AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT BBINGS RESULTS The Franklin Times ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE A. F. Johnson, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. Subscription $1.50 Per Year COLUMN- XL VI. 10CISBCRG, N. C., FBI KAY, AUGUST 17th, 1917. NUMBEB 27 115 HELD FOR SERVICE LESS THAN 17 PER CENT PHTSI ('ALLY DEFECTIVE.. Fifteen (ailed to Respond t? Call, 45 Filed No Exemption and 51 Helld A(ter Hearing of Claims. Franklin County has shown a won erful health record in the recent ex aminations for the selective draft when it was learned that less than 17 per cent of the 342 men called were cxcused on physical deficiency. Of the total number called 15 failed to answer the summons and 45 claimed no exemptions. There were 19 who failed to respond or' were, in the ser vice which made a total of 64 auto matically drafted into service. Af ter hearing the petitions and claims for exemption 51 were held not ex empted bringing the total up to 115.? The meeting of the Board for re ceiving the claims was held in the court house on Monday the first part of which was public. Chairman Ruf fin made a most beautiful, patriotic and sympathetic talk which receive'd much commendation from his hearers. He explained what the government ex pected of the Board and what was ex pected of the men, also what the men called might look for at their hands. He was followed by Dr. J. E. Ma lone, who also made a very patriotic rnd explanatory address. In behalf r.f the Board we commend the large number who were present for the or derly and manly way in which the business was disposed Of. In no meet ing coujd there have been less con fusion andexpression of unpleasant feelings than was shown here on Mon day, and in fact all through the sev cial meetings of the Board. Every body responding in the nicest and most pleasant attitude. The report of the Board on those held and those exempted follows: List of Persons Exempted or Dischar ged from (lie Service of the l"nited States Local Board for the Conty of Frank lin, State of North Carolina. Louis burg, hereby certif,' ?fDistrict Board of Eastern District of .".'on.. the following list of names of .4 and their addresses who have been duly and legally called by said Local Board, exempted or discharged with in the meaning of the Rules anld Reg ulations prescribed by the . President under the Act of Congress approved May 18. 191".: 4 854 Ernest Hadloy, Louicburg, R 6. 2-' 509 Matthew Edwards, Gupton 25 945 Thomas C. James, Hen derson R 6. :* 541 Frnn't Foster. T.ouisburg ]: 5 ;:5 784 O.'cnr liagv jod. Louisburg R 1. 37 755 Wait- Hampton Hight You ngsvllle. 49 692 Willis Gupton Castalla R1 51 1986 Eddie Williams Pough's Hill. 70 . 433 John West Denton, Wood. 7? '1331 Tom mi?; Pleasants, Spring Hope R 2. 84 1536 Bennie L. Rowland, Kit trell R 1. SS 1236 Osar Thomas Moses Snring Hope R 2. lOfi 46 Eddie Craven Arnold, Wakefield. 121 721 Eddie Fuller Gupton Alert R 1. 1::6 280 Alfred Thomas Cope, Spring Hope R 2. 131 966 John Jenkins Youngsvllle , R 1. 138 874, Victor -Hubert Harris, Al ert R 1. 143 298 Georgo G. Coley, Wood. 145 1769 Orion Tingcn, Youngsvllle R. F. D. 152 343 Walter Raleigh Cheefej Spring Hopo R 2. 153 2008 Erwing Williamson, Frank ltnton. 160 1531 Jerry Myre Porry. Frank linton 162 452 George Davis, Loulsburg R 6. 164 1843 David Luther Wells, Louis burg. 168 1470 Raymond Matthe-v Pinnell Alert R 1 169 645 Norman Grean Lcuisburg R 3. 185 882 George Ernest Hayes, Krauklintot. 186 ^77 J U Tipton, Wood. ISO 1211 Peyton Randolph Mitchell, Youngsvllle. 198 1276 Joe Beckwith Nowell, Lou isburg R L. 1791 Walter Calvin VlcK, Spring Hope R 2. 209 1132 Willie Marson Wellos May Frankllnton. 210 440 James Mad Davla, C&stalia R 1. 214 1054 Nathaniel Kelly Louigburg 215 841 Eddio Harris. Maplevillo R 1. 226 1314 Charlie Cloe Pearce, Louis 309 burg. 233 923 Joe Inscoe Louisburg R -1 235 341 William Erlon Currin Yo "UngBvillo R 1. 240 353 Vlnston Perry Cooke, Lou lsburg R 2. *-43 1675 Edward Shaw Louisburg! 