?. 7. Johnson, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY,? THE STATE, THE UNION. * Subscription 51.60 Per Year VOLUMNXLVI.. , LOUISBDRO, N. O., P*ID AY, JULY 27TF, 1917. . ' NUMBER 24 THOSE WHO WERE DRAFTED i'HO* K HAN KLIN COUNTY TO COMPOSE THE FIBST CALL OF 687,000. Hot Entire List bat Enough to Cover First Call?See If Your Name Is hi The Number. Below we publish a list ot those In Franklin county called for service In tlie flrst allottment. Every name registered was drawn out at Wash ington. The drawing serving only to ra-rotate tho names, which will be ta len in the order drawn and renum bered by the local boards and then taken Btraight by the new numbers, as the several allotments are called for. In the first allottment Frank lin county will have to furnish a gross total ot 243. She has a credit., of 97 men enlisted <n tile several bran ches ot the army, which leaves a net i;uo'ta of 14? men to be furnished. It is supposed that lu'rdly more than one ?out of every three will be taken and therefore It is thought that thtf follow 1 ig list of 445 name? will be sufficient to fqrnlsh the 146 men called for. The remainder of the list will be pub lished In the proper order when the local Exemption Board maku j up their official list: 1 -<58?Hubert Cannaday 2---458?George Samuel Debn.rm 3?1436?Ransom Perry 4 ?54?Earnest Hadley 5?1; 94?Benjamin Norfleet Wheeler 0?<S7??Edgar Williams ,7?4095?Callle Archibald Long " .-.?*8022?Tillman Thomas Young V-Hi4B6?King 8olomon Perry 10?783?Arthur Thomas Howell 11?1813?Eirjnltt Wiggins lir?1858?Sol WlliUms, Jr. ? ? 13_?,1702?William Henry Thomas 14-^1117?Buddie Montague #?1572?James Edward Ransdell ??17<8?Johnnie Thomas it?.JS37?Frank Ford Hicks 0 C036?JacTc Yarboro ?' ?-r?37?Charles Andrew Clifton 676?Charlie Henry Green A?275?Bud Coppedge i$?^09?Matthew Edwards ii?1185?Ross Moore ??564?John Fogg iT>?^}45?Thomas C, James 2G??1912?Joe Wilder 27??96?Tolly Faulkner 18?1267?Clater Mltchlner t 536?Elliott Leslie Egerton m -1495?William Obadlah Prultt I?<48?Frank Fost ^ 126?Luclns Brodle ?"1679?Arthur Arrlngton Shearin 34^*1237?Willie Qlenn Macon d??.784?Oscar Hagwood 36?1732?Herbert Enoch Tharrlngton nT?.755?Wade Hampton Hlght ;t4r?107?Richard Boothe 1546 Cornelius Riddle ? - y!563?Bennle Clifton Raye 41?4369?Onnle Lee Pearce ' 4^^616?John Harvey Faulkner 4^??73?Morris Dunn ?44?1676?John Hazel Smith 45?4266?WUUajn Henry Strother 60?1891?Tollie H. Weldon 01??J7&-John Cade Hayes ?2?486?James Eldor ^ 63??92?Wlllla Oupton 64?<00?James Robert Frazlor 65?1986?Eddie Williams 66?810?Osmond Jackson Hale 67??1539?Calvin Rose 63?4.682?Walter Shaw ? ?$?607?William Henry Pfcerton ?0?409?William Kearney Carlyle 61?437?Baldle Davis 4 62?4324?Charles Taylor Perry 68?604?Herman Frailer - f,4_4jJ?Albert Green Aygcue ?0^?1763?Andrew Tan t 4P-4543?Oeorge Washington Rhem (7-?lJ64?Tommle Murphy 68?1066?James E. Lewis . C9?42*?Jones Iver Insooe 7i -_4J0? Jlmmie Lynn Denton 71??1014?Lee Joyfcer 72?1178?Biggie Morton 73?<14?RUdnald Clyde Edward? 71 ?>IH T-fcn Weat Denton 7f?4JS9?Benjamin Rosar Moore 7?4w-Jo#?h Henry Otapt?!) > ? 77?10?-Johttjlenry Albrltto* . ?fc-1946?Frank Kolly ; *9^10ai -Bl#oe, yaonKewn?*-.' >. ? so?noB-^irr .? 31-1331?Tommle Bleasanta 83?1686?Nathaniel 8olomen ?3?437?Jamee Elmore EJvan? .84?43U?John Edward Nelmt R6?1328?4ohn Raymond Perry , ?