M^IUM^^TBEINGS I "TllO ^ ^ ^ JT| | I fttOC I $1.50 PERYEAB RESULTS | |1|<C I I Cllllllall I llil&d 1 ? A. T. Johnson, Editor and Manager. . THE COUNTY, Tli^E STATE, THE UNION. . Subscription $1.50 Per Year \olu.'In m/vi. lovw.rrn. f. c., fkiimt, amukt sw. v?i?_ f-.nsB s?. 1IKSX SI LEi rn? iiHAFT Jiollce ?1. Call andttSl^pi car (or Phj sl<i\i 1 xam!nfi(|?n. TJlrt> following-named persons aro h?!r?>J' notified that, purstfarttto the Act Of Congress applied 414^^^1917 they titt called Iqr military the TJitXtBd States-by this Locals The serial number and the,.,pi number of each ot such peri shtfwn below. They vdU repor oliitfe 01 this Local Board for al fc?6mtnaUon on the Seventh! _ Autfuat, 1917, at 9:30 o t lock ?a. 'in. Any r.lnln for exemption 05 dls dl acgri tnust be made on forma Whlcis ijaay Ue procured, or the form of which may bq copied at the office of the Lo cal Board, and must be filed' at the of fice of tills Loeal Board oiv or before the seventh drty after date of posting this ndtlce. ' Your attention is caildd to the peo aliies for violation or evasion of tlie SeleBttvv Service Law approved May K, liilT, and of the Rules and Regu lations Vhioh may be consulted at tins office. ? 1 258 Hubert Cannaday, Franklin ton 3 2 4S8 George Samuel Debnam, | Louisbtirg 6 3 1*36 Hansom Perry, Alart 1 4 5B4 Ernest Hadley, Louisburg ? 5 1S34 Benjamin Norfleet Wheeler, Louisburg, 1 C 1$78 Edgar Williams, Youngsvllle 7 lMO CSUie Archibald Long, Lou , isburg 4 S Tilman Thomas Young, Lou t ? lsburg, K X. 9, 1455 King Solomon Perry, Louis burg, R 4. 10 7S3 Arthur Thomas Howell fcoutsburg R .1. 11 1SI3, Emmet Wiggins, Louisburg * R 1. .12 *?*> .Scl Williams, Jr., Louis : ' burg R 3. 13 1758- William Henry Thomas. Louisburg. 1,4 ' lil? UmiiUfl^^itague, Franlc linton. 75* 15 1572 James Edward Ransdell, Lojisburc. 10 1J4S Johnnie Thomas, Louisburg 17 $37 Prank Ford Hicks, Alert 1 IS Wafi Jack Yarboro, Spring Hope R 2. 19 337 Charles Andrew G) if ton Maplvilje R 1. SO 67d Charlie Henry Green, Lou burg R 4. a 278 Bud Coppedge, Castalia R 1 5, 509 Matthew Edwards, Gupton. 23 11185 Robs Moore, Louisburg R 6. ^1 564 John Fogg, Kittrell R 1. 25 W5 Thomus C. James, Hender son R 6. y; <*.3 Albert Sidney Wilson, Fra nklinton R 1. 27 598 Trlly Faulkner. Alert. 23 1267 Clatcr Mllchlner, Louisburg 29 536 Klltot Leslie, Egerton, Lou isburg. SC- '.1495 Vl'Uam Sbsdiah Pruitt, FuntUnf >n. I'l 548 FranV Fo:"*er. Lr iteburg. f'2 T 126 ui-*> , ,1 5: !r'c>n." 1". 16'.".: . ? .r. tar ,'W ?4 pl237 A.'il' r,- G' lacou, Louis bur*?. ^ 784 Cscar Hagwr od, Louisburg it 1732 -Herbert Enoch Tharring ton. Al rt I f. 17 755 Wade H. Tnr-ton Hight, You f nKSviile ?r S" It)"" P.ifVnrd B.io-he, Map:oville. "" 154:. Ccrnellus Riddle, Youngs -villc. 40 1363 1'en Ilk' C'Jfton Raye, Zebu ? Ion. 51 iSCy tinnip L->e Penrco, Younga Tllle R 3. 42 Glv Jr.hh Harvey 7aulk, Spring I'opo R 2. 43 37S * ' -orris Dun:', Louisburg R 1 A<f 167} Jolm Hazel Smith, Louis burg R 1. 43 12Ct) William H'nry Strotlier, Louisburg II 1. 4C IS##. Tolly H. Weldon, Hender son, R 6.' 