ONLY ft. 50 FEE YEAS IK ADVANCE ?. F. Johnson, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY, THE ^FATE, THE UNION. Subscription $1.50 Per VOLUMN XLVI. - MlllZiZl * ^SSif LOUISBURG, N C.fFEtt) AY, JULY 6TH, 1917. ? NUMBER 21 MR. L H- MALONE ELECTED CHAIRMAN 1BANKLIN COl>TY DEMOCRATIC ? EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. At ? Meeting Held In the Court House Monday?Chairman Collie resigned 0? Account of Being ont ot the Cmity. - _. In accordance with the adjournment on May 19th, 1917, the Democratic Executive Committee ot Franklin County met in the court house Mon day with eight out ot ten members present. The meeting was called to order by the secretary and In the ab sence of Chairman Collie, who was In attendance-at a meeting ot the Amer ican Prison Association In Washing ton, Mr. E. N. Williams waB called to preside as temporary Chairman. He explained the object ot the meet ing was to adopt some plans to as sist the Board ot Elections in seeing that all who are entitled to register be registered before July 25th that they may rote under the absentee vo ters law recently passed, and to ac cept the rslgnailon ot Chairman Col lie and elect his successor. The Secretary was asked to read the resignation of Chairman Oollle, after which a motion from Gold Mine to accept same with the thanks of the Committee for his past services pre vailed. 7* Kearney, from Frankllnton, moved that the Chairman appoint the regis trars ot each township a special com mittee of one In their respective town ship to see that all persons, who are entitled to register, are properly reg istered before July 25th, and that to especially see that no man so enti tled to reglstr leaves the township without having had the opportunity.!? register. The motion preailed. THE FRANKLIN TIMES was re quested to publish information regard lag this freely. Upon matMnt We Committee re quests all citizens, especially the members of this committee, to assist in recruiting the local military com panies to full war strength at once. The matter of raising the funds tor the past campaign was discussed and a unanimous vote ot the Committee commended the Central Committee, appointed to look after same, for the method they adopted in raising this money. It also developed that some assessments had not been fully met and the Chairman and Secretary were instructed to communicate with the?e parties at once and request that they send in these amounts. Chairman Williams announced that nominations were in order for Chair man to the committee for t He unex pired term ot Chairman Collie. Kearney, of Frankllnton placed the name of Mr. E. H. Malone before the committee, whifh was seconded by Upchurch from Gold Mine. A. A. Ferry, of Dunns nominated Mr. J. M. Allen, -which also received a sec ond. The Bewtary was ordered to take the ballot which resulted as fol ?ws: Malone 6, Allen 2. Thereupon Mr. Malojie was declared elected. No other business of importance coming before the commltttB adjourn ment was taken until a call was isv sued by the new Chairman. 9 . v Will So To Lonlsbnrg. Noryoung man who has come i List of Letters. V The following Is a list of letters re maining In th^ Post Office at Louis urg, N. C., not called for July 6th, 1017: . Mrs. Annie Bell, Miss Debolla Green, /7~Eftla Jaynes, Emur S. Mor ton, Miss Alma Perry, Miss S. J. Womnack.' ' jNaMBit telling for any of the above lettate Jrttf phase state that they saw ,ti?jftH?rti.ed. "?4?M R. H. DAVIS, P. M. It las hard for a jatk to see the point oft a Joke and feel it simultaneously. ME MOVING PEOPLE. I" fOME TOC KJiOW, SOKE YOU DO HOT KNOW. x Itany on B? ?!????, Maaj on Pie*?or*, /Others to be doing, Bnt All Going oi (omlag. k Mr. S. G. Rlggs spent Sunday In $aleigh. . *?; Iff Mr. P. A. Roth left Saturday for a Jislt to his people In Ohio. i. t I f Miss Sallle Taylor visited friends and relatives In Oxford yesterday. Ill Miss Lucy Felts loft Wednesday to ?end a few days In Petersburg, Va. Ill Mlij Mary White NasL left Wednes Hay for Wilmington to visit her aunt. Ill Mr. F. L. Edens of Washington, N. C., Is visiting his people here this JkfSek. . I I I Mr. Clyde Collier left Wednesday j for Richmond,' Va., to spend a few days. I f I Miss Clara Aycocke left Wednesday for Snow Hill to visit friends and rel atives . I " I f Mr. and Mrs. G. R. McBrady, of Raleigh, visited her people here Sat urday. i n i Mrs. S. G. Rlggs and little son, 'who have been visiting In Raleigh, lave returned home. Ilr Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Webb and children and Mrs. E. F. Thomas vis Ited Raleigh yesterday. IIIs. Lieut, and Mrs. G. A. Ricks, Mrs. J. W. Mann and Capt. S. P. Boddie visited Raleigh Monday. I I I .Mr. D. T. Williams ana tittle dau ^Filter, Mary Sutherlin, of Greenville, are visiting his people here tills week. I I I Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Webb went I lo South Hill Va-., Thursday of last j v. eek to attend the funeral of Mrs. Webb's mother.. Ill Miss Eleanor .Yarborough left yes terday for New York where she will lake a summer teaching course at Columbia University. I I II Mrs. T. D. Tyack, of Winston-Sa iem, Is visiting at Mrs. W. H. Ruf fin's. ?