240 1657 Redding Spivey, Louisburg R 1> 250 1873 J. Henry Williams, Hen derson R 6. 2i"ii 488 Walter Egerton Louisburg 25? 1067 Nalton Lewis Louisburg R 1. 262- 679 Dolphin Gupton, Wood. 264 11 Deniis Alston Louisburg. 2!-0 1625 Matthew Pheliz Strlok. land Louisburg 292 1665 Bud Ray Zebulon. 296 717 Martin Conel Gupton Wood 297 1057 Willie Kearney, Franklin ton R 2. 2?!i 1256 Garrette McKnight. (Fran kllnton) or Bluefield, W. Va. 301 199 John Franklin Bell, Youn gsville R. F. D. 302 388 Jas. Wm. Dlckerson You ngsville R 1. 304 1716 Junius Alfred . Telfare, Frankllnton. 1"30 Wlllla Green Tharr^ngton. 326 1866 Jlmmle B. WinBton, Fran kllnton . SS4 1639 Walter Edward Stange, Louisburg R 6. 339 700 Willie Gill, Louisburg. 2 458 George Satrfj-.; Debnam Louisburg H (,l 17 837 Frank Fo3I Hicks Alert R 1. ' * ? I* 61 1014 Lee Joyner, Lo^Usburg. 41 1369 Onnie Lee PeStce, Youngs vlile R 3. 43 373 Morris Dunn, Louisburg R 1. 48 1891 Tolly H. Weldon, Hender son R 6. , 279 1557 William Green Roe, Louis burg. 5S 1324 Charles Taylor Perry, Lou isburg. C9 604 Herman Frazler Louisburg ?1 1763 Andrew Tant Louisburg R. F. D. 64 1066 James E. Lewis Kittrell R 1. 20 676 Charlie Henry Green Lou isburg R 4. 26 1913 Alfred Sidney Wilson Frankllnton R 1. 82 126- Lucius Brotlle Frankllnton 6 1878 Edgar Williams Youngs ville. 68 1178 Biggie Morgan Spring Hope R 3. 09 514 Rhonald Clyde Edwards Louisburg R 6. 71 1329 Willie Prlvett Youngsville <7 1685' Nathaniel Solomon Louis burg R 6. -.6 1016 Johnnie Jones Louisburg. >9 1282 John Edward Nelms Lou ! tirg. ? - 87 1779 Mose Thomas Frankllnton R. F. D. 90 432 Flersham Denton Castalia R. F. D. 91 18 Jim A. Ayscue Kittrell R 1. . 99 1146 Ellas Murphy Louisburg , R 4. 100 1103 Ed LancaMer. Kittrell R, P. D. 98 1322 Lewis Washington Par rish Louisburg. Ill 1636 James Silver. Bunn. 119 772 Jamr Edgar Hc'T Maple vlle R l. 1-3 .Ml SidtiL/ Ho r t on L^uisburt R 1. 128 972 Percy Milton Johnson Louisburg. 1J0 757 Bonnie Harris. Mapleville H 1 . 131 868 Sidney House Castalia. 134 379 Ben Dunston Henderson R 1. 140 1300 Addison Pearce Wakefield 142 1887 Mansfield Wilson Spring Hope. 147 1148 Jessie Forrest May Castal. ia R 1. 2?j1 ?"?o Boyd Louisburg R 3. 103 355 John Henry Cash Louis burg R 3. 165 530 John Edwards Jr. Louis burg R 1. lf.O 981 Zollle Brine Johnson Wake field. 18i 749 Wylie Lee Hawkns* Kill trell ff-i. 191 ?25 George Ellis Wakefield R. F. D. ;17 Davis Pettigrew Prlvett Wakefield. ,88 1868 Newman B. Williams Hen* derson R ? - 10 783 Arthur Loui.bur* k l'M ' 66 420 Jlmmle fcynn naati&AHt, 52 SfO _Osmond JackfTofiW hA Louisburg. " ** SZ5 ?ll'? GuPton f'asuSla-At>. 47 775 John Cade Hayes LoSls, burg. i i' r 06 870 David Malvln Hamlett _ Waad. u,* WSJ. H. RUFFIN", list of Persons vice of the Exempted or B Local Board for Franklin, State of !%rth Louisburg, hereby certifies to Dia I'onrd Khefern District of North llna, the lolloving list of the namoa and addresses of persons who h;ivo A. S. JOYNER. -J* > X'T" been duly and legally called for the military service of the United States, and who have not been exempted or discharged: 1 258 Hubert Cannady, Frank lnton R 3. 11 813 Emmet Wiggins Louisburg R 1. 14 1117 Buddie Montague Frank linton. 16 1748 Johnnie Thomas Louisburg S6 1732 Herbert Enoch Thnfring ton Alert R 1. 42 616 John Harvey Faulk Spring Hope. R 2. 45 1266 William Henry Strother Louisburg R 1. 50 600 James Robert Gupton Youngsville R 1. 53 1539 Calvin Rose Louisburg R l.k 61 1763 Andrew Tant Louisburg R. F. D. f'5 924 James Irva Inscoe Louis , burg R 4. 74 1031 ?lmju Vann Kearney Rld dUjfck, Pa. SO 1323 John'Raymond Perry Lou isburg. 35 1922 Lawrence Lionel Wilder Frankllnton. 89 2011 Henry Williams Franklln ton. 94 1484 William Pegram Frank linton. 96 1751 John Thomas Louisburg B 1. 103 1651 Richard Skinner, Jr. Lou burg. 109 "1099 Herbert Clarence Layton Castalia R 2. 133 332 Herbert Cates Louisburg.] 116 1294 John W, Odom Louisburg R 4. 143 1354 Elwood N. Pearce Youngs . ville. 154 1613 Odlce Sykes Spring Hope R 2. 156 726 Ira Holden Louisburg R 5. 15'J ^J3 Horton Johnson Hender son R 4. 