47 77?*" John Cade Hayes, Louis burg. 48 James Eldert Maplevtne. 49 <792 Willis Gnpton, Castalla, R 1 50 600 Jamos Rcbort Frazler, You. ngaville R 1. 51 1986 Eddie , Williams. Pough's Hill. 52 filO Ofmonft Jackson Halo, Lou Ishnrg. C3 1539 C'alyin Ross, Louisburg R 1 f-4 168? Walter Shaw, Franklinton. R. F. D. 65 ' f>C# William Henry Egerton, Lonisbnrg, R 1. s ?6 S05 William Ktarney Carlyle, Zobii in S. F. D. 67 431 Ba!'I? li.Tls. Mr.plnville. 58 1324 Charieg TV >r Perry, Lou Ml)')- . ?04 M er-. Vr-.zJ . i. ulsburg 43 * !?-?' Alert 1763 A.. rv '?iMi'f lsburg, r. i*. _ 62' 1J48 Cti ? ( i- Romm, V ivi ui: i.. d. . en 12CI yr.-r- n.-v. ."rt. C-t lOnC -ell R 1 | Cj i i>, I<oula 05 4:0 -i.' >n, Zebu ik 67 -1014 , ibUrg. 1 I fc8 1178 nigi.. Morgan, Spring Hope !l~3. CS 514 KboDti.ll Clyde Edwards, l/onistarg H 5. 70 433 John West Denton. Wood. 71 1329 Willie PrivMt, Youngsrtllo Ti 10 John Henry AUbrltton, PHaOiUiiion - 73 1045 Fluufc Kelly, Laulflburg R 5 74 . J0S1 Elmas Vann Kearney, Fra 'V5 Vrn-i^. akllnton. ^ - 1 75 179S';.Hebry SplVefc, DdUiaburg. 70 1331 TonJflile Plea^utta, Spring .ijL&ope B 2. 77 1685. "KatlHtalel Bdlofilou. Louis burg B 6. 78 487 J(fines EJmoJC EWifla. Lou ist*fg. 1282 Joiflj EttWlknl SeUns, Louis bi*B, 1323 Join ll?#no&d Pejry, Lou lflburg. 1847 JamCB W White. Younga Ttte H Z/ 797 Ftaftk WHIprtr Wfegina, WaMttriC. 140 Sidney ButodRo, JCigrt R 1. 1536 BennJe li-Ho-adand- Kittvell R 1. 1922 Lanerenoe Ubflel Wilder, PrankltotjcrDu 1723 Tlnotby TerctJU. Louis burg Jt tL r 1779 M(*e Tttaisas, Fran kiln ton . H. 0. 0. i 1236 Oscar "Jfcptnae Kosa. Spring Ho? R %? I1 2011 Hetfry WHJtSJB?. frankltn I 432 FlerSiaiti. IleaMi, CastSlta B~ f. DC , L 18 Jits A. Kittrell R 1 ! 652 Sobett G. Go?, 192 Beacon S*., Woroester. Mass., or AUaoOtASICel Co,, <Sie?ter, Pa. S3 ?27 WllOti I??eoe, Wftple*Hle R 1. 94 1484 WUKam ?PugjasS, fYnnklin ton,. * 95 739 Owcft JJ?re2, FraJlkllnton R 86 1751 .fettfl T Hamas, tioulsburg . R t. , * 97 68* Thomas' Ffazitfr, Youngs f vjite B ?. rn 'is T^asClaston ParrUu >8^ A# ll+S-^BUas Morpby, txwlsbarg J*~Jm 4. JLOC 1103; ':fca Lancaster, Klttrull R. 181 18?# i^fcvis . WeSley Perry, 10!* ?06 WfRiam Henry Felrell, " "?:? UjjJkbUI S B G 10?, -ljffl 4te3|(? Utowt* LosViburg ?l(?4 Zftl pHtA J. ?nnberlako, Fori > 'OB4??r?>e, Ga., Y'ounga ' , '1*^00. A rjt Evana. Lou l2 iybu Arnold, Jones, Kates Sfa&m ( ; r Wacxly 111 *w36 Tiribae 80vtts 11a 223 Port. r jaa^?1 < - tebxugv ?14 117 J.'- ^ c. ry Ei 115 602 P< To. ter, 11C 390 F .&<? 'avin, tJ' h ,fi j,.' * 117 tfi Wll lam* 'Itnry " . Lonisfeim 118 1818 G30TV5T Woman St rig HopfrR 2 119 775 Jar 'is Edgar Huff, Ma] vlM, R 120 1456 Robert rlenry Aimal! . Cftfetolia Ri 121 721 . EMcie Fuller Onpton, Alert * %. ? . 122 1419 Walter Hayard PuirrUU , Waltefielu. 123 786 Sidney Horton, LoulsbttTg: 124 1549 Zollfb Cotton FUchardai1 ' Tonassylfle El. 125 1476 ROtiett l?o Perry, Franlc * Hnton B 81 . ?> 1C6 880 Alfred ITiqmaa Copa_ iderson. 1 il 1292 Enoci JBlotaolaon. * lis V >72 Perfy Milton Jbbnson. . "? Loohborg. 