Saturday August 11th is Our Remnant Sale SEVERAL THOUSAND YARDS Remnants-and Short ends, Slightly Soileci from handling, will be offered at less than Cost Prices, This should mean/economy to the Saving house-wife. Reduced Prices Made on All Muslin Underwear Hundreds of Garments will pe Offered at Special Prices to move Quickly $30,000.00 Woi? of Shoes Now in Stock White Oxford^ and Pumps are Reduced to make room for Our Shoes in Our Shelves, Also Special low Prices on all leather Pumps and low Shoes. Mens Summery Weight Suits Reduced Several hundred Palm Beach and light-weight wool Suits, Offered at factory Prices, As we need Sp^ace for Fall Goods. We envite your inspection lof Our Merchandise and Prices Made. Yoiirs to Serve Candler-Crowell Company. Louisburg, N. C. we: announce: to our frien ds and patrons that we: wi l_l_ S? \ OPERATE THE OLD RELIABLE RIVERSIDE WAREHOUSE * at Ljrateburg, : North Carolina This year, and will look to your interests as we ha/e before. Itis with much pleasure that we can invite you back to see us at this well known house, where we have been able to make so many profitable sales for you. Don't fo/get that Sam Mellows and Jno. Harris.and the Riverside Warehouse is a combination that will result to your interest. RIVERSIDE WAREHOUSE, : : : MEADOWS & HARRIS, Proprietors. Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will Increase Strength of Delicate , People lpO % in Ten Days In manj Instances? have suf fered untold agony for mri doctoring for nervous weakness, stonaacb, liver or kidney disease or loma o\?er allmenf when tbelr real trouble waiWk of Iron In the blod.?Xow to tall. \ / New York. N. T.?In a rdc course Dr. E. Bauer. a Boston p who has studied widely both country and in great Kuropean Institutions, said: "If you were an actual blood test on all peq are ill you would probably be astonished at the exceeding!. number who lack iron and yno are flJ for no other reason than Jne lack o\ iron. The moment Iron isibnpplied all their multitude of danger<4s symptoms disappear. Without iron/the blood at once loses the power t/ change food Into living tissue, and /herefore noth ing you eat does you/any good; you don't get the strengthA>ut of It. Tour rood merely passes through your sys tem like corn throurfi a mill with the rollers so wide aparvthat the mill can't grind. As a resuly of this continuous blood and nerve a/arvatlon. people be oome generally Wakened, nervous and all run down antyfrequently develop all ?orts of conditions. One Is too thin; another is burdmed with unhealthy fat; ?ome .are sos/weak they can hardly walkjlnome think they have dyspepsia. kldn?M^ llvir trouble; some can't ?Imd a^Vfght, others are sleepy and tired all day; some fussy and Irritable; some skinny and bloodless, bat all lack physical power and endurance. In sucti y_._?. It is worse than foolishness to take stimulating medicines or narcotic drurs, which only whip up yoiir fagging vital powers for the moment, maybe at the expense of your life later on. No natter what any one tells yon, if you nre not strong and well yon owe it to yuwHlf to make the following test: See Wow Ionic you can work or how far you tan walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary | Kuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strenjfth again and nee for yourself how much you have gained. I have seen dozens of nervous, run-down people who were ailing all the time double, and even triple, their strength and endur ance and entirely get rid of their symp toms of dyspepsia, liver and other trou bles In from ten to fourteen days* time simply by taking iron In the proper form, and this, arter they had In some cases been doctoring for months with out obtaining any benefit. You can talk rou phase about all the wonders ight by new remedies, but when come down to hard facts there is lng like good old Iron to put color In tour cheeks and good sound, healthy fleshXon your bon<s. It is hIho a great nerv?\ and stomach strengthener and the best blood builder in the world. The only ti\uhle wa* that the old form? of lnorganfe Iron, like tincture of Iron, Iron acet&te, Vet?., often ruined people's teeth, uptct their stomachs and were not asslmfcat'd, and for these reasons they fre^ju\ntly did more harm than good. But with the discovery of the newer forms of organic Iron all this hns been overcome. Nuxated Iron, for ex ample, is pleasant to take, does not In jure the teeth and Is almost lromedi ately beneficial. . Hrvnt-TtM mmfftetnrwfl of Iran ki>? leh anbooadad contldme? la It* pntaney thai tl.ey 9100.00 to any Charitable Institution if ih+j ciru.'A. Uha aiif *iin or womu anilrr dxty wbo Ivki Inm and torn? their au?ncth 100 p*r cm>t. or orflr Is taur waaks* Urn*. pmrldad the? bar* no tmtnmm' organic troubla. Alao U?*y will refund your mem?7 In any e?aa la which HtuUd Iron dom not at l**?t ftabl* ftmr atrvnitb In tan dan* Uma. II la llnii^W m Lftla elty by aH good dnuclaU. PEACE INSTITUTE^^IlEIGH, N. C. For the Education and CultuSKjf Young Woman. SESSION BEGINS SEPTEM^BR H, 1917 ' -For Catalogue and icfGrmatWi addr&a, MISS. MARY OWEN ORAHAM, MtgSIDENT. Notice of Resolution Ordering Im provements on Middle Street, >*ash Street, Church Street, ^erry H?eet and Ken. v p??rc Avenue X'.'