166 809 Ollie Htartsfield Bunn. 167 1114 John Henry Mangum Frankllnton. 171 620 David L. Foster Hender son R 6. 1*4 1611 Watley Stainback Hender son. 177 1432 Frank Perry, Wood 179 2047 Chas. Thomas, Marbor ough-Blenneim Hotel, At lantic City, N. J. ?' 1S& 1509 Lewis Perry Louisburg. 193 1574 Claude Mack Rawlins* Wood. 100 1956 Sam A Williams Wood 201 792Walter Hester Zebulon. 205 54 Pies Bridges Alford, Bunri 20S 549 Auburn Fowler Franklin ton. 217 1022 Wade Hampton King Franklinton. 221 623 John K. Foster Hender son R 6 231 493 Percy Eaton Frankllnton R. F. D. 232 1358 William Person Pearce Youngsville. 234 1305 James Plummer Louisbur? 248 1217 Charles Mitchell Spring Hop& R 2. 253 704 Stociry .Gudwick Franklin $*1112: 256 1709 ,-jjHtmes Alfred Sandllng VfcYanklinton R 3. 201 2012 Claude W. Young Jpouis burg R 5. -63 ?05 J idle Balance Hnron ukeflr'*,. * . 167 My i.elson opivey MaplcViHo K 1. r?9 v12?7 James Elmo Xeal Frank ? y linton R 3. 2T0 1142 George^Moore Louisburg c R 4. f 27* 664 William Sherrod Gay Bunn 277 1722 John Hjmry Than^npii;n Franklinton R 1. ; , 2S1 1112 Tony Morgan Louisbursr Rl. 284 1355 -Archie B&ldy Pearce You ngsville. 2'.?3 154 Henry Jack Brewer Louis burg R i'95 51 Billy Alston, Wood. 299 1073 Ben Lee Youngsville. 303 1423 Redden Perry Louisburg Fogg Louisburg R 4. RoNsrt Lee Hicks Elberon XTJJc. , ^ Ili'Denton WaiTofleld R lV William Jam as." Smith Al ert N. C. r < Ix>renza Brodla^aplevllle r iT 1195 rtTefa^a,JbIoKnigh|(V Kittrcll ' - ^ >3ff Jack Yarboro Spriuf ?mt?ope R 2. 4' vJi Charles Andrew Cliffon Maplevllle R 1. _ -486 James Edlor CoPE (tal fa Louls Porry Evans Louis White Youn slle Egerton Henry Thomas hrg. Davis Jr. Maple TR 1. Klcoffer Richards Vou 8ville R 1. 'Jlyses Po*k Loutsburfr. Alex White Frankllnton. NTINUBD ON FlFT;H Page] Lonlsburg Baptist Church. Beginning Sunday at IX A. M. andl S: 15 P. M., special evangelistic ser vices will be held at the Baptist church this week. The pastor will he assisted by Dr. Weston Bruner, for many years the dean of the evangelis tic stafT of the Home Board, but tor the past few months the popular pas tor of the Raleigh Baptist Tabernacle. Dr. Bruner Is a man of very pleas ing address, and preaches the Gospel with great simplicity and power. He ' *?.'.'j, lilli Dr Weston Brnner. has a remarkably winsome personali ty and he won many friends while en gaged in his meeting here a year ago. It Is possible that Dr. Bruner will not arrive till Monday, owing to other engagements. The meetings will be held dally at 8:30 in the morning and 8:15 at night. The night service will te preceded by a half hour's song ser vice, which will be a most attractive feature of the meeting. Junior and senior choruses will be organized, iiud all the singing folks In town are cordially Invited to join one or the clher of these choruses. Mrs. Flem ing, Mrs. Edwards and others will do the solo work. Everybody In all the surrounding country as well as in t!ie town is Invited to come and join in the work and enjoy the feast of pood things that will be spread bo fore you. ? ANOTHER CALL. The Local Exemption Board for the Selective Draft made an other call of 100 men yesterday. This list will appear in an extra form of the FRANKLIN TIMES Saturday. All who fail to get a copy can get one at this office as long as the supply,lasts. Bed Cross Socletj at Work. More than forty ladles and misses were at work on Red Cross Supplies at the Graded School Wednesday mor ning. It Is encouraging to have this spirit of enthusiasm prevail among the workers, yett^here is great need of r-.o'e vcukc rs," ninny .nore, thai the j t.uks vhicU the Re?' Cross organiza | set its heart upon, may be ac I ."ontplished. With full realization of the serious mission of the {ted ^oss, with the knowledge of "{he gMftt responsibility the government Is urging, there will no doubt'be a harder response and many others* will gladly take up this work for our Bolder boys. Thoi urgent need for knitted gar ments ds presenting another work for our wt^aeh to do r. "fills Wecenk call from headquarters at gives many