-1847?fame* Ir?y White ?7?117?took Wlllard H?Cflas 88?140?Sidney Burnette 69?1536?Bennle L. Rowland 9 ?1922?Lawrence Lionel Wilder 91?1723?Timothy T?rrell ?1779?Mose Thomas ? ' 93?1236?Oscar Thomas Moses 34?2011?Henry Williams 95?432?Flersham Dantoo 96?18?Jhn A. Askew 97?652?Robert B. QoW 58?927?Willie Innooe 19?1484?William Pagram 100?739?Owen Hay? 101 '1761. John Thomas 601 Thomas FraoSer 1322 Lewis Washington Parrlsh 1146 Ellas Murphy 1103 Ed Lancaster 1395 Jarvis Wesley Perry 606 William Henry Ferrell 182 Maurice Brown 1771 Frank J. Tlmberake 513 Robert Henry Evans 46 Eddie Craven Arnold 1020 Howell Gray Jones 1651 Richard Skinner, Jr. 1099 Hubert Clarence Layton 195 Wood Williams 1636 ' James Sliver 223 Peyton Jam?? Brown 1441 John Henderson Plnnell 117 Joseph Heniy Bell 602 Percy Foster 390 Friday Da/fc, .'t. 75 William Henry ,\'lcn Jr. 1818 George Jiormai Wilder 1124 772 Jamas Bdgar_ Huft 1125 1456 Robert Hffljry Pinnell 126 721 Eddie gTlH0*~<?apton 127 1419 Walt? Biyara Parrtsh 128 786 Sidney Rtniun 12? 1549 Zollte < Wtd? Richards ISO 1476 Robert fcae Perry i:U 280 Alfi*eifc,12)amaa Cope 132 1292 EnocO Klcholson 1.33 972 Percy Sflltoil Johnson 134 ? 983 Vannte Bill JonqS 135 757 Bonnie BWrtp 13? 96G John JWlltbts 137 66S Sidney ELotue 138 332 Herbert Gates 139 379 Ben DnpstoQ 140 1560 ZoUK Qfiton Rogers 141 542 ChaHle Egorton 14f 194 Percy Ibuamorid Blount 14?. 8174 Vlcthr Uvhert Harris 1?4 552 I'lyses tfoeg 115 1300 Addison Pejirce 146 .1673 Janiai Chfl Strowd 147 1887 Manifold Wllaon 148 298 George Cgje> 149 675 ' 01116 GttgbW "150 1769 Orion TOiger 151 1294 JoUb % Q40Jn 152 1148 Jeaafe Forest May 153 1647 Joe Sellings 154 1354 Edward H, Pearce 155 1906 Alg* ?UBama ' 1 156 2017 Pentf "Bcilng 15V 343 yjtfSprRalelgh Cheek 158 2008 ^wlng Williamson 15? 1613 Odlce Sykee 160 982 John Johnson 161 726 Ira Holden 162 15 Lett A!km 1SS 905 Or?Ter HUfrtson 164 93S (?orRjh Johrfton _ ? 165 1531 JefVejt Myre Percy 1.66 1288 Ed Nea? 167 452 George QstIb 16S 355 John Banry Cash 169 1843 Da-vld lather Wells 1.70 530 John Edtwda, Jr. 171 809 Oltfe HartSfield 172 1114 John Henry Mangnm 173 1470 Raymond Matthew Plnnell 174 645 Norman Green 175 218 J of safe Basnett 176 620 DaYitf ti. ro?ter 177 1334 Solly Bennett Prtdgen 178 550 Ernest Poeter 179 1611 Walter S tain back 180 674 Percy Fogg 181 SI Ellis AUton 182 1432 Frank Perry 188 1727 Claodfc Tabonrn 134 2047 Charles Tlromaa 185 981 Zolll* Brine Johnson ISA 1848 MaylOB Hlirto Watklna ? 187 1570 BMJe Htchmand Richard son 18S 1817 Tommfc atelTod Wilder 18? 770 Robert Sidney Hester 190 881 George BSrneet rl^res 191 877 June* P- Gap ton 191 1868 Newman B. Williams 198 1509 Lewi? Petry_ 194 1111 Peyton Randolph Mitchell 195 .626 George CI Us 1?? 1417 Darts PetUgrtw PrtYott 197 15J4 Clau* Mack Rawlinga 198 1014 Henry Yafboro 199 7$0 Dlbenrt Harrts 200 .183 Sanktortal Branch 101 6? Gonitis Sidney Alford ? 