.lce U hereby given that the Coin missionrs ?f the Town of Louisburg at their rfcular meeting on the 3rd clay of August. 1917, adopted the fol lowing resolutions: WHEREAS; In pursuance of tho provisions oAChapter 56 of the Public Laws of 191 aL petitions dated August 1st, 1917, hawe been lodged with the Clerk of the Vown of Loulaburg for the improvement of lllddle Street from Main Street to thi Power plant; Nash street from Chunch street to the I residence of F A N. JBgerton; Church] Street from Nah Street to College street; Perry Stleetffrom Main Street to Kenmore AverVie fend Kenmore Av enue from Perry Btieet to the Tarbo ro road in said Vr?n of Loulsburg; and the Clerk, aftlft- investigating the sufflclncy of said ntltion has this day prsen ted the pet i t An to the Board of of Commissioners Idtether with his ce rtificate certifying nat he has found that tltf? petltionifar* signed by a ma j Jority in number ol the owner? of | the lands abuttiiiK ujkpn the parts of tho streets proposed improved, who represent k majority of all the lineal feet of frontagel of said lands (a majority \u IntrestXof owners of undivided interest* in Any piece of property belnf deemed and treated as one person tor the purposes of the petitions); apd \ WHEREAS, the Board tf Commis sloners is, ?ter due lnvesiftatlon, sat isfied that aAid petitions ore sufficient: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE SOLVED that said petitions for tke lmprovetn?it of Middle Street liom Main Streit to the Power pl^nt; .Street from Church fltnoet to tl^e res tience of F, N. Egurton; Church S?li et frem^Nash SUbcx. to Collore Street; Perry Street from Main Str ft to Kenmore Avenue and Kenmore Av tjue from Perry Street to the Tarboro read in said Town of Loutsburg bcand each of them is hereby, determined to ne sufficient and to be in all respects ,in conformity with tho requirements of Chapter 56 of the Public Laws of 1915. FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Middle Strmet from Main Street to the l'ower pl??t; Nash Strec^ from Church Street to tho residence of F. N > Egerton Achurch Street from Nash, Street to Conege Street; Pgrry Strpef from Main Sweet- to Kenmbre Ay4nue and Kenm0r?^Avenue ftam/Perry Street to the JTarboro rgfe^^in said Ttwn of Loulaburg be improved In accordance wiUi sahl^xetitlona and pursuant to thApnm&Jbns of Chapter 06 of the .Publk&^awyof 1915 by pav ing said por^kmAof /aid streets with sheet aspj^rft, bltVlijptc or bituminous concret?^a8 may decided by said L'oard of CommisBjpners and their en gineer, and by tjA construction, re construction and/aherlng of curbs, gutters and draliis therein. FURTHER RB80WED, that one half of he cost/of sail local improve ments, exclusive of sk much of the cost as is incurred at Street intersec tions and the share ralloads or street railways (if anyi shall be spe cially assessed upon the ?lots and par cels of lam abutting dlvectly on the improvements, as provided in Chap ter M of me Public Laws of 1916, and said assessments shall, at the option ot person's whose property is subject CO such ^sessment (which option ^igU fee exercised in the manner pro vided In said act) be payable in ten Iqual annual Installments, beginning ou the date on which said assessment thall become due and payable, with in terest as provided In said act. FURTHER RESOLVED, that said local assessments not be made ustil bonds ot this sAm of Lo?1k ht/rg hall hu\e to t* iavtied f*r the POTolj^MElng the toti of said local imjjr . i I ? The vote on the .passage of tke fore going resolution wAs takeir by ayes and nays and was/as fo)?Jws: Voting AYE: ifomjjrfssloners Allen, Ford. Hicks, and Williamson. Voting NAyX/None. Absent: OBmVnlssioner Cooper. The rBsoJCtton \y;;h declared adopt CV// A. W.ALSTON", Clerk. Jfotlce. Having qualified as eycutor of the estate of J. T. Neal, /eceased, late of Franklin, county, tttfa Is to notify all personsNholdlng /laims against the said cstateao present the same to the underslRncfTVin/r before the 12th day of July, 191?ror this notice will be plead In bar arutelr recovery. All persons lndebUQ to\uitd estate will please come f/rward and make Imme diate settlement. ThlA July 12, 191?. JOHN W. NEAL. Extr. W. H. and T. W. Ruffin, Attorneys. 7-13-6t Some people tell time by the sun; others trus to their watches while a '.Teat-many know the hour by the time the movies open and cose.?Chicago Examiner. 1 Liver Trouble. "I am bdthered with liver trouble about wlce k year," writes Joe Dlng inan, WebsteX Clt^rl'-wa, ? r hnvc pains In my sl^jflil bartt an.' an nw ful soreness In stomach. I heard of Chamberlaln'^TafiWt? and tried tfaem Ily the tirnw had ised half a bottle of them I was feeling fine and had no signs of pain." OBTAINABLE EV ERYWHERE. The average mw cannot atrAcratand how big foqfbnes are amas.-ed, bat, then, that's because he's Just average. . *' I 1 : A,W Univerz" of NortiKfarolina Law School Excellent Faulty R/Sasodable Cost write/ for Aatalog THE PRESIDENT, Chapel Hill, N. C. Used 40 Aears CAM The Wrnian'iTwH^ SoV Ev?fywlero

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