of our wo men^an yportunity to serve, who could ngit have served elsewhere. There afrethosewtao knit, let them knit ?"y^Pre aro those who do not knit, let nem learn! ?very woman and child now may li^e a part at home or In the work room. * Visit the children In their work room at the graded school on Wednes day and gain inspiration from them, who have learned to knit 9o quickly and so efficiently and are so enthusi astic! Because of the urgent dematld for supplies the ladies, as many as can have decided to work two days In tho i week and next week the school build- j ing will be open Wednesday and j Thursday mornings to all who wish to keep in this work.' Last week a committee from our Red Cross society met with our color ed people, at their request, to explain the work of the orer and the require ments for membership. They were much Interested and expressed a de sire to begin work at once, elected their officers and proposed raising Of- i t7 dollars, If pprsibl^ for tbe comfort^ bags. There is need forlmmediate help with the comfort bags. Again wo present this need and if there are any who will make contri bution, in money or artcles, please ad vise Mrs. A. W. Neal or Mrs. E. H. Malone. Pope Benedict Suggests Peace Plan. Washington, Aug.-14.?The peaco proposals of the pope as outlined here today contain the following suggestions: Reduction of all armaments. Settlement of international disputes by arbitration. Freedom of the seas. Return to Germany of all her colonies. Restoration of territory cap tured by central powers. Peaceful settlement of Alsace Lorraine and Poland controver sies. Immediate exchange of diplo matic communications looking toward peace. Avoidance of retaliatory eco nomic struggle after the war. Kotel Franklin Changed Ilunds. On last Frijay afternoon tho man agement of Hotel Franklin passed to Kr8. H. H. Ogburn, a lady of 6ight yeprs experience In the hotel business, fiom Lawreneevllle, Va. Mrs. Og burn, after having leased the property and family arrived on Friday evening and took charge. She has successful ly conducted hotels In Lawreneevllle ana LaCross, Va., and Is well and fa voiably known by the traveling pub lic. We wish her much success here. The Ice l'lant Repaired. Mr. P. A. Reavls, owner of the I.ouisburg Coal and Ice Co., informs us that he has just had a lot of needed Topairs made to his plant and is now making le? again, and in keeping with his former method has put the price of ice back to the old figures. He says the plant is in better shape now than ever before and ho does not con template any further trouble this sea son. The many people in Louisburg who I use ice will learn of the above with | niuch satisfaction. Pageant Postponed. The Pageant, which was o have been given on the sixteenth of this month, lias been postponed prMl September, "be public will be notlfl ;1 of the ex act date a llttlo later but v:o a"e glad te s: at o it ^i 1 he pivea listic/ tha Clret'.lon o? Ml"* Hennise- ol' V College, a fact whK'h we feal atire bespeak for it a big audience, and h!j success. Call by Nnml>ers. The local exchange of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Co., has dis tributed to all of Its subscribers new directories, which are gotten up in neat and handy form. They also re quest that each subscriber shall call bv number instead of name as 'the service can be handled so much quick er and more, satisfactory to both the operator anld the subscriber. For instance "with several hundred num bers one could hardily memorize the names with their numbers, but could easily give any numbor called for. If the operator should fail to remember tiie number of the party called for bv name, she would have to look it up in a dlrec^y. which would mean a delay. Therefore all subscribers are requested to call by number. Farmers Union Bally. We wish to again call attention to I the Union Rally and Basket Picnic to | be held at Maplevllle Academy, Aug. '.4th, 1917. We are endeavoring to make thfc a j big day for the farmers of Franklin | and we want them every one to como No matter