101 117? Joe Beckwlth Nowell 108 1791 Walter Calrm Tick 104 196? Sam A. Williams 105 7?i Walter Heater GRAND PATRIOTIC RALLY ? J ' - ? '' T ' . Louisburg, N. C THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1917 In Honor of ? - THE SOLDIER- BOYS OF FRANKLIN Under the Auspices of the Red Cross Society art d Daughters of the Confederacy. Everybody is invited to attend and bring a basket- Gov. T. W., Bickett, Hon. J. H. Pou, Col. Albert Cox, of Raleigh, and other Speakers will be present. The New Artillery Band will furnish music- -The Annual dinner for the Old Soldiers will be served on this occasin instead of later as heretofore- , 5 Edward Allen 360 'Edward Blackmail Cox 1580 Eugene Ruffln - ' 54 Pleas Bridges AlfDrd 870 David Marvin Hamlet 1714 Preston Thomas 549 Auburn Fowler 1132 William Marson Welona - May 440 James Mad Davis 1485 Willis Perry 1674 John Early Dherron 741 Junius Henderson 1054 Nathle) Kelly - 1275 Lewis Washington Noweil 711 William Green 1022 Wade Hampton King 841 Eddie Harris, 638 Tollie Foster 1032 Carver Kearney 623 John K.. Foster 269 James Morris Crudup 685 Walter Gupton 1141 John Solomon Marshall 1314 Charlie Cles Pearce 1016 Johnnie Jones 1688 Austin Smith 335 Clyde Franklin Collier 1430 James Arthur Perry 2005 JamM Eldridge Wilder 493 Percy Eaton 1358 William Person Pearce 923 Joe Inscoe 1305 James" Plummer 341 William Erlon Currln 1007 Jlmmie Blalre Jeems 1764 Kitchen Tant 391 Ben Davis 13*6 Lee Hilllard Perry 353 Yinston Perry Cooke 970 Frank Jones 637 Arthur Fuller 1675 Edward Shaw 2032 James Yarboroug 360 Jones Frank Cottrd 1(57 ^pddinge Sptvey 2055 Alexander 'Alston 1217 Charles Mitchdll 571 Omega Foster 1873 J. Henry Williams 488 Walter Egerton 1543 Morton Alfonso Rudd 704 Henry Goswlck 72 Malone Jackson Ayeo4c& 1063 Daniel Debnam " - 1896 Charley White ?? 1709 James Alfred Sandllns - 356 Joseph Medcus Champion 112 Arthur Blacknall 1067 N'alton Lewis 128 Robert Lee Brooks 2012 Claud W. Young 679 Dolphin Gupton 805 Eddie Balance Horton 11 Dennis Alston - 900 Blllle Royal Harris 1981 Joseph Clyde Wester 1617 Nelson Splvey 363 Charley Cephas Perry 1287 Jaqapg Elmore Neal 1142 George Moore 1765 Marnado Ruffln Tharrlng ton # ttr^ 277 6 Newton Alston 2'<& 327 Eugene Herbert Champion 279 664 William Sherrod Oar 280 93 Joseph L. A. 1 ford 281 1448 Matthew Maurice Person 282 1722 John Hanry Tharrlngton 283 957 Marlon Jeffreys 2S4 1667 William O^een Roe 28( 1744 James Bnrchett Thomas 280 1111 Tony Morgan s87 346 Ernest Cyrus 288 1696 Charlie Splvey 289 * 1866 Archie Baldy Pearce 299 103 Eddie Brldgers 291 ,1686 Richard Rodwell 242 1911 Joe Wlld?ti ; S98 1221 George Mill* (294 fl02 Charlie Langford 296 1626 Matthew Pell* Strlrtland 299 666 Norman Foster H?7 1666 Bad Ray 2uS 164 Henry Jack Brewer 299 1281 Julius Seal S00 61 BUly Alston ' 001 717 Martin Colonel Oupton 3(2 1057 Willie Kearney ?03 1256 Garrette McKnlght (Continued to Fifth Page) Meeting Postponed. ? Inasmuch as the War Revenue BUI was recent! withdrawn by the Sen ate Finance Committee and Is, there tore, still under consideration, It has been deemed best to postpone the Lusiness Mens' Meeting, called to consider the Proposed Bill In Raleigh on Thursday, July 26th. Mr. C. H. Mullen's Besldence Struck by Lightning. News received, .here Wednesday trom Buun la to the effect that dur ing a storm thei-e on Tuesday after noon lightning struck the residence of Mr. C. H. Mullen doing conslderabl" damage to the building brides shock ing Mr. Mullen consldrable. Mr. Mnllen was sitting on his back porch with Ills two little children in his lap whan the lightning struck the house red the bolt passed through the Boor vithin about a foot of him knocking him senseless for a while but not Uurtlpg tl)9 children. His many fli'eli'ds will be'_ glad to learn