^he was accompanied by her son, Mr. Badger Hart, of Paris, Tex as. I II I Messrs. S. S. Meadows and G. C. Harris left Monday for Olanta, S. C.t wli^re they will operate a tobacco 'warehouse until the season opens here. I II I Mr. W. J. Cooper returnees Tues v.ithern Pines ? where ho took Mrs. Cooper, who win spend sev eral days there before entering the state Sanitorium at Sanatoria. Ill' Mr. G. L. Crowell returned Tues i'ty from a visit te Richmond. H? left Wednesday for Statesville, to make arrangements for the ojjening of a business there about August 1st. Among those who went rrom Louls luirg to Panacea Wednesday night to attend the 4th of July dance we not?( tlite following: Misses Annie Bells King;, Francis Barrow, Mildred Soott, Ruth Early, Mary and Beatrice Turn er, Messi%. William 'White, Clyde White, William Bk-kett, Joe Nash, W. P. Tucker, John Burt HUT, Terrell Kemp, William Ruffln and William Al len, W. T. Person, Dr. A. H. Flem ing, Miss Noye Aycocke, Mrs. E. F. Early, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Yarbor ough and daughters Miss Camilla and Eleanor, and son John. COUNTY COJOTISSIONERS Miss Paollne Smith, Hone Demonstra. tlon Agent, Allowed Use of Old Treasurer's Offtoe. The Board of County Commissioners met In regular session on Monday with all members, present. After reading and approving the minutes of their previous meeting business was ('Isposed of as follows: Upon order the rent from the B. F. Matthews place la to be applied to account for coffin for Mrs. B. F. Matthews. It wm ordered that Mas Pauline Smith, Home Demonstration Agent, was allowed the use of the Treasur er's office for the Canning Club, and hare same cleaned up, when It does not Interfere with court worlc. J J. M. Davis was relieved of polll tax for 1916. ? On motion of t '.he Chalsman the Chairman be instructed to em ploy the 8cott, Chamblee & 0-?., to audit the books of' Franklin County at once, seconded by Earl, on roll call was defeated three to two?Earl and Winston voting for and Ballentlne Stokea and Alston voting against. On mtlon of Stokes tne Chairman was Instructed to have the books of the county audited on or before Oc tober 1st, 1917. Report of Dr. J._ E. Malone, Coun ty Health Officer, was received and filed. Mrs.-Geo. L. Shearln was allowed 110.00 for Immediate relief. Ordered that the moving picture shows be taxed only $10.00 each. Report of J. J. Holden, Superinten dent of County Hdme ? was received and filed. He,reports 12 white and 11 colored Inmates. A resolution allowing the Trustees of Dunns township to issue notes for $20,000.00 for 18 months, to begin the road work was allowed. W. H. ?varborough, attorney, representing a number of taxpayers, entered a pro test, upon the grounds that no stipu lated limit to discount was named In the resolution, and other objections. A resolution to borrow $5,000 for Cedar Rock township for 18 months was granted. A resolution to Is9ue note tor $25, 000.00 for Sandy Creek township for 18 months was granted. After allowing a number of ac: counts the Board adjourned to Mon day, July 9th, 1917. Marriage Licenses. Register of Deeds Ynrborough 1?. sued marriage licenses to the follow ing couples during the month of June: WH1TF?Elibie Arnold 8Ad ^ Bet tie Vauglian, E. J. Cheatham and Ella Harris, Hal T. Horton ana Dora Vau ghan, E. E. Strickland and Sadie Strickland. Early Perry and I. Pearl Daniel. Bulo Horton and O racy Baln es. German Rudolph McGrady and Kate Ra.vllngs High, Willie Harris and Nancy Aycocke. COLORED?Etiilio Lee Manley and [ Lessle Williams, Bat Green aud Liz t zie Mann, Moses Kelly and Nellie Perry. James Branch and Carrie Da vis, Irie Clements and Bnla Lewis, Thomas Williams and Clara McKnigh' Sol Williams. Jr., and Ethel Bumpass, Davis Moore and Emma White, En rich Gay and Anna Foster, H. C. Mc Kniglit and Mary Massenbufg, Zollie Johnson and Beulah McChee. Margaret Item?. , Well the pops are looking real nice around Margaret after the nice rain, we had Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Renn spent last Saturday and Sunday with his sister. Miss Mary Dunn spent