whether you are a mem ber of the Union or not we want you to come and you will find a hearty welcome. P.emcmber that Dr. Clarence Poe, one of the biggest Agriculture men of the South, and W. R. Dixon, of Wil fon, will make the addresses. Come and bring your wtvoe, and I sweethearts for the ladies are heart- | i!v tnvlte-1 to attend. T. J. HARRIS, Pres. J. C. JONES, Secy. THE MOVING PEOPLE. SOME YOU KNOW, SOME YOU DO NOT KNOW. Many on Business, Many on Pleasure, Others to be Going, But All Going or Coming. Mr. D. P. McKllnne left Tuesday for a visit to Ashevllle. Mr. H. L. Candler returned Wed nesday from a trip to Ashevllle. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Allen returned Monday from a visit to Astievllle. Mr. Bruce Shearln of the TIMES force vslted Raleigh last week; Mr. J. B. Jones, of Scotland Keen, s visiting Mr. J. H. Wheeler near Maplevllle. Miss Linwood Alford, of Averton, lifts been visiting Miss Ruth Gattls the past week. Miss Minnie Brickell, -who haa been visiting her parents In Weldon, re turned home Sunday. Mrs. E. F. Thomas, who has been. | visiting relatives in and near Black stone, Va., returned home Sunday. Messrs. J. E. Wall apd F. Honey cutt, of Apex and W. J.Veeie of Ral eigh, were visitors to Louisburg Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. W." W. Webb and children, Elizabeth and William spent the week-end with her people in South Hill, Va. Messrs. L. T. Vaughan, of Nash ville, J. E. Yarboro of Rocky Mount, were In Louisburg Tuesday on legal business. Miss Rosalind Ragsdale, who has been^visiting relatives in Franklin county, left Sunday for her home in Newlands^ Mr. L. Kline left the past week for New York and other Northern Cities to purchase the fall stock for L. Kline and Co. Mrs. F. A. Roth left Monday for Baltimore, Philadelphia and other loints to purchase the fall stock for I. J. Deitz Co. Mrs. W. M. Freeman and sister, Miss Grace Harris left Wednesday for Xewlands. Miss Harris will take charge of the Domestic Science de partment of the local Graded Schools of that place. Editor A. F. Johnson and children and Miss Louise Thomas spent Sunday with his people in Rocky Mount. Lit tle Misses Adelaide, Elizabeth and Sa~ die remained over to visit relatives there for a while. TREACHER TO GET HEARING FRI DAY. Pot. H. F. Wolfe Still *n Wnke Jail 1'nder lion?! of Wq\ . H.- I*. WoLY. ?:li rr.nklln 1 "fl'.-nty KclIy;to preacher w:.o was j '?'?V in Raleigh Sunday for utteran ce* h ii church in Mitchell's Mills, whlc % ?* -'XMYling to Federal charges, are baa&tu ~^dor the espionage act, wiil be given "hearing before United Scates CommfStlcrrT John Nichols Friday. In the uieuav/Mte, tho prea cher, who admits hio tierrnim extrao tlon and strong pro-C\,.man senti ments, is under bond of $500. This he has been unable to give and his fi lends have not felt called upon to give It. Yesterday the preacher! who is a middle aged man of stocky build and re^lish gray hair, flatly denied that he matte any statement which could be cor.strued as treasonable. He talked religion, Including prophecies and the rnilleniura to newspaper men but would say little nearer to the point at issue." To Deputy Marshal Sturdivant the prisoner was surely and sullen after his arrest. Asked as to his nationality, no declared he was an American and h?a mother and father wero American, but he mado it plafh that his ances try was German andl ho was very proud of ltv Although the Federal au thorities will say mothlng about the charges until more witnesses are sum moned, It Is said that Wolfe's araigw rnent of the administration !n compari son with tho German government andl the comparison of Pres. Wilson and the Kaiser are the things which are resportiiblo for his arrest. None of taose who have talked to the preacher j regard him as a verjp dangerous man. According to the stories which have j come to Raleigh, the preacher had de-^ llvered his farewell sermon Sunday and was propared to retrrn to hi* na tivo State, Ohio.?News-Observer.

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