that he has recovered iii good shape. V Uie Methodist Church. Rev. J. E. Underwood, Presiding I ;l(Ter, will hold the quarterly confer ence for Lbuisburg Station, Friday night, July 27th, at 8:15 o'clock. Sat uruay morning at eleven, he will hold tflo quarterly conference for the Tar River Circuit at Piaey Grove church, ?reaching there aso at eleven Sunday fl3unday night at 8:15 o'clock he will occuy the puplt in the Methodist ch'urcH of Loulsburg. Tree Blown Across Stable.; Two Fine Mules Killed. . Two flue mules, belonging to Redln H. Perry, of Maplevlle, were killed Wednesday aftrnoon during a storm, which blew a large oftlc across the stables, killing both mules Instantly. Some months ago Mr. Perry had the misfortune to lose hi* saw mill by Cre. He had started up business again about Ave miles below Maple jvlUe, where the accident occurred Monday afternoon, Notice to the People. Alter so pinch rajn and long con tinued dampness of the land In (act everything soaked In water, onr peo ple should be prepared to meet tbe Insanitary conditions that must fol ow In the wake of this state of things when ?he weather suddenly clears off and the gun comes out with forceful heat. In addition to the above we hare necessarily had to do a great amoont of excavation, digging up and turning over much decayed animal and vegetable matter on our streets. With the above facts bfore our peo ple let them be ready as soon as the rains cease to freely use lime around their hotne cellars and all damt> pla ces . Use freshly slacked lime and ?ptInkle 'it thick and thoroughly. They" will certainly be attracted to thia foul earth sq recently turned oft, front Its long and apparently lr-ccnn' sleep and visit homes, Htshc- ? - ' dining rooms and tables with lcjj u..? wings laden with their unsavlng bur den?. Be ready to meet this crisis and ward'off and prevent sickness. Demonstration. We have been requested to make (be following announcements: That when County Agent Is out ot town, cabs may be obtained from W. H. Perdue, who haa charge of Far mem Union Storage.House. T hole wishing tin cans are request fed to get them at once a* they will hare to be mored by Ajigast I5th. tor on* may buy them; sale 1? not ' It . . restricted to club members. T l at Canning demonstrations will te given In other communities than those scheduled last week if the peo ple in any section desire t Hem. That Franklin county will have a cenea of Dairy Meetings or schools early in the (all. The meetings will be held at the school buildings. The program will consist ot butter mak ing demonstration; care of milk an!' cream; Babcock fat test; methods and uses ot dpiry products which can be utilized in th? diet; judging dairy and beef breeds. These will be un der the supervision of Prof. R. H. Mason, Assistant Dairy Husbandman. A. & E. College. If the people of any particular sec tion desire one of these schools, please have some one notify your County Agent at once. % Barbecue Dinner. Misses Lucy Fay Driver and Nan nie May Hollingsworth of Memphis. T. t.n., Kathleen Burrows, of, Youngs ?.Ule. Virginia Jones, of Loulsburg, Mary Justice, of Morven, and Mary Louise Justice, of Raleigh, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. ,W.