129 983 Vannlo Bill iones, Walte fiald R ?>' 130 757 Bonnie Harris, Maplerilla . v ' Rl. , 131 . 966 Joltn Jenlrixis, Yotuij v R 1. US ? 868 Bl< s mt 135 u,00 'ZoMe Offton Rodgora, ' Voung&ivllle R 1. 136 542 Cbdixlfc Fgerton,' Loals* boru R 1. 137 194 Peorey Ha'nmond Blount, Loutaborg. 138 874 Victor Hnbert Harris, Alert R 1. 139 562 TJlyses Fogg, Loulsbiirg. 140 1300 Addison Fearce, Wakefield 141_ 1673 Jaxnee Carl Btrowd, Wood. 142 1887 Man afield Wilson Pprluit Hope. 144 298 George O? Coley, Wood. 144 U75 Ollle Gnptc^, r?ataHa P 1 W5 1769 Orion Tb g m, Xo 'T R. F.D. ? 146 1294 John W. offl, 7 147 1148 Jesre Forest Mt: ? N la R 1. 1647 Joe j)a\is Stallings, Zeb ulpn R 2. 1354 Elwood N. Pearce, Young;! Tills. 1906 Alex White, Franklinton. 2017 Percy Young, Franklinton 343 Walter Raleigh Cheefe. Spring Hope R '4. 2008 Erwing Wnilamson Frank linton o? Louts burg. 1613 Odlce Sykes, Spring Hope R 2. 982 John Johnson, Louis torn rg R 4. 726 Ira Holden, Louisburg R S 15 Levi Allen, Franklinton. 995 Grover Harrison, Frankv linton. 933 Horton Johnson, Hender son R 4. . August 8th, 1817. 1531 Jervey Myre Perry. Frank linton . 1288 Ed. Neel, Franklinton R 3. 452 Qeqrge Davis, Louteirarg R 6. 355 John Henry Cash, Louts burg R 3. .< 1843 David Luther Wells, Lou isburg. 530 John Edwards, Jr., 4<t>Uls bSrg R 1. 809 OUle Harts8?ld, 1114 John Henry Franklinton. 1470 Raymond MatthW PlnnplI Alert R 1. *-v i 645 Norman Green* Louisburg R 3, i 218 Joseph Barnett, LoulsbVE R 1. v L 6Z0 David L. Poster, Hender son R 6 ! 1334 Selly Bennett Pridgeo, Louisburg. i 550 Ernest Foster, Louisburg. I 1611 Watley 6talaback, Header sod. 5 574 Percy Fogg, Louisburg R C i 31 Ellis Alston, Maplevllle R. F. D. 177 1432 Prank Perry, Wood, 17S 1727 Claude Tabqurne, Fr^nk-. linton R 3. 179 2047 C has. Thomas, Atlantic City, N. J., ^larlborouKii Blenheim Hotel. 180 9S1 ZoTlle Brine JohnScm, Wakefield. 181 1S48 Maylon Elmo Watkins, Youngsvtlle. ? 182 1570 Eddie Richmond RichEri Bon, Wakefield R 1. 1S3 1817 Tnmmlo Sherrod Wilucr, Spring Hope R 2. . v 184 770 Robert Sidney Hestor. Youngs villa. 185 S82 Geoige Ernest Hayes, Franklin! on, 186 677 James P. Gupton, Wood. 187 749 Willie Hawkins, Kfttrell R 1. 1188 1868 Newman B_ Willly.ms Hen. derson R 6. i 186 1509 Lewis Perry, Loulsburg. ISO 1211 Peyton Randolph Mitchell, YoungsVille, 191 525 George EIU3, Wakefield H. P. D. 192 1417 Davis PetUgrew P-ivott Wakefield. 193 1574 Claude Mack RatfllngB, WmJ. 194 2834 Henry YsrBcrotgL .Hi* burg. 195 7M T*< ?-* Far-rls. V- r*e'-il*e ISO irt . u< tori: . I . lQ-'i, Cr n. 1 i. H 1. i 137 US J- ruiiis Si-iri.ili'o. 1 JCefc t!cn R 2 193 127 C Joe licek " ith Newell, Lov lsbr.rg R 1. 199 1791 Wtiiter Calvin Vic'i. Sprljxg Hop! R 2. ?00 -1950 Sam A. Williams, Wood. .201 7E2 Wai er Hester. Kclnlor,. Edward .Mien, Ra> Th. pi 353E lward Illacknian Cof, Ma plevHle. 15S0 Eugene Rufllln, Louisburg. 