paid into the public school funds of the community: Pro prided. that all printing required un der this act shall be paid for by the State Department of Education. Sec. 10. Said board of directors may adopt standards for the produc tion and marketing of produce^ can ned vegetables, etc., and may adopt labels, trade names, and brands for the same, and regulate their use. re quiring the inhabitants of said com* munity to copiply with the standards set and adopted by the directors be fore they can use the brand, trade name, or labels for said community; and said board of directors may adopt such regulations as may be necessary to protect said brands, trade n^pes? etc.; may have an inspection of the goods sold thereunder, and may take any and all necessary steps looking to a system of community standard WOMEN'S NERVES Women, more than men, have excitable nerves, because tiring work and physical strain tax their more delicate nervous systems and bring premature age and chronic weakness-sunless treated intelligently. Drug-laden pills and alcoholic concoctions cannot build up a woman's strength, but the concentrated medicinal food properties in sonrs iNuisiM build strength from its very source anij arc helping thousands of women to gain control of their nflrve power?overcome tiredness, nervousness, impatience and irritability, o SCOTT'S is a liquid-food^-free from alcohol. Scott A Bowd*. BIwMi N. J. production, and of cooperative com? munity marketing. Sec. 11. Any magistrate residing within the boundaries of a communi ty incorporated under this act shall have power to hear and try all cases arising from violation of ordinances adopted by such community:" Pro vided, that there is no magistrate re siding within the boundaries of the community, the community shall at each annual meeting nominate some suitable person living within Its con fine? who shall be appointed commun ity magistrate by the Governor of the State, with all the powers of a mag? istrate within the bounds of said com munity. Sec. 12. That each person charg ed with the duty of registering voters in an election precinct embraced in whole or In part In any Incorporated community shall furnish the chair man of the board of directors of such Incorporated community a complete list of the registered voters in his pre< clnct at the preceding State election, and from such list the board of di rectors shall compile an official list of "registered voters residing in the community for use in connection with the enforcement of this set, such reg. istrar receiving one-half cent for eacli such name so furnished, to be paid fo? by the .community. Sec. 13. All lays and clauses of laws In conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 14. That this act shall be in force from and after its rattitcation. Ratified this the 6th day of Marchj A. D., 1917. The price remains the same! Men who stand out from the croWd want personality and brains expressed in their clothes. Styleplus Clothes $17 are the result of brains direct ed in a new way to the clothes-making problem. The Price Remains The Same , r v The Styleplus idea of con centrating a great national volume on a suit of one known price saves money. Concentration reduces manufac turing costs. Double^ volume manufacture, advance purchases of cloth, have beaten the popular fad of raising the price. You can have all-wool fabrics, expert workmanship, substantial linings and trimmings, style by a great designer, guaranteed satis faction, $17, just as formerly? if you come here. We are the Styleplus store. Ti?4> Muk IUt. Styleplus ?|7 Clothes..*'' "The tame price th? nation ovaCT (/Vi<# in Cuba W) P: S. & K. K. LOUISBURG, N. C. Oil the Cornet On the Corner*