^Justice last week. The "Barbecue" given them was very much enjoyed by all present. ,FCNEBAL OF J. 1). ALSTON. Deceased Was Highly Respected Cltl - zen of Warren. At the Geo. W. Alston burying ground In Warren coufity, near Inez, the remains of Mr. John Davis Al ston, who died at the residence of his brother, Capt. Phil G. Alston, In this e.ty late, Thursday night were Interr ed Friday afterhooH, Rev. N. H. D. Li. WljBon, pastor 6t the Louisburg Methodlst church, officiating. Mr. Alston, who was In the seVenty nxth year at his age. was a highly re Bpected and esteemed citizen of bar ren county, where he lived until a few months ago. After the death of his wife he came to live wlii his bro ther in this city. He has been in feeble health for a long time. For three years he fought in the Civil War, in company K, 13th North Carolina Regiment, o? which t.h> bro ther, Phil G. Alston, was captain. He was a brave soldier and stood Icy ally by the stars hnd bare. Ho was a faithful member ? the Shady Grove M. E. Church in arren cthinty. One brother, Capt. Phil 3 Alston, of this city, and two" sisters. Mrs G |^V. AUton and .Mrs. P. K. Wll lams, ol Inez, survive him. Family Be-unJbn at Sere? Fktli?. At the home of Mr. and Mr?. James 11. Lamm Sunday, Juy +o. there was giver a family reD Ion in honor ?f the mother, Mrs. Pattie G. AlArd, who is l.ngeiing in old age. Only the brothers, sisters and their children and Immediate relatives wire present. Early In the morn to g the children came In and all was alive with childhood days. About 12 o'clock the table whlcfc had been ar ranged in the yard beneath the shade or the old apple tree was luxuriously filled with good things to eat. All had gathered around to partake of the goodie* and Mr. Moses Alford pro nounced the blessings upon It. After the dinner the crowd seated themselves and began to unwrap the tilings of their thiMhood days. Miss Pattie Lamm acted as hostess, while Miss Lyndla j/j, Mrs. M. T Lamm and Mrs. ft. C. Strickland act ed as ushers or waiters. The occasion was a success and every one present thoroughly enjoy ed It and said ft wot Id long be re membered . 7hose present were Mr. Moses A. Aford, of Youngs vlllfe, Mrs. Pattie O. Alford, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lamm and children, Mr. a*d Mrs. W. F Gay and family, Mr. Mrs. Vin " * Alford, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Al -d, Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Griffln. " ?-?- departed late la the afWWotm, a> King God to be with them 'till they meet again. '. List of Letters. The following Is a let of letters re maining in the poflftfflW at Louls burg, N. C., not called Mr July 27th, 1917: ?? ' . Mr. OUle Boyd, Mr. ?. L. Green, J. Ellis Jaynes (3), Mr?. Annie Mit chell, MI'S Lumbla Perry. ) Persons calling for'any of th9 above letters will please state that they saw them advertised. B. H. DAVIS, P. M. I REGISTER BEFORE YOU LEAVE IKpEB TIHO ABSENTEE VOTERS ACT OF Jlltl?. ? - ? Tbtt Von May Vote, la AB Election? Ueld While Away, by Hail. Wo are la receipt of the following letter from Chairman E. H. MaloSe, regard to .Uio importance of regis-' terlng right aWay under the absentee vol era act of *1917. Read it careful ly: July 24, 1917. V:. A. F. Johnson, Editor, ? Franklin Times, Loulsburg, N. C. , Dear Sir:- \ Replying to your recent Softest relative to what la generally s^ken of as the "Absentee Voters Act," 1 beg | to advise