54 Pics Bridges Alfon . B inn 870 David Marvin l.'amlet, Wood. 714 Preston Thomas, Ixmis-^ b'nrg. ^549 Auburn Fowler, rra.iklin ton. Willie Marson Wellos May, Franklinton. James Mad Davis. C.istaliS. R Is Willis Pterry, Gupton. John Early Sheron, I.ouis .burg R 4. Junius Henderson, Prank nton. hiol Kelly, Loulsburg. ris Washington Howell, ikllnton R 2. Grcpn, Loulslrorg fade Hampton King, " Franklinton. 218 8WEddie Harris, Maplevttle R 1. 219 638 Tollie Foster, Louisburg R 5. 220 1032 Carver Kearney. Franklin ton. 221 623 John K. Foster, Hender ? -son R 6. 222 269 James Morris Crudup, Franklinton. + 223 685 Walter Gupton, Gupton. 2a4 114*1 John Solomon Marshall, Alert. 225 1314 Charlie Clee Pearce. Lou lsburg. r.?ii 1016 Johnnie Jones. Louliburg. 227 1088 Austin Smith, "Perth Am boy, N. J. (U. S. Cart ridge Co.) 28 335 Clyde Franklin ('oilier. (Continued on Fifth Page)" IS AND ABOtfT TO?">. Hiuiy oil Buslnoss, Many on Pleasure, Others to be Going, Byt All Going 01 Coming. Mr. W. H. Allen visited Charlotte the p&st week. Mr. 1?. L. MdGhee, of Durham, was a visittlt to Loulsburg the past week. Sir. Ksan C. McBraye^ of Shelby, Is visltfhj; Ii's brother. Mr. H. G. Mc- I Vnfy?. Mrs. J. L Palmer Is visttin safer sis ter, MrR. R. G. Burroughs^Fhen derson, % Mrs. ?. Ftowler, of Raleigh, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. E. White. M la 8 Elizabeth Jones, of Oxford, Is visiting Mi be Sallle Louise Macon, near towo. Mosera. H. L. Candler and D. P. Me Klone rturned Tuesday from a bus iness trlfi to Richmond. M>. and Mrs. P. P. Monger and children, of Sanford, Fla., are visit ing her people near town. Mrs. B, J. Macon and little son, E.. J. A. ol Linden, are visiting at i the ijcnos <Jf aDd Mr?- H. Ma ,J?n. s Mrs.. R. C. Beck and children and Miss Mlnfite BMckel, left SaturHay for a visit to their parents In Halifax counts. i Mr?> J. J. Barrow and daughters, Misses Jul fa and Francis, spent Tues day tn Raleigh, guests of Mrs. Gov. Mes^ra. W. B. WhelesB, Paul Dll ard, ?. Motley and D. L. Chap pell, of Spring Hope were visitors to .'.oul&burg yesterday. Dr. W? L, Stallings left Saturday for Porte Oglethorp, Ga. to enter for trahtfftfe In the army, he having re ceived his commission some tim ago. Misses Xena and Ria Parker, ofj knlejgft, and Mr. Henry Parker, of | -Xew York, were guests of Dr. and j ^Mrs. R. P. Yarborough Wednesday. > Rev. F. S. Love returned the past vfccok from a trip to Lake Jnnaluska. lie fcp.s moved to Louisburg and lias takefi tip his duties as President of# I.ouisbtog College. Mr. TU W. E. D&vls, Suprlntendent Of Tfa2\o, of {h<? Home Telephone & Telegraph Co., of Henderson, was in Tjotrisbnrg U):;jfcc{pte the service with Xn Aini lo makftig it better. J?ss Benlah Edens, who is tifoing a course &t King's Business College, at Raiolgfc accompanied by Mlsfees Iola Parlflfhn and Fleta Caviness, of Ral eigh? spent the week ena a? home. Mteftee Virginia Poster, Lonle and /Susie Madows, Mary-Exum B?rt. Ru by fencer, %e&i?lce and Mary Turn er, AJice Harris, Elizabeth Purgur son. Ruth Ea*ly, T i*t' ' Hi'" ^ v-' ca& McftLinco, T*ri ? fi * r. cas Barrow, Mr. ai l ilrc. . 1 * - Kinne.Mr. and Mr?. F. h /ytfcl* nn* and Mr. James Masseubur returnod Friday fom a trip to LaYo Juna-1 In ska, wv??v they attended Ep wcrth r ?Tut* ^erence. Nln<% of the I yoanir iV.