last Satur day and Sunday with her grandmoth er, Mrs. Joyner. Mr. Jimmie Renn went to Bunn iust Saturday on business. Mr. Jack Stalling* parsed through our little town Sunday afternoon on his way to Mr. W K. Bunn-s. Mrs. Jennie Rena spent last Sun day afternoon with Mis. R. H. PltujeJJ Mrs. A. S. Wlggs and little daugn* ter, Laura, spent last Saturday and Sunday with hgr mother, Mrs. J. E. Tlmberlake. r Mr. and Mrs. Willie Patton spent last Sunday afemoon at Mr. Nat Hari ris' near.' Raynor. Mr. A. S. Wiggs spent last Sun day with Mr. T. M. Pearce. Best wishes to the FRANKLIN TIMES. BIG WAR. When a man has a kind word tor everybody general curiosity Is arous ed until It Is discovered what office ho Is running for.?Chicago Dally News. Learning from the mistakes of oth-. ci s Is the only comfortable way of ac quiring a practical education. , War la a bad business, but It needn't be bad for business In thla country- If everyone will jemaln calm and keep, pushing. . Jealousy 1* the trading stamp given with each case of true love. MR. E. L. BEST ? RE-ELECTEE SUPt-. ?' > ? MR. EDWIX H. MALONE ELECTED ATTORNEY. By Board of Education Mondaj?Mes srs. H. I>. Egerton and T. H. Dlck Ni Retire, and Messrs. C. B. Sand ling and E. L. Green, new Mem bers enter npon Duties. The Board of Education met in reg ular session on Monday with all mem bers except Dickens present. After reading and approving, the minutes of the previous meeting business as fol lows was disposed of: A. W. Perry was appointed a com mittee to sell the Wester Grove school building. H. D. Egerton was asked to sell the Little Mill School site. A. W. Perry and E. L. Best were appointed a committee to write reso lutions expressing the appreciation of the Board for the untiring efforts In behalf of education of the two retir ing members, Messrs. H. D. Egrton aud T. H. Dickens and also for their hearty fo-operatlon. After allowing a number of accounts | it was ordered that the Board adjourn sine die. At 2 o'clock t lie new Board of Edu cation. having taken the required oath of office, convened for organization and fo dispose of any unfinished bus iness that might come before It. A. W. Perry and E. L. Best were re quested to act as temporary Chairman and secretary respectively, after it was determined that all members were present as follows: A. W. Perry,. John C. Winston, J. N. Harris, C. R. Sandling and E. L. Green. A. W. Perry was unanimously elect Chairman for the ensuing two years. E. L. Best was unanimously re elected Superintendent of Schools for the coming term. The question of an Attorney Cor the Board was brought up and the names of Messrs. E. |t. Malone and \V. M. Person were placed in nomina tion . A ballot was taken which re sulted Malone 3, Person 2, therefore Malone was declared eloctod. A. W. Perry and J. N. Harris were appointed a finance committee to meet every quarter, or oftener if nec essary. A number of school committees were appointed. The following attendance officers were appointed for 1917-1S: Dunns? A. C. Perry; Harris?J. C. Jones; Voungsville?G. X. Stell; Hayesvillt ?A. A. Medlin; Sandy Creek?J. J. Cooper: Gold Mine?A. J. Joyner; Cedar Rock?E. S. Fulglium;. Cy press Creek?Alton Wilder; Louis turg?J. L. Palmer. Several orders were Issued, after which the Board adjourned to meet again on the next first Monday. Cotton Blooms. Mr. R. P. Taylor was the first to present the editor with a cotton bloom this season. It was pulled on Satur day. Fete on College Campus Friday Night. For the benefit of Red Cross work the women of Louisburg are holding a Fete on the College Campus tonight. A splendid program has been arrang 'eci, patriotic music and Speaking. The children will tnke active part in the ^?xercises. Admission for all 10c. To Get Beernlts. Upon instructions from Adjutant General Royster, Capt. S. P. Boddle jvqpt crver Halifax Wednesday, ^here he deliver an address at ^fourth of July celebration, and ln Haentally solieiurecruits for his com pany .^He wii jW8i>mp&nied by Mea ars.. Cheatham Hurley Cooke and Claude Oollias. I>r. Stalling? Sets License. Dr. William Langdon Stalllngs re turned FYiday from Charlotte where ho attended a meeting of the North Carolina State Veterjnar? Medical As sociation, at -which time he sucessful ly stood the required examination and received his llcJhseto practice hie profession. Dr. Stalllngs ha* proven himself proficient In Mr work and haa. many Meade here w&6 will regret to learn that he la contemplating enlist ing in the regular army In the Veter inary Surgery Department and coins to the from. Ho has already recetv edjofonnatioh from the War Depart mnt that Is very enoouraglnf. _