that under the provisions of this act, any citizen of the State, by complying with the provisions of srffe act, who may be otherwise qualified to vote, may register and vote by nail in any eectlon or primacyl here after held In the State. All persons, not already registered, who may be otherwise quatfled to reg '? er and vote in any election or pri mary hi this State and who may ex pect to be absent from the County, cuitng the usual period provided foe registration, may present himself to the Chairman of the County Board of Elections, at any time other than the u3uel period provided for registration, and the said Chairman or tne County* Board of Elections will enter his name oh a 'special book provided for that purpose by the Secretary of State. The Chaifman of the County Board of Elections later certifies the names of persons, so registered before liim, to the regularly appointed reg istrars of the various precincts and lies?- names are entered on the reg ular registration books. Upon application to the said Chair man of the County Board of Elections, said. Chairman will mail to any voter absent from the county, as soon 4s received from the State Board of Elections, one each of the various bal lots applied for to be voted In such elections or primaries, one blink certificate and one return envelope. The absent voter will fill out the cer tificate so furnished and return same, with his ballot in the return envelope, to the registrar of his precinct who will open these envelopes at 3 P. M. en the day of such election or primary The vote of such absent voter will bo subject to the usual challenges, hut if fcund entitled to vote under the D>W> virions of the act his ballot shall be liepos'ted and counted just as if such voter were presont In person. V It will appear from the act that It is unnecessary for any duly registered voter to register beforo the Chairtqslifc a-, above pr^vHod but In order vo<e by maU, will have to rpply t! tatfl Chalrmar I'O" the aecersary Ba, i loto, certlflcatoi and envelope to. b? ' nitiled.to hhn. . Mr. J. M. Allen, of Louisburg, N. C. is the present Chairman of the County Board of Elections and will be glad to render any assistance with in his power to those desiring to regf^ Isler and I would suggest that It be the dnty of every man in the County to Fee the men, who are members of the military companies, or wo may ,b drafted Into the service, and, where ever registration la necessary, to see that these men are presented to tho said Chairman and registered. If the writer can be of any assist- ' njgg to any Individual or can furnish any desired information In regard to this mutter, he will be exceedingly glad to be called upon. Yours truly, E. H, MALONE, Chairman / Franklin County Democratic Executive Committee. "Tkub tor Kindness." P"or SO days I have been confined to my bed, aBioted with several Ailments and 1 wifit to express tftjr gratitude to each aad everi$*? Vhfrough ' th? coluauu of the VOOa MCAhi kind-1 ness and eonrtftsie* shoWb me tor thsl' entire commnnlt* Adevery others neighborhbod have IWdBverr.?Wy grateful to me. It M so too* to abide among S*eH lovf^g, Idndhearted peo ple as titor KP, I can faves forget you dear people. May Qod bless aad keep yon. Tour devoted frlemd, Tom ""p *? t "? !;

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