>" %, r". ^bera cf Mrs. F. j B. A? "*m ? 1 v Setool c!u9 i.nd -were ' ri:- ru . ; 'ir while there. ;r. ? * \< Brief. A torjn V .. . ill thi! result?<? and if r. ? lefleld?already Jiard t* . ?? - 11 ?.n it many points? into a wcv't;-! V. *v ? i ! ~e, almost halt ed dur.:i?K e. iho ;reut allied offensive i ?? Jerman* in Flan-' derrf. Ft>r tbo D. part the day was Rpent 6y t) e Ornish and French troops in consolidating positions won in Tues day's spe' tcular drive or in putting down strong counter-attack?, mado in Sndeavors (o wi oi.t from their autajro r.'sn their former positions. At two roirts near Ypre* the Germans, using grrat massfcs of men. wero successful In t?eir counter-attacks against the I ritish, but this advantage was offset in the ZUlebeke and Yser cr*??l pee-1 tors, where re sportively tli** *nd Breach troops advance J i..?.. lines. 4 | The losses of the Teutons ip the ' f.ghtlrg thup fa?- !ihvi? been extremely ? heavy, *tr? prowlr veriru- pokrita I being o?v-r?" >r !i "**ir :.oul?som.*? ! of the. % r? .*?.} oe|\bf>ys and m -m .ij*r;v ?rt4 "I pli^cVy for I the a-?l.<ou li a the* *??>!<* i? r In ihe I prgsent wi ? i *.u ? % f*> tfon the Brit^ i i h;;-? '-.ikeu u. > ! ?*?i . 'i.fiy ' I: ?) 41cm on I the T pi , Althouf uiin- j ue to f.r . ;illd ! !iuko\ '"I lotiii from vlieri a' >i .. the ir r?, ien'.ca C zarnowtz railwuy .nd north of the I Dniester river, tho Russians southeast ^ o t Tornopo In the vicinity of Trem Lowla haTO taken the offensive in an endeavor to prevent the northrn end of their lino in OallAiu from being pushed back farther toward the Rns rian front! ory. The Russians have been successful in capturing one en emy vantage point. On the northwestern frontier of Rumania the combined Russia-Rum anian forces are keeping up their ad vantage against the Austrians and Germans. Jn thefr smash at the en emy line between tiie PuCna and Casln fa 1 leys th^y have penarrated it to a depth of from ten to twelve miles, cain tored 98 guns and In the neighbor hood of 4,500 prtoonrs. yew Firm. ? The F. W. Wheless Dry Goods Co., Is the style of a new Urn for Louis? burg -which expects to open, business In tlie old Racket Store about Scptew ber 1st, 1917. STipj glloftn us that they wjlj cart? B complete Tine ot to dies goods blifisJ&g a tall and varied stock of Dry GopdA. Mr. F. W. Whe le8s, whose name appears In the firm, is one of LoptsbuTE'e most succ^sf^l and substantial BnstoteB men, While Mr. J. D, IUnc3, who has been con necJftd with the iBdte trade is Louis, burg about fHecn yiears, during whloii time h? b8? g?viable roput#r tion in his lhlfe afid who tail been with Messrs. P. S. & K?.K. Allan until they Bold out recently, will i have charge of the rnnniiganrent of the new business. The connection of these two gentlemen wfth t tie new firm as sures its socteaS. We are inform?) they will begin re modeling the store room at once to be ready for the srftjt-k which will be gin to arrive soqn. YonnffBvllJB Personals. Mrs. G. N-. StelJ is spending some time at Fuqnay Springs. Misses Marie Ijeroy, Gertrude Per ry, and Carrie Pappendlck, of Ell2a. beth cfty, are vftitirj! Mi-a Lillifcn Winston. Capt. S. E. Wlwton and brotfler Mr. H.E. T&ihbton, of Camp Bickett, spent Sunday with tl.'elr parents. Sir. tad Mrs. J. C. Winston. Messrs. Cortifelhn ftidjlle and M. 13. Wat kins left Mfffiday for Raleigh, where they errtlsted to th service. Mr Kiddle enlisted Dl ft?9 XaVy, and Mr. Watklns joined Capt~?S. E. Winston's company. Aiiss Irene Woodlief and Mjse Mary Moss left Pii'uiMay frr Kittrell where tI.ey vlll srind B' me Ume visiting rel ative? . 'Miss !?;!?* tl'tve' b< n v.' ting ro!:it, ;a ' e-e 1. , suii^.y f'.r her home ir. Men, his, l -vin. Pairli He 1 .a.. !* Attended. Qui e A lar cr.v rathered ta Louiibur;? yfct' r<5&y 1 f.aV part in tho patriotic ra y s vi a In lopor of the soliUcr beys. Oa u- crcct of ths ccmit^ns of th? 6'.r-Jeti L" j ;radi wss had. Tho speaking took pl?4.< ia the Academy grove and wai ,11,.t;y enjoyed. Gov, Bickctt introdi ci?" Hon. James H. Pot, who delivers the address of ,.?e <i.17. Cel. Albert I'ov also made quite an erjovabieao? jutriotic speech. The Artillery hand entertained the *owd with excell.n' mur-lc and tie dlunrr v-a.< served !n do old time biwsket picnic style on the grounds. Hottr?; since 1914. The I'nliod Btatrs Government Thor rrtaotrr retf?terrd the hottest wea ther on Wedn sday that is of record since 1P14, or possibly looser for tliin B3Ctlon wher. the me-enry reached 99 degrees. The temperature fur Mon day was 98 ono W^inesduy 97. Tliis shows reeord breaking te^iprature* try} there hab heen many cases of ln ?- from eat, ? * ?"'ho reports front tho county do not *i.. ? 'it tho ?ropn aro suffering ir.'th from the excessive heat after t'le recent wet s veil. I he Yonny l'( op!e? Missionary 8o rJet/. On Monday even'ap July 28rr!, 1917. Younp People's .MJrpionary Po ( r iy m..f a! home of M Its Cath ie mi Rrorton in a ' Study Circle" and "i utilnrss Meeting" crr.'.Mribtf, Th.? meeting was to order tfy II'? presld'nK officer >* th<* < r*in?. Mi*a Lj d la Inscoe, *\Y> in s!ao tho IduJer of the 'Study Oir<*? uit?tinpjt. The programme for the evening was as follower: Devotional exercisegj?PhilUpians-1 ?Miss Lydla Inscoe. Prayer?Mrs. M. ?. Pleasants. "?Roll Call?Miss Sue T. Alston. Lesson?"Francisco Penzotti"?Le adership of Miss Lydla Inscoe. Tal&on trip to New Orleans to at tend Federal.Council?Mrs.N. H. D. Wilson. The lesson for the.evening was veny interesting indeed, wJHch dwelt upon tl?e life of Francisco Penrottl, one of the "Makers of South America" who was born in Italy in 1851, of staunch Roman Catholic parents. When he wr?s thirteen years old he was invited by relatives to go with them to S. Am erica. For many years he lived in HunUWdeo, capital of Uruguay, he visited many of the churches of this place through mere curiosity, after which he became a distributor of Bi ' bles, in a few months with the aid #f th* surrounding people there were | over 5,000 sold. The year after being a distributor he was put in charge of & eafnt>aign, where he had to travel on mule-back over abominable roads or ro roads at all. The Roman Catholic priests would not allow a Bible in thj?fr precinct unless it was printed in E?r, gbsh and not Spanish. Penzotti was -Cnally taken a prisoner on the^charge ot selling corrupt literature. During nineteen days of his imprisonment he hfriends among the other prison/ j efs and held services for them. When the order for his release came fromthe president of Lima, Penzotti found tile beaming inspector waiting at the pris on door to congratulate him and in vite him home to breakfast. A few months later he was arrested and im prisoned in Callao without bail. Af ter being released it was quoted, "It ?vt no longer Penzotti, a prisoner be fore the whole world, it is Peru which is a prisoner in the hands of the cler gy." The next year he was appointed agent for Central America and the Isiiimus of anama and since 1&0S he bas superintended the work of the Ri ver Plate republics. This flnlshfng the lesson for the evening, we were indeed fortunate, as well as pleased to have Mrs^N. H. D. VSTlson pres ent who made a very interesting talk about her trip to New Orle?.ns severa! days ago where she with lots of other North Carolinians attended the Fed? eral Council which was in session there at that time. Those present at the meeting were. Mesdames. N. H. D. Wil3on, M. C. Pleasants, E. L. Best, Misses Ly^lf* Inf.coe, Sue Alston, Kor'.gie ?jp?>n, Katlileen Egerto:ik Lou 1 to Thomas. Aft jr al1 t line-* ^ d'i(M e?l n delIg*:.J?"u! T : ndwifii. rour .? was s Tveo , j oty rvfc lourn 1 to jnozt at ti'f tt . of Mirt3 j Kathleen Egerton on T;?.;, r evening Aug. 7th, 1917, at 6:30 o'c -> :'c. I The Young People's Alls i.vuary So I ciety of Louisburg, N. C. M alw$j3 ; 9pen to greet anl.wclcone iuw men* bers and visitors into it's Society. Recording Society. Mnrrlago Licenses. Register of Deeds Yarborough issu I od marriag licenses to the following couples during the month of July: WHITE?A. L. Young and Ledsie Wheeler, W. R. Bunn and Lucy May .Howard, Nelson P. Ingram and Lold Lee ong, Ellis Arnold and Bertha Baker, Osmond Hale anofTCleanor Y. Thomas* "W. J. Rich and Iva Privett, Wo. Henry Bunn and Emma Ray Bowden, Roy F. Wells and Mary Jon es Cottrell. COLORED?Tommie Kearney and Florence Perry, J. P. Davto and Rosa V illiam?, J no. Mitch Iner and Daisy A arbor o, Willie Dun&ton and Nettie M&y Dickens, Frank Rogers and Alice Tetnplc, Henry Harris and Mary "Rtxl well. Lfot of Letters. The following is a list of letters re maining in the Post Office at Louie burg. N. C., not called for Aug. 3rd, 1017. RcN rt Allen. Mf*3 Gronle Bunn. Mrt? I\rtiry l>. P\r.r> VNn Eather Floyd, G'JTi Tlep.t r. V?i. Josephine HarfH, Mr. Edd'o Jr. J. Ellin Jaynes, El lger J iyr slater, Mrs Helen Murro^, M' oncci Powell, Mrs. Mai v rr ",o7upf on. ? all'ET for ai y of the above I . ' ; lea.,e state that they oaw